Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

The climate is always in flux. Natural and human influences bring about change. For example, the average temperature of the earth has risen by 1 degree in the past 130 years. The sea level has also risen by 20 centimeters during that time. Climate change has major consequences for people, nature and the environment.

Causes of climate change​

The climate is changing for many different reasons, such as:

  • the activity of the sun;
  • the increase of greenhouse gases in the air;
  • volcanic eruptions;
  • meteorite impacts.
Since the industrial revolution, the influence of humans on the climate has increased rapidly. This is mainly due to the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane. Greenhouse gases ensure that heat is retained and as a result the temperature on earth rises. Without greenhouse gases, the earth would be freezing cold, but with too many greenhouse gases it will become too hot.

The increase in CO 2 is mainly due to the combustion of petroleum, natural gas and coal. The increase in methane is due to agriculture (for example cows and rice fields), swamp gas in wetlands and natural gas leakage.

Consequences of climate change​

If greenhouse gas emissions continue at the same rate, the Earth will become warmer and warmer. With major consequences for people, nature and the environment. For example, the average temperature of the earth has risen by 1 degree in the past 130 years. In the Netherlands with even 1.7 degrees. The growing and flowering season starts earlier. Habitats of animals and plants are changing, for example due to higher temperatures. As a result, more and more animals and plant species are becoming extinct or leaving their habitat. Their habitat may also increase due to climate change.

We are more likely to experience extreme weather. There will be more torrential rains, heavier storms or longer drier and hot periods. The Netherlands is extra vulnerable to flooding because a large part of our country is below sea level. And the construction of higher dikes is very expensive. Climate change can also lead to a shortage of drinking water or food. As a result, more and more people are fleeing their region or country. This could have consequences for Dutch trade, which is highly dependent on the global economy.

The changing climate can be detrimental to our health. Think of respiratory problems due to air pollution, or more allergies. Changes in temperature, humidity and precipitation can give infectious diseases more space.

Research as a basis for action against climate change​

Because a changing climate has major consequences, it is important that we base our policy making on current scientific insights. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assesses scientific studies on climate change and monitors scientific discussions. The IPCC is an organization of the United Nations (UN). The Netherlands is a member of the IPCC along with 194 other countries.

Every few years, the IPCC publishes a report on the latest scientific research. According to the IPCC, the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent . The temperature has risen worldwide. The extent of the consequences differs per region and ecosystem.

For the Netherlands, the negative consequences of climate change are still not too bad . Such as warmer winters and drier summers, but no extreme drought or heat. In order to minimize the effects of climate change, the government must take measures against climate change .
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Completely laughable assertion. Not one iota of actual science.

No science. Just computer generated fiction.

Try again. And you have to have some of your own original content. It's against the rules to just spew propaganda.
eh, those are news articles reporting scientific research results and actual world events.

the post of mine that you mentioned underscores my points that i made in the opening post of this thread.
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Well sorry about that, you Krauts. I shouldn't have burned those tires I had out in the back yard.
eh, those are news articles reporting scientific research results and actual world events.

the post of mine that you mentioned underscores my points that i made in the opening post of this thread.
No. Actually you are simply trolling the USMB forum. You link to the Guardian, a well known fake news organization that was identified as a fucking anti-USA KGB disinformation outlet decades ago. Way back in the 1980s.
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

There is NO way to prove the claim.
No. Actually you are simply trolling the USMB forum. You link to the Guardian, a well known fake news organization that was identified as a fucking anti-USA KGB disinformation outlet decades ago. Way back in the 1980s.
we simply voice our opinions and research results here.
funny enough, all i've seen from you is insults and rhetoric, no science at all.
peacefan wasn't there a big flood that killed almost everything? in the bible? that was long ago
yeah, and we'll have another one in the same region in a few hundred thousand years. tectonic activity. africa is splitting up.

that does not mean human industrial activity is not having it's own effects on current climate change events..

do you guys even keep track of the changes in weather news per decade?

and your forest fires in the US, aren't they growing in size, like the new forest fires in Southern-Europe?
guess how much carbon *those* are sending up into the air..
and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Congratulations! You guys finally discovered fire ...

Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Yes, Climate Change is a natural phenomenon and shit like this happens all the time, but Progressive elites know that dumbasses like you have forgotten past events, so you will willingly give up your money to them, thinking they can save you.....That is how stupid you are. Now do you really want to save the planet? Show us that you will take the first step..and remove your Carbon Footprint so others will follow.

yeah, and we'll have another one in the same region in a few hundred thousand years. tectonic activity. africa is splitting up.

that does not mean human industrial activity is not having it's own effects on current climate change events..

do you guys even keep track of the changes in weather news per decade?

and your forest fires in the US, aren't they growing in size, like the new forest fires in Southern-Europe?
guess how much carbon *those* are sending up into the air..
Our fires are due to ignorant policies on forest management. For YEARS we stopped all small fires that would have cleared out brush and dead limbs and FAILED to police the debris ourselves. Now EVERY fire is major due to the piss poor prior management.
we simply voice our opinions and research results here.
funny enough, all i've seen from you is insults and rhetoric, no science at all.

Seriously, dude. On a scale from one to ten of things I should be worried about, climate change in Germany rates a number -5. It's the end of August here, and it's been getting down in the 50's at night.

Besides, what has Germany ever done for me?

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