Homeschooling surges as parents realize how worthless public schools are

There are some truly great teachers, but the Unions are great at getting rid of them because they expose the rest for what they are.

Schools with unions perform better than those without.
You get what you pay for
Depends on the measurement.

For example... ITED's used to be a pretty big thing, even for other states. That's Iowa Test of Educational Development... Essentially all students took the same test, and then they were measured and given a percental based on how other students did on the test in your age group. WHOA! That sounds like standardized tests there Zin, and I've read your posts in the past you hypocrite! Nono... See it's not a pass/fail. The only thing this test did was measure you against your peers that also took the test. Having a 99% in one category just means you answered more questions correctly than 99% of the people who took the test.

Now... There were A LOT of schools who's graduating GPA was great... That performed very poorly when tested against their peers... Because they didn't' challenge their students. An "A" grade in a class in one school, may very well not make the grade of "B" in another, or possibly even lower.

Meaning a lot of schools with higher GPA's, scored horribly when comparied to students in other schools with lower GPA's... Which essentially told the story that the school was giving out good grades, but the skills they were supposed to be learning was below those other schools. Thus... The schools were just padding numbers at the expense of actually teaching kids how to learn, and instead training them to memorize for tests.

And besides... If you got what you pay for when it comes to education... There would be no need bail out student loans.
Schools with unionized teachers routinely outperform non-union schools regardless of the measure.
Unions not only protect teachers, but teaching conditions

.13 GPA says you are lying.

Are you that stupid to claim that non union teachers would do better in that Baltimore School system with the same demographics?

Are you ever an asshole
Public school woke curriculum and rules that don't make being forced to keep a disruptive kid in your class....if a kid is acting up in private school that kid is gone....and the parents lose their money...public school should be the same....
Government fucks everything up...schools included...
I kick kids out of my class all the time. This is the kind of thing that gets repeated over and over and over and over and over by people who haven’t set foot in the school in ages. And need I remind you yet again that in the United States we are obligated to educate students to a certain age by the law.
And need I remind you yet again that in the United States we are obligated to educate students to a certain age by the law.
And therein lies the problem....not every kid is educatable...kick them out and give them the address to a trade school....stop passing unqualified children....and you may be able to kick a kid out of class but I know you do not have the authority to remove them from school...nor do you have the authority to keep them from attending your class for any length of good students that want to learn are morons who don't want to even be there....
If you are a real teacher you should agree with me....
There are some truly great teachers, but the Unions are great at getting rid of them because they expose the rest for what they are.

Schools with unions perform better than those without.
You get what you pay for
Depends on the measurement.

For example... ITED's used to be a pretty big thing, even for other states. That's Iowa Test of Educational Development... Essentially all students took the same test, and then they were measured and given a percental based on how other students did on the test in your age group. WHOA! That sounds like standardized tests there Zin, and I've read your posts in the past you hypocrite! Nono... See it's not a pass/fail. The only thing this test did was measure you against your peers that also took the test. Having a 99% in one category just means you answered more questions correctly than 99% of the people who took the test.

Now... There were A LOT of schools who's graduating GPA was great... That performed very poorly when tested against their peers... Because they didn't' challenge their students. An "A" grade in a class in one school, may very well not make the grade of "B" in another, or possibly even lower.

Meaning a lot of schools with higher GPA's, scored horribly when comparied to students in other schools with lower GPA's... Which essentially told the story that the school was giving out good grades, but the skills they were supposed to be learning was below those other schools. Thus... The schools were just padding numbers at the expense of actually teaching kids how to learn, and instead training them to memorize for tests.

And besides... If you got what you pay for when it comes to education... There would be no need bail out student loans.
Schools with unionized teachers routinely outperform non-union schools regardless of the measure.
Unions not only protect teachers, but teaching conditions

.13 GPA says you are lying.

Are you that stupid to claim that non union teachers would do better in that Baltimore School system with the same demographics?

Are you ever an asshole

Yes, the union protects incompetent teachers. That's pretty clear. Don't you think?
The Union protects all teachers and makes sure the rules are followed

The union protects bad teachers by getting rid of the good ones. Here in Nevada there was a teacher of the year that was let go in favor of a teacher who had been in the union longer.

And she was hated by the majority of her students.

Teachers unions protect mediocrity, and punish excellence.
Of course not

They make sure school districts follow the rules and the rights of teachers are protected.

That is why conservatives hate unions......They don’t want to see employees protected
Public school woke curriculum and rules that don't make being forced to keep a disruptive kid in your class....if a kid is acting up in private school that kid is gone....and the parents lose their money...public school should be the same....
Government fucks everything up...schools included...

I wrote the following several years ago, but it's still as timely as ever. As long as the academics of the public education system are arbitrarily bound to rank stupidity and collectivism, the system's output will continue to decline. The only answer is universal school choice per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law.

Revisions and Divisions
by Michael Rawlings​
By the late 1950s, Americans were no longer almost entirely guided by the Judeo-Christian worldview, and challenges to the teaching of Christian values in the public schools began to be heard by federal courts. Plaintiffs had two principal grievances: (1) school prayer directed at the Christian deity, and (2) school-imposed biblical instruction.​
(It was not until 1980, however, that the Supreme Court struck down a Kentucky law that required the state's schools to post copies of the Ten Commandments in classrooms.)​
The Warren Court, never one to miss an opportunity to engage in a little social engineering and ever-ready to grab more power for the federal government, happily accommodated the plaintiffs by ignoring historical practice and the original intent of the First Amendment. This was accomplished by tossing out the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause and superimposing a twisted version of an old idea onto the Establishment Clause.​
The Jeffersonian doctrine known as the Wall of Separation between Church and State, we were told, does not pertain so much to the protection of the Church (or of the people) against the impositions of the State, as much as it pertains to the protection of the State against being exposed to the wrong religious notions of the Church (or of the people). That the Court's version of the doctrine is neither that of the Jeffersonian or constitutional doctrine was irrelevant to the Court.​
The First Amendment's new meaning imbued federal judges with the infallible wisdom to discern for the rest us the difference between those ideas that are religious and those ideas that are not. In other words, judges would direct the schools' curriculum, not the people. By this, however, the Court did not mean to suggest that it was legal for public school teachers to invade American homes and scream obscenities at children; they would merely be allowed to whisper them into the ears of children in the state schools.​
Hence, the Warren Court resolved a serious problem by further exacerbating it. After correctly observing that it was unconstitutional for state schools to impose the teachings of Judeo-Christianity on other-religious and non-religious persons, the Court decided to settle the matter by imposing a similar violation on all of us. Instead of simply recognizing that the people who pay the education system's bills should be free to educate their children as they see fit, at home or in a school of their choice, the Court opted to ignore original intent altogether, especially as it pertained to parental consent and authority.​
Instead of allowing that a culturally diverse and changing society would require a new means of allocating funds for education in order to satisfy the requirements of the First Amendment for all, the Court elected to enshrine a one-size-fits-all scheme. Instead of requiring the nation's schools to honor the constitutional rights of all their students or close their doors, the Court chose to expel the "Miscreant," known as God to many, who had instigated all the hullabaloo in the first place. Hence, it would not be the state schools that would have to change their ways or go, it would be the people, millions of Americans, who would have to compromise their most cherished convictions under the new hegemony or take their convictions and get the hell out.​
The Court effectively and quite consciously established humanism as the official religion of the state, and established the public education system as the state's church.​
But the Warren Court did not so much overthrow the First Amendment as much as it turned it on its head and, thereby, created a whole new legal conundrum, one that constantly pits faction against faction in an unending battle in which no one's rights can ever be fully realized. It's for this very reason that the increasingly heated and bitter debate over the content of our schools' academics continues to rage right up to this day. This fiasco is the direct result of the Court elevating what had only been up to that time a homegrown and locally operated system of education, one that was mostly non-existent before the 20th Century, to a federally mandated and administered regime. This "nationalization" of the education system subsequently alienated an even greater number of Americans from their rights and needlessly instigated a vicious, cultural civil war.​
But the irresponsible behavior of the Warren Court should not surprise anyone. Being that the leftist does not grasp the truth about human nature and about the nature of things, he's the consummate meddler who's forever jumping into the private affairs of others, never merely encouraging, but always obnoxiously insisting upon their participation in the next, great utopian love fest. He does not have the good sense to allow that Americans should decide for themselves with whom they would sleep.​
It's readily self-evident that no institution exists in an ideological vacuum. Thus, if the underlying ideology governing the academic fair offered in today's public schools is no longer Judeo-Christianity, what is it? Where in the Constitution is the federal government delegated the power to define for you or me what does or does not constitute religious training? How could such a power not effectively render the First Amendment meaningless? Does the First Amendment protect the individual's perspective or the state's perspective?​
Why is it a good thing when Christians are taxed to support the propagation of humanism in the public schools, but a bad thing when others are asked to spare a few lousy dimes to provide children transportation from a public school to a parochial school just a few miles down the road for instruction on matters that, according to idiotic leftists, the public school cannot provide? Why does the public education system not violate the constitutional rights of Christians when the teachings of Moses, Jesus Christ or the Apostle Paul cannot be taught, but the atheistic drivel of Darwin, Freud or Nietzsche can? The leftist, over whose head the outrage of his own suggestion flies, responds by telling the Christian that he is free to send his children to whatever type of school he pleases. But if the Christian "chooses" to flee the insults of public schools, he must necessarily leave behind the tax dollars he is compelled to fork out for an education system that is fundamentally hostile to him!​
And what about the far too many bombed out prisons that pass for schools in America's larger inner cities? Why do wealthy leftists adamantly oppose initiatives that would extend the same kind of educational opportunities enjoyed by their children to the children of the impoverished?​
No one should wonder why such an inherently unjust system turns out such a mediocre product at large. After all, this is the same system in which precious time and resources are now wasted on nonsense like conflict resolution and sensitivity training, the sorts of things that give leftists goosebumps and the rest of us indigestion. In truth, these are merely the insipid alternatives to thou shalt not.​
No one should be surprised by the stupefied looks that appear on the faces of so many youngsters these days when they are asked to respond to the most elementary questions about the history of their own country.​
"Abraham . . . who?"​
At your local high school, you might be told by students that Shakespeare is a racial slur or some dead white guy from New England who wrote the Bible. Should some of them tell you that a declarative sentence is something a judge gives you for carjacking or slapping your ho, don't show alarm. Just calmly nod your head and slowly back away.​
Today, five out of ten high school graduates cannot name their nation's capitol, its first president (for crying out loud!) or the three branches of its government. Half of them cannot read at an eighth-grade level or solve a quadratic equation.​
But not only are far too many of our youngsters woefully ignorant about their nation's history, confused about its cultural influences, functionally illiterate and mathematically incompetent—they cannot think for themselves either.​
We should not be surprised by the inarticulate gibberish that flies from so many young lips these days when in the name of "diversity" an entire generation has been deprived of the world's truly great ideas. But our young scholars haven't starved . . . well, not entirely. Instead they've been fed rehashed ideas of old that have buried many a nation and have mired the rest in tyranny. The fact that so many young people these days are under the impression that their generation is especially free and open-minded is both tragic and comical. As the illogic of inclusionism has rendered so many of them incapable of distinguishing the difference between tolerance and acceptance, for example, today's youth comprise the most robotically conformist and spitefully narrow-minded generation that America has ever produced. Despite the multifarious clothing fashions and hairstyles sported by them, an alarming number are unwittingly marching in lock-step unison toward the delusions sported by totalitarianism. Regardless of the stated reasoning behind the arguments of their antagonists, epithets like bigot, homophobe or fascist fly from their lips as thoughtlessly as a dog licks its genitals.​
We should not be surprised that so many young people these days regard Judeo-Christianity's commonsensical mores with derision when they are constantly fed the claptrap of pseudo-intellectuals who airily postulate that the observance of such courtesies only serves to undermine one's self-esteem or inhibit the free expression of one's true inner self. Whatever happened to the understanding that the ideals of Judeo-Christianity led the way toward the democratization of the Western world?​
The trivial is said to be profound. The profound is said to be hateful.​
Finally, why should anyone be shocked by the kinds of outrages that have been launched against our society by post-pubescent psychopaths like Dylan Klebold when the theories of intellectual barbarians, their breath reeking of hopelessness and despair, are incessantly whispered in the ears of our children as they are bombarded, without benefit of context or consequence, by filth and violence from every quarter of our society?​
Why are the babies burning? Why is there silence in heaven?​
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And need I remind you yet again that in the United States we are obligated to educate students to a certain age by the law.
And therein lies the problem....not every kid is educatable...kick them out and give them the address to a trade school....stop passing unqualified children....and you may be able to kick a kid out of class but I know you do not have the authority to remove them from school...nor do you have the authority to keep them from attending your class for any length of good students that want to learn are morons who don't want to even be there....
If you are a real teacher you should agree with me....

Interesting that you felt the need to edit your original post.
There are some truly great teachers, but the Unions are great at getting rid of them because they expose the rest for what they are.

Schools with unions perform better than those without.
You get what you pay for
Depends on the measurement.

For example... ITED's used to be a pretty big thing, even for other states. That's Iowa Test of Educational Development... Essentially all students took the same test, and then they were measured and given a percental based on how other students did on the test in your age group. WHOA! That sounds like standardized tests there Zin, and I've read your posts in the past you hypocrite! Nono... See it's not a pass/fail. The only thing this test did was measure you against your peers that also took the test. Having a 99% in one category just means you answered more questions correctly than 99% of the people who took the test.

Now... There were A LOT of schools who's graduating GPA was great... That performed very poorly when tested against their peers... Because they didn't' challenge their students. An "A" grade in a class in one school, may very well not make the grade of "B" in another, or possibly even lower.

Meaning a lot of schools with higher GPA's, scored horribly when comparied to students in other schools with lower GPA's... Which essentially told the story that the school was giving out good grades, but the skills they were supposed to be learning was below those other schools. Thus... The schools were just padding numbers at the expense of actually teaching kids how to learn, and instead training them to memorize for tests.

And besides... If you got what you pay for when it comes to education... There would be no need bail out student loans.
Schools with unionized teachers routinely outperform non-union schools regardless of the measure.
Unions not only protect teachers, but teaching conditions

.13 GPA says you are lying.

Are you that stupid to claim that non union teachers would do better in that Baltimore School system with the same demographics?

Are you ever an asshole

Yes, the union protects incompetent teachers. That's pretty clear. Don't you think?
The Union protects all teachers and makes sure the rules are followed

The union protects bad teachers by getting rid of the good ones. Here in Nevada there was a teacher of the year that was let go in favor of a teacher who had been in the union longer.

And she was hated by the majority of her students.

Teachers unions protect mediocrity, and punish excellence.
Of course not

They make sure school districts follow the rules and the rights of teachers are protected.

That is why conservatives hate unions......They don’t want to see employees protected

Oh? Here is the lawyer for the biggest teachers union. This is what you advocate.

NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin’s Farewell Remarks - July 6, 2009
....not every kid is educatable.......

I don't believe that.
Results show you to be wrong...can't ague with the numbers...and that's why you get so bent when you are challenged....

Educating students does NOT mean that every single kid goes to Harvard. If you are so quick to give up on kids, it's a damn good thing you never tried to be a teacher.

We're not claiming that that is the goal. How do you explain an entire class of high schoolers that has a COLLECTIVE GPA of less than 1?
....not every kid is educatable.......

I don't believe that.
Results show you to be wrong...can't ague with the numbers...and that's why you get so bent when you are challenged....

Educating students does NOT mean that every single kid goes to Harvard. If you are so quick to give up on kids, it's a damn good thing you never tried to be a teacher.

We're not claiming that that is the goal. How do you explain an entire class of high schoolers that has a COLLECTIVE GPA of less than 1?

Does every restaurant in the country turn a profit?
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
And another butt hurt from the "conservatives"

Home schooling has gone up because people are worried about sending kids in the petri dish that schools are now so that you can get your morning order of 6 mcmuffins, 4 hash browns, 8 cinnamon rolls. and. of course, a diet coke.
Faux Butt-hurt Trumpinistas are looking for another faux issue to show their faux rage.

On the one hand they demand schools reopen and on the other they demand schools close down so everyone can "home school."

Like watching a cat with a laser pen.

Who demanded schools close so everyone has to homeschool?
I believe schools closed under Trump.

We want the schools open. When it is safe to do so.
You want the schools closed. Permanently.
That's the intent of this thread.

Where did your strawman go to school?
Reagan? Limbaugh?

Who has demanded that schools close permanently? That was your claim.
I'm sorry. Interaction requires a minimum knowledge of the topic. You are excused.
Then you're in luck, because I have much, much more knowledge of the topic than you. Unlike you, I'm not afraid of simple questions, so if you want to learn something just ask.
Yeah, a person too ignorant to know 40 years of Republican policy is waaaaaaaay to ignorant to teach a rock to be still.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
And another butt hurt from the "conservatives"

Home schooling has gone up because people are worried about sending kids in the petri dish that schools are now so that you can get your morning order of 6 mcmuffins, 4 hash browns, 8 cinnamon rolls. and. of course, a diet coke.
Faux Butt-hurt Trumpinistas are looking for another faux issue to show their faux rage.

On the one hand they demand schools reopen and on the other they demand schools close down so everyone can "home school."

Like watching a cat with a laser pen.

Who demanded schools close so everyone has to homeschool?
I believe schools closed under Trump.

We want the schools open. When it is safe to do so.
You want the schools closed. Permanently.
That's the intent of this thread.

Where did your strawman go to school?
Reagan? Limbaugh?

Who has demanded that schools close permanently? That was your claim.
I'm sorry. Interaction requires a minimum knowledge of the topic.
Is this your pattern? One pointless, idiotic post then you run away for a week?
As noted, you are simply too ignorant of the topic to be involved in the conversation. But, as a courtesy...

Republicans, tiny minded "conservatives" have been trying to shut down public schools for 40 years under the lie of "school choice."
Republicans don't give a damn about choice or education.
In fact, the republican elite want people ignorant and stupid. Ignorant and stupid is the core of their base. Ignorant and stupid is what they like to call the "bigger tent" and, of course, the ignorant and stupid, being ignorant and stupid, fall for the lies like a line of dominoes,
WHY, You say? Well being an ignorant tiny minded "conservative" I'd expect that you wouldn't understand the plan.
Get rid of the schools and you get rid of the NEA and half a million union activists.
Republicans along with their tiny minded "conservative" servants have been trying to destroy unions for 50 years.

That you claim not to know this clearly paints you as a tiny minded ignoramus or just a liar.
Sorry, nothing in between.

Next time, fool, know when to STFU!
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
And another butt hurt from the "conservatives"

Home schooling has gone up because people are worried about sending kids in the petri dish that schools are now so that you can get your morning order of 6 mcmuffins, 4 hash browns, 8 cinnamon rolls. and. of course, a diet coke.
Faux Butt-hurt Trumpinistas are looking for another faux issue to show their faux rage.

On the one hand they demand schools reopen and on the other they demand schools close down so everyone can "home school."

Like watching a cat with a laser pen.

Who demanded schools close so everyone has to homeschool?
I believe schools closed under Trump.

We want the schools open. When it is safe to do so.
You want the schools closed. Permanently.
That's the intent of this thread.

Where did your strawman go to school?
Reagan? Limbaugh?

Who has demanded that schools close permanently? That was your claim.
I'm sorry. Interaction requires a minimum knowledge of the topic. You are excused.

You were asked a direct question and you dodged it like a little bitch. Pathetic.
I was asked an ignorant question far too stupid to qualify for a response.
That you think it was worthy of response proves you to be just another tiny minded "conservative" idiot.

Now back to your playpen with your trump sex doll!
[As noted, you are simply too ignorant of the topic to be involved in the conversation. But, as a courtesy...

Republicans, tiny minded "conservatives" have been trying to shut down public schools for 40 years under the lie of "school choice."
Republicans don't give a damn about choice or education.
In fact, the republican elite want people ignorant and stupid. Ignorant and stupid is the core of their base. Ignorant and stupid is what they like to call the "bigger tent" and, of course, the ignorant and stupid, being ignorant and stupid, fall for the lies like a line of dominoes,
WHY, You say? Well being an ignorant tiny minded "conservative" I'd expect that you wouldn't understand the plan.
Get rid of the schools and you get rid of the NEA and half a million union activists.
Republicans along with their tiny minded "conservative" servants have been trying to destroy unions for 50 years.

That you claim not to know this clearly paints you as a tiny minded ignoramus or just a liar.
Sorry, nothing in between.

Next time, fool, know when to STFU!
Always remember... Nobody can make you look like anything. You have to do it.
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.

Let everyone who wants put their money towards homeschooling private education. Those that want to go to public school, PAY for it.
You obviously know this from your many years experience as a public school teacher. Correct?

I don't have to be a school teacher to know what liberty is, to know that the prevailing system constitutes a rank violation of natural and constitutional law, or to know what's best for my children.

How do you know what the "prevailing system" is?

Prevailing = existing, current.

Only in you mind. Let's see some reality across the country.

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