Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
All you really need to know is Barr is a reincarnated Roy Cohn. Mueller is not.
All you really need to know is Barr is a reincarnated Roy Cohn. Mueller is not.
all i really need to know is you're going to bitch as long as trump is in office.

doesn't really matter about what.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
only a fucked up sense of entitlement will take not liking the president to everyone is "snookering" the nation.

the insane max-drama-value of the left isn't helping. the right goes right along and suddenly we're in a vicious circle of payback crap and revenge needs born out of our own ignorance.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.
Wait a second. The question is about Mueller‘s letter to William Barr but the OP starts off with Venezuela?
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.
Our enduring spirit and letter to my daughters. Both authored by obama and released in 09 and 10
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.

the DISGUSTING FILTH is losing credibility ever day the Sun comes up.

I went to the link to read the article. While I'm sure you meant well, your post was virtually unreadable.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.
were written.

his books sold themselves. lord the shit you'll say just so you don't have to be part of the normal world of right and wrong mixing freely with each other.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.

the DISGUSTING FILTH is losing credibility ever day the Sun comes up.

I went to the link to read the article. While I'm sure you meant well, your post was virtually unreadable.
so - there was a time trump was credible to you?
All of this crap going on should lead anyone with a functional brain to only one conclusion. Political parties clearly add nothing of worth to our nation and we would do well to get rid of them and start electing qualified individuals to office while enacting single term limits to keep them focused on the job at hand instead of feeding their greed for money and power. We're clearly doing our best to hire the worst possible candidates to run our nation.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.

Our enduring spirit and letter to my daughters. Both authored by obama and released in 09 and 10
Of Thee I Sing (book)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to navigation Jump to search
This article is about the children's book by Barack Obama. For the musical, see Of Thee I Sing.
Of Thee I Sing

Author Barack Obama
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Knopf Books for Young Readers
Publication date
November 16, 2010
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 40
ISBN 0-375-83527-X
Preceded by The Audacity of Hope
Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters
is a children's book by Barack Obama, with illustrations by Loren Long.[1] It is described by the publisher as "a moving tribute to thirteen groundbreaking Americans and the ideals that have shaped our nation."[2] The stories of thirteen Americans are told in the book: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Neil Armstrong, Sitting Bull, Cesar Chavez, Billie Holiday, Maya Lin, Albert Einstein (who was born in Germany), Georgia O'Keeffe, Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller, and Jane Addams."[3]

The proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled US service personnel.[4] Obama finished writing the book in 2008, after he was elected but before taking office.[5]
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.

Our enduring spirit and letter to my daughters. Both authored by obama and released in 09 and 10
Of Thee I Sing (book)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to navigation Jump to search
This article is about the children's book by Barack Obama. For the musical, see Of Thee I Sing.
Of Thee I Sing

Author Barack Obama
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Knopf Books for Young Readers
Publication date
November 16, 2010
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 40
ISBN 0-375-83527-X
Preceded by The Audacity of Hope
Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters
is a children's book by Barack Obama, with illustrations by Loren Long.[1] It is described by the publisher as "a moving tribute to thirteen groundbreaking Americans and the ideals that have shaped our nation."[2] The stories of thirteen Americans are told in the book: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Neil Armstrong, Sitting Bull, Cesar Chavez, Billie Holiday, Maya Lin, Albert Einstein (who was born in Germany), Georgia O'Keeffe, Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller, and Jane Addams."[3]

The proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled US service personnel.[4] Obama finished writing the book in 2008, after he was elected but before taking office.[5]
Good deal. What about the other
THE TRUE FORCE OF NORTH KOREA: Military, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Ballistic Missiles, Including Reaction of the U.S. Government to the Korean Military Threat Kindle Edition
by Andrew Scobell (Author), John M. Sanford (Author), Daniel A. Pinkston (Author), Strategic Studies Institute (Author), U.S. Congress (Author), Donald Trump (Author)
1.0 out of 5 stars 1 customer review
  • Publisher: Madison & Adams Press; 2 edition (September 19, 2017)
  • Publication Date: September 19, 2017
  • -----------------------------------------------------------
oh where did the proceeds go, what proceeds.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.
Good thing you aren't selling any books...
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.
were written.

his books sold themselves. lord the shit you'll say just so you don't have to be part of the normal world of right and wrong mixing freely with each other.
Thanks for the correction. I am getting pretty sick of corrections made by illiterates.
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.
Good thing you aren't selling any books...
or an editor.

being an asstarded idiot is easy. she does it daily. thinking never has shown to be her forte.
Last edited:
Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr

Here’s what you REALLY need to know about Mueller’s ‘disagreement’ letter to AG Barr
5/1/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
As an armed insurrection takes place in Venezuela to depose an authoritarian socialist leader who has literally destroyed his country’s economy and future, a soft coup continues thousands of miles to the north in the United States against a duly elected president who has brought wealth, prosperity, and economy opportunity to his people.... If you needed any additional evidence that the deep state coup attempt to depose POTUS Donald Trump was ongoing, all you needed to see were the blaring headlines Wednesday morning from who else but the fake news Washington Post, insinuating in a “bombshell” story that special counsel Robert Mueller did not agree with Attorney General William Barr’s conclusions about the “Russian collusion” investigation.... The portion that Democrats and their perpetually unhinged base will focus on centers on the beginning of the story which, conveniently, was published just hours before Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about — what else? — the Mueller report and his conclusions.... A day after Mueller sent his letter to Barr, the two men spoke by phone for about 15 minutes, according to law enforcement officials.
In that call, Mueller said he was concerned that media coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller did not express similar concerns about the public discussion of the investigation of Russia’s election interference, the officials said. Barr has testified previously he did not know whether Mueller supported his conclusion on obstruction.... — The fact that Justice Department officials were “taken aback” by Mueller’s letter strongly suggests that Mueller is acting out of character — which strongly suggests he has a motive other than being an honest broker of the facts, which are: This president has done nothing illegal or untoward and nothing that warrants impeachment.... And yet, the Democrats will use this strategically-timed Post report as Exhibit A for the upcoming Impeachment Show they plan for sometime next summer, as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

I preferred it better when the term, “bombshell” meant a sexy woman.
ALL POLITICIANS LIE. QED. Trump is better than most because he fights to keep his promises. The others just lie brazenly and the ever-gullible hoi polloi just shrug. How about Obama brazenly lying about the Universal Coverage; No new taxes on the middle class; Annual premium savings of $2,500; No increase in the deficit; You can keep your plan if you like it, Benghazi and the Iranian Deal. I don't recall seeing any Washington Post Pinocchio's assigned to Obama for this.
Progressives Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats need to crush PDJT and rejoice in his pending implosion. Yet, no matter what they have attempted they have failed.
it must be frustrating to be holding your breath until turning blue, stomping your feet, screeching and howling, and gnashing your teeth waiting for that to happen, for what, well over three years now.
The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.
Trump isn't going to get some big-ass book deal or be asked to produce shows for Netflix or Hulu. Many politicians enter the "profession" in order to get wealthy. They do "favors" for donors or those connected to them and get "favors" in return - stock tips, contributions, free trips, etc. Trump likely isn't getting that stuff.
Those Liberal news boys/girls are just childish, frivolous and even stupid. That deserves another QED.
Our President plays the press for the stooges that they are. The majority of statements he makes are purposely directed to rattle their cages. It is funny to watch, as they have yet to figure him out.
""The thing you can't deny about Trump is that HE DID NOT need the job of POTUS. Being POTUS isn't going to enrich him like it did Bill Clinton or Obama. Whether or not Trump's businesses have suffered while he handed the reigns over to his sons is an open question. But, clearly, he didn't see the presidency as an avenue to getting rich.""

Excuse me? You mean all those people checking into Mar-a-Lago and the golf courses and the Trump Hotels aren't making Trump & Fils rich? You believe he turned his businesses over to his sons and makes no business decisions regarding owned businesses and future prospects? Yep, Clinton & Obama got rich AFTER terms giving speeches and appearances. I will never see Trump as not seeing the presidency as an avenue to getting rich(er). But mostly it feeds his unwholesome unhealthy and highly embarrassing to the nation need for adoration and power. Furthermore, he plays his cronies like Hannity and Pirro and Ingraham and Carlson for stooges far more than the MSM press will stand for. Not to mention all those who have sold their honor and creds by loyally working on his behalf to snooker the nation.
Like obama writing a book while POTUS?
Or his state dept buying tens of thousands of copies of one of his books, while POTUS?
A billionaire getting rich from a hotel stay?
Are you a moron? Serious question?

No books were wrote while Obama was Potus and all state depts. buy presidential books to give to other countries.
How Barack Obama Has Made $20 Million Since Arriving In Washington

Tramp is self dealing, Obama did not self deal. His books sold themselves. Like tramp is selling his books now.
were written.

his books sold themselves. lord the shit you'll say just so you don't have to be part of the normal world of right and wrong mixing freely with each other.
Thanks for the correction. I am getting pretty sick of corrections made by illiterates.
i'm hardly one to correct someone else. between my fat fingers and tablets, phones and normal keyboards, i never know what i'm saying anymore. but when someone is out scolding people but can't show more than a 4th grade comprehension, it just cracks me the hell up.

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