Evolution question.

They believe what they were taught, they don't really understand it, so it's really more indoctrination than education.

Education suggests conveying something understandable and useful.
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They believe what they were taught, they don't really understand it, so it's really more indoctrination than education.

Education suggests conveying something understandable and useful.
Biological evolution is a fundamental component of medical science.

That's pretty useful and understandable.
If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits' why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits?
Because we are not worried about survival of the species, we are worried about the well being of sentient humans.
70-80 years. Quite reasonable.
When they say life expectancy back then was only 30 or so, that’s because infant mortality was so high. If you survived past childhood you had a reasonable chance to make to 60 or 70.

I thought you were talking about how the Old Testament said people lived to be 150 or something
When they say life expectancy back then was only 30 or so, that’s because infant mortality was so high. If you survived past childhood you had a reasonable chance to make to 60 or 70.

I thought you were talking about how the Old Testament said people lived to be 150 or something
Psalm 90:10
The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

"The Psalms were written over a time frame of about a 1000 years. Most of the Psalms were written between 1010 and 930 BC during the time of David and his son Solomon. The oldest psalm, Psalm 90, was written by Moses in approximately 1500 BC. The book was probably compiled and edited into its present form during the post-exilic period in the 5th century BC. "
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Biological evolution is a fundamental component of medical science.

That's pretty useful and understandable.
Dealing with illness maybe, but not health. Actual health is anathema to the healthcare industrial complex.
Much better than when we relied on useless religions for everything.
I don't think that was ever the case. Religion has proven to be very beneficial, at least in the Christian west. Also, it's a subjective appraisal. Some squirm under religious restrictions and many leave the church, others take to them like a duck takes to water.

True science and religion work well together. Science identifies problems, religion compels us to do something about them. Clearly evident is that we need more religion so we can solve these problems.
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Religion has proven to be very beneficial, at least in the Christian west.
Western culture is good thanks to superior, SECULAR ideas, like classical liberalism and secular government.

Western culture rose up out of the muck quite in spite of Christianity.
Scientists believe no such thing.

No scientist would use those words.
Scientists use other writers to parse their theories in language that we novices can understand, thus "those words".
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Western culture is good thanks to superior, SECULAR ideas, like classical liberalism and secular government.

Western culture rose up out of the muck quite in spite of Christianity.
Liberal, secular people have some catching up to do regarding happiness and longevity.

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