Faith failing

I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.

You're not going to hell just because you're remarrying. My goodness, who taught you these unbiblical things?

All sins are forgivable except one. And it's not the one you're doing, so you don't have to worry about that. But it sounds like you should be concerned about salvation, because if you don't understand the basics of salvation, then that is a problem. Read John 3. Be born again. Jesus stated that repeatedly and emphatically, you must be born again. That is not a church or religious thing. It is a very real thing that happens that changes you, that makes you a new creation.
I know all the arguments because I believed them myself.

But now God is telling me, LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS and if you disobey me on this I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.

I've had it.
You have a warped view of God......
It's from the words of Christ himself as quoted in the Gospels.

Read it. its not.......

Mark 10:

1 Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds of people came to him, and as was his custom, he taught them.

2 Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?”

3 “What did Moses command you?” he replied.

4 They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.”

5 “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied. 6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’[a] 7 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,[b] 8 and the two will become one flesh.’[c] So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”
It's weird how so many Christians pretend there's no Mark 10.
As Christians our walk with Him, includes a similar path as Christs. We will be tested in the 'desert' of our lives, and we will be persecuted for our beliefs. Being a Christian is the hardest thing ever, because we are shown the truth and see things differently than non-believers. We understand the results of sin is death in eternal hell. The basis of our belief is that believing in His love and sacrifice has saved us from that pit.

The world is an evil place, and always has been since Adam & Eve were cast out of the Garden. We don't always know WHY God allows evil to exist, but one day we will, when we stand with Him in Heaven.

I just know that Christ died for me, and I will live for Him.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
Cant let someone else's unbelief result in your own
It's not just the Pope. It's the way the Democrats are getting away with stealing the election and there's no one even trying to stop them. It seems that evil wins and that's just that. I'm losing faith because it seems that evil men now outnumber the good.
Yes, evil men do outnumber the good.

But historically that is how it always has been. Churchill standing up to the entire European continent and Hitler, just a small island nation. The Founding Fathers standing up to the most powerful nation on earth with more fighting men and weapons than they had. Then Gandhi does stands up to the British crown all by him lonesome to free India from their clutches, etc. Nothing could top Jesus though, at the end of his life being forsaken by all to die on a cross. And yes, the religious leaders were the ones that nailed him to that cross.

So why should we expect anything different today? And how can we forsake the church which God has set up for his people even though the religious leaders within it may need dealt with. Remember, not all of the religious leaders were bad, like Nicademous who secretly was a follower of Christ. And Christ never forsake the Temple and place of worship even though those that ran it were not men of God. He even got out a whip to drive people out that should not have been there. Christ still defended the Temple/church as a place for people to find God.

As for politics in the world, Revelation tells us how it all ends, and in those pages it seems that all world governments are evil in the end, which necessitates the return of Christ.
But as we sit here watching it all unfold, do we have no hope or some hope in Christ even if it seems just a glimmer?

Things to ponder on this Christmas.
It's weird how so many Christians pretend there's no Mark 10.

It's not that there isn't a Mark 10 or any other scripture that you take out of context to fit your fears. You need to read ALL of the Bible to get the whole message. You can't just pick & choose parts of it
It's weird how so many Christians pretend there's no Mark 10.

Again, it's not the unforgivable sin, so I don't know where you got this idea that you're going to hell if you remarry. Respectfully, it sounds like what you SHOULD be concerned about is salvation. Read John 3.

About divorce and remarriage, here you go:

Just remember, if you want to become more like the Left, by all means lose your religion

I'm not taking Mark 10 out of context. It says what it says, and the Catholic Chuch's teaching about divorce is based on it.
I'm not taking Mark 10 out of context. It says what it says, and the Catholic Chuch's teaching about divorce is based on it.
ok where does it say you go to hell.......

"But I say to you [in addition to what Moses said] that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery [if she marries again]; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery" (Matthew 5:32). The Pharisees had put the emphasis on the letter of the law—permission to divorce for "some [undefined] uncleanness" (Deuteronomy 24:1)—and Jesus emphasized the spirit of the law: fidelity and faithfulness.

Jesus emphasized this further in Matthew 19:3-9 by appealing to the Genesis standard of permanence, reminding the Pharisees that it was only because of sin—"the hardness of your hearts" (Matthews 19:8) that Moses permitted divorce in the first place

Jeremiah Study Bible :: God's view of divorce

I have to say, one thing the Catholic church is really good at is creating atheists. Through unbiblical doctrines that mislead and confuse people, as we can clearly see on this thread with Blackrook.

And btw, I've mentioned this before but as a child I went to Catholic church, and it also caused me to reject God and Christianity, for many years. Why, because all I saw was a lot of rituals and religious stuff, but I didn't see truth attached to it. People would go through the motions on Sunday and then the rest of the week live their lives like everyone else. That is what caused me to reject all of it, and unfortunately throw the baby out with the bathwater. Thankfully many years later God found me and opened my eyes, and when I finally became a believer, I never went back to the Catholic church. Christianity is not mere religion, it's a relationship with the living God of the universe.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
Religious dogma requires conformity; it’s the fundamental authoritarianism of theism – one either accepts the dogma or not.

It’s how religion controls and manipulates – through fear and intimidation.
I'm finding it hard to believe in anything anymore.

If you've been tracking my progress, I've gone from Catholic to lapsed Catholic and now I'm bordering on non-believer.

The Pope said no problem on using aborted fetuses to make COVID vaccine and that might have put me over the edge towards non-belief.

I've really had it with the Catholic Church.
Religious dogma requires conformity; it’s the fundamental authoritarianism of theism – one either accepts the dogma or not.

It’s how religion controls and manipulates – through fear and intimidation.
Clayton, did I ever mention how much I don't like you?

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