Hillary LOST the Election, Russia, Comey, Wikileaks, Had Nothing to Do With it.


May 23, 2014
Democrats and Hillary decided to rely on liberal elites, campus socialist, and Wall Street to put her over the top. Forgot about working class people, in particular working class whites. Condescending liberal media did not help either.
Democrats and Hillary decided to rely on liberal elites, campus socialist, and Wall Street to put her over the top. Forgot about working class people, in particular working class whites. Condescending liberal media did not help either.

No, but Obama might have.

Obama’s main legacy: the collapse of the Democratic Party | New York Post

5 Ways Donald Trump's Victory Is Barack Obama's Legacy - The Federalist
Obama has been a divisive POTUS. Embracing BLM, which was ridiculous from its beginnings in Ferguson was bad move.Then our college campuses went completely stupid. Obama focused on social justice issues and not lunch box, pay the bills issues.
Condescending liberal media did not help either.
Yeah, they're shit, they gave you guys way too much coverage, especially your Wikileaks, Comey and free racist/sexist propaganda from Trump.
Hillary lost the election because she stood for nothing, at least Trump stood for something. Here USP was having a vagina.
Hillary LOST the Election.....

More importantly, Trump, in spite of himself, won by bringing yet another message of fundamentally changing the way Washington DC does business.

I'm looking forward to seeing him use the American people to bully congress and watching them squirm in their Gerrymandered seats.
Seriously folks... if change in D.C. is the goal, change congress. Radical change among the presidents hasn't done much so far... fingers crossed for P-E DJT.
Seriously folks... if change in D.C. is the goal, change congress. Radical change among the presidents hasn't done much so far... fingers crossed for P-E DJT.
I agree. When he talked about draining the swamp...Hillary was campaigning on all her years of experience inside the swamp.
I'll be honest... "Hope & Change" is why I supported Obama back in the day.... it truly is too bad that he failed so miserably.

Perhaps P-E Trump will be smart enough to call on The People when congress begins to balk at the clean-up.

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