Do you believe Jesus???


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)


1. Where are you getting that people who believe in God/JesusChrist/HolySpirit "the Trinity"
"refuse to believe Jesus?" What?

2. Even secular gentiles under natural law believe in Higher Justice or equal justice for all people,
where Justice is another name for what Jesus stands for.

3. What I find distinguishes true believers in Jesus
is Forgiveness and Corrections.
If you can forgiven enough that corrections can be made smoothly,
or if you can correct things enough where people can forgiven and heal,
that this is the type of effort that should replicate to reach and connet all people.
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)


1. Where are you getting that people who believe in God/JesusChrist/HolySpirit "the Trinity"
"refuse to believe Jesus?" What?

2. Even secular gentiles under natural law believe in Higher Justice or equal justice for all people,
where Justice is another name for what Jesus stands for.

3. What I find distinguishes true believers in Jesus
is Forgiveness and Corrections.
If you can forgiven enough that corrections can be made smoothly,
or if you can correct things enough where people can forgiven and heal,
that this is the type of effort that should replicate to reach and connet all people.

I just showed you at John 17:1-6,26--Jesus teaches the Father is the only true God--there is no trinity god in existence, all serving it are being mislead by a divided house( Mark 3:24-26) into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.
Jesus -John 20:17, Rev 3:12--(Paul-2Cor 1:3, 1 Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---(Peter--1Peter 1:3--(John Rev 1:6--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father.
Do you believe God has a God?
Op asked: "do you believe Jesus"
Politically correct question is "do you believeRome speaking behind the mask of their created character Jesus?"
answer: No (big surprise right?)
Backing to why:
It's all the empty promises warned about in Psalms, promises of rewards and Jesus in scripture saying:Matthew 21:21And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
(Nobody gets all they ask in prayer, as promised by Jesus.)
John 16: 23, "23 And in that day you will ask Me no question. TRULY, TRULY, I say to you, if you ask the Father for ANYTHING, He will give it to you in My name." (Jesus promises that all that is needed is his name, and anything is possible, is that like saying beetle juice three times?)
Hint: look around at the Christian hospitals and Christian patients in them and the grave explain them please?A Lie is a lie no matter what your perception is, it doesn't change the facts.

We were warned in the beginning:
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. (Gen 3:4)
Same promises as the new texts:
From the followers who call hanging on a tree, the cross; Jesus; “believe in my cross (tree) and you will not die”
So do I believe the false prophet Jesus?
Bel-Lie-Eve in him and you will surely die with him.... books of Matthew and Thomas Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it." And
"Unless the seed die it cannot bring forth fruit."
=death cultism. Didn't Applegate, David Koresh, Jim Jones get through to them in showing RESEMBLENCES?
Op asked: "do you believe Jesus"
Politically correct question is "do you believeRome speaking behind the mask of their created character Jesus?"
answer: No (big surprise right?)
Backing to why:
It's all the empty promises warned about in Psalms, promises of rewards and Jesus in scripture saying:Matthew 21:21And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
(Nobody gets all they ask in prayer, as promised by Jesus.)
John 16: 23, "23 And in that day you will ask Me no question. TRULY, TRULY, I say to you, if you ask the Father for ANYTHING, He will give it to you in My name." (Jesus promises that all that is needed is his name, and anything is possible, is that like saying beetle juice three times?)
Hint: look around at the Christian hospitals and Christian patients in them and the grave explain them please?A Lie is a lie no matter what your perception is, it doesn't change the facts.

We were warned in the beginning:
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. (Gen 3:4)
Same promises as the new texts:
From the followers who call hanging on a tree, the cross; Jesus; “believe in my cross (tree) and you will not die”
So do I believe the false prophet Jesus?
Bel-Lie-Eve in him and you will surely die with him.... books of Matthew and Thomas Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it." And
"Unless the seed die it cannot bring forth fruit."
=death cultism. Didn't Applegate, David Koresh, Jim Jones get through to them in showing RESEMBLENCES?

You are confused sir--yes the ones teaching a cross are being mislead. But Gods word has proved itself true, so have archeologist'.
Their is only one God.
The Bible is the inspired word of God.
Mere mortals can't predict 2,000 years into the future. God can and did.
God has never misguided us. He calls Jesus, Son.
Jesus said He was coming back, and He did.
He said He is coming again, and He is.
Watch the prophesies being fulfilled to know when.......
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)


1. Where are you getting that people who believe in God/JesusChrist/HolySpirit "the Trinity"
"refuse to believe Jesus?" What?

2. Even secular gentiles under natural law believe in Higher Justice or equal justice for all people,
where Justice is another name for what Jesus stands for.

3. What I find distinguishes true believers in Jesus
is Forgiveness and Corrections.
If you can forgiven enough that corrections can be made smoothly,
or if you can correct things enough where people can forgiven and heal,
that this is the type of effort that should replicate to reach and connet all people.

I just showed you at John 17:1-6,26--Jesus teaches the Father is the only true God--there is no trinity god in existence, all serving it are being mislead by a divided house( Mark 3:24-26) into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.
Jesus -John 20:17, Rev 3:12--(Paul-2Cor 1:3, 1 Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---(Peter--1Peter 1:3--(John Rev 1:6--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father.
Do you believe God has a God?

a. I believe God is so great, that in order for man to experience and understand God,
this is manifested in three different LEVELS, like the same story told in First Person, Second Person and Third Person.

1. First is our relationship directly with God, like receiving direct Wisdom or Truth or letting God's love flow through us.
2. Second is our relationships with God THROUGH CHRIST, where if we do not receive or confirm knowledge directly,
we establish this by agreement with others joined in the spirit of the laws or JUSTICE.
3. Lastly is expression and manifestion of God's will truth and love through divine PEACEy Healing and Harmony
through Third Party relations, such as witnessing the relations between others and that testifies to us of God's will at work.

This is similar to how humans reflect the Image of God by being
This is still the same person but experienced on THREE interconnected levels.

God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is like symbolizing
Collective Love of TRUTH, Love of JUSTICE, Love of Humanity and PEACE.

b See also JOHN 10:29-30
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."
Op asked: "do you believe Jesus"
Politically correct question is "do you believeRome speaking behind the mask of their created character Jesus?"
answer: No (big surprise right?)
Backing to why:
It's all the empty promises warned about in Psalms, promises of rewards and Jesus in scripture saying:Matthew 21:21And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
(Nobody gets all they ask in prayer, as promised by Jesus.)
John 16: 23, "23 And in that day you will ask Me no question. TRULY, TRULY, I say to you, if you ask the Father for ANYTHING, He will give it to you in My name." (Jesus promises that all that is needed is his name, and anything is possible, is that like saying beetle juice three times?)
Hint: look around at the Christian hospitals and Christian patients in them and the grave explain them please?A Lie is a lie no matter what your perception is, it doesn't change the facts.

We were warned in the beginning:
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. (Gen 3:4)
Same promises as the new texts:
From the followers who call hanging on a tree, the cross; Jesus; “believe in my cross (tree) and you will not die”
So do I believe the false prophet Jesus?
Bel-Lie-Eve in him and you will surely die with him.... books of Matthew and Thomas Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it." And
"Unless the seed die it cannot bring forth fruit."
=death cultism. Didn't Applegate, David Koresh, Jim Jones get through to them in showing RESEMBLENCES?

You are confused sir--yes the ones teaching a cross are being mislead. But Gods word has proved itself true, so have archeologist'.

Dear kjw47 The Cross and Sacrifice/resurrection of Christ Jesus

This is a symbolic PROCESS.

You may reject the symbolism as man made mythology,
but the MESSAGE is true for all people, that Divine Forgiveness
through Christ breaks the cycle of evil repeating and sets humanity free.

So kjw47 even if you reject how things in the Bible is taught, wrong or right,
the TRUE message and meaning still lives on and passes on.
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Taken out of context it would seem so, but Christ was revealing a consensus between himself and his father on SOP..
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Taken out of context it would seem so, but Christ was revealing a consensus between himself and his father on SOP..

Yes, and that is also what it means -- that Jesus represents the embodiment of God's perfect will.
His will and the will of God the father are one.

Jesus represent's God's UNIVERSAL Justice
to be established and restored on the level of man's world and connection by conscience
to each other and to the whole of humanity.

With Jesus comes the Comforter or Holy Spirit.
With JUSTICE comes Healing and Heavenly PEACE.
So harmony among humanity is restored by
seeking TRUTH that sets us free from error and strufe,
and seeking JUSTICE with Mercy or Peace and Justice,
which is Jesus and the Comforter working hand in hand.
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Taken out of context it would seem so, but Christ was revealing a consensus between himself and his father on SOP..

Yes, and that is also what it means -- that Jesus represents the embodiment of God's perfect will.
His will and the will of God the father are one.

Jesus represent's God's UNIVERSAL Justice
to be established and restored on the level of man's world and connection by conscience
to each other and to the whole of humanity.

With Jesus comes the Comforter or Holy Spirit.
With JUSTICE comes Healing and Heavenly PEACE.
So harmony among humanity is restored by
seeking TRUTH that sets us free from error and strufe,
and seeking JUSTICE with Mercy or Peace and Justice,
which is Jesus and the Comforter working hand in hand.
that's what God told me also....and to stop making jokes about his kid...
I believe there was a historical jesus but an actual son of Euphemistically, we are all the children of god, perhaps if there was a creator. Mankind evolved not spun from a clump of dust. We created a god figure in our image, not the other way around. We need the image of a god not the other way around. Any creator or designer would be so far beyond us to be uninterested in interfering with this planet or life on it.
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)


1. Where are you getting that people who believe in God/JesusChrist/HolySpirit "the Trinity"
"refuse to believe Jesus?" What?

2. Even secular gentiles under natural law believe in Higher Justice or equal justice for all people,
where Justice is another name for what Jesus stands for.

3. What I find distinguishes true believers in Jesus
is Forgiveness and Corrections.
If you can forgiven enough that corrections can be made smoothly,
or if you can correct things enough where people can forgiven and heal,
that this is the type of effort that should replicate to reach and connet all people.

I just showed you at John 17:1-6,26--Jesus teaches the Father is the only true God--there is no trinity god in existence, all serving it are being mislead by a divided house( Mark 3:24-26) into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.
Jesus -John 20:17, Rev 3:12--(Paul-2Cor 1:3, 1 Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---(Peter--1Peter 1:3--(John Rev 1:6--all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God-his Father.
Do you believe God has a God?

a. I believe God is so great, that in order for man to experience and understand God,
this is manifested in three different LEVELS, like the same story told in First Person, Second Person and Third Person.

1. First is our relationship directly with God, like receiving direct Wisdom or Truth or letting God's love flow through us.
2. Second is our relationships with God THROUGH CHRIST, where if we do not receive or confirm knowledge directly,
we establish this by agreement with others joined in the spirit of the laws or JUSTICE.
3. Lastly is expression and manifestion of God's will truth and love through divine PEACEy Healing and Harmony
through Third Party relations, such as witnessing the relations between others and that testifies to us of God's will at work.

This is similar to how humans reflect the Image of God by being
This is still the same person but experienced on THREE interconnected levels.

God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is like symbolizing
Collective Love of TRUTH, Love of JUSTICE, Love of Humanity and PEACE.

b See also JOHN 10:29-30
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Yes one in purpose as all true followers are--the living to do Gods will-Matt 7:21--Jesus did 0 of his own--he lives 24/7, 365 doing Gods will. One cannot be greater and be the same.
I showed you what Jesus actually taught--believe him.
no one knows who "john" was----john was probably a pen name for a whole bunch of people

The op isn't about who John was--its about believing Jesus over mens dogmas.

I understand that------I do not believe that JOHN knew what he was talking about----
the person who wrote that stuff never met jesus

Gods word has proved its truth, inspired by God through men. John' words are truth.

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