Trump has shown some amazing things about religion in America and particularly Evangelicals when it comes to political power. You would think Trump Christ-like. But I fail to remember Christ being in favor of caging children or breaking up families. Did I miss that? Two pieces below help, it isn't about being religious, is it? What then of religion? Has it lost its holiness, its goodness.
'How the evangelical movement became Trump's "bitch" — and yes, I know what that word signifies'
'As an evangelical myself, I can see how far the movement has sunk — even to betraying its own ideal of masculinity'
"His most notable advice for interacting with half the human population is "grab 'em by the pussy". Who could have predicted such an alliance?"
Climate too. Why not pray away hurricanes floods and fires, poverty too while they are at it. Interesting how the mixture of politics and religion accomplishes so little good.
'Faith and politics mix to drive evangelical Christians’ climate change denial'
'Climate science denial may stem more from politics than religion'
'Social scientist Dan Kahan rejects the idea of an automatic link between religiosity and any anti-science bias. He argues that religiosity only incidentally tracks science denial because some scientific findings have become “culturally antagonistic” to some identity groups.'
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Matthew 6:24
'How the evangelical movement became Trump's "bitch" — and yes, I know what that word signifies'
'As an evangelical myself, I can see how far the movement has sunk — even to betraying its own ideal of masculinity'
How evangelicals became Trump's b**ch — in the ugliest sense
As an evangelical myself, I can see how far the movement has sunk — even to betraying its own ideal of masculinity
"His most notable advice for interacting with half the human population is "grab 'em by the pussy". Who could have predicted such an alliance?"
Climate too. Why not pray away hurricanes floods and fires, poverty too while they are at it. Interesting how the mixture of politics and religion accomplishes so little good.
'Faith and politics mix to drive evangelical Christians’ climate change denial'
Faith and politics mix to drive evangelical Christians’ climate change denial
Few white evangelicals in the U.S. say they believe in human-made climate change. This strand of science denial seems to have as much to do with conservative politics as the Bible’s teachings.
'Climate science denial may stem more from politics than religion'
'Social scientist Dan Kahan rejects the idea of an automatic link between religiosity and any anti-science bias. He argues that religiosity only incidentally tracks science denial because some scientific findings have become “culturally antagonistic” to some identity groups.'
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Matthew 6:24