Charles Darwin was an inbred, retarded, sadistic, psychotic plagiarist


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Charles Darwin was a plagiarist, an ignorant psychotic product of incest, a sadist, a racist, a male supremacist, and did not repent before he died.

“Origins of species” – the plagiarist

"Contrary to common belief, Darwin was not intellectually capable of actual scientific research. All the ideas he had for his theory on evil lotion were actually recycled from other scholars including his own relatives.

Good evidence now exists to show that Darwin ‘borrowed’—and in some cases plagiarized—all or most of his ‘dear child’ from other researchers, especially his grandfather. They were not ‘his own brainchild’, nor his child, but that of others which he appropriated, evidently often without giving them proper credit.

This signifies that the theory was 1) not his own and 2) as it was stolen, it is conceivable that Mr. Darwin NEVER actually understood his “observations”.

Darwin: a product of incest

"Three of Darwin’s 10 children died in childhood, while another three never had any children of their own, despite being married for years. A study of the scientist’s family tree suggests inbreeding was to blame, with frequent cousin to cousin marriages lowering immunity to disease and raising the odds of infertility. Darwin’s mother, Susannah, was the daughter of third cousins, one of which was Josiah Wedgwood, the founder of the pottery dynasty of the same name. Darwin’s wife, Emma Wedgwood, was his first cousin, while the Wedgwood family tree contained several other marriages between cousins."

The missing link? No! Missing education

Mr. Darwin was not a biologist. He studied theology, some geology and very little actual biology. Still, he was chosen to be the naturalist in the HMS Beagle collecting samples of organisms from South America and the infamous Galapagos islets. Thus, he was NOT QUALIFIED for any type of research, he NEVER got a PhD. Of course, this is no surprise based on the retardation as a result of the family incest.

Charles Darwin went to the University of Cambridge to study to be an Anglican priest. Following the earlier failure, his father wished him to become a Clergyman and he was enrolled for a general B.A. degree which included some study of theology and mathematics. He graduated from Cambridge with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1831. However, it would be beyond the scope of such a general degree to have furnished Darwin with any truly in-depth theological acumen and knowledge. So Charles’ intention was to become a country parish priest, possibly believing that the life of a country priest, with a large house, a nice stipend, and generally little to do would be pretty secure.

The psychosis of Mr. Darwin

Darwin’s many psychological or psychologically influenced physical health symptoms included severe depression, insomnia, hysterical crying, dying sensations, shaking, fainting spells, muscle twitches, shortness of breath, trembling, nausea, vomiting, severe anxiety, depersonalization, seeing spots, treading on air and vision, and other visual hallucinations… The physical symptoms included headaches, cardiac palpitations, ringing in ears (possibly tinnitus), painful flatulence, and gastric upsets—all of which commonly have a psychological origin… Some speculate that part of Darwin’s mental problems were due to his nagging, gnawing fear that he had devoted his “life to a fantasy”… This fear was that his theory was false and there was, in fact, a divine Creator.

Based on this, it is clear that the ideas regarding evolution were based on hallucinations and not on actual observations. In plain language, the man was crazy. He should have been institutionalized.

Darwin the sadist killer

The incestuous retard + the lunatic = a sadistic murderer. Again, there is actual PROOF of this. Darwin enjoyed torturing and killing God’s lesser creatures. While hunting is, of course, a highly respectable hobby for a heterosexual persecuted Caucasian Godly male, it should not be associated with sexual pleasure. That is was Mr. Darwin did. He was actually aroused while killing and shooting. This means that his sexual impulses were targeted at death, penetration, thrusting objects into animal bodies not via the natural orifices.

How well I remember killing my first snipe, and my excitement was so great that I had much difficulty in reloading my gun from the trembling of my hands. This taste long continued and I became a very good shot…

Darwin the racist

Mr. Darwin was a firm believer in his evil lotion, thus, he supported the notion that some human beings (Hamites) were lower on the scale of progress and closer to animals.

Darwin classified his own white race as more advanced than those “lower organisms” such as pygmies, and he called different people groups “savage,” “low,” and “degraded.” … Even evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould wrote, “Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory”

Darwin considered some nations to be “missing links” between animals and humans as evidenced by some of the images he produced.

Darwin — the first Nazi

Inevitably, racism led the way to Nazism. In fact, we can without any reasonable doubt claim that Mr. Darwin was the first Nazi, the founding father of fascism and probably a good personal friend of not only Satan but also of Hitler’s family!

Hitler elaborated his Darwinian views by comparing the strong killing the weak to a cat devouring a mouse, concluding that ultimately the Jews must be eliminated.

Darwin the male supremacist

Darwin concluded that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and from this and the other evidence, “reasoned that males are more evolutionarily advanced than females”. Many anthropologists contemporary to Darwin concluded that “women’s brains were analogous to those of animals,” which had “overdeveloped” sense organs “to the detriment of the brain”.

Did Darwin repent?

He did not. Unfortunately. This fact is verified by Creation Scientists of very high quality.

…there are many inconsistencies that make the story untenable… He [Mr. Darwin] was certainly not bedridden for six months before his death. Further, there was nothing to indicate that he was always studying the Bible.

This is an often-told story but it does not seem to be true.

Charles Darwin – an inbred sadist psychotic plagiarist racist retard! | Landover Baptist Church
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Oh my. I didn't know all that about Darwin. I guess we'll just have to trash all the research and books that he published, and all those biologists and scientists that spent all those years studying his work will just have to start over --------------not.
Charles Darwin was a plagiarist, an ignorant psychotic product of incest, a sadist, a racist, a male supremacist, and did not repent before he died.

“Origins of species” – the plagiarist

"Contrary to common belief, Darwin was not intellectually capable of actual scientific research. All the ideas he had for his theory on evil lotion were actually recycled from other scholars including his own relatives.

This signifies that the theory was 1) not his own and 2) as it was stolen, it is conceivable that Mr. Darwin NEVER actually understood his “observations”.

Darwin: a product of incest

"Three of Darwin’s 10 children died in childhood, while another three never had any children of their own, despite being married for years. A study of the scientist’s family tree suggests inbreeding was to blame, with frequent cousin to cousin marriages lowering immunity to disease and raising the odds of infertility. Darwin’s mother, Susannah, was the daughter of third cousins, one of which was Josiah Wedgwood, the founder of the pottery dynasty of the same name. Darwin’s wife, Emma Wedgwood, was his first cousin, while the Wedgwood family tree contained several other marriages between cousins."

The missing link? No! Missing education

Mr. Darwin was not a biologist. He studied theology, some geology and very little actual biology. Still, he was chosen to be the naturalist in the HMS Beagle collecting samples of organisms from South America and the infamous Galapagos islets. Thus, he was NOT QUALIFIED for any type of research, he NEVER got a PhD. Of course, this is no surprise based on the retardation as a result of the family incest.

The psychosis of Mr. Darwin

Based on this, it is clear that the ideas regarding evolution were based on hallucinations and not on actual observations. In plain language, the man was crazy. He should have been institutionalized.

Darwin the sadist killer

The incestuous retard + the lunatic = a sadistic murderer. Again, there is actual PROOF of this. Darwin enjoyed torturing and killing God’s lesser creatures. While hunting is, of course, a highly respectable hobby for a heterosexual persecuted Caucasian Godly male, it should not be associated with sexual pleasure. That is was Mr. Darwin did. He was actually aroused while killing and shooting. This means that his sexual impulses were targeted at death, penetration, thrusting objects into animal bodies not via the natural orifices.

Darwin the racist

Mr. Darwin was a firm believer in his evil lotion, thus, he supported the notion that some human beings (Hamites) were lower on the scale of progress and closer to animals.

Darwin considered some nations to be “missing links” between animals and humans as evidenced by some of the images he produced.

Darwin — the first Nazi

Inevitably, racism led the way to Nazism. In fact, we can without any reasonable doubt claim that Mr. Darwin was the first Nazi, the founding father of fascism and probably a good personal friend of not only Satan but also of Hitler’s family!

Darwin the male supremacist

Darwin concluded that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and from this and the other evidence, “reasoned that males are more evolutionarily advanced than females”. Many anthropologists contemporary to Darwin concluded that “women’s brains were analogous to those of animals,” which had “overdeveloped” sense organs “to the detriment of the brain”.

Did Darwin repent?

He did not. Unfortunately. This fact is verified by Creation Scientists of very high quality.

This is an often-told story but it does not seem to be true.

Charles Darwin – an inbred sadist psychotic plagiarist racist retard! | Landover Baptist Church

I did not know this but it makes sense.

Imagine--try--to imagine inventing a myth that bacteria "evolved" Just you know, add in a little "time" and somehow POOF this happened!!

Nuts. Of course he was nuts.
Oh my. I didn't know all that about Darwin. I guess we'll just have to trash all the research and books that he published, and all those biologists and scientists that spent all those years studying his work will just have to start over --------------not.

Seeing how Darwinism is one of the components of National Socialism, I'm surprised you aren't burning his books by now.

Or maybe you just approve of Nazism.
And also one of the greatest scientist this world has ever seen and quite frankly 90% right about life and its development on this planet. Pretty fucking impressive.

Of course dozens of other fields have supplied evidence to disprove your view in dozens of different ways sooo...
Charles Darwin was a plagiarist, an ignorant psychotic product of incest, a sadist, a racist, a male supremacist, and did not repent before he died.

Darwin was kind of a fraud too. Rich and college-bred, he had played for years with the idea of evolution, but was too afraid to publish it and risk humiliation because he had no real evidence to back it up, meanwhile an advanced amateur by the name of Alfred Wallace actually went out pounding the planet and explored the world for years gathering careful observations and specimens regularly sending reports back to Darwin for review as his idol and mentor in the field until he discovered the Malay Archipelago which PROVED the evolution of species, which Darwin, realizing that Wallace had duplicated his theory but with the needed supporting proof and could publish anytime too, added it into his own book on species and published it under his name only taking credit for the discovery unbeknownst to Wallace who was still out in the wild doing further explorations refining his ideas.

While Wallace did get some recognition in some of his papers, while Wallace never tried to market his role, Darwin was intensely focused on getting credit to further his career much as Edison had done with the light bulb and some other things. 30 years later when the field of biology started to really take off and both men were dead, people still remembered Darwin's name because of his book while having forgotten all about Wallace who was the one who actually put teeth to the theory making Darwin's book possible in the first place.
Charles Darwin was a plagiarist, an ignorant psychotic product of incest, a sadist, a racist, a male supremacist, and did not repent before he died.

“Origins of species” – the plagiarist

"Contrary to common belief, Darwin was not intellectually capable of actual scientific research. All the ideas he had for his theory on evil lotion were actually recycled from other scholars including his own relatives.

This signifies that the theory was 1) not his own and 2) as it was stolen, it is conceivable that Mr. Darwin NEVER actually understood his “observations”.

Darwin: a product of incest

"Three of Darwin’s 10 children died in childhood, while another three never had any children of their own, despite being married for years. A study of the scientist’s family tree suggests inbreeding was to blame, with frequent cousin to cousin marriages lowering immunity to disease and raising the odds of infertility. Darwin’s mother, Susannah, was the daughter of third cousins, one of which was Josiah Wedgwood, the founder of the pottery dynasty of the same name. Darwin’s wife, Emma Wedgwood, was his first cousin, while the Wedgwood family tree contained several other marriages between cousins."

The missing link? No! Missing education

Mr. Darwin was not a biologist. He studied theology, some geology and very little actual biology. Still, he was chosen to be the naturalist in the HMS Beagle collecting samples of organisms from South America and the infamous Galapagos islets. Thus, he was NOT QUALIFIED for any type of research, he NEVER got a PhD. Of course, this is no surprise based on the retardation as a result of the family incest.

The psychosis of Mr. Darwin

Based on this, it is clear that the ideas regarding evolution were based on hallucinations and not on actual observations. In plain language, the man was crazy. He should have been institutionalized.

Darwin the sadist killer

The incestuous retard + the lunatic = a sadistic murderer. Again, there is actual PROOF of this. Darwin enjoyed torturing and killing God’s lesser creatures. While hunting is, of course, a highly respectable hobby for a heterosexual persecuted Caucasian Godly male, it should not be associated with sexual pleasure. That is was Mr. Darwin did. He was actually aroused while killing and shooting. This means that his sexual impulses were targeted at death, penetration, thrusting objects into animal bodies not via the natural orifices.

Darwin the racist

Mr. Darwin was a firm believer in his evil lotion, thus, he supported the notion that some human beings (Hamites) were lower on the scale of progress and closer to animals.

Darwin considered some nations to be “missing links” between animals and humans as evidenced by some of the images he produced.

Darwin — the first Nazi

Inevitably, racism led the way to Nazism. In fact, we can without any reasonable doubt claim that Mr. Darwin was the first Nazi, the founding father of fascism and probably a good personal friend of not only Satan but also of Hitler’s family!

Darwin the male supremacist

Darwin concluded that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and from this and the other evidence, “reasoned that males are more evolutionarily advanced than females”. Many anthropologists contemporary to Darwin concluded that “women’s brains were analogous to those of animals,” which had “overdeveloped” sense organs “to the detriment of the brain”.

Did Darwin repent?

He did not. Unfortunately. This fact is verified by Creation Scientists of very high quality.

This is an often-told story but it does not seem to be true.

Charles Darwin – an inbred sadist psychotic plagiarist racist retard! | Landover Baptist Church

Theyll still worship him
In order for something to be placed in the, "Science & Technology," sub-forum, it should be up for peer review. Creationism is non-falsifiable, and thus, it cannot stand as a pure "science."

The theory of evolution can be reviewed, both by the fossil record, and by gene sequencing.
There is no way to do peer review of Creationism.

However, I do respect folks wish to have a philosophical debate on the nature of epistemology, and I do not wish to denigrate the ontological world view of any member, so this thread will be moved to General discussion, rather than the Rubber Room or the Badlands.

If you wish to center Creationism around the role of a creator, and keep the discussions civil, next time, place your thread in the religious sub-forum please.
Charles Darwin was a plagiarist, an ignorant psychotic product of incest, a sadist, a racist, a male supremacist, and did not repent before he died.

“Origins of species” – the plagiarist

"Contrary to common belief, Darwin was not intellectually capable of actual scientific research. All the ideas he had for his theory on evil lotion were actually recycled from other scholars including his own relatives.

This signifies that the theory was 1) not his own and 2) as it was stolen, it is conceivable that Mr. Darwin NEVER actually understood his “observations”.

Darwin: a product of incest

"Three of Darwin’s 10 children died in childhood, while another three never had any children of their own, despite being married for years. A study of the scientist’s family tree suggests inbreeding was to blame, with frequent cousin to cousin marriages lowering immunity to disease and raising the odds of infertility. Darwin’s mother, Susannah, was the daughter of third cousins, one of which was Josiah Wedgwood, the founder of the pottery dynasty of the same name. Darwin’s wife, Emma Wedgwood, was his first cousin, while the Wedgwood family tree contained several other marriages between cousins."

The missing link? No! Missing education

Mr. Darwin was not a biologist. He studied theology, some geology and very little actual biology. Still, he was chosen to be the naturalist in the HMS Beagle collecting samples of organisms from South America and the infamous Galapagos islets. Thus, he was NOT QUALIFIED for any type of research, he NEVER got a PhD. Of course, this is no surprise based on the retardation as a result of the family incest.

The psychosis of Mr. Darwin

Based on this, it is clear that the ideas regarding evolution were based on hallucinations and not on actual observations. In plain language, the man was crazy. He should have been institutionalized.

Darwin the sadist killer

The incestuous retard + the lunatic = a sadistic murderer. Again, there is actual PROOF of this. Darwin enjoyed torturing and killing God’s lesser creatures. While hunting is, of course, a highly respectable hobby for a heterosexual persecuted Caucasian Godly male, it should not be associated with sexual pleasure. That is was Mr. Darwin did. He was actually aroused while killing and shooting. This means that his sexual impulses were targeted at death, penetration, thrusting objects into animal bodies not via the natural orifices.

Darwin the racist

Mr. Darwin was a firm believer in his evil lotion, thus, he supported the notion that some human beings (Hamites) were lower on the scale of progress and closer to animals.

Darwin considered some nations to be “missing links” between animals and humans as evidenced by some of the images he produced.

Darwin — the first Nazi

Inevitably, racism led the way to Nazism. In fact, we can without any reasonable doubt claim that Mr. Darwin was the first Nazi, the founding father of fascism and probably a good personal friend of not only Satan but also of Hitler’s family!

Darwin the male supremacist

Darwin concluded that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and from this and the other evidence, “reasoned that males are more evolutionarily advanced than females”. Many anthropologists contemporary to Darwin concluded that “women’s brains were analogous to those of animals,” which had “overdeveloped” sense organs “to the detriment of the brain”.

Did Darwin repent?

He did not. Unfortunately. This fact is verified by Creation Scientists of very high quality.

This is an often-told story but it does not seem to be true.

Charles Darwin – an inbred sadist psychotic plagiarist racist retard! | Landover Baptist Church

Cousin to cousin marriage was quite common among Jews and some Christians.
I did not expect such a strong laugh this early in the morning...

The OP is a shining example of being unable to disprove the message, so attack the messenger. And the sources? Could they possibly be any more biased?
To understand Charles you need to look at his whole family and starting with hs gifted grandfather Erasmus .He was a Freemason, as was his son, and, later , as was Charles son. It is highly likely that Charles was also one . First big Red Flag . Much of his life was as per OP and it seems almost certain that he was filtered into consensus science as an early Deep State key asset .Naturally gullibles cannot stand such an idea , much as Christians hate being told aout a married Jesus who was doubtless interesting but not the Son of God .imho
Many who claim to be Christians feel they have to discredit anyone who doesn't think just like them.

I assume it's an attempt to validate themselves by contrast.

I don't need Christianity to see how ridiculous the Theory of Evolution is.

Darwin looked at the microevolution among species and extrapolated that out at a time when it was easy to hoodwink people. Now we're asking people to believe that even just the complex construction of, say, the eye came together by chance, because "time".

People are that stupid though. People wore curtain fabric over their faces to block an airborne respiratory virus. That's how stupid we are.
Many who claim to be Christians feel they have to discredit anyone who doesn't think just like them.

I assume it's an attempt to validate themselves by contrast.
I don't need Christianity to see how ridiculous the Theory of Evolution is.

Darwin looked at the microevolution among species and extrapolated that out at a time when it was easy to hoodwink people. Now we're asking people to believe that even just the complex construction of, say, the eye came together by chance, because "time".

People are that stupid though. People wore curtain fabric over their faces to block an airborne respiratory virus. That's how stupid we are.
And there ya go.
And there ya go.

Yes, we know, Mac. You believe the Theory of Evolution just because the "rubes" don't. Do like you did for the vaccines: don't ponder for a second that the entire thing is preposterous and not even proven, just swim with the crowd like you always do. Oh, and shame everyone like a bipolar Puritan as you go, that's an added touch.
Darwin's “theory” is, to this day, still a “theory.” It has been soundly debunked by Michael Behe in his book “Darwin's Black Box.” The discovery of “Irreducible Complexity” squashes Darwin's outdated and elementary “theory.”

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