*Durham Throws Cases, Working For Deep State*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Cases he should easily win, he loses.
2. He does EVIL.
3. His soul will be thrown into the wood chipper.
4. He is a *LIBTARD*.
5. *LIBTARDS* are the, *DEEP STATE*.
6. Its a terrible thing to see, but i see it.

Sorry bout that,

1. Cases he should easily win, he loses.
2. He does EVIL.
3. His soul will be thrown into the wood chipper.
4. He is a *LIBTARD*.
5. *LIBTARDS* are the, *DEEP STATE*.
6. Its a terrible thing to see, but i see it.

L..O..L....Now Durham is working for your "Deep (Throat) State"....
Cucks..the lot of you. On your own head be it. :)
Sorry bout that,

1. Its becoming obvious that those roaming the seats of American Politics, that 75% of them are *LIBTARDS*.
2. Only a fucking fool, doesn't see it.

I laughed when I heard he was in the news again... Durham is a swamp lawyer and has no real interest in Justice... He is a milker... only there to run out the clock...
The General is a dope.

Durham was LOVED until he could find those imaginary crimes by the left.
He found the crimes... but all after the statute of limitations....
But this really exposes the FBI and their corrupt behavior regarding President Trump and that should make every American sick...
I see a total cleaning of the FBI the CIA and the DOJ and the FISA court after the GOP takes over the house and senate....
Long over due...
We are witnessing the end of the swamp just like Trump promised....
Also long over due and just in time before they start WW3...
The FBI are in for some huge changes... just watch.... Grassley and others are digging and getting results from FBI whistle blowers...
Its worse than we thought....
The FBI has been corrupt since it’s founding, when J Edgar Hoover was sexually blackmailed by the Mafia. It‘s primary purpose is to protect the oligarchy. Be assured, nothing will change.

PS. What happened to the Epstein Tapes the FBI confiscated?
Sorry bout that,

1. Cases he should easily win, he loses.
2. He does EVIL.
3. His soul will be thrown into the wood chipper.
4. He is a *LIBTARD*.
5. *LIBTARDS* are the, *DEEP STATE*.
6. Its a terrible thing to see, but i see it.

I really don't think it has anything to do with Durham. It's just the deep state being the deep state. The swamp swallows just about everything.

this time instead of the deep state, its Barr's corrupt intent.

Both sides have deep state. An eight year president has more time to make their deep state larger than a four year president. Obama had his. Trump had his, and now Biden is making his.
Or maybe the stories you were told about the deep state were all lies to protect a bunch of corrupt incompetent losers associated with Trump.
They just can't bring themselves to admit that they have been conned. This about far more than politics. They're personally, emotionally invested in all of this, including the conspiracy theories, so they'll always be the victim.
Every president institutes their own deep state. Deniers are just partisan.
It’s just another means to create a vague enemy that politicians use to redirect attention away from their own misdeeds.

“Deep state” can mean anything. In truth, the bureaucracy isn’t any different now than in the past. Mostly filled with normal people who just want to do their job, many of whom become unfairly attacked because the real partisans don’t like the way reality reflects on their politicians.

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