Zone1 White Culture holds back white people

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They also miscalculated on letting the illegals stream in and take the resources from needy American citizens. Blacks are furious that illegals are getting free housing, and Latinos who went the legal process are angry that the illegals were just swept right in.

Racism coddles Whites by not requiring us to learn what all people of color must do to survive – how to live in multiple worlds, speak multiple languages and quickly navigate complex realities.
Some races don't deal with complexity? What other languages do blacks need in the US? Why don't whites need them?
Some races don't deal with complexity? What other languages do blacks need in the US? Why don't whites need them?
You are really dumb.
You are really dumb.
Yeah, how dare some white-person ask a superior black-man a straight forward question! If he was a smart, he would have already known your answer always is “white racists need to admit they benefit from white racism” and that you don’t have to explain anything to “white racists”.
Any “teacher” who wants to share their sexuality with their students, should be run out of town.


How Racism Hurts White People Too

Racism coddles Whites by not requiring us to learn what all people of color must do to survive.

Susana Rinderle, MA, ACC
Susana Rinderle, MA, ACC, Contributor
OK, Susana, why is it that Orientals tend to be more successful and affluent than whites? Could it be for the same reasons that whites tend to be more successful and affluent than Negroes? I am thinking of reasons like higher IQ averages, and lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. A greater willingness to work hard at legal endeavors probably has something to do with it too, don't you think? I certainly do.
Black men beats and tries to rape white woman and she is such a liberal cuck that is was reluctant to call the police until it was to late….

I thought homeschooling was what scary conservatives did? Some woke liberals homeschooled this kid to give him the same indoctrination he would have got in public schools……

Remember when the left opposed “book burning”?

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