Evangelicals and Trump

A uterus is not a human being let alone a genetically distinct human being.
A uterus is not a human being let alone a genetically distinct human being.
the same as your having a vasectomy is terminating a life and done for that purpose - you just have a misogynistic need to instruct others through nefarious intent your own biases.
No, dummy, a vasectomy does not end a human life. Learn some science.
No, dummy, a vasectomy does not end a human life. Learn some science.
the same as your having a vasectomy is terminating life and done for that purpose - you just have a misogynistic need to instruct others through nefarious intent your own biases.
your purpose is the same as abortion you are a misogynist not affording the same right freely but only to yourself. usurped in the 4th century for purposes of suppression disguised as a religion. for you in perpetuity.
misogynist? Moi? Nah. You're just pissed off. :lol:

He is a raving loon. He thinks that attacking Christianity supports his point. but all it shows is that he is a hater and a bigot.
A uterus is not a human being let alone a genetically distinct human being.
A uterus is not a human being let alone a genetically distinct human being.
the same as your having a vasectomy is terminating a life and done for that purpose - you just have a misogynistic need to instruct others through nefarious intent your own biases.
No, dummy, a vasectomy does not end a human life. Learn some science.
No, dummy, a vasectomy does not end a human life. Learn some science.
the same as your having a vasectomy is terminating life and done for that purpose - you just have a misogynistic need to instruct others through nefarious intent your own biases.
your purpose is the same as abortion you are a misogynist not affording the same right freely but only to yourself. usurped in the 4th century for purposes of suppression disguised as a religion. for you in perpetuity.
misogynist? Moi? Nah. You're just pissed off. :lol:

He is a raving loon. He thinks that attacking Christianity supports his point. but all it shows is that he is a hater and a bigot.
He's full on Nazi. Clearly not a fan of freedom of religion. A real nut job.

Can't believe the other fine upstanding gentlemen in this thread are silent on his behavior. It makes me wonder if they condone this sort of behavior.

What say you Tom Paine 1949 and NotfooledbyW ? Care to weigh in on this?
@NotfooledbyW ? Care to weigh in on this?

Give me a reason. Have not followed your discussion when wombs and vasectomies are in a topic joined with religion. What Little I’ve have seen I don't agree with much of what he writes specifically if he actually is badmouthing anyone’s personal religion.

What I will say is you and Correll have a hair trigger when it comes to shooting off your mouth and calling my argument against white evangelical Christian nationalists labeling the country of my birth a Christian Nation makes me anti-Christian and a racist religious bigot.

So your slurs and personal attacks carry zero relevance to me even against others in conversations wherein I’m not involved or intetested.
@NotfooledbyW ? Care to weigh in on this?

Give me a reason. Have not followed your discussion when wombs and vasectomies are in a topic joined with religion. What Little I’ve have seen I don't agree with much of what he writes specifically if he actually is badmouthing anyone’s personal religion.

What I will say is you and Correll have a hair trigger when it comes to shooting off your mouth and calling my argument against white evangelical Christian nationalists labeling the country of my birth a Christian Nation makes me anti-Christian and a racist religious bigot.

So your slurs and personal attacks carry zero relevance to me even against others in conversations wherein I’m not involved or intetested.
That's what I thought you'd say, Jake Spooner.
What say you @Tom Paine 1949 ... Care to weigh in on this?
Nope. But I will try to explain why not. When I see a silly discussion I try to avoid it. I earlier said this to Coral:

“I do not ‘take sides’ with people I have differences with just because they also disagree with you. You are not that important to me, nor are they. I especially want to avoid getting in the middle of disrespectful grudge matches — shit shows — so typical of USMB...”

The typical discussion here about “religion” or “God vs. atheism” seems pretty angry and not worth getting into. These issues are age old anyway. Now this “Evangicals and Trump” discussion should have been more focused, but it has descended to examining the differences between vasectomy & abortion ... which seems even more absurd to weigh in on. Since you press me I will agree with you ... they are not the same! :biggrin:

I know this for a fact. I took myself to get a vasectomy. Long ago I also accompanied my stepdaughter to get an abortion. More recently, with friends and three extended families I celebrated her marriage ... to a fine responsible man. Now every day I enjoy watching my beautiful granddaughter (on WeChat) growing up. My opinion on abortion? If men got pregnant ... abortion would be a sacrament!

To wander on a bit ...

People have weird views. I can agree vigorously with abu afak when he defends evolutionary theory and fact. But then abu afak also has “racial IQ” beliefs that put him right up there with our “good genes” “racehorse theory” President! You and I can sometimes disagree respectfully about abstract matters of religious sensibility and ethics , but I often find your tone with others (and your signature comments) crude and ridiculously prejudiced. BreezeWood is often just too weird altogether and seems to have his own esoteric beliefs....

Personally, rather than get into contemporary religio-political arguments that end up as rank-out or insult competitions, I’d rather sit back with my wife and watch a silly “Shield” TV series, or the “Leonardo De Vinci” series about the “Sons of Mithras” and the “Labyrinth” duking it out with the Pope and the Medici family in late 16th Century Florence...
Tom Paine.
ding is a one-line (short one at that). TROLL.
He is unable to even post a paragraph/whole thought, much less a link.
What say you @Tom Paine 1949 ... Care to weigh in on this?
Nope. But I will try to explain why not. When I see a silly discussion I try to avoid it. I earlier said this to Coral:

“I do not ‘take sides’ with people I have differences with just because they also disagree with you. You are not that important to me, nor are they. I especially want to avoid getting in the middle of disrespectful grudge matches — shit shows — so typical of USMB...”

The typical discussion here about “religion” or “God vs. atheism” seems pretty angry and not worth getting into. These issues are age old anyway. Now this “Evangicals and Trump” discussion should have been more focused, but it has descended to examining the differences between vasectomy & abortion ... which seems even more absurd to weigh in on. Since you press me I will agree with you ... they are not the same! :biggrin:

I know this for a fact. I took myself to get a vasectomy. Long ago I also accompanied my stepdaughter to get an abortion. More recently, with friends and three extended families I celebrated her marriage ... to a fine responsible man. Now every day I enjoy watching my beautiful granddaughter (on WeChat) growing up. My opinion on abortion? If men got pregnant ... abortion would be a sacrament!

To wander on a bit ...

People have weird views. I can agree vigorously with abu afak when he defends evolutionary theory and fact. But then abu afak also has “racial IQ” beliefs that put him right up there with our “good genes” “racehorse theory” President! You and I can sometimes disagree respectfully about abstract matters of religious sensibility and ethics , but I often find your tone with others (and your signature comments) crude and ridiculously prejudiced. BreezeWood is often just too weird altogether and seems to have his own esoteric beliefs....

Personally, rather than get into contemporary religio-political arguments that end up as rank-out or insult competitions, I’d rather sit back with my wife and watch a silly “Shield” TV series, or the “Leonardo De Vinci” series about the “Sons of Mithras” and the “Labyrinth” duking it out with the Pope and the Medici family in late 16th Century Florence...
To wander on a bit ...
an inexcusable foray of unknown origin ... the "purpose" of which is the same.
an inexcusable foray of unknown origin ... the "purpose" of which is the same
Just write it off as an old man’s cogitations, day dreaming, and poor digestion ...

I think I wrote 25 serious comments on this one thread — can’t I write even one gossipy and silly comment just for fun? :dunno:

P.S. “Da Vinci’s Demons“ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned — and serious historians too!
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Post #775
You say the Constitution sets up our government. Is or is it not true that the government the Constitution sets up is our Federal NATIONAL government?

#78reply to #778
You talk of the government and then use those points to attempt to refute my point about the NATION.

Do you think your reply to my question in #775 is a valid point or something?

I asked you this and you thus far refuse to answer.

You say the Constitution sets up our government. Is or is it not true that the government the Constitution sets up is our Federal NATIONAL government?

Its true or false. Simple. Why are you afraid to answer?
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Post #775
You say the Constitution sets up our government. Is or is it not true that the government the Constitution sets up is our Federal NATIONAL government?

# reply to #
You talk of the government and then use those points to attempt to refute my point about the NATION.

Do you think your reply to my question in #775 is a valid point or something?

YOur confusing our NATION, with our GOVERNMENT, is revealing.

THis Nation is defined by it's people and to a lesser extent it's institutions, including the government.

That you seem to think that the Government defines the Nation, instead of the other way around, shows that you are a hideous Statist, and possibly explains why you got this so wrong.
What say you @Tom Paine 1949 ... Care to weigh in on this?
Nope. But I will try to explain why not. When I see a silly discussion I try to avoid it. I earlier said this to Coral:

“I do not ‘take sides’ with people I have differences with just because they also disagree with you. You are not that important to me, nor are they. I especially want to avoid getting in the middle of disrespectful grudge matches — shit shows — so typical of USMB...”

The typical discussion here about “religion” or “God vs. atheism” seems pretty angry and not worth getting into. These issues are age old anyway. Now this “Evangicals and Trump” discussion should have been more focused, but it has descended to examining the differences between vasectomy & abortion ... which seems even more absurd to weigh in on. Since you press me I will agree with you ... they are not the same! :biggrin:

I know this for a fact. I took myself to get a vasectomy. Long ago I also accompanied my stepdaughter to get an abortion. More recently, with friends and three extended families I celebrated her marriage ... to a fine responsible man. Now every day I enjoy watching my beautiful granddaughter (on WeChat) growing up. My opinion on abortion? If men got pregnant ... abortion would be a sacrament!

To wander on a bit ...

People have weird views. I can agree vigorously with abu afak when he defends evolutionary theory and fact. But then abu afak also has “racial IQ” beliefs that put him right up there with our “good genes” “racehorse theory” President! You and I can sometimes disagree respectfully about abstract matters of religious sensibility and ethics , but I often find your tone with others (and your signature comments) crude and ridiculously prejudiced. BreezeWood is often just too weird altogether and seems to have his own esoteric beliefs....

Personally, rather than get into contemporary religio-political arguments that end up as rank-out or insult competitions, I’d rather sit back with my wife and watch a silly “Shield” TV series, or the “Leonardo De Vinci” series about the “Sons of Mithras” and the “Labyrinth” duking it out with the Pope and the Medici family in late 16th Century Florence...
Right, so someone saying they would abolish a religion would be OK with you?
#795 reply to #790
YOur confusing our NATION, with our GOVERNMENT, is revealing.

Actually you are in denial that our nation’s Constitution quite remarkably* set up our ‘secular by design’ national government. The Constitution makes it clear that our national government shall be neutral with respect to religion.

Therefore because our government Is clearly defined by the indisputable law of the land as secular, it cannot be truthfully called or defined as Christian or any other of any other religion.

Your pathetic excuse for a valid argument that I am confusing our NATION, with our GOVERNMENT, makes me wonder why it is so important to you to repeat and spread the lie that America was founded as a Christian nation but you seem to reject the idea that Americans have been and continue to be governed under a Christian government in a Christian Nation.

Could you explain that dichotomy in a grown up and educated manner?

* remarkable because when America was founded it was religiously dominated by a white male Protestant Christian culture and heritage.
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#795 reply to #790
YOur confusing our NATION, with our GOVERNMENT, is revealing.

Actually you are in denial that our nation’s Constitution quite remarkably* set up our ‘secular by designnational government. The Constitution makes it clear that our national government shall be neutral with respect to religion.

Therefore because our government Is clearly defined by the indisputable law of the land as secular, it cannot truthfully be called or defined as Christian or any other religion.

Your pathetic excuse for a valid argument that I am confusing our NATION, with our GOVERNMENT, makes me wonder why it is so important to you to repeat and spread the lie that America was founded as a Christian nation but you seem to reject the idea that Americans have been and continue to be are governed under a Christian government.

Could you explain that dichotomy in a grown up and educated manner?

* remarkable because when America was founded it was religiously dominated by a white male Protestant Christian culture and heritage.

The government is not Christian, the nation is.

There is no dichotomy. There is no conflict.

THe question you asked, lo these many moons ago, was did I believe this NATION was founded as a CHRISTIAN NATION, and I said YES.

And here you just did it again, you argued against my position on the NATION, by discussing the GOVERNMENT.

You are ginning up a non-existent controversy, to give yourself an excuse to attack Christians.

At least Christians that disagree with you.
#797 reply to #796
The government is not Christian, the nation is.

Why in your Christian head is the nation “Christian” but the nation’s government is not?

Nothing is more defined in the Constitution than our national government. If the nation is Christian under its Constitution then it’s government has to be as well.

Why must you completely separate the nation and its Constitution from its government.

Do you agree with this idiot?

Eric Trump claims his father 'literally saved Christianity'
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an inexcusable foray of unknown origin ... the "purpose" of which is the same
Just write it off as an old man’s cogitations, day dreaming, and poor digestion ...

I think I wrote 25 serious comments on this one thread — can’t I write even one gossipy and silly comment just for fun? :dunno:

P.S. “Da Vinci’s Demons“ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned — and serious historians too!
P.S. “Da Vinci’s Demons“ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned — and serious historians too!
some high times for the christians ... as everyday for them since the 4th century and their closing scene in the 1st ...

thoughtful posts, and enjoyable reading.
- too bad, the exceptions - - >
Right, so someone saying they would abolish a religion would be OK with you?
You are ginning up a non-existent controversy, to give yourself an excuse to attack Christians.
they have a common ancestry -

from the original garden.
#799 reply to #790
THis Nation is defined by it's people and to a lesser extent it's institutions, including the government.

Where is it written that America is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent it’s Government.

But since you insist - are you right that we the American people are Christian?

Your argument is extremely stupid. Have you ever heard of ‘consent of the governed’? I as a non-Christian American gladly give my consent to be governed because there is one liberty that stands out that I value highly. It is freedom of religion. My nation, my Constitution, my governnent and all its civil institutions, protect my freedom of conscience and my personal rejection of institutional and establishment Christianity.

You argue that America is a Nation that is defined by it's people. People you say? Guess what idiot? I say it’s defined by very specific PEOPLE. “we the people” who signed the Constitution and made it the law to which I give my consent to be governed.

Have you ever read the preamble to the Constitution? Does “we the people” mean “we the CHRISTIAN people” to you?
We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Poster- ity [i.e., in order to "effect" our "Safety and Happiness"], do ordain and establish [i.e., "institute"] this ["new"] Constitution for the United States of America. '​

I’m just not seeing {We the “CHRISTIAN”
People of the United States} written in that preamble. That’s because the framers that created it knew damn well all of them were not. I believe they knew if they wrote “we the Protestant Christian people” it would not be true, and more importantly, it would ruin the concept of governance they were creating.

By your explanation and clarification that America was founded as a Christian Nation and that we must define a Nation by it's people - You are clearly stating the lie that “We the People of America are Christian”.

You piss on the ideal of freedom of religion when you do it.
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#797 reply to #796
The government is not Christian, the nation is.

Why in your Christian head is the nation “Christian” but the nation’s government is not?

Nothing is more defined in the Constitution than our national government. If the nation is Christian under its Constitution then it’s government has to be as well.

Why must you completely separate the nation and its Constitution from its government.


All explained by my previous points about the make up of the people of this nation, which is what primarily defines a nation.

That the government is set up to respect the religious freedoms of it's citizens, does not change the fact that the nation was, has been and still is, Christian.

Note that no where did I make the argument that the Nation was "Christian under it's Constitution". That is you trying to move the goal posts from your original question.

Your insistence of not seeing my obvious point on this, is difficult to believe. you seem to be stonewalling, so that you do not have to admit that you are wrong.

Which fits my conclusion that this is all an excuse, a ploy to gin up a controversy to give you an excuse to attack and malign your enemies, ie Evangelical Christians.

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