Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

That's a citizenship clause. Nothing to do with whether or not you can end a life with impunity.

Yes, and the unborn do not enjoy any of the privileges and immunities of citizenship for that reason. All potential birthmothers on soil of US JURISDICTION whether citizens or not enjoy the immunities including the protection of her liberty to decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy as a matter of her choice.

When a woman ends the life that is outside of her body, all laws against murdering another person apply.

When a woman ends a life that exists inside her body with impunity there is no detrimental impact on society and therefore no possible way to harm you Saint Rawley. And because there is no harm to you or any infringements upon your freedom and rights in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, you have no cause or reason to petition the government to restrict a woman’s liberty who chooses as a mature adult to terminate her own pregnancy.

You cannot find an argument against any of the above.
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The same way they force the Man to become a parent. This is not unique.
If a man fertilizes a human egg and that ZEF becomes a person he is responsible to feed clothe and house that person for approximately fifteen years, If he does not do so he is causing harm to society by pushing the burden of care on society.

It’s all about harm. Terminating a pregnancy does not pose a burden on society or harm it in any way.
The question was:, does the woman become a menace to you and your family and our society when she has an abortion and it goes unpunished in a court of law?

The robber that breaks into my house and murders my children is not engaged in a private matter with a doctor at my request. So do you see the difference thus far.

The robber that breaks into my house and murders my children is committing murder of persons outside of his body. It happens rarely that a menace to society commits such random and heinous crime because the law and order deterrence of incarceration and loss of life if caught enables you to say that murder of my kids doesn’t menace you.

If the killer of my kids faces no deterrence of law and order against committing such a crime it would menace you because murdering kids that are not part of the murderer’s body if left unpunished would encourage more criminals to do so and create absolute chaos through out all of society.

So I will repeat the question because you ignored the most important part of it;

does the woman become a menace to you and your family and our society when she has an abortion and it goes unpunished in a court of law?
So why is it in some states if you kill a pregnant women you can be charge with two counts of murder, the mothers and the unborn child?
If a man fertilizes a human egg and that ZEF becomes a person he is responsible to feed clothe and house that person for approximately fifteen years, If he does not do so he is causing harm to society by pushing the burden of care on society.

It’s all about harm. Terminating a pregnancy does not pose a burden on society or harm it in any way.
Her decision to terminate or not. Her call, her cost.

That’s equality baby!
So why is it in some states if you kill a pregnant women you can be charge with two counts of murder, the mothers and the unborn child?

Because a person and a potential person has been murdered by a person that has no right to murder a potential person.

It’s all about harm to society. Self-Terminating a pregnancy does not pose a burden on society or harm it in any way. When a woman terminates a potential person inside her body without impunity she does not become a menace to other people.

If a person was able to kill somebody else’s potential person in utero without impunity there is harm to society because no “wanted” potential persons would be protected for its mother’s expectation to give birth to a child where both she and child have a right to pursue life liberty and happiness.
Her decision to terminate or not. Her call, her cost.
No. You accidentally create a kid you pay. You have no bailout by society if you have income.

But when you vote Republican your proposal is just Bullshit anyway because you do not back a woman’s choice to end gestation.
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240525. {post•747}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma citing post•397: Saint Papageorgio on abortion says he cannot decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god. ” nfbw 240525 Vrftma00747

Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas 221024 {post•397}. Papageorgio Oct’24 Svrttm: “I am a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, I have stated it many times and I am against abortion, it is a wrong decision and women should be told tne mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god. ”. ppgrg 221024 Svrttm00397

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 221119 {post•5679}. ding Nov’22 Srvwgo: “Again… No religious argument was made in overturning Roe v Wade. Read the decision.” dvng 221119 Srvwgo05679

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here: 240523 {post•642}. Papageorgio May’24 Srftma: Truth is there are rational arguments on both sides of the issue, that is why it is an issue. It depends on beliefs, values and morals as to where you rationally fall on the issue. ppgrg 240523 Srftma00642

Same thread as above: 240523 {post•652}. NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: There is no rational argument for depriving a pregnant woman of her liberty to make choices about her body and her life when there is no harm to anyone outside and separated from her body if she chooses to end her pregnancy with a safe legal abortion. nfbw 240523 Vrftma00652 to Srftma00642

According to Saint Ding religion has nothing to do within overturning Roe vs Wade and wanting government to force full term gestation on women in unwonted pregnancy.

According to Saint Papageorgio a woman’s right to stop gestation in her body is between her saved her God.

I say Saint Papageorgio is absolutely right about that but he votes to take the choice away from a woman and her god by handing it over to white Christian nationalists where that brand of Christian religion reigns supreme in a state. nfbw 240525 Vrftma00747
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Because abortion involves ending a life.

It's about the life that is ended by the abortion.

Roe v. The Wade getting overturned!! 240515 {post•12209}. BackAgain said: In order for the pro abortion folks to defend their position, they are absolutely obligated to deny that the preborn human baby inside the mother’s womb is a human “life.” bckvgn 240515 Srvwgo12209

Same thread as above: 240515 {post•12210}. dblack said: Nope. They just have to deny that it's a legal person with political rights. Which its not. dblvck 240515 Vrvwgo12210. to bckvgn 240515 Srvwgo12209

Same thread as above: 240515 {post•12211}. BackAgain said: “No. They have to deny that it’s a human life.” bckvgn 240515 Srvwgo12211 to dblvck 240515 Vrvwgo12210

Same thread as above: 240515 {post•12211}. 12211}. BackAgain said: To do that, as you just tried, you pretend that there is a distinction between a human life and a human “person.” bckvgn 240515 Srvwgo12211 to dblvck 240515 Vrvwgo12210

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240525 {post•748}


945754 inserted by NFBW Vrftma00748. Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vrftma: Do you see a distinction between the human beings laying their hands on the Great White Christian Hope ZEF Savior in the photo above versus the human being shown in the photo below?


nfbw 240525 Vrftma00748
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Yeah, and Republicans also failed to make any rational argument why society needed to violate an owner's right to control his property. Slavery apologists, like abortion apologists, ignored the victim. In fact, slavery apologists, like abortion apologists, pretended there was no victim, and that slavery was simply a matter of the right to control one's property.

Abortion apologists make the issue all about a woman's right to control her own body, ignoring the indisputable fact that the baby also has a body with his/her own unique and separate DNA. The baby is in the woman's body, but is not a part of her body because he/she has their own body.

The OP title's attempt to mask that abortion is the killing of a child is creepy.
Dont spread your legs

Unless the mother cannot survive childbirth the unborn child has a right to live

b. Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 231214 {post•499}

Libby von H Feb’23 Srftma: In his Farewell Address of September 1796, Washington called religion, as the source of morality, "a necessary spring of popular government," while Adams claimed that statesmen "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which freedom can securely stand." lbbyvnh 231214 Srftma00499

It is the religion of the great almighty desert God of Abraham and the morality of the white Christian nationalists depicted in the photo below laying hands on their beloved ‘baby fetus savior’ who alone can establish the principles of a Biblical Worldview upon which freedom can securely stand except for pregnant women.

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240525 {post•748}


945754 inserted by NFBW Vrftma00748. Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
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b. Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 231214 {post•499}

Libby von H Feb’23 Srftma: In his Farewell Address of September 1796, Washington called religion, as the source of morality, "a necessary spring of popular government," while Adams claimed that statesmen "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which freedom can securely stand." lbbyvnh 231214 Srftma00499

It is the religion of the great almighty desert God of Abraham and the morality of the white Christian nationalists depicted in the photo below laying hands on their beloved ‘baby fetus savior’ who alone can establish the principles of a Biblical Worldview upon which freedom can securely stand except for pregnant women.

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 240525 {post•748}


945754 inserted by NFBW Vrftma00748. Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Of course back in the day, before the Marxists went full bore with raping young women who were either drugged up like Bill Cosby did, or so drunk they didnt know what was happening, abortion was a most despised way of "Contraception". We would take the rapists out back and bury them 6 ft under, so it wouldnt happen again. But liberal compassion was to allow the rapist to live, and today get a free pass, while the victims have to live with the hurt caused not only by the rapist but a failed government who supports the bad guy over the good. Do you support the bad guy over the good?
The OP title's attempt to mask that abortion is the killing of a child is creepy.
to you sixty percent of Ohioans who voted to enshrine reproductive freedom for women in the Ohio Constitution but did not vote to restore race based chattel slavery are creepy.

Yet you can’t use critical thinking to offer a rational, moral, constitutional or utilitarian argument to explain why Ohio’s white Christian Nationalist minority of voters get to force full term gestation on all Ohio women by banning a medical procedure that terminates the living human development of the little body that temporarily is living inside the fully sexually developed living body of a free and independent woman who is free to believe white Christian nationalists are religious nutjobs who seek to oppress her.
abortion was a most despised way of "Contraception"
Evangelicals considered abortion a “Catholic issue” through most of the 1970s, and there is little in the history of evangelicalism to suggest that abortion would become a point of interest. Even James Dobson, who later became an implacable foe of abortion, acknowledged after the Roe decision that the Bible was silent on the matter and that it was plausible for an evangelical to hold that “a developing embryo or fetus was not regarded as a full human being”.

Paul Weyrich (founder of the Heritage foundation) tried to make a point to his religious right brethren that the religious right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, what got the movement going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies, including a ban on interracial dating that the university maintained until 2000."

Dobson has the power to turn every white Christian Nationalist against Trump if Trump strays too far away from the Saving Baby Fetus white Christian cult agenda.

Not saying he will but it is noteworthy that he can.
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The OP title's attempt to mask that abortion is the killing of a child is creepy.
I am not masking and never have shied away from the fact that elective abortion and abortion from miscarriages end the life of a human being while in the fetal stage of a seperate human beings development.

Please cut the Father Pavone, Saint ding and Bishop Vigsno Catholic propaganda crap and try to engage me with a viable rational reality truth based argument why society needs to force full term gestation on an unwanted pregnancy.
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Because a person and a potential person has been murdered by a person that has no right to murder a potential person.

It’s all about harm to society. Self-Terminating a pregnancy does not pose a burden on society or harm it in any way. When a woman terminates a potential person inside her body without impunity she does not become a menace to other people.

If a person was able to kill somebody else’s potential person in utero without impunity there is harm to society because no “wanted” potential persons would be protected for its mother’s expectation to give birth to a child where both she and child have a right to pursue life liberty and happiness.
Interesting opinion, so it is a life when it is convenient?
Interesting opinion, so it is a life when it is convenient?
It is when you are the one who has to take the risk to your life at giving childbirth. And according to your messages, it’s no business of yours anyway. It’s between a woman and her god. Isn’t that what you said?
Interesting opinion, so it is a life when it is convenient?
That is not my opinion. It is a human life until it is either born or it dies by miscarriage or selective abortion or complications at birth. It is never not a life beyond conception .. why do you need to misrepresent my position?

Why can you say it is between a woman and her God if she has an abortion but you would not say it is between a woman and her God if she kills your two-year-old child?

If you had the intellectual curiosity to answer that question Saint Papageorgio, sufficient for introspection through critical thinking you would understand the value of the message contained in this thread.
Is this what you mean?

Between abortion and killing each other blacks will one day be extinct.

Are you getting lonely over there on Truth Social

'Warning signs' for Truth Social as users flee platform while Trump's legal woes grow​

Tom Boggioni
May 25, 2024 9:33AM ET

'Warning signs' for Truth Social as users flee platform while Trump's legal woes grow

Truth Social App (AFP)

Not only is Donald Trump's Truth Social losing money at an astonishing pace, it is also shedding users who appear to be abandoning the embattled president, reports CNBC.

Earlier in the week it was reported that Trump Media reported a net loss of nearly $330 million for the first three months of 2024, at a time when the stock was still rising.

As CNBC is reporting, the initial boost in participants using Truth Social after the stock went public has all but been erased since then and his legal woes playing out in a Manhattan courtroom have not convinced more users to sign up for his social media platform to join in his defense.

According to CNBC's Kevin Breuninger, "Nearly two-and-a-half years after its launch, Truth Social is struggling to hang onto its small U.S. user base," adding, "So far in May, U.S. daily visits to Truth Social have dropped more than 21% from April, and more than 35% compared to March, according to digital intelligence platform Similarweb."
It is when you are the one who has to take the risk to your life at giving childbirth. And according to your messages, it’s no business of yours anyway. It’s between a woman and her god. Isn’t that what you said?

And I still can have an opinion, again, you just don’t like it, so you try to minimize me by avoiding the discussion. Thank you for using your typical BS tactics. I find them real funny and amusing entertainment.
Are you getting lonely over there on Truth Social

'Warning signs' for Truth Social as users flee platform while Trump's legal woes grow​

Tom Boggioni
May 25, 2024 9:33AM ET

'Warning signs' for Truth Social as users flee platform while Trump's legal woes grow'Warning signs' for Truth Social as users flee platform while Trump's legal woes grow

Truth Social App (AFP)

Not only is Donald Trump's Truth Social losing money at an astonishing pace, it is also shedding users who appear to be abandoning the embattled president, reports CNBC.

Earlier in the week it was reported that Trump Media reported a net loss of nearly $330 million for the first three months of 2024, at a time when the stock was still rising.

As CNBC is reporting, the initial boost in participants using Truth Social after the stock went public has all but been erased since then and his legal woes playing out in a Manhattan courtroom have not convinced more users to sign up for his social media platform to join in his defense.

According to CNBC's Kevin Breuninger, "Nearly two-and-a-half years after its launch, Truth Social is struggling to hang onto its small U.S. user base," adding, "So far in May, U.S. daily visits to Truth Social have dropped more than 21% from April, and more than 35% compared to March, according to digital intelligence platform Similarweb."
Is there something about Truth Social that gets you excited?

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