Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This is the right wing approch to kids from generations past. Where all their dumb ideas come from.
Years ago when local authorities ran schools they employed truancy officers who we called wag men.. Their was truancy but not on a large scale,

Now our schools are run by whizzy private aademies and the wag man is no more. Truancy is a result of a conservative country that has fallen apart, But its cheaper to deal with it like this boneheaded way than tackle the underlying causes.

Just a simple example. Some girls wag school because they cant afford sanitary products. Rather than make them available they prefer to prosecute the parent. Bonehead conservatism in action.

This is the right wing approch to kids from generations past. Where all their dumb ideas come from.
Years ago when local authorities ran schools they employed truancy officers who we called wag men.. Their was truancy but not on a large scale,

Now our schools are run by whizzy private aademies and the wag man is no more. Truancy is a result of a conservative country that has fallen apart, But its cheaper to deal with it like this boneheaded way than tackle the underlying causes.

Just a simple example. Some girls wag school because they cant afford sanitary products. Rather than make them available they prefer to prosecute the parent. Bonehead conservatism in action.

Are you implying girls are skipping school because they can't afford tampons/pads, or is this from the article? Seriously non access to tampons/pads is 3 world country stuff.
Only you could see the state rounding up the little snots and forcing them back to their state indoctrination centers as a right or conservative thing.
You misread the thread.

We have always rounded up the kids. We have never jailed parents. Read the example in the article.Should the parents of the girl on drugs be sent to jail or maybe offered help ?

This is the right wing approch to kids from generations past. Where all their dumb ideas come from.
Years ago when local authorities ran schools they employed truancy officers who we called wag men.. Their was truancy but not on a large scale,

Now our schools are run by whizzy private aademies and the wag man is no more. Truancy is a result of a conservative country that has fallen apart, But its cheaper to deal with it like this boneheaded way than tackle the underlying causes.

Just a simple example. Some girls wag school because they cant afford sanitary products. Rather than make them available they prefer to prosecute the parent. Bonehead conservatism in action.

I fail to see how any of this relates to conservatism. You failed to connect the dots.
there's nothing rw about the educational system or the court system
the rw is to weak to put the bite on anyone
The schools are falling down and teaching assistants are leading classes because people wont do the work for the shit pay.
But cons wont sort this out. They prefer to send stressed parents to jail. Schools are like every aspect of UK life. Falling apart under conservative management.
The schools are falling down and teaching assistants are leading classes because people wont do the work for the shit pay.
But cons wont sort this out. They prefer to send stressed parents to jail. Schools are like every aspect of UK life. Falling apart under conservative management.
only in your world of the blind
I lived in Idaho and Utah. No problems your speak of there
the 2 most conservative states in the union

This is the right wing approch to kids from generations past. Where all their dumb ideas come from.
Years ago when local authorities ran schools they employed truancy officers who we called wag men.. Their was truancy but not on a large scale,

Now our schools are run by whizzy private aademies and the wag man is no more. Truancy is a result of a conservative country that has fallen apart, But its cheaper to deal with it like this boneheaded way than tackle the underlying causes.

Just a simple example. Some girls wag school because they cant afford sanitary products. Rather than make them available they prefer to prosecute the parent. Bonehead conservatism in action.
This is why State school doesn't work, anything State owned doesn't.
Are you implying girls are skipping school because they can't afford tampons/pads, or is this from the article? Seriously non access to tampons/pads is 3 world country stuff.
So you're saying developed nations before tampons etc.. were invented were third world? Women used to wear a cloth, it used to get washed out and reused, hence the saying, "On the rag".

So you support polluting the planet with disposable sanitary pads going to landfill??
So have you got your kids name down for Eton at £46k a year? don't be ridiculous.
No, because they're in their 20's.

On hindsight, I should have home schooled my lads They would only know a fraction of maths without me and no idea about mortgages, pensions, credit cards, and useful stuff like that works.

But as long as kids these days get taught all the religions, trannies, and that a female can have a cock......
No, because they're in their 20's.

On hindsight, I should have home schooled my lads They would only know a fraction of maths without me and no idea about mortgages, pensions, credit cards, and useful stuff like that works.

But as long as kids these days get taught all the religions, trannies, and that a female can have a cock......
Well you didnt because we had a proper state school system. Now the tories have stripped out the system and it is crashing. My mate is a headmaster and he is quitting because he cant face it any more.
Well you didnt because we had a proper state school system. Now the tories have stripped out the system and it is crashing. My mate is a headmaster and he is quitting because he cant face it any more.
It's crashing due to Labour's PFI !!

And there's a lie, "My mate", you haven't got any.

I took the eldest to work, he was about 10 at the time. He came up the scaffold with me, showing him the measurements of the roof, the trusses, brick etc .. He said, "Dad, I've learnt more in one day with you than in a whole week at school". Then a neighbour must have rang H&S cos they rang me. They were concerned that a kid was up the scaffold. I told them I supervised him so fuck off and I'll have anyone I want. The scaffold was installed by a well known city business. Suffice to say, they coward off. They must have been Lefties or Welsh.

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