Ted Cruz actually had the nerve to say he never went negative against Trump when he was on "The Factor", Bill O'Reilly 's prime time show on Fox News last night.
I think it's clear Ted Cruz can't be honest. His Superpac posted nude pictures of Trump's wife, and now claims Trump wants to screw his own daughter. Of course this nasty behavior is excused because by law Ted doesn't have anything to do with it. It doesn't excuse the accusations of mob ties by Cruz personally.
With polls showing that as many as 25 percent of Republican voters in South Carolina could still change their minds before the primary on Saturday, the deeply negative feelings Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz have planted in the hearts of voters means neither candidate is likely to pick up support from the other team. That could make Senator Marco Rubio of Florida the beneficiary of any defectors, or of any fence-sitters who are simply sick of negative campaigning.
And the Cruz-Trump animosity could also portend long-term difficulties for the Republican Party if one of them becomes the nominee and strong negative impressions remain among the other’s supporters.
“I was somewhat of a fan of Cruz, but I don’t like the way he’s been lately,” said Steve Armendt, who has a kitchen countertop business in Myrtle Beach and attended the Trump rally. “I don’t like the way he’s slinging mud against Trump.”
The accusations of being too scared to debate him. That accusations of swearing. Of tax-evasion. Cruz can't open his mouth without slandering Donald Trump, yet he said last night he never went negative. I suppose Ted has redefined what going negative means. I suppose calling Trump a sniveling coward was positive.
Nope, nothing negative about that.
Ted Cruz and the Art of the Dirty Trick - The New Yorker
Ted Cruz: Trump is scared to debate