Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

That is not my opinion. It is a human life until it is either born or it dies by miscarriage or selective abortion or complications at birth. It is never not a life beyond conception .. why do you need to misrepresent my position?

Why can you say it is between a woman and her God if she has an abortion but you would not say it is between a woman and her God if she kills your two-year-old child?

If you had the intellectual curiosity to answer that question Saint Papageorgio, sufficient for introspection through critical thinking you would understand the value of the message contained in this thread.
St Stupid, it is between a women and her god, no one else, she has the control, I am against abortion, it is morally wrong to take a life, that is what a baby is, a life, you can’t change that fact.

Killing a two year old is a decision made by the killer and his god, I am against that as well, because it is morally wrong to take a life, that is what the two year old is, a life, you can’t change that fact.

i understand the value of this thread, it shows how irresponsible as a society we have become.
I am against abortion,
I am against abortion. But it’s not because I believe a God gives a crap about fetuses starting at conception. I made sure never to concern myself with it after my second kid
was born because I would not put the woman I live through that ordeal.

What makes you so special that you feel the need to shame women and subject them to Republican Christian government control of their bodies at six weeks into a pregnancy?
St Stupid
I’m not the one pushing white Christian government imposing its Biblical World View on women for simply wanting to protect their individual pursuit of life liberty and happiness by wanting safe legal access to abortion. That is you Saint Papageorgeo.
EXPLAIN.. how you QUOTE (Seen dems talking, ) How did you know they were Dems,?
spying, eavesdropping ? OR just making things up in this very unlikely situation.
Virginia Governor Defends Letting Infants Die | National Review
“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he continued. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
And if the woman decided that she didnt want the baby, it would be allowed to die on the table. You fuckers are suck as shit.
EXPLAIN.. how you QUOTE (Seen dems talking, ) How did you know they were Dems,?
spying, eavesdropping ? OR just making things up in this very unlikely situation.

“[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Virginia Governor Defends Letting Infants Die | National Review And if the woman decided that she didnt want the baby, it would be allowed to die on the table. You fuckers are suck as shit.

And these cases, the mother wants the baby there’s no sudden change of mind after caring for it for nine months.

These babies all have deformities, which caused them to have minutes or hours to live after being born.

The purpose of these laws is to keep white Christian nationalist Republican governments from charging Doctors with crimes for caring for their patient , the mother.
No. You accidentally create a kid you pay. You have no bailout by society if you have income.

But when you vote Republican your proposal is just Bullshit anyway because you do not back a woman’s choice to end gestation.
Bull kid. One may accidentally create an entity, but only one decides if that parasite is allowed to progress. And it is that individual has the duty to destroy it, and if they won’t, solely support it.

Grow up, adulting is tough, it’s about time you embrace it.
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1

"But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women."

But States rights do supersede when the woman enters into a conspiracy to kill a living unique human being.

I am against abortion. But it’s not because I believe a God gives a crap about fetuses starting at conception. I made sure never to concern myself with it after my second kid
was born because I would not put the woman I live through that ordeal.

What makes you so special that you feel the need to shame women and subject them to Republican Christian government control of their bodies at six weeks into a pregnancy?
Who have I shamed? Name who, when and where, you made an accusation, now back it up St. Stupid. Basically you posted no facts just your lofty, arrogant opinion.
i understand the value of this thread, it shows how irresponsible as a society we have become.

What makes you so special that you feel the need to shame women and subject them to Republican Christian government control of their bodies at six weeks into a pregnancy?

Who have I shamed?

My full statement was as Follows;

feel the need to shame women and subject them to Republican Christian government control of their bodies

When you vote for Republicans at any level you subject women to Republican Biblical indoctrination that she is a sinner in the eyes of Republican government and of course she should be ashamed of being Christian enough to know better.
to you sixty percent of Ohioans who voted to enshrine reproductive freedom for women in the Ohio Constitution but did not vote to restore race based chattel slavery are creepy.

Yet you can’t use critical thinking to offer a rational, moral, constitutional or utilitarian argument to explain why Ohio’s white Christian Nationalist minority of voters get to force full term gestation on all Ohio women by banning a medical procedure that terminates the living human development of the little body that temporarily is living inside the fully sexually developed living body of a free and independent woman who is free to believe white Christian nationalists are religious nutjobs who seek to oppress her.

Can’t wait for the courts, which is bound to happen, abolish state mandated child support on the basis of equal protection. Since only the woman decides if a child is born or not, only she has the burden of support based on that decision.

It will be delicious
I’m not the one pushing white Christian government imposing its Biblical World View on women for simply wanting to protect their individual pursuit of life liberty and happiness by wanting safe legal access to abortion. That is you Saint Papageorgeo.
Yet you’ve made no compelling legal argument as to why the man must supply support for the child born when the woman decided not to abort?

Just emotional based bull 💩, just like you accuse Christians of.

What a damn hypocrite
Can’t wait for the courts,

to overturn Dobbs and restore Roe.

If that happens women will be in charge of what they can do with their own body and the bodies of developing human beings inside of them.

Women will never pass laws that allow men to love them and leave them without extracting a high penalty and rightfully so
to overturn Dobbs and restore Roe.

If that happens women will be in charge of what they can do with their own body and the bodies of developing human beings inside of them.

Women will never pass laws that allow men to love them and leave them without extracting a high penalty and rightfully so

Women don’t have to, the courts will ding bat.

r. Still no legal argument,
A man Who doesn’t support his progeny is a scumbag, but the argument it is when he produces a child and refuses to pay for it. It causes harm to society.. that’s the argument
A man Who doesn’t support his progeny is a scumbag, but the argument it is when he produces a child and refuses to pay for it. It causes harm to society.. that’s the argument
It’s not his decision dummy, we’ve gone through this already. It’s hers, and only hers.

Quit being a cuck boy and argue the law.

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