Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

You mean when you were name calling?
No. I mean when I was making the rational and unassailable point that motives are all equally subjective. Yours as much as the person who's only concern is their own happiness. I just said it in as disrespectful a manner (maybe) that is allowed here and it triggered you.
No. I mean when I was making the rational and unassailable point that motives are all equally subjective. Yours as much as the person who's only concern is their own happiness. I just said it in as disrespectful a manner (maybe) that is allowed here and it triggered you.

So, when you were name-calling.
Because you depend on name-calling.
No. I made a rational argument. Just because I pointed and laughed at you when I was done doesn't change that fact. Your argument depends on your subjective belief that you know what's best for other people.
The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.
It's not just rom com commercials now days make men look ignorant and unable to complete any task forcing the woman to step in it is totally a feminist agenda. Feminists given the opportunity would simply enslave men
I notice a lot of messages in popular media/commercials/etc. that tell young girls to be "strong," "tough," "fierce," and to "take charge." All well and good, but if a similar message were directed to young boys you just know the lefties would lose their shit.
What is with you and the constant name-calling? Can't you say anything about the topic?

Can you not be a hypocritical whiner? :dunno: Did I cry at all when you responded to my argument by calling it self centered? Is that not name calling?
More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?
I did and your response was to call me names. My original post to you was about your argument. I never actually called you a name. You called me a name in response hence me calling you out objectively for your hypocrisy.

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