Faith failing

I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.

Never is faith more the answer than when faith seems impossible to uphold or maintain. So what if the nights grow deeper, darker—aphotic primordial; dawn always follows the most enduring midnight hour . . . eventually. Dawn will come. Keep the faith.
My dawn isn't coming.

I have met a woman and things are still early, but I think she will be the one I spend the rest of my life with.

But to do that I have to leave the Catholic Church.

And I'm not going to find God in a Protestant Church because there's no way in hell I'll ever be a Protestant.

Finding the right woman is a massive first step toward healing and even surviving this life. Just beware of co-dependency and over estimation of the boon(s) she's capable of introducing to your life. Beyond that, I wish you the best of luck.

No, it isn't. It's about trying to make your marriage work. It may mean looking at stuff differently, willing to work to save the marriage, getting counseling, and so on.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.

I'm sorry but that is absolutely incorrect and very misguided. You clearly don't understand the concept of spiritual birth.

Being born again is a one time thing. It is the moment you go from death to life. It is an actual birth, just not a physical one. It is the moment you actually become "born from above", a true adopted son or daughter of God. It is once and forever - just like a newborn baby can't go back into the womb, you also can't go from being spiritually born to unborn. True salvation can never be lost. That is the good news, if you had to get saved over and over and over again, then that's not really being saved, that's an incorrect understanding of Christianity and it shows a works-based mentality.

Of course we should confess our sins, but that is a completely different thing than being born again. Going into a little booth to confess your sins to a priest is a religious thing. You don't have to go to a priest to confess your sins, you can directly to God.

Or, if you sinned against someone or a group of people, you can always go to them and confess your sin to them, to make things right. James 5:16 talks about that:

"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed."

But it shouldn't be a ritualistic, religious thing. Confessing sins is something everyone should do, because it is getting right with God or a person you sinned against. You don't need a priest to do that. Here is more on that for you:

Faith is a verb, we must live our faith and show our faith in action

i believe in a loving God, who says we must speak for those who can't speak for themselves, and to help the poor and needy

if you don't love poor folk, you deserve to be punished by God, because God loves poor folk, and wants us to love them too, my friends
It's not just the Pope. It's the way the Democrats are getting away with stealing the election and there's no one even trying to stop them. It seems that evil wins and that's just that. I'm losing faith because it seems that evil men now outnumber the good.

The Bible speaks of times when evil prevailed, and of times yet to come, when evil will prevail. It does certainly seem that we are living in such a time.

But in the end, good will prevail.
Christ told the Apostles that if I get a divorce, I commit adultery if I remarry, and if my wife gets another man, I'm to blame for her committing adultery.

So, what the hell am I supposed to do?
God gave me a mother who hit me every night and broke my stuff and he made me bipolar which caused my wife to leave me.
But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.
It's from the words of Christ himself as quoted in the Gospels. Mark Chapter 10.

In verse Jesus acknowledges that in the time of Moses, when people's hearts were harder, divorce was allowed.

Time are different now, than they were in Moses' time, and in Jesus' time. I should be careful about saying anything that could be presumed to be speaking for Jesus, but in today's time, hearts are harder than in his, and in some ways, we are also more enlightened than we were then.

Surely, divorce is no good thing, but I have to disagree with the hard stance that the Catholic church takes against it.

We now understand, that many serious abuses take place within some marriages, that are surely just cause for someone to want to leave a marriage where such abuses take place. We also recognize greater agency on the part of women, than we did then.

If I understand what you have written, then it was your wife, and not you, who decided to leave the marriage; that it was she, who having entered into a sacred covenant to be with you for the rest of your lives, violated that covenant. If this is so, if it was her will, and not yours, and you did not abuse her in any way to justify her departure, then I would have to say that the sin is on her, and not on you. And if that is so, then there is no reason that I can see why you should be condemned for finding someone else to fill the place in your life that she was supposed to fill. I truly do not believe that God would condemn you for that. I do not believe that it is His will that you should be condemned to be lonely for the rest of your life, because the woman that you first married failed to fulfill her part of the covenant. God himself said, as recorded in Genesis 2:12, that it is not good for man to be alone.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.

I'm sorry but that is absolutely incorrect and very misguided. You clearly don't understand the concept of spiritual birth.

Being born again is a one time thing. It is the moment you go from death to life. It is an actual birth, just not a physical one. It is the moment you actually become "born from above", a true adopted son or daughter of God. It is once and forever - just like a newborn baby can't go back into the womb, you also can't go from being spiritually born to unborn. True salvation can never be lost. That is the good news, if you had to get saved over and over and over again, then that's not really being saved, that's an incorrect understanding of Christianity and it shows a works-based mentality.

Of course we should confess our sins, but that is a completely different thing than being born again. Going into a little booth to confess your sins to a priest is a religious thing. You don't have to go to a priest to confess your sins, you can directly to God.

Or, if you sinned against someone or a group of people, you can always go to them and confess your sin to them, to make things right. James 5:16 talks about that:

"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed."

But it shouldn't be a ritualistic, religious thing. Confessing sins is something everyone should do, because it is getting right with God or a person you sinned against. You don't need a priest to do that. Here is more on that for you:

I understand the process of spiritual birth, but I disagree with it, a lot of people in prison get born again and most protestants, although its merely a figure of speech, but you do what ever floats your boat.
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I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?

I rightly judge. The RCC is the reason you have Christianity. The created it and nurtured it, to make it was it is today, but Luther had to frick it up.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.

Yes born again, born again, and born again. You protestants never give up or lead a moral life.

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.
tell me what passage in the bible says to paint people with such a broad brush

No different than going to confession, confession = born again.

How many times are people born again (some a lot), with confession at least you receive a penance.
as I understand it confession is for you to confess your sins and not to judge others
People get born over and over again and they go to confession over and over again.

so what?

is it your authority to judge them?

I rightly judge. The RCC is the reason you have Christianity. The created it and nurtured it, to make it was it is today, but Luther had to frick it up.


Matthew 7:1-5
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

I'm not a christian and even I know I don't have the right to judge anyone else's choices
It's not just the Pope. It's the way the Democrats are getting away with stealing the election and there's no one even trying to stop them. It seems that evil wins and that's just that. I'm losing faith because it seems that evil men now outnumber the good.

You are quitting your religion because you think that evil is the winner because TrumpQ lost. TrumpQ was fired by the majority of Americans who voted.

You really need to realize that you are an evil man and siding with the most evil of all American men in our time - Donald J Trump and his evil family.

Your belief that the election was stolen from TrumpQ is the result of the ignorant and shallow path that you have chosen to follow based upon the false reality that TrumpQ has created..

Biden is a Catholic and I voted for him just as most of my fellow Virginians did.

Your refusal to accept a free and fair legitimate election is about as evil an act without violence as you can do as an American citizen.

So quit the TrumpQ cult. Do it
Right now. And maybe you can attend the same church as Biden and feel good about it.

You won’t be forsaking Jesus Christ to favor Donald Trump.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
Good. Shed all that idiotic dogma and refine your theism to something more ethical, moral, and useful.
The Bible speaks of times when evil prevailed, and of times yet to come, when evil will prevail. It does certainly seem that we are living in such a time.

What is so evil in this election cycle as compared to any previous election cycle of the last fifty years or so.
I've definitely felt this way myself many times his year, especially living in what has increasingly become a Godless, diabolical country.

Why do you require my country to be a God worshipping nation. What’s it to you.
People like shockedcanadian like to attach their personal fetishes and neuroses to "Gawd", because they think it gives them the moral and ethical authority they cannot create through intellectual means. It's very childlike.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.

So you think it would be better for people to die because we just throw these fetuses in the medical waste container? It's academic, because the Pope was speaking in hypotheticals.

I stopped being a Catholic after my parents died. Because the priest wouldn't go to my dad's cemetery because he wanted to be cremated, and because a nasty nun said something really stupid at my Mom's wake.

I kind of concluded an omnipotent being could get better help than THESE idiots.

Here's the thing. I don't really believe in higher powers or an afterlife, but that shouldn't be a determination on how you live your life. You should make the best choices you can, because they are the right things to do.

Not because someone in a Church told you to, and not because you are afraid you might be punished in an afterlife.
So quit the TrumpQ cult. Do it
Right now. And maybe you can attend the same church as Biden and feel good about it.
Neither President Trump nor his family are evil. Many Catholics know that President-Elect Biden long ago put aside the tenets of the Catholic faith for political reasons. I don't think many Democrats understand that those who vote for President Trump and other Republicans are voting against the Democratic Machine. Speaker Pelosi helps fund this machine via Silicon Valley who pulls in billions from and for the Chinese government. Along with corporate take-over of the media, Silicon Valley also controls the narrative via social media. Californians are out-numbered by those who live in the Urban areas, areas which harvest ballots and elect such people as Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff. To vote for any Democrat in California is a vote for Nancy Pelosi because she insures (via money) that all Democratic representatives vote as she directs. It astonishes me that Virginians are happy to let California, the lobbyists, the news and social media machines, who have loyalties to China, run not only their State but the entire country. Do you know that California thought of seceding from the Union, and why not? With backing from the Chinese government, they can sell our entire Union. Note the ties that Pelosi, Feinstein, Swalwel, etc. have ties to China and other Lobbyists. Many voted for President Trump because he had no such ties, he simply wanted freedom for all in this country.

What the Democrat machine was/is guilty of, is the guilt they threw (unfounded by the way) at President Trump. Let's all remember the terrible story of Stalin plucking the feathers from a chicken in order to demonstrate the tortured will still follow their torturers around if they are thrown a bit of chicken feed. Note the chicken feed Speaker Pelosi, who is the epitome of the Democratic machine, is tossing after letting many Americans first suffer for months.

All of us are hoping against hope the handwriting we are reading on the wall is ill founded and that we are not following that Democratic machine, like lemmings, off the cliff. Half of Americans feel the United States of American would fare better under President Trump. While perhaps not enough to turn an election, we do know once again, some Democrats were up to so dirty tricks while most Democrats simply remained silent and let it slide.
Neither President Trump nor his family are evil.

His Anti-American reaction to losing the election is evil. He promotes disenfranchising millions of mail in ballots because the majority who voted legally that way were in large cities with a large majority of black and brown voters who reject TrumpQ for obvious reasons.

That’s just one of the TrumpQ Family's evils.

Blackrook has declared me an election stealing thief and evil because I voted for Joe. A decent man, a good Catholic and a great American.

He believes that because of TrumpQ. It’s evil because it is anti-American and it’s deplorable.
Half of Americans feel the United States of American would fare better under President Trump.

Quit lying to yourself. Going by the number of American adults who registered legally and voted as the best poll available; Trump had no majority in 2016 and fared worse in 2020.

Get over yourself TrumpQ voter. You are now irrejvsnt. TrumpQ lost. Agree to disagree on secular policies etc but leave religion out of it. Get behind the President elect to make America decent again and greater than it ever was in the fifties.

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