Evolution question.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits' why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits? Kinda makes the ToE irrelevant doesn't it? Don't we need the "Darwin Effect" to improve our species?

My (science/ToE oriented) dentist wanted to pull my wisdom teeth, which no doubt took evolution some time to 'select for'. He said it would prevent any dental problems later on. I was 45 at the time and had never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. I'm now 83 and except for having one crowned have never had a problem with them. Why would a strong believer in evolution want to thwart one of its successful accomplishments?
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If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits' why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits? Kinda makes the ToE irrelevant doesn't it? Don't we need the "Darwin Effect" to improve our species?

My (science/ToE oriented) dentist wanted to pull my wisdom teeth, which no doubt took evolution some time to 'select for'. He said it would prevent any dental problems later on. I was 45 at the time and had never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. I'm now 83 and except for having one crowned have never had a problem with them. Why would a strong believer in evolution want to thwart one of its successful accomplishments?
Where did you get your odd notions of the ToE?
Unfortunately you do not know that your Dentist was wrong all those years ago unless you are big in alternative Universe travel .
You might feel he was wrong, but you cannot be certain .
Your feeling is similar to those unscientific goons who believe they have disproved that Killer Shot "vaccines" are evil because as an individual they are hale and hearty a year later .Or so they hope .

They simply do not understand science or its process .Or, the way conclusions are expressed .

Equally , evolution might have had excellent reasons for Wisdom teeth a few million years back for , say , dietary reasons .
But later , new and different dietary preferences cancelled out the need for that specific evolutionary trait .

Conclusions ?

One is that in the short term Evolution cannot think, but altered circumstances can lead to change which could speed up an evolutionsary trend , OR , cancel it completely , with final results taking another million years , say , to become apparent .
Where did you get your odd notions of the ToE?
From reading lots of articles that deal with the subject, all rabbit holes of endless confusion. Not one reveals how evolution actually works. Just read another one today, on longevity. It begins with, "Thanks to science (evolution) we can live to 100." He then suggests behaviors that almost no one will follow while completely ignoring ones that people would follow if properly understood.
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From reading lots of articles that deal with the subject, all rabbit holes of endless confusion. Not one reveals how evolution actually works. Just read another one today, on longevity. It begins with, "Thanks to science (evolution) we can live to 100." He then suggests behaviors that almost no one will follow while completely ignoring ones that people would follow if properly understood.

Public schools begin teaching science and evolutionary biology in the 6th or 7th grade.

If you're reading material from ID'iot creationer websites, that would be a source of confusion.
Unfortunately you do not know that your Dentist was wrong all those years ago unless you are big in alternative Universe travel .
You might feel he was wrong, but you cannot be certain .
Your feeling is similar to those unscientific goons who believe they have disproved that Killer Shot "vaccines" are evil because as an individual they are hale and hearty a year later .Or so they hope .

They simply do not understand science or its process .Or, the way conclusions are expressed .

Equally , evolution might have had excellent reasons for Wisdom teeth a few million years back for , say , dietary reasons .
But later , new and different dietary preferences cancelled out the need for that specific evolutionary trait .

Conclusions ?

One is that in the short term Evolution cannot think, but altered circumstances can lead to change which could speed up an evolutionsary trend , OR , cancel it completely , with final results taking another million years , say , to become apparent .
People have problems with wisdom teeth because of poor bone development, usually due to poor childhood diet, and/or inherited poor bone development. Evolution has nothing to do with it.

I have enough experience with doctors to be wary of them. Use medical services when needed but be your own doctor as much as possible.

I can be certain that doctors are often wrong when dealing with me. I can't speak for the experience of others. Doctors are human after all, but when they make a mistake, the patient suffers. Sadly, many of their mistakes are actually prescribed procedures and medication regimes.
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Public schools begin teaching science and evolutionary biology in the 6th or 7th grade.

If you're reading material from ID'iot creationer websites, that would be a source of confusion.
I read articles written by evolutionary scientists. I don't need to read creationist literature.
If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits' why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits? Kinda makes the ToE irrelevant doesn't it? Don't we need the "Darwin Effect" to improve our species?

My (science/ToE oriented) dentist wanted to pull my wisdom teeth, which no doubt took evolution some time to 'select for'. He said it would prevent any dental problems later on. I was 45 at the time and had never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. I'm now 83 and except for having one crowned have never had a problem with them. Why would a strong believer in evolution want to thwart one of its successful accomplishments?
Those who go out of their way to save those people do so because they have compassion. Pretty simple.
Unfortunately you do not know that your Dentist was wrong all those years ago unless you are big in alternative Universe...
My current dentist says that I need a root canal in a tooth that there is absolutely nothing wrong with. She also says that I need a different tooth extracted that there is nothing wrong with. It is "fortunate" for me that I don't have to go through these painful and costly procedures.

A hygienist in the same dental office once told me that I had 'geographic tongue', although my tongue was quite healthy. I don't know why she said that.

I was once sent to a psychiatrist posing as an "infectious disease specialist" who attempted to talk me out of my latent Lyme disease symptoms. Doctors still don't know why these symptoms often persist after the disease has been 'cured', so they dip into your pocket via a psychiatric visit to tell you it's all in your head. (I have since figured it out, but this knowledge is of no use to the medical community.)

A doctor once wanted to repair a hernia using robotics, claiming that recovery time would be shorter and there would be less scarring. I watched a video of the procedure which revealed how clumsily the repair was done using this method and opted for traditional open surgery. My recovery time was short and there is no detectable scarring, as there would be with the holes in the abdomen required by the robotic surgery.

I was once put on blood pressure and cholesterol lowering meds "for life" after bypass surgery. I have never had high bp or high cholesterol. The side effects of the bp meds were unstable bp and a chronic dry cough. The side effects of the statins were muscle weakness and borderline depression. I quit taking both some years ago and my bp is normal and I feel great.

I have many other such stories as well.

I credit my success in the important areas of life; health, wealth, and happiness, to living in an alternate universe. :biggrin:
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...why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits?

The Hippocratic Oath combined with advancements in medical care means more of these people you mention, and more stupid people, get to live. What would have once would have culled these folks from the heard is now treatable and survivable... and then these people reproduce perpetuating the problem...
If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits' why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits? Kinda makes the ToE irrelevant doesn't it? Don't we need the "Darwin Effect" to improve our species?

My (science/ToE oriented) dentist wanted to pull my wisdom teeth, which no doubt took evolution some time to 'select for'. He said it would prevent any dental problems later on. I was 45 at the time and had never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. I'm now 83 and except for having one crowned have never had a problem with them. Why would a strong believer in evolution want to thwart one of its successful accomplishments?
I don't know that humans are still evolving. We have always taken care of our weak or disabled. Uniquely in nature it is our cultures that are evolving. Alas it has made us a very warlike species.
I don't know that humans are still evolving. We have always taken care of our weak or disabled. Uniquely in nature it is our cultures that are evolving. Alas it has made us a very warlike species.
As long as the sick and deformed are allowed to reproduce evolution cannot proceed.
If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits'

It isn't.

Survival of the fittest doesn't require that those species less fit must fail to survive.

It merely means that a mutant genetic trait provide an organism with an advantage to survival in a very specific environment.

Species without the mutation can survive alongside the new species as long as resources are available for both.
It isn't.

Survival of the fittest doesn't require that those species less fit must fail to survive.

It merely means that a mutant genetic trait provide an organism with an advantage to survival in a very specific environment.

Species without the mutation can survive alongside the new species as long as resources are available for both.
It's the fit humans that help the unfit humans survive. Nothing natural there. In the natural world the unfit don't survive. In fact, they are easy prey.

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