Evolution question.

Thank you. So he was a sinner?

Really a very interesting question - but you do not know why this question is so unbelievable interesting. For sure his mother Mary was without sin. But Jesus? ... Really a very very interesting question - if you would know why. Ever thought about to study theology?
Really a very interesting question
Got an answer? Apart from

Do you understand the staggering complexity of what you just described?
Yes, it is. Maybe it’s just the way god works and it’s beyond some people’s comprehension. So for that reason, they need to have faith which is the absence of evidence.

Btw, just because “ you” don’t understand something, does that mean it’s invalid ?
She was not human? We are lectured by Christians that all men are sinners. Not so?

Not in case of Mother Mary. Mary was without sin. But it makes no sense to speak with you about this secret - which is published in billions of ways. You have to find your way. And this way never starts with an aggressive behavior or contains an aggressive behavior as far as I know.

But it is a good time now to search her. She's on the way to Bethlehem. This year she will be very alone there because of the terror organisation Hamas.

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What is discarded because it's inconvenient? We haven't discarded biological evolution because it's inconvenient to some religious beliefs.
We have discarded best health practices and replaced them with medications and other procedures. It's a rich harvest for the healthcare industrial complex.

Science understands matter perfectly well.

I just explained it to you in the other thread, even I understand it.

If you don't, it just means you need to crack a book. I recommend electrodynamics, it's a lot easier than chromodynamics.
Scientists believe the building blocks of matter 'came into existence' with the "big bang". That tells us nothing.
Boy. You don't know a lot of things. One of them is how much you don't know.

Geographic tongue is where markings shift location - geography.
My tongue has never looked like this.

I always pay attention to the appearance of my tongue, for general health reasons.
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If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits' why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits? Kinda makes the ToE irrelevant doesn't it? Don't we need the "Darwin Effect" to improve our species?

My (science/ToE oriented) dentist wanted to pull my wisdom teeth, which no doubt took evolution some time to 'select for'. He said it would prevent any dental problems later on. I was 45 at the time and had never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. I'm now 83 and except for having one crowned have never had a problem with them. Why would a strong believer in evolution want to thwart one of its successful accomplishments?
I had to surgically remove it when I was in my twenties. It caused gum inflammation.

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