What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

Actually, it would be quite simple.

Just make it illegal to employ anyone who is not in the country legally, either formally or informally, AND ENFORCE THAT LAW. Send violators to jail and issue hefty fines to them and their employers. Second, prohibit any benefits of our "safety net" from going to people who are not in the country legally, including public schools, SNAP benefits, Medicaid, housing subsidies, and so on. AND ENFORCE IT.

Then offer transportation assistance to get the people back to any country where they can legally reside.

Should the problem arise of "people doing work that Americans won't do," increase the scope of guest worker laws while making it illegal for guest workers to bring their families, and requiring a fixed date by which they must return to their home countries, respectively.

As icing on the cake, impose an immediate 5% assessment on all funds transferred from foreign nationals in the U.S. to their home countries. Maybe Trump could thereby get "Mexico" to pay for the fucking wall.

Cancel anything relating to "Dreamers," who are in fact illegal aliens, and treat them just as you would any other illegal alien.

Really, it wouldn't be that difficult.
It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

thanks for pointing out the obsticles,,

now we can move forward and deport all 15 million,,
Then why is it #2 or #3 on the list of issues that American voters currently care about?

Oddly they don't vote that way. It's been an issue for decades and no one is ever held accountable for doing anything.

People like their cheap gardeners.

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