Dems Caught On 'Hot Mic' - Biden / Dems Ready To Ram Through TRILLIONS in 'Shovel-Ready' Spending


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden and the Democrats were caught talking about how they're ready to partisanly ram through more Mega-Deficit 'Obama-BS-Spending' 'On Steroids'....

...after ramming through a Blue State $1.9 TRILLION Bailout in the bogus name of 'COVID-19 Relief'...

...after destroying over 50% of all minority-owned small businesses in the US...

...after putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work in Bidens' 1st 10 days in office....

....after surrendering our energy independence, making our enemies stronger...

...after creating the historic, national security, humanitarian, & health crisis at the border by allowing thousands of COVID-19-INFECTED and untested illegals into the country and shipping them all over the US, Overwhelming border patrol, the ability to house/feed/care for them, facilitating the huge rise of Cartel drug, human, and child trafficking....

...while the foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists that have already perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the US continue to carry out the Democrats / VP Harris' orders to continue to commit acts of terrorism after the bogus election... the Socialist Propaganda arm of the Democrats continue to wage its 'culture war' intended to 'Cancel our nation's history and culture...

The Left Wing Extremist Democrats are attempting to morally, ethically, culturally, spiritually, and now especially FINANCIALLY bankrupt this nation from the inside out...

Somewhere a famous deceased Russian who predicted this would happen is smiling in his grave....

Biden and the Democrats were caught talking about how they're ready to partisanly ram through more Mega-Deficit 'Obama-BS-Spending' 'On Steroids'....

...after ramming through a Blue State $1.9 TRILLION Bailout in the bogus name of 'COVID-19 Relief'...

...after destroying over 50% of all minority-owned small businesses in the US...

...after putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work in Bidens' 1st 10 days in office....

....after surrendering our energy independence, making our enemies stronger...

...after creating the historic, national security, humanitarian, & health crisis at the border by allowing thousands of COVID-19-INFECTED and untested illegals into the country and shipping them all over the US, Overwhelming border patrol, the ability to house/feed/care for them, facilitating the huge rise of Cartel drug, human, and child trafficking....

...while the foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists that have already perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the US continue to carry out the Democrats / VP Harris' orders to continue to commit acts of terrorism after the bogus election... the Socialist Propaganda arm of the Democrats continue to wage its 'culture war' intended to 'Cancel our nation's history and culture...

The Left Wing Extremist Democrats are attempting to morally, ethically, culturally, spiritually, and now especially FINANCIALLY bankrupt this nation from the inside out...

Somewhere a famous deceased Russian who predicted this would happen is smiling in his grave....
What about Americans working scares you so much?
Every American should understand that "infrastructure spending," like "education spending," is a BOTTOMLESS PIT. There is never enough of it. And the more that is thrown at it, the greater will be the fraud, waste, and abuse.

Yet you were thrilled when Trump promised a trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Of course he didn't keep that promise either.
Biden and the Democrats were caught talking about how they're ready to partisanly ram through more Mega-Deficit 'Obama-BS-Spending' 'On Steroids'....

...after ramming through a Blue State $1.9 TRILLION Bailout in the bogus name of 'COVID-19 Relief'...

...after destroying over 50% of all minority-owned small businesses in the US...

...after putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work in Bidens' 1st 10 days in office....

....after surrendering our energy independence, making our enemies stronger...

...after creating the historic, national security, humanitarian, & health crisis at the border by allowing thousands of COVID-19-INFECTED and untested illegals into the country and shipping them all over the US, Overwhelming border patrol, the ability to house/feed/care for them, facilitating the huge rise of Cartel drug, human, and child trafficking....

...while the foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists that have already perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the US continue to carry out the Democrats / VP Harris' orders to continue to commit acts of terrorism after the bogus election... the Socialist Propaganda arm of the Democrats continue to wage its 'culture war' intended to 'Cancel our nation's history and culture...

The Left Wing Extremist Democrats are attempting to morally, ethically, culturally, spiritually, and now especially FINANCIALLY bankrupt this nation from the inside out...

Somewhere a famous deceased Russian who predicted this would happen is smiling in his grave....
What about Americans working scares you so much?
Nothing about Americans working scares me, snowflake...but it obviously scares the hell out of Biden & Democrats.

- Lowest black unemployment in US history
- Lowest Latino unemployment in US history
- Lowest Asian unemployment in US history
- Lowest Women unemployment in US history
- Lowest Young Adult unemployment in history
- Most Americans working at once in history
- Milions of Americans became self-reliant
- Millions of Americans off Welfare
- Millions of Americans off Unemployment
- Millions of Americans off of Food Stamps
- Millikns of Ameticans escaped the socialist Democrat 'plantations' and politics of 'economic slavery'

- Destroyed more than 50% of existing minority-owned small businesses, putting millions of Smericans out of work

- All the personal / financial achievements wiped out

- Millionss of Americans back on Welfare, Food Stamps, and Unemployment

- Foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa looted, pillaged, burned, destroyed, intimidated, assaulted, destroyed small businesses, conservatives, and Democrat-run communities all over the US to the cost of BILLIONS...send are still doing it as VP Hartis encouraged them to do

- Tens of thousands of elderly Americans murdered as Democrats, after acknowledging tgr elderly were the most likely to die from COVID-19, packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes

- Imposed Constitutilnal and Civil Rights-violating shutdown / lockdown edicts on Americans they themselves ugnored

- Tens of thousands of Americans in the o industry forced out of work, communities lost MILLIKNS in oil revenue used to pay for schools, day care, etc... putting more Americans out of work ... and surrendering our energy independence ce while making our enemies stronger

- Created the COVID-19 SUPER SPREADER Illegal Invasion, overwhelming BPA ability to house/feed them, creating a humanitarian crisis FEMA has now been called in to help with

-- Allowing violent felon illegals to enter the US and stay...facilitating massive Increase in Mexican Cartel drug, human, & child trafficking

-- Bringing in thousands of illegals tax payers will have to fund, including our of work tax payers who will now have to compete with these illegals for a job during this pandemic and diminished oppressive locked down economy

From 'Make America Great Again' and (Take Care Of) America 1st to 'Make America Venezuela / A 3rd World Socialist Sh!t Hole' and 'CCP / Our Enemies 1st - America Last'...yeah, China Joe & the CCP-facilitating socialist Democrats are doing a bang-up job...

...and its been less than 60 days.

Will the last American out please bring the flag?!

Every American should understand that "infrastructure spending," like "education spending," is a BOTTOMLESS PIT. There is never enough of it. And the more that is thrown at it, the greater will be the fraud, waste, and abuse.

Yet you were thrilled when Trump promised a trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Of course he didn't keep that promise either.
He was too busy fighting off proven traitors and criminals' continuous failed coup attempts....
Biden and the Democrats were caught talking about how they're ready to partisanly ram through more Mega-Deficit 'Obama-BS-Spending' 'On Steroids'....

...after ramming through a Blue State $1.9 TRILLION Bailout in the bogus name of 'COVID-19 Relief'...

...after destroying over 50% of all minority-owned small businesses in the US...

...after putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work in Bidens' 1st 10 days in office....

....after surrendering our energy independence, making our enemies stronger...

...after creating the historic, national security, humanitarian, & health crisis at the border by allowing thousands of COVID-19-INFECTED and untested illegals into the country and shipping them all over the US, Overwhelming border patrol, the ability to house/feed/care for them, facilitating the huge rise of Cartel drug, human, and child trafficking....

...while the foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists that have already perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the US continue to carry out the Democrats / VP Harris' orders to continue to commit acts of terrorism after the bogus election... the Socialist Propaganda arm of the Democrats continue to wage its 'culture war' intended to 'Cancel our nation's history and culture...

The Left Wing Extremist Democrats are attempting to morally, ethically, culturally, spiritually, and now especially FINANCIALLY bankrupt this nation from the inside out...

Somewhere a famous deceased Russian who predicted this would happen is smiling in his grave....

When the country goes bankrupt, there wont be police to stop the criminals. There wont be an army to stop the enemies. There wont be secret service to protect the politicians. Do you know what this means?

Biden and the Democrats were caught talking about how they're ready to partisanly ram through more Mega-Deficit 'Obama-BS-Spending' 'On Steroids'....

...after ramming through a Blue State $1.9 TRILLION Bailout in the bogus name of 'COVID-19 Relief'...

...after destroying over 50% of all minority-owned small businesses in the US...

...after putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work in Bidens' 1st 10 days in office....

....after surrendering our energy independence, making our enemies stronger...

...after creating the historic, national security, humanitarian, & health crisis at the border by allowing thousands of COVID-19-INFECTED and untested illegals into the country and shipping them all over the US, Overwhelming border patrol, the ability to house/feed/care for them, facilitating the huge rise of Cartel drug, human, and child trafficking....

...while the foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists that have already perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the US continue to carry out the Democrats / VP Harris' orders to continue to commit acts of terrorism after the bogus election... the Socialist Propaganda arm of the Democrats continue to wage its 'culture war' intended to 'Cancel our nation's history and culture...

The Left Wing Extremist Democrats are attempting to morally, ethically, culturally, spiritually, and now especially FINANCIALLY bankrupt this nation from the inside out...

Somewhere a famous deceased Russian who predicted this would happen is smiling in his grave....

Budget reconciliation needed to get legislation past the party of "no"?

Are we supposed to be surprised by this completely expected revelation?
Every American should understand that "infrastructure spending," like "education spending," is a BOTTOMLESS PIT. There is never enough of it. And the more that is thrown at it, the greater will be the fraud, waste, and abuse.

Yet you were thrilled when Trump promised a trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Of course he didn't keep that promise either.
He was too busy fighting off proven traitors and criminals' continuous failed coup attempts....
That is Trump's biggest lie. Even bigger than the stolen election lie. Claiming that hating trump and his childish actions is the same as hating our country is his biggest lie ever.
Biden and the Democrats were caught talking about how they're ready to partisanly ram through more Mega-Deficit 'Obama-BS-Spending' 'On Steroids'....

...after ramming through a Blue State $1.9 TRILLION Bailout in the bogus name of 'COVID-19 Relief'...

...after destroying over 50% of all minority-owned small businesses in the US...

...after putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work in Bidens' 1st 10 days in office....

....after surrendering our energy independence, making our enemies stronger...

...after creating the historic, national security, humanitarian, & health crisis at the border by allowing thousands of COVID-19-INFECTED and untested illegals into the country and shipping them all over the US, Overwhelming border patrol, the ability to house/feed/care for them, facilitating the huge rise of Cartel drug, human, and child trafficking....

...while the foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists that have already perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities across the US continue to carry out the Democrats / VP Harris' orders to continue to commit acts of terrorism after the bogus election... the Socialist Propaganda arm of the Democrats continue to wage its 'culture war' intended to 'Cancel our nation's history and culture...

The Left Wing Extremist Democrats are attempting to morally, ethically, culturally, spiritually, and now especially FINANCIALLY bankrupt this nation from the inside out...

Somewhere a famous deceased Russian who predicted this would happen is smiling in his grave....

The sky is falling, the sky is falling....
There is not one single honest politician in DC.
That's why Texas needs to get the fuck out. We will fucking execute people like those twat criminals in DC.

Fuck this Union.
There is not one single honest politician in DC.
That's why Texas needs to get the fuck out. We will fucking execute people like those twat criminals in DC.

Fuck this Union.
The feeling is mutual, well that most of the union thinks that texans are full of shit.
Always a hoot to see the right wing brag about how trump lowered unemployment for Blacks. Boss man trump be saying....'I think I'll raise the wages for Blacks' and presto, Blacks making higher wages. Trump, this racist republican president actually targeted industries that hired Blacks and made them raise the incomes of Blacks! You know, the same Blacks that republicans work hard to keep from voting? Any way, one link below contradicting all this right wing b.s.

There is not one single honest politician in DC.
That's why Texas needs to get the fuck out. We will fucking execute people like those twat criminals in DC.

Fuck this Union.
The feeling is mutual, well that most of the union thinks that texans are full of shit.
Good. Fuck you. We should walk without one insignificant word from you.
Every American should understand that "infrastructure spending," like "education spending," is a BOTTOMLESS PIT. There is never enough of it. And the more that is thrown at it, the greater will be the fraud, waste, and abuse.

Yup and paid for with tax dollars. FDR did the same. He put people to work, only problem was the jobs were Fed jobs and paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some companies at 95% so they couldn't hire anyone. Everything he did extended the GD.

Shovel ready?? Where have I heard that before??
Always a hoot to see the right wing brag about how trump lowered unemployment for Blacks. Boss man trump be saying....'I think I'll raise the wages for Blacks' and presto, Blacks making higher wages. Trump, this racist republican president actually targeted industries that hired Blacks and made them raise the incomes of Blacks! You know, the same Blacks that republicans work hard to keep from voting? Any way, one link below contradicting all this right wing b.s.

I love watching the KKK Party start freaking out when they see blacks finally realizing after 100+ years there is life off the plantation...

Which is why Democrsts had to destroy over half of the minority-owned small businesses in the US - had to FORCE blacks back onto the plantations...

Their foundation is dependency by minorities on Socialist Democrat handouts - policies of economic slavery

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