Here's How You Defend the Prez...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
It's amazing to me how the Prez is absorbing ALL the incoming flak on excess spending and growing deficit when he doesn't have to. Apparently, the left is missing one of the LARGEST, most OBVIOUS reasons for the increasing deficit. I'm here to help my lefty buds set things right. The DEMS and Obama are not CAPABLE of defending themselves on this point. Because to do so -- would blow up one of this generations' biggest fantasy concoctions..

The fantasy is the Social Security Trust fund. Now -- I'm not gonna go thru 46 more pages of USMB debate on the FACT that there is NOTHING in the Trust that can PAY FOR benefits. The SSA, the CBO, and the Treasury all say the same thing (in fine print).
If you want to lose that argument again -- I'll provide links to previous threads where you can do so like --

When Obama came into office, SS was still running $40B to $50B surpluses which Congress was stealing and putting into the general fund. Since then, Social Security has gone into deficit. About $40B to $70B is the annual shortfall which DOES NOT come out of the Trust Fund. It's new spending and new debt. So the bottom line balance is that Obama has inherited the Soc Sec debt crisis come early. There is about a $100B DIFFERENCE in Fed income balance. In washington speak, that's a $1TRILL increase in debt over 10 years. AND it's growing.

Especially now since Obama is funding his "working class tax break" by stealing from the yearly SS premiums..

So why can't the left defend this aspect of considerable spending that really ISN'T Obama's fault at all?

Because to do so would cause immediate pitchfork parades upon DC when the admission is finally driven home that the SS TrustFund is empty. A propagated myth of accounting is stopping the discussion of the REAL ISSUES...

And so is the life of partisian in politics. From where I sit -- all I can do is encourage both sides to abandon fantasies and discuss realities.

I've tried to help my REP buds defend the decision to invade Iraq, but THEY CAN'T do that because to admit to the truthier version of events would be admitting that Washington policy on Iraq FAILED for at least 25 years prior to the invasion..

MUCH of the increasing deficit is NOT OBAMA'S fault. , but he CAN'T defend it without causing riots and copping to SS problems.
Obama INHERITED the much expect "Entitlement Crisis". It arrived about 8 years early unfortunate for him.. Stop lying about SS Trust Fund fairies, stealing from SS premiums and start defending Prez and fixing the damn problem...
When a government leader has the majority of the media in his pocket he seldom has to explain anything.

The media sure isn't thinking of legimate defenses because for the MOST part -- they just parrot all the myths and legends that they are fed..

But if it was ME taking the flak on deficits and budgets, you can be SURE I'd blow up all the fantastical accounting gimmicks and lay the story out for everyone to see.
Actually, in terms of media culpabilty -- If I WAS a lefty --- next time I heard Maddow or Schultz say that "SS is solvent until 2036 because of money in the Trust Fund" -- I'd write MSNBC --- tell them to stop the lying, defend the Prez and begin to fix the problem..
I made my first payment to the SS slush fund in 1958 and it was going to be there for me now that I am trying to retire but a gang of mask gunmen, called congress stole the trust fund from me, asainst the law I might add, and got away with it. As much as I want to blame Obama it start long before he arrive here from Kenya, woops I was wrong Hawaii.
It's amazing to me how the Prez is absorbing ALL the incoming flak on excess spending and growing deficit when he doesn't have to. Apparently, the left is missing one of the LARGEST, most OBVIOUS reasons for the increasing deficit. I'm here to help my lefty buds set things right. The DEMS and Obama are not CAPABLE of defending themselves on this point. Because to do so -- would blow up one of this generations' biggest fantasy concoctions..

The fantasy is the Social Security Trust fund. Now -- I'm not gonna go thru 46 more pages of USMB debate on the FACT that there is NOTHING in the Trust that can PAY FOR benefits. The SSA, the CBO, and the Treasury all say the same thing (in fine print).
If you want to lose that argument again -- I'll provide links to previous threads where you can do so like --

When Obama came into office, SS was still running $40B to $50B surpluses which Congress was stealing and putting into the general fund. Since then, Social Security has gone into deficit. About $40B to $70B is the annual shortfall which DOES NOT come out of the Trust Fund. It's new spending and new debt. So the bottom line balance is that Obama has inherited the Soc Sec debt crisis come early. There is about a $100B DIFFERENCE in Fed income balance. In washington speak, that's a $1TRILL increase in debt over 10 years. AND it's growing.

Especially now since Obama is funding his "working class tax break" by stealing from the yearly SS premiums..

So why can't the left defend this aspect of considerable spending that really ISN'T Obama's fault at all?

Because to do so would cause immediate pitchfork parades upon DC when the admission is finally driven home that the SS TrustFund is empty. A propagated myth of accounting is stopping the discussion of the REAL ISSUES...

And so is the life of partisian in politics. From where I sit -- all I can do is encourage both sides to abandon fantasies and discuss realities.

I've tried to help my REP buds defend the decision to invade Iraq, but THEY CAN'T do that because to admit to the truthier version of events would be admitting that Washington policy on Iraq FAILED for at least 25 years prior to the invasion..

MUCH of the increasing deficit is NOT OBAMA'S fault. , but he CAN'T defend it without causing riots and copping to SS problems.
Obama INHERITED the much expect "Entitlement Crisis". It arrived about 8 years early unfortunate for him.. Stop lying about SS Trust Fund fairies, stealing from SS premiums and start defending Prez and fixing the damn problem...

Obama is a corporatist and warmonger. He's spending trillions fighting ghosts .. which is most profitable to the Military Industrial Complex.

ALL presidents inherit problems that they get elected to fix .. and all of them steal from SS.

Obama wasted time and energy producing a flawed health insurers bill that nobody likes, is most beneficial to the health insurance industry far more than the American people, and may not even stand the muster.

The decison to invade Iraq was mindless and only profitable to America's corporate masters. If defending the invasion of Iraq is your idea of good advice, small wonder nobody is listening.
It's amazing to me how the Prez is absorbing ALL the incoming flak on excess spending and growing deficit when he doesn't have to. Apparently, the left is missing one of the LARGEST, most OBVIOUS reasons for the increasing deficit. I'm here to help my lefty buds set things right. The DEMS and Obama are not CAPABLE of defending themselves on this point. Because to do so -- would blow up one of this generations' biggest fantasy concoctions..

The fantasy is the Social Security Trust fund. Now -- I'm not gonna go thru 46 more pages of USMB debate on the FACT that there is NOTHING in the Trust that can PAY FOR benefits. The SSA, the CBO, and the Treasury all say the same thing (in fine print).
If you want to lose that argument again -- I'll provide links to previous threads where you can do so like --

When Obama came into office, SS was still running $40B to $50B surpluses which Congress was stealing and putting into the general fund. Since then, Social Security has gone into deficit. About $40B to $70B is the annual shortfall which DOES NOT come out of the Trust Fund. It's new spending and new debt. So the bottom line balance is that Obama has inherited the Soc Sec debt crisis come early. There is about a $100B DIFFERENCE in Fed income balance. In washington speak, that's a $1TRILL increase in debt over 10 years. AND it's growing.

Especially now since Obama is funding his "working class tax break" by stealing from the yearly SS premiums..

So why can't the left defend this aspect of considerable spending that really ISN'T Obama's fault at all?

Because to do so would cause immediate pitchfork parades upon DC when the admission is finally driven home that the SS TrustFund is empty. A propagated myth of accounting is stopping the discussion of the REAL ISSUES...

And so is the life of partisian in politics. From where I sit -- all I can do is encourage both sides to abandon fantasies and discuss realities.

I've tried to help my REP buds defend the decision to invade Iraq, but THEY CAN'T do that because to admit to the truthier version of events would be admitting that Washington policy on Iraq FAILED for at least 25 years prior to the invasion..

MUCH of the increasing deficit is NOT OBAMA'S fault. , but he CAN'T defend it without causing riots and copping to SS problems.
Obama INHERITED the much expect "Entitlement Crisis". It arrived about 8 years early unfortunate for him.. Stop lying about SS Trust Fund fairies, stealing from SS premiums and start defending Prez and fixing the damn problem...

Obama is a corporatist and warmonger. He's spending trillions fighting ghosts .. which is most profitable to the Military Industrial Complex.

ALL presidents inherit problems that they get elected to fix .. and all of them steal from SS.

Obama wasted time and energy producing a flawed health insurers bill that nobody likes, is most beneficial to the health insurance industry far more than the American people, and may not even stand the muster.

The decison to invade Iraq was mindless and only profitable to America's corporate masters. If defending the invasion of Iraq is your idea of good advice, small wonder nobody is listening.

we agree on most of this.. ((Iraq however was bad policy for 35 years. Bombing them daily for 10 (during Bush1 and Clinton) and starving them for 13 was (in my book) WORSE than removing Saddam. That's off topic.))

Why do you think the DEMs are avoiding the obvious TRUE defense of the budget deficit?
$100Bill or more a year is a HUGE chunk of the INCREASE...

That it is LARGELY Soc Sec deficit coming due. Combined with interest on the debt. Telling the truth about Soc Sec would go a lot farther at this point -- then still trying to blame it all on Bush...

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