Having an Abortion IS Taking Responsibility for your Actions

Remember when we passed gay marriage? We waited for 51% of America to be on board before we did it. You're making abortion illegal when only 25% agree with doing that. Weird.

Do you create your own history? When the abortion issue came up during GW's years states had votes on gay marriages. All but one voted against it. It was the Supreme Court that ruled all states must accept gay marriage whether they wanted to or not. The vote of the people didn't mean anything to them.
You don't want to make abortion illegal? Liar.

Still denying your ultimate goal? Liar.

You can bet we will use this to benefit us politically. This is a wedge issue that favors us. You can have the religious right. We'll take women ages 18-49.

Many, many, MANY women in that age group are pro-life. You need to get out more.

In the meantime, this is what your side is doing:

Do you create your own history? When the abortion issue came up during GW's years states had votes on gay marriages. All but one voted against it. It was the Supreme Court that ruled all states must accept gay marriage whether they wanted to or not. The vote of the people didn't mean anything to them.
I'm telling you the politicians waited until 51% of the population approved. Or at least 51% of Democrats. Don't forget I think Clinton and Obama and probably even Biden were probably against gay marriage before they were for it.

They go by what their representatives want. The Supreme Court is trying to pretend they are above that. Hard to undo what the Supreme Court does.
Why did they settle on 28 weeks before then?

Everything about abortion is anti-science. Notice how virtually every position you take is anti-science? 28 weeks is arbitrary and based on a political notion of "trimesters"

Must have been reasons. And why did you pick 14? Isn't there a heart beat and brainwaves at 13 weeks?

About 6 weeks gestation

So then sir you admit you want to ban abortion is that right?

With thousands of effective types of contraception, including the morning after and plan B - there is NO excuse for abortion.


Why do you lust after killing the most vulnerable members of society? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Robbing a bank is illegal, abortion is not.

Well, was not.

I wasn't speaking to the legality of it, I was speaking to the responsibility aspect. A simple question: how is getting an abortion the responsible thing to do? A girl Fs up and gets pregnant. It only benefits her not to have that kid. How is that being responsible? It isn't, it's called covering your ass for your own benefit.
I'm telling you the politicians waited until 51% of the population approved. Or at least 51% of Democrats. Don't forget I think Clinton and Obama and probably even Biden were probably against gay marriage before they were for it.

They go by what their representatives want. The Supreme Court is trying to pretend they are above that. Hard to undo what the Supreme Court does.

It had nothing to do with the popularity or unpopularity of it. The Supreme Court heard the case after states voted against gay marriage in their states.
Never really understood GOPers that scream “close your legs and be responsible” about abortion. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, then getting an abortion IS the responsible thing to do.

No, adoption IS the responsible thing to do if the child is truly unwanted.

Killing a child is never an appropriate thing to do. Or are you one of those anti-science nutjobs who believes a child isn't alive until it exits the birth canal? That's voodoo.

So, here's a question to all of the people in this thread who believe that. What do you call it when a baby is kicking in the womb?

And to add, plenty of right wingers or conservatives do believe that rape, incest, mother's own life, and other reasons are viable for abortion. But to abort because you're irresponsible with sexual intercourse is a terrible choice when so many other choices were available.

Agreed, but I would still go for adoption in rape and incest cases and no real mother is going to pick her life over her child's. That's just my own opinion anyways.

Totally ass-backwards from reality.
Being responsible means being held accountable for your actions.....not erasing the life of a human-being because you don't want to be responsible.

Exactly! Either give the child up for adoption and or find somebody else to raise it, or step up to the plate and be responsible and raise it yourself. You open up your legs without protection then you should deal with the consequences.

Perhaps children are a blessing from God.

A fetus, however, is not.

That's ridiculous. That's like saying chicken eggs don't have chicks in them. :rolleyes:
Never really understood GOPers that scream “close your legs and be responsible” about abortion. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, then getting an abortion IS the responsible thing to do.
What about taking birth control, or if you got caught up in the moment, the morning-after pill just in case? That would cut down on 99% of abortions.

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