Evangelicals and Trump

an inexcusable foray of unknown origin ... the "purpose" of which is the same
Just write it off as an old manā€™s cogitations, day dreaming, and poor digestion ...

I think I wrote 25 serious comments on this one thread ā€” canā€™t I write even one gossipy and silly comment just for fun? :dunno:

P.S. ā€œDa Vinciā€™s Demonsā€œ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned ā€” and serious historians too!
P.S. ā€œDa Vinciā€™s Demonsā€œ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned ā€” and serious historians too!
some high times for the christians ... as everyday for them since the 4th century and their closing scene in the 1st ...

thoughtful posts, and enjoyable reading.
- too bad, the exceptions - - >
Right, so someone saying they would abolish a religion would be OK with you?
You are ginning up a non-existent controversy, to give yourself an excuse to attack Christians.
they have a common ancestry -
View attachment 398029
from the original garden.

Your comment makes no sense in the context of this thread. Perhaps in some other context that exists only in your head.

Which neither I, nor I suspect anyone else, gives a fuck about.
#799 reply to #790
THis Nation is defined by it's people and to a lesser extent it's institutions, including the government.

Where is it written that America is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent itā€™s Government.

In the definition of the word, "Nation".

  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

But since you insist - are you right that we the American people are Christian?

Mostly. More so in the past.

Your argument is extremely stupid.

It is obviously NOT stupid to say that a nation is defined by it's people. You said that, because you can't support your position with real arguments.

Have you ever heard of ā€˜consent of the governedā€™? I as a non-Christian American gladly give my consent to be governed because there is one liberty that stands out that I value highly. It is freedom of religion. My nation, my Constitution, my governnent and all its civil institutions, protect my freedom of conscience and my personal rejection of institutional and establishment Christianity.

"Establishment Christianity"? What is that? First I heard of it.

You argue that America is a Nation that is defined by it's people. People you say? Guess what idiot? I say itā€™s defined by very specific PEOPLE. ā€œwe the peopleā€ who signed the Constitution and made it the law to which I give my consent to be governed.

The Founders defined how the Nation was to be governed. They did not define the nation. They LED the nation, and had a lot of influence, but they were not the Nation.

Have you ever read the preamble to the Constitution? Does ā€œwe the peopleā€ mean ā€œwe the CHRISTIAN peopleā€ to you?
We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Poster- ity [i.e., in order to "effect" our "Safety and Happiness"], do ordain and establish [i.e., "institute"] this ["new"] Constitution for the United States of America. '​

Iā€™m just not seeing {We the ā€œCHRISTIANā€

The fact that they did not make a big deal about the fact that the Nation was vastly Christian, is not evidence that the nation was NOT, vastly Christian.

They also did not comment on the fact that the nation was composed of men AND women. Does that mean that it was not true?

People of the United States} written in that preamble. Thatā€™s because the framers that created it knew damn well all of them were not. I believe they knew if they wrote ā€œwe the Protestant Christian peopleā€ it would not be true, and more importantly, it would ruin the concept of governance they were creating.

They didn't want to leave out the religious minorities. Which makes sense, and was nice of them, and fits with the concept of religious freedom and in no way undermines the fact that the Nation then and now, was and is a Christian Nation.


By your explanation and clarification that America was founded as a Christian Nation and that we must define a Nation by it's people - You are clearly stating the lie that ā€œWe the People of America are Christianā€.

You piss on the ideal of freedom of religion when you do it.

No, I do not. That is shit you made up, to give yourself an excuse to attack your enemies and divide Americans along religious lines.
#803 reply to #802

In Post #799 I asked you wheres it written that America is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent itā€™s Government.

Your non-answer appears in Post #802
In the definition of the word, "Nation".
  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

Here is my question - I did not revise it

Where is it written that America is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent itā€™s Government.

#803 So why did you pretend that you have an answer but not really answer why and how your stupid argument is based almost entirely on a Correll rule or some universal truth that ā€œAmerica is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent itā€™s Government.ā€ Is that in the Holy Bible with your religious belief in original sin, virgin birth, death on the cross, resurrection and forgiveness of original sin.

If that is where you got it your argument is not valid because we are in the American secular world in case you forgot.

If my question exceeds your language skills and intellectual capacity then I guess your argument fails on that deficiency.

Want to try again?
an inexcusable foray of unknown origin ... the "purpose" of which is the same
Just write it off as an old manā€™s cogitations, day dreaming, and poor digestion ...

I think I wrote 25 serious comments on this one thread ā€” canā€™t I write even one gossipy and silly comment just for fun? :dunno:

P.S. ā€œDa Vinciā€™s Demonsā€œ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned ā€” and serious historians too!
P.S. ā€œDa Vinciā€™s Demonsā€œ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned ā€” and serious historians too!
some high times for the christians ... as everyday for them since the 4th century and their closing scene in the 1st ...

thoughtful posts, and enjoyable reading.
- too bad, the exceptions - - >
Right, so someone saying they would abolish a religion would be OK with you?
You are ginning up a non-existent controversy, to give yourself an excuse to attack Christians.
they have a common ancestry -
View attachment 398029
from the original garden.

Your comment makes no sense in the context of this thread. Perhaps in some other context that exists only in your head.

Which neither I, nor I suspect anyone else, gives a fuck about.
Your comment makes no sense in the context of this thread.
your lack of clarification throughout the thread and in your response including the non involvement inscribed in the u s constitution between gov't and religion is a pretense of relevancy you claim for your preferred candidate and their role as an elected official is both irrelevant and disturbing. and a pattern of regression recorded throughout history your only response can be a denial of facts.
#805 reply to #802
"Establishment Christianity"? What is that? First I heard of it.

Why are you so ill-informed while you are attempting to defend Christian nationalism.

Have you heard of whatā€™s commonly referred to as the establishment clause.

Here is a brief summary:
Americaā€™s early settlers came from a variety of religious backgrounds: Puritans predominated in New England; Anglicans predominated in the South; Quakers and Lutherans flocked especially to Pennsylvania; Roman Catholics settled mostly in Maryland; Presbyterians were most numerous in the middle colonies; and there were Jewish congregations in five cities.​

During colonial times, the Church of England was established by law in all of the southern colonies, while localized Puritan (or ā€œCongregationalistā€) establishments held sway in most New England states. In those colonies, clergy were appointed and disciplined by colonial authorities and colonists were required to pay religious taxes and (often) to attend church services. Dissenters were often punished for preaching without a license or refusing to pay taxes to a church they disagreed with. Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and much of New York had no established church.​

After Independence, there was widespread agreement that there should be no nationally established church. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, principally authored by James Madison, reflects this consensus. The language of the Establishment Clause itself applies only to the federal government (ā€œCongress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religionā€). All states disestablished religion by 1833, and in the 1940s the Supreme Court held that disestablishment applies to state governments through the Fourteenth Amendment. Interpretation: The Establishment Clause | The National Constitution Center

What do you think was being disestablished in America if you never heard of established religion. Iā€™m pretty sure establishment Christianity is the answer. Christianity is a religion is it not?

Our founders were men whose young minds were formed in a new Age of Reason being joined with men of longer established Protestant Christian religion who eventually unified and uniquely decided to create a secular government to represent a religious and free people.

Therefore .....
It worked. The states followed the foundersā€™ lead.​

This ā€˜established Protestant Christian religionā€™ Concept was brought up many posts ago.
Last edited:
#803 reply to #802

In Post #799 I asked you wheres it written that America is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent itā€™s Government.

Your non-answer appears in Post #802
In the definition of the word, "Nation".
  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

Here is my question - I did not revise it

Where is it written that America is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent itā€™s Government.

#803 So why did you pretend that you have an answer but not really answer why and how your stupid argument is based almost entirely on a Correll rule or some universal truth that ā€œAmerica is first defined by it's people then to a lesser extent itā€™s Government.ā€ Is that in the Holy Bible with your religious belief in original sin, virgin birth, death on the cross, resurrection and forgiveness of original sin.

If that is where you got it your argument is not valid because we are in the American secular world in case you forgot.

If my question exceeds your language skills and intellectual capacity then I guess your argument fails on that deficiency.

Want to try again?

Nation is "a large body of people.." That is how the definition of the word "nation" opens. It then discusses how that body of people might be united into a group, and at now point does it even reference the government, as one of those forces.

That is where, "it is written".

Your pretense that this is not a valid answer, is you playing dishonest games.
an inexcusable foray of unknown origin ... the "purpose" of which is the same
Just write it off as an old manā€™s cogitations, day dreaming, and poor digestion ...

I think I wrote 25 serious comments on this one thread ā€” canā€™t I write even one gossipy and silly comment just for fun? :dunno:

P.S. ā€œDa Vinciā€™s Demonsā€œ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned ā€” and serious historians too!
P.S. ā€œDa Vinciā€™s Demonsā€œ is a BBC fantasy history TV series that ended in 2016. It ostensibly takes place in the late 15th Century. Serious Catholics be warned ā€” and serious historians too!
some high times for the christians ... as everyday for them since the 4th century and their closing scene in the 1st ...

thoughtful posts, and enjoyable reading.
- too bad, the exceptions - - >
Right, so someone saying they would abolish a religion would be OK with you?
You are ginning up a non-existent controversy, to give yourself an excuse to attack Christians.
they have a common ancestry -
View attachment 398029
from the original garden.

Your comment makes no sense in the context of this thread. Perhaps in some other context that exists only in your head.

Which neither I, nor I suspect anyone else, gives a fuck about.
Your comment makes no sense in the context of this thread.
your lack of clarification throughout the thread and in your response including the non involvement inscribed in the u s constitution between gov't and religion is a pretense of relevancy you claim for your preferred candidate and their role as an elected official is both irrelevant and disturbing. and a pattern of regression recorded throughout history your only response can be a denial of facts.

#805 reply to #802
"Establishment Christianity"? What is that? First I heard of it.

Why are you so ill-informed while you are attempting to defend Christian nationalism.

Have you heard of whatā€™s commonly referred to as the establishment clause.

Here is a brief summary:
Americaā€™s early settlers came from a variety of religious backgrounds: Puritans predominated in New England; Anglicans predominated in the South; Quakers and Lutherans flocked especially to Pennsylvania; Roman Catholics settled mostly in Maryland; Presbyterians were most numerous in the middle colonies; and there were Jewish congregations in five cities.​

During colonial times, the Church of England was established by law in all of the southern colonies, while localized Puritan (or ā€œCongregationalistā€) establishments held sway in most New England states. In those colonies, clergy were appointed and disciplined by colonial authorities and colonists were required to pay religious taxes and (often) to attend church services. Dissenters were often punished for preaching without a license or refusing to pay taxes to a church they disagreed with. Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and much of New York had no established church.​

After Independence, there was widespread agreement that there should be no nationally established church. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, principally authored by James Madison, reflects this consensus. The language of the Establishment Clause itself applies only to the federal government (ā€œCongress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religionā€). All states disestablished religion by 1833, and in the 1940s the Supreme Court held that disestablishment applies to state governments through the Fourteenth Amendment. Interpretation: The Establishment Clause | The National Constitution Center

What do you think was being disestablished in America if you never heard of established religion. Iā€™m pretty sure establishment Christianity is the answer. Christianity is a religion is it not?

Our founders were men whose young minds were formed in a new Age of Reason being joined with men of longer established Protestant Christian religion who eventually unified and uniquely decided to create a secular government to represent a religious and free people.

Therefore .....
It worked. The states followed the foundersā€™ lead.​

This ā€˜established Protestant Christian religionā€™ Concept was brought up many posts ago.

So, you are referring to something that does not exist, for what?
Your pretense that this is not a valid answer, is you playing dishonest games.
cry a river coral -

what pretense is that ... why not fill in the blanks.

DUde. You're not making sense most the time. And now you cut away the portions of your previous posts and then ask me questions about your posts that I have repeatedly stated look like nonsense to me?

Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high? Do you have a serious brain injury? That was never treated and you are literally leaking brain fluid onto your keyboard as you type away your last few hours?
#811 reply to #808
So, you are referring to something that does not exist, for what?

Because it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are wrong and I am right because America was not founded as a Christian nation or anything resembling one.

#808 During the decade of the founding there were some colonies that were established Christian colonies and there were some, about five of thirteen, that had no official religion at all. When the nation called the United States of America was formed those colonies became states. Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and much of New York had no established church. They were not Christian colonies, they did not become Christian states and the did not join a Christian Union of states to in order to form a perfect union and Christian nation.

Like you said it never happened. The Christian nation never happened.

Contrary to your Christian Nation , the remaining eight Christian States followed the lead of the Constitution and/or Jefferson and Madisonā€™s Virginia by disestablishing their states from all the existing state religions.

#808 You are right for once - a Christian nation never existed. The first full generation or two majority of American Christians voted against established religion in their states and therefore against the concept of a Christian Nation.
Last edited:
So, you are referring to something that does not exist, for what?

Because it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are wrong and I am right because America was not founded as a Christian nation or anything resembling one.

During the decade of the founding there were some colonies that were established Christian colonies and there were some L, about five of thirteen that had no official religion at all. When the nation called the United States of America was formed those colonies became states. Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and much of New York had no established church. They were not Christian colonies, they did not become Christian states and the did not join a Christian Union of states to become and firm a Christian nation.

Like you said it never happened. The Christian nation never happened.

Contrary to your Christian Nation , the remaining eight Christian States followed the lead of the Constitution and/or Jefferson and Madisonā€™s Virginia by disestablishing their states from all the existing state religions.

You are right for once - a Christian nation never existed. The first full generation or two majority of American Christians voted against established religion in their states and therefore against the concept of a Christian Nation.

YOur pretense that you are confused by the difference between an Established Church and a Christian Nation is not credible.
Your pretense that this is not a valid answer, is you playing dishonest games.
cry a river coral -

what pretense is that ... why not fill in the blanks.

DUde. You're not making sense most the time. And now you cut away the portions of your previous posts and then ask me questions about your posts that I have repeatedly stated look like nonsense to me?

Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high? Do you have a serious brain injury? That was never treated and you are literally leaking brain fluid onto your keyboard as you type away your last few hours?
Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high?
you have nothing relevant in your responses - just a juvenile, obsessive poster without content for the sake of posting ....
Your pretense that this is not a valid answer, is you playing dishonest games.
cry a river coral -

what pretense is that ... why not fill in the blanks.

DUde. You're not making sense most the time. And now you cut away the portions of your previous posts and then ask me questions about your posts that I have repeatedly stated look like nonsense to me?

Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high? Do you have a serious brain injury? That was never treated and you are literally leaking brain fluid onto your keyboard as you type away your last few hours?
Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high?
you have nothing relevant in your responses - just a juvenile, obsessive poster without content for the sake of posting ....

When you post something I can see as a point, I address it.

I do post too much. I know that. So....

But, my post are full of content, if the lefty in question has not managed to bog the thread down in shit.

Like you do.
Your pretense that this is not a valid answer, is you playing dishonest games.
cry a river coral -

what pretense is that ... why not fill in the blanks.

DUde. You're not making sense most the time. And now you cut away the portions of your previous posts and then ask me questions about your posts that I have repeatedly stated look like nonsense to me?

Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high? Do you have a serious brain injury? That was never treated and you are literally leaking brain fluid onto your keyboard as you type away your last few hours?
Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high?
you have nothing relevant in your responses - just a juvenile, obsessive poster without content for the sake of posting ....

When you post something I can see as a point, I address it.

I do post too much. I know that. So....

But, my post are full of content, if the lefty in question has not managed to bog the thread down in shit.

Like you do.
YOur pretense that you are confused by the difference between an Established Church and a Christian Nation is not credible.
But, my post are full of content, if the lefty in question has not managed to bog the thread down in shit.
try again coral the only content you provide is your inability to articulate a meaningful response.
Your pretense that this is not a valid answer, is you playing dishonest games.
cry a river coral -

what pretense is that ... why not fill in the blanks.

DUde. You're not making sense most the time. And now you cut away the portions of your previous posts and then ask me questions about your posts that I have repeatedly stated look like nonsense to me?

Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high? Do you have a serious brain injury? That was never treated and you are literally leaking brain fluid onto your keyboard as you type away your last few hours?
Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high?
you have nothing relevant in your responses - just a juvenile, obsessive poster without content for the sake of posting ....

When you post something I can see as a point, I address it.

I do post too much. I know that. So....

But, my post are full of content, if the lefty in question has not managed to bog the thread down in shit.

Like you do.
YOur pretense that you are confused by the difference between an Established Church and a Christian Nation is not credible.
But, my post are full of content, if the lefty in question has not managed to bog the thread down in shit.
try again coral the only content you provide is your inability to articulate a meaningful response.

Got it. YOu want to change the subject to ME, because I have kicked your ass on the thread topic. I understand.

Your request is denied. Say something about the topic, or fuck off and die.
Your pretense that this is not a valid answer, is you playing dishonest games.
cry a river coral -

what pretense is that ... why not fill in the blanks.

DUde. You're not making sense most the time. And now you cut away the portions of your previous posts and then ask me questions about your posts that I have repeatedly stated look like nonsense to me?

Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high? Do you have a serious brain injury? That was never treated and you are literally leaking brain fluid onto your keyboard as you type away your last few hours?
Seriously. What is wrong with you? Are you a heroin addict and constantly high?
you have nothing relevant in your responses - just a juvenile, obsessive poster without content for the sake of posting ....

When you post something I can see as a point, I address it.

I do post too much. I know that. So....

But, my post are full of content, if the lefty in question has not managed to bog the thread down in shit.

Like you do.
YOur pretense that you are confused by the difference between an Established Church and a Christian Nation is not credible.
But, my post are full of content, if the lefty in question has not managed to bog the thread down in shit.
try again coral the only content you provide is your inability to articulate a meaningful response.

Got it. YOu want to change the subject to ME, because I have kicked your ass on the thread topic. I understand.

Your request is denied. Say something about the topic, or fuck off and die.
Got it. YOu want to change the subject to ME, because I have kicked your ass on the thread topic. I understand.
you have a reading disorder, the only subject you provide is yourself, repeated over and over again ...
#818 reply to #812
YOur pretense that you are confused by the difference between an Established Church and a Christian Nation i

Iā€™m not confused.

Here is why. Iā€™m presenting only facts. You donā€™t have much of a record trying to challenge my facts. The members of the Constitutional Convention were not all Christians. Some were Deist, some were Unitarian, some represented colonies that had established Protestant Christian churches. Some represented colonies that did not have established churches. Etc etc etc.

#818 POINT 1 . At this point they represented the Continental Congress that acted exactly like a government.

#818 POINT 2 They were united in Revolution against monarchy. They were NOT united in any universal belief in Jesus Christ being the only Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary , died on the criss to eradicate mankindā€™s original sin, resurrected and ascended into heaven waiting to come again to reign in a Kingdom here on earth.

But first we must squash your habit of setting up lies to support your grand lie.

You started with:
ā€œIn the definition of the word, "Nation". a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.​

and you set up your lie here. I bolded the lie.

ā€œNation is "a large body of people.." That is how the definition of the word "nation" opens. It then discusses how that body of people might be united into a group, and at no point does it even reference the government, as one of those forces.ā€​

It didnā€™t take much to find a definition that does:
noun. noun. /ĖˆneÉŖŹƒn/ 1[countable] a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture, and history, who live in a particular area under one government an independent nation the African nations.​
*1 The Continental Congress had no explicit legal authority to govern, but it assumed all the functions of a national government, such as appointing ambassadors, signing treaties, raising armies, appointing generals, obtaining loans from Europe, issuing paper money (called "Continentals"), and disbursing funds.​

So do you concede that your definition of ā€˜government-less nation is pure bullshit? And do you admit that Point #818 1 and 2 above are correct?
#818 reply to #812
YOur pretense that you are confused by the difference between an Established Church and a Christian Nation i

Iā€™m not confused.

Here is why. Iā€™m presenting only facts. You donā€™t have much of a record trying to challenge my facts. The members of the Constitutional Convention were not all Christians. Some were Deist, some were Unitarian, some represented colonies that had established Protestant Christian churches. Some represented colonies that did not have established churches. Etc etc etc.

#818 POINT 1 . At this point they represented the Continental Congress that acted exactly like a government.

#818 POINT 2 They were united in Revolution against monarchy. They were NOT united in any universal belief in Jesus Christ being the only Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary , died on the criss to eradicate mankindā€™s original sin, resurrected and ascended into heaven waiting to come again to reign in a Kingdom here on earth.

But first we must squash your habit of setting up lies to support your grand lie.

You started with:
ā€œIn the definition of the word, "Nation". a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.​

and you set up your lie here. I bolded the lie.

ā€œNation is "a large body of people.." That is how the definition of the word "nation" opens. It then discusses how that body of people might be united into a group, and at no point does it even reference the government, as one of those forces.ā€​

It didnā€™t take much to find a definition that does:
noun. noun. /ĖˆneÉŖŹƒn/ 1[countable] a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture, and history, who live in a particular area under one government an independent nation the African nations.​
*1 The Continental Congress had no explicit legal authority to govern, but it assumed all the functions of a national government, such as appointing ambassadors, signing treaties, raising armies, appointing generals, obtaining loans from Europe, issuing paper money (called "Continentals"), and disbursing funds.​

So do you concede that your definition of ā€˜government-less nation is pure bullshit? And do you admit that Point #818 1 and 2 above are correct?

I do not concede anything. Even in the definition you found that references government, the nation is still defined as the GROUP OF PEOPLE, not the government that they are "under".

Also, I never claimed, nor does my position require that ALL the founders were Christians. That has been clear. Drop the strawman shit. When you play that game, you admit that you have nothing.
#818 reply to #812
YOur pretense that you are confused by the difference between an Established Church and a Christian Nation i

Iā€™m not confused.

Here is why. Iā€™m presenting only facts. You donā€™t have much of a record trying to challenge my facts. The members of the Constitutional Convention were not all Christians. Some were Deist, some were Unitarian, some represented colonies that had established Protestant Christian churches. Some represented colonies that did not have established churches. Etc etc etc.

#818 POINT 1 . At this point they represented the Continental Congress that acted exactly like a government.

#818 POINT 2 They were united in Revolution against monarchy. They were NOT united in any universal belief in Jesus Christ being the only Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary , died on the criss to eradicate mankindā€™s original sin, resurrected and ascended into heaven waiting to come again to reign in a Kingdom here on earth.

But first we must squash your habit of setting up lies to support your grand lie.

You started with:
ā€œIn the definition of the word, "Nation". a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.​

and you set up your lie here. I bolded the lie.

ā€œNation is "a large body of people.." That is how the definition of the word "nation" opens. It then discusses how that body of people might be united into a group, and at no point does it even reference the government, as one of those forces.ā€​

It didnā€™t take much to find a definition that does:
noun. noun. /ĖˆneÉŖŹƒn/ 1[countable] a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture, and history, who live in a particular area under one government an independent nation the African nations.​
*1 The Continental Congress had no explicit legal authority to govern, but it assumed all the functions of a national government, such as appointing ambassadors, signing treaties, raising armies, appointing generals, obtaining loans from Europe, issuing paper money (called "Continentals"), and disbursing funds.​

So do you concede that your definition of ā€˜government-less nation is pure bullshit? And do you admit that Point #818 1 and 2 above are correct?

I do not concede anything. Even in the definition you found that references government, the nation is still defined as the GROUP OF PEOPLE, not the government that they are "under".

Also, I never claimed, nor does my position require that ALL the founders were Christians. That has been clear. Drop the strawman shit. When you play that game, you admit that you have nothing.
So, Correll, labeling America as a Christian Nation is just an empty gesture, without any practical bearing on anyone's life?
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