So, what happened to Delusional Uncle Joey's call for “Unity”?


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
So, what happened to Delusional Uncle Joey's call for “Unity”? Just look at what that Senile of Fool gave us instead!

It was less than for years ago when that ILLEGAL Cheating, Corrupted President Joe Biden stood in front of the US. Capitol and delivered his inaugural address from his “Flash Cards”, that was all about his calling for “UNITY”, and many Americans who saw a politically fractured, and divided country as the Progressives welcomed it. He then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also supposing to be helping and healing the country. On COVID-19, on Infrastructure, on “Boarder Control”, Climate Control, and several other matters, there was a glimmer of hope for bipartisan support. But very soon after, the load of disagreements followed.
Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national “Unity”, Biden has abandoned his pursuit of “Unity” entirely, because it was all lies to begin with . In fact we saw exactly the opposite. We saw the “Blame Game”.. And we saw the finger pointing,. The pursuit for “Unity” was long GONE, and never to come in the first place. !

And Delusional Joey pushed through the biggest, and the fast CRAP LOAD of Executive Orders ever seen before, ALL of them were designed to WIPE OUT just about every thing that President Trump had accomplished. It didn’t matter if the EO wiped out Good, or Bad policies, but all that mattered was the fact that they were President Trumps!..Yes, everything GOOD that President Trup put in place, Joey wiped out on the very first day he sat in office. ,
In fact it’s likely that China Joey didn’t even understand nor did he care . about the 50 plus Executive Orders that he signed. They were just handed to him (by who knows woi) , and he signed them.
You could bet your last dollar that he was told the Tear down the Wall, and call for Gun Control.. That was the Democratic Socialist way of showing that they meant Lets Screw Trump....Period.
And now these Lying Pukes say they that Biden REALLY didn't really want to defund the Police, and it was all the Republican’s idea? Just as they are saying about the Millions of ILLEGAL’S that HE brought in to WRECK our Cities. Just how stupid do they think we, and the American people are?
“Unity” ? LOL. Biden is doing what’s ever necessary to DIVIDE the Country, He don’t want no Stinken “Unity”, and he never did. .
A thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns all but destroyed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years. And as predicted Uncle Joey took all the credit for obtaining the “Chinese Flu” Vaccine himself. It didn’t matter if Biden himself took the Vaccine while Trump was still in office, as long as he (Biden) sid it was his was all that counted.
A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with a COVID-19 bill. package. Biden rejected them and instead signed THE MOST EXPENSIVE SPENDING BILL IN U.S. HISTORY, without one single Republican vote. This $1.9 TRILLION MONSTROSITY delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include about Seventy Five percent of non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states. This “Bill” included such CRAP as $500 billion to subsidies Obamacare, 35 billion premiums million to fund the arts, Humanities, Libraries, and Museums,
$1.5 billion to Amtrak, and so on... And silly me, I thought we are talking about COVID relief for the people, and not for Pelosi’s pay backs.
Biden would rather give the Hundreds of Millions of dollars to Iran, and to the Illegal Invaders to our country. Why not? He gave them everything else!
Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.
So by More of that Democrat kind of “Unity” means Get in line with ‘Biden’s way of governing. The kind of ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders!
So the Bottom Line is, to just Stand By, Many Other Socialist Policies Will Be Coming Your Way.
So, what happened to Delusional Uncle Joey's call for “Unity”? Just look at what that Senile of Fool gave us instead!

It was less than for years ago when that ILLEGAL Cheating, Corrupted President Joe Biden stood in front of the US. Capitol and delivered his inaugural address from his “Flash Cards”, that was all about his calling for “UNITY”, and many Americans who saw a politically fractured, and divided country as the Progressives welcomed it. He then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also supposing to be helping and healing the country. On COVID-19, on Infrastructure, on “Boarder Control”, Climate Control, and several other matters, there was a glimmer of hope for bipartisan support. But very soon after, the load of disagreements followed.
Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national “Unity”, Biden has abandoned his pursuit of “Unity” entirely, because it was all lies to begin with . In fact we saw exactly the opposite. We saw the “Blame Game”.. And we saw the finger pointing,. The pursuit for “Unity” was long GONE, and never to come in the first place. !

And Delusional Joey pushed through the biggest, and the fast CRAP LOAD of Executive Orders ever seen before, ALL of them were designed to WIPE OUT just about every thing that President Trump had accomplished. It didn’t matter if the EO wiped out Good, or Bad policies, but all that mattered was the fact that they were President Trumps!..Yes, everything GOOD that President Trup put in place, Joey wiped out on the very first day he sat in office. ,
In fact it’s likely that China Joey didn’t even understand nor did he care . about the 50 plus Executive Orders that he signed. They were just handed to him (by who knows woi) , and he signed them.
You could bet your last dollar that he was told the Tear down the Wall, and call for Gun Control.. That was the Democratic Socialist way of showing that they meant Lets Screw Trump....Period.
And now these Lying Pukes say they that Biden REALLY didn't really want to defund the Police, and it was all the Republican’s idea? Just as they are saying about the Millions of ILLEGAL’S that HE brought in to WRECK our Cities. Just how stupid do they think we, and the American people are?
“Unity” ? LOL. Biden is doing what’s ever necessary to DIVIDE the Country, He don’t want no Stinken “Unity”, and he never did. .
A thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns all but destroyed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years. And as predicted Uncle Joey took all the credit for obtaining the “Chinese Flu” Vaccine himself. It didn’t matter if Biden himself took the Vaccine while Trump was still in office, as long as he (Biden) sid it was his was all that counted.
A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with a COVID-19 bill. package. Biden rejected them and instead signed THE MOST EXPENSIVE SPENDING BILL IN U.S. HISTORY, without one single Republican vote. This $1.9 TRILLION MONSTROSITY delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include about Seventy Five percent of non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states. This “Bill” included such CRAP as $500 billion to subsidies Obamacare, 35 billion premiums million to fund the arts, Humanities, Libraries, and Museums,
$1.5 billion to Amtrak, and so on... And silly me, I thought we are talking about COVID relief for the people, and not for Pelosi’s pay backs.
Biden would rather give the Hundreds of Millions of dollars to Iran, and to the Illegal Invaders to our country. Why not? He gave them everything else!
Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.
So by More of that Democrat kind of “Unity” means Get in line with ‘Biden’s way of governing. The kind of ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders!
So the Bottom Line is, to just Stand By, Many Other Socialist Policies Will Be Coming Your Way.
Uhh..let's see. Republicans in their devotion to Trump made sure it didn't happen.
So, what happened to Delusional Uncle Joey's call for “Unity”? Just look at what that Senile of Fool gave us instead!

It was less than for years ago when that ILLEGAL Cheating, Corrupted President Joe Biden stood in front of the US. Capitol and delivered his inaugural address from his “Flash Cards”, that was all about his calling for “UNITY”, and many Americans who saw a politically fractured, and divided country as the Progressives welcomed it. He then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also supposing to be helping and healing the country. On COVID-19, on Infrastructure, on “Boarder Control”, Climate Control, and several other matters, there was a glimmer of hope for bipartisan support. But very soon after, the load of disagreements followed.
Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national “Unity”, Biden has abandoned his pursuit of “Unity” entirely, because it was all lies to begin with . In fact we saw exactly the opposite. We saw the “Blame Game”.. And we saw the finger pointing,. The pursuit for “Unity” was long GONE, and never to come in the first place. !

And Delusional Joey pushed through the biggest, and the fast CRAP LOAD of Executive Orders ever seen before, ALL of them were designed to WIPE OUT just about every thing that President Trump had accomplished. It didn’t matter if the EO wiped out Good, or Bad policies, but all that mattered was the fact that they were President Trumps!..Yes, everything GOOD that President Trup put in place, Joey wiped out on the very first day he sat in office. ,
In fact it’s likely that China Joey didn’t even understand nor did he care . about the 50 plus Executive Orders that he signed. They were just handed to him (by who knows woi) , and he signed them.
You could bet your last dollar that he was told the Tear down the Wall, and call for Gun Control.. That was the Democratic Socialist way of showing that they meant Lets Screw Trump....Period.
And now these Lying Pukes say they that Biden REALLY didn't really want to defund the Police, and it was all the Republican’s idea? Just as they are saying about the Millions of ILLEGAL’S that HE brought in to WRECK our Cities. Just how stupid do they think we, and the American people are?
“Unity” ? LOL. Biden is doing what’s ever necessary to DIVIDE the Country, He don’t want no Stinken “Unity”, and he never did. .
A thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns all but destroyed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years. And as predicted Uncle Joey took all the credit for obtaining the “Chinese Flu” Vaccine himself. It didn’t matter if Biden himself took the Vaccine while Trump was still in office, as long as he (Biden) sid it was his was all that counted.
A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with a COVID-19 bill. package. Biden rejected them and instead signed THE MOST EXPENSIVE SPENDING BILL IN U.S. HISTORY, without one single Republican vote. This $1.9 TRILLION MONSTROSITY delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include about Seventy Five percent of non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states. This “Bill” included such CRAP as $500 billion to subsidies Obamacare, 35 billion premiums million to fund the arts, Humanities, Libraries, and Museums,
$1.5 billion to Amtrak, and so on... And silly me, I thought we are talking about COVID relief for the people, and not for Pelosi’s pay backs.
Biden would rather give the Hundreds of Millions of dollars to Iran, and to the Illegal Invaders to our country. Why not? He gave them everything else!
Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.
So by More of that Democrat kind of “Unity” means Get in line with ‘Biden’s way of governing. The kind of ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders!
So the Bottom Line is, to just Stand By, Many Other Socialist Policies Will Be Coming Your Way.
Yeah…unity went out the door the moment the sound waves that formed those words had dissipated.
So, what happened to Delusional Uncle Joey's call for “Unity”? Just look at what that Senile of Fool gave us instead!

It was less than for years ago when that ILLEGAL Cheating, Corrupted President Joe Biden stood in front of the US. Capitol and delivered his inaugural address from his “Flash Cards”, that was all about his calling for “UNITY”, and many Americans who saw a politically fractured, and divided country as the Progressives welcomed it. He then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also supposing to be helping and healing the country. On COVID-19, on Infrastructure, on “Boarder Control”, Climate Control, and several other matters, there was a glimmer of hope for bipartisan support. But very soon after, the load of disagreements followed.
Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national “Unity”, Biden has abandoned his pursuit of “Unity” entirely, because it was all lies to begin with . In fact we saw exactly the opposite. We saw the “Blame Game”.. And we saw the finger pointing,. The pursuit for “Unity” was long GONE, and never to come in the first place. !

And Delusional Joey pushed through the biggest, and the fast CRAP LOAD of Executive Orders ever seen before, ALL of them were designed to WIPE OUT just about every thing that President Trump had accomplished. It didn’t matter if the EO wiped out Good, or Bad policies, but all that mattered was the fact that they were President Trumps!..Yes, everything GOOD that President Trup put in place, Joey wiped out on the very first day he sat in office. ,
In fact it’s likely that China Joey didn’t even understand nor did he care . about the 50 plus Executive Orders that he signed. They were just handed to him (by who knows woi) , and he signed them.
You could bet your last dollar that he was told the Tear down the Wall, and call for Gun Control.. That was the Democratic Socialist way of showing that they meant Lets Screw Trump....Period.
And now these Lying Pukes say they that Biden REALLY didn't really want to defund the Police, and it was all the Republican’s idea? Just as they are saying about the Millions of ILLEGAL’S that HE brought in to WRECK our Cities. Just how stupid do they think we, and the American people are?
“Unity” ? LOL. Biden is doing what’s ever necessary to DIVIDE the Country, He don’t want no Stinken “Unity”, and he never did. .
A thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns all but destroyed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years. And as predicted Uncle Joey took all the credit for obtaining the “Chinese Flu” Vaccine himself. It didn’t matter if Biden himself took the Vaccine while Trump was still in office, as long as he (Biden) sid it was his was all that counted.
A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with a COVID-19 bill. package. Biden rejected them and instead signed THE MOST EXPENSIVE SPENDING BILL IN U.S. HISTORY, without one single Republican vote. This $1.9 TRILLION MONSTROSITY delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include about Seventy Five percent of non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states. This “Bill” included such CRAP as $500 billion to subsidies Obamacare, 35 billion premiums million to fund the arts, Humanities, Libraries, and Museums,
$1.5 billion to Amtrak, and so on... And silly me, I thought we are talking about COVID relief for the people, and not for Pelosi’s pay backs.
Biden would rather give the Hundreds of Millions of dollars to Iran, and to the Illegal Invaders to our country. Why not? He gave them everything else!
Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.
So by More of that Democrat kind of “Unity” means Get in line with ‘Biden’s way of governing. The kind of ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders!
So the Bottom Line is, to just Stand By, Many Other Socialist Policies Will Be Coming Your Way.
Biden is faithfully executing Obama's third term. Just like Obama, Biden said all the pretty words about "Unity" and then proceeded with hate and division just like his mentor the "Transformer-In-Chief".
So, what happened to Delusional Uncle Joey's call for “Unity”? Just look at what that Senile of Fool gave us instead!

It was less than for years ago when that ILLEGAL Cheating, Corrupted President Joe Biden stood in front of the US. Capitol and delivered his inaugural address from his “Flash Cards”, that was all about his calling for “UNITY”, and many Americans who saw a politically fractured, and divided country as the Progressives welcomed it. He then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also supposing to be helping and healing the country. On COVID-19, on Infrastructure, on “Boarder Control”, Climate Control, and several other matters, there was a glimmer of hope for bipartisan support. But very soon after, the load of disagreements followed.
Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national “Unity”, Biden has abandoned his pursuit of “Unity” entirely, because it was all lies to begin with . In fact we saw exactly the opposite. We saw the “Blame Game”.. And we saw the finger pointing,. The pursuit for “Unity” was long GONE, and never to come in the first place. !

And Delusional Joey pushed through the biggest, and the fast CRAP LOAD of Executive Orders ever seen before, ALL of them were designed to WIPE OUT just about every thing that President Trump had accomplished. It didn’t matter if the EO wiped out Good, or Bad policies, but all that mattered was the fact that they were President Trumps!..Yes, everything GOOD that President Trup put in place, Joey wiped out on the very first day he sat in office. ,
In fact it’s likely that China Joey didn’t even understand nor did he care . about the 50 plus Executive Orders that he signed. They were just handed to him (by who knows woi) , and he signed them.
You could bet your last dollar that he was told the Tear down the Wall, and call for Gun Control.. That was the Democratic Socialist way of showing that they meant Lets Screw Trump....Period.
And now these Lying Pukes say they that Biden REALLY didn't really want to defund the Police, and it was all the Republican’s idea? Just as they are saying about the Millions of ILLEGAL’S that HE brought in to WRECK our Cities. Just how stupid do they think we, and the American people are?
“Unity” ? LOL. Biden is doing what’s ever necessary to DIVIDE the Country, He don’t want no Stinken “Unity”, and he never did. .
A thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns all but destroyed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years. And as predicted Uncle Joey took all the credit for obtaining the “Chinese Flu” Vaccine himself. It didn’t matter if Biden himself took the Vaccine while Trump was still in office, as long as he (Biden) sid it was his was all that counted.
A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with a COVID-19 bill. package. Biden rejected them and instead signed THE MOST EXPENSIVE SPENDING BILL IN U.S. HISTORY, without one single Republican vote. This $1.9 TRILLION MONSTROSITY delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include about Seventy Five percent of non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states. This “Bill” included such CRAP as $500 billion to subsidies Obamacare, 35 billion premiums million to fund the arts, Humanities, Libraries, and Museums,
$1.5 billion to Amtrak, and so on... And silly me, I thought we are talking about COVID relief for the people, and not for Pelosi’s pay backs.
Biden would rather give the Hundreds of Millions of dollars to Iran, and to the Illegal Invaders to our country. Why not? He gave them everything else!
Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.
So by More of that Democrat kind of “Unity” means Get in line with ‘Biden’s way of governing. The kind of ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders!
So the Bottom Line is, to just Stand By, Many Other Socialist Policies Will Be Coming Your Way.
There will be no unity with magaturds. None.
LOL. Biden is a centrist. Unfortunately, there is no center in the Republican party anymore. It is all MAGA and Alt-Right.
Bernie Sanders approaches a socialist. :)

Flooding the country with 10s of millions of low income foreigners is not centrist

Its way left of the American people
Address immigration.
Otherwise, stop your bellyaching.

You helped in this mess.
I just did by pointing out that biden has made a mockery of our laws for the sake of packing the country with illegal aliens/fake asylum seekers
Both political party's view of unity is disgusting. The Democrat's view of unity is agreeing with them and the hell with compromise. The Republican's take is that unity, like the federal spending deficient, is only a concern when the Democrats hold the White House.

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