Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

We are all stuck on this round ball called earth, what ever your beliefs about change are could we not agree that we need to pay attention to to things that help keep our air water & land clean & available.

Of course. Now, do a test. Look at EVERY climate control scheme and you will discover a very interesting thing.

Not one of the schemes actually requires draconian reduction of pollutution.

Quite the opposite in fact. Polluters buy carbon credits, and use those credits to keep polluting.

We all pay for those credits, and the wealthy elite rake in the dollars.

Go ahead, look at every scheme. Not one requires cuts.

That should tell you something. If you are smart.
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

What an unfettered pile of crap lie..

It's true, you folks will eat anything.... A sugar-coated turd is still a turd... Your factor of nine is total crap. Please show me the math and forcing factors to prove your statement.
We are all stuck on this round ball called earth, what ever your beliefs about change are could we not agree that we need to pay attention to to things that help keep our air water & land clean & available.
As soon as you can provide one piece of evidence that supports your position from a scientific fact.
but you haven't. You merely posted a link and didn't comment about what is scientific in the links you provided? See post #43.
If you actually read the papers the forcings are nothing more than a cooling flow aloft. (La Niña induced). These are natural changes seen throughout history and in no way caused by man. Having just a basic knowledge of our climatic systems responses lays waste to the claims made in the essay's.
If you actually read the papers the forcings are nothing more than a cooling flow aloft. (La Niña induced). These are natural changes seen throughout history and in no way caused by man. Having just a basic knowledge of our climatic systems responses lays waste to the claims made in the essay's.
Billy, it's like debating a rock or brick. or, PeeWee Herman and the old I know you are what am I over and over and over and over again. Useless to the entire process of science.
The Politicos and news gurus are all lying about "Climate Change!".
They have HARP weather modification equipment up and running.
They are guilty.
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

The B.S. is really deep in this story....

Government incompetence, not global warming, is the problem...

The risk was known: Rainfall like this week’s has happened repeatedly in Germany, historical chronicles read like blueprints for the current flood disaster, and hazard maps show the flood risk. Yet politicians, authorities and the media point to climate change as the cause – while disaster protection in Germany is at the level of a developing country. An unbelievable scandal.

At least 156 people have died because of heavy rain in Germany. Rain had fallen in amounts that have always been expected in Germany and have been an occasional occurrence since time immemorial. The same places that have been devastated by floods of rain this week have been hit in a similar way in the past, as chronicles show.”

660-year record of floods

Those claiming that the weather catastrophe came unexpectedly and that there was no way to be ready for it are no longer being taken very seriously, and are only confirming their historical ignorance.

Dr. Karl August Seel provides a comprehensive history of the River Ahr flood events – going back to the year 1348.

The Ahr River, the ground zero of last week’s flood disaster, is the northernmost tributary of the Rhine and has a length of 90 km and a catchment area of 900 square kilometers.

Lethal stupidity

As the chronicles show, flooding events happened dozens of times and the authorities were obviously comatose at the wheel.

For too many years a crusty old bureaucracy focused on climate protection while ignoring protection from the whims of the weather. Their strategy, as unbelievable as it may sound, was to try to produce good weather by cutting CO2 emissions. It’s that stupid.

The people who want us to think they can rescue the world’s climate couldn’t even manage a flood.

Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Government...not climate....

Figure 1. Water level marker for the 1804 flood in the suburb of Walporzheim, Pützgasse 9 (Photo: Reinhardhauke, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license).

The flood disasters of 1804 and 1910

What was probably the most catastrophic flood event in recent history hit the villages along the Ahr already at a “CO2-free” time in 1804. According to the records of the then French administration, 129 residential houses, 162 barns and stables, 18 mills and eight forges were completely destroyed. In addition, hundreds of houses, barns and stables, as well as two mills and a blacksmith’s shop were severely damaged.

Vineyards and fruit trees in the Ahr Valley were largely destroyed and nearly 30 bridges collapsed. Along with numerous horses and cattle that drowned in the floods, 63 people also lost their lives.

Another catastrophic flood later occurred in 1910. Although it was not quite as powerful as the one in 1804, there was again immense damage to houses and state buildings, as well as to the Ahr Valley Railway, which was just being constructed. Interestingly, between these two historic catastrophes and the current one, the time intervals are just over 100 years.

Has flood intensity increased “due to climate change”?

The frontrunners of “climate catastrophism” in Germany – politicians from chancellor Merkel (Christian Democrats), finance minister Scholz and environment minister Schulze (Social Democrats), Baerbock (Greens), Lindner (Liberals) and Wissler (Leftists) to climate alarmist Mojib Latif and his fellow prophets – are currently exploiting the catastrophe with all their might. Elections are just two months away, and everything must be done to divert public attention from their own failures.

Looking at historical peak discharge

If one doesn’t want to fall for this, one should compare the intensity of the current event with historical examples. Here, on the one hand, the records of Thomas Roggenkamp and Jürgen Herget in the “Heimatjahrbuch Kreis Ahrweiler 2015” are helpful, where they reconstructed the so-called peak discharges of some highwater events between 1804 and 1920. For the last decades and also for the beginning of the current catastrophe, detailed records of the flood reporting service of the State Office for the Environment of Rhineland-Palatinate are available. Their homepage lists both the water levels and the so-called peak discharges of the ten worst flood events of the Ahr River in the years from 1984 to 2016. Although these measuring points are located at different places today than during the earlier floods, the spatial distances are small enough to allow comparisons. What is important here are not so much the respective water level gauge values, because these purely depend on the specific location, but the peak discharge in cubic meters/second (m3/s). This is the flow rate at the peak of the flood wave and allows conclusions to be drawn about the force and destructive power of the flow even on different locations.

Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Government, not climate....

Experts had warned the German government four days before the first floods about the high risk of flooding in the Rhine basin, but the government failed to implement flood protection measures that are, in any case historically underfunded and thus ineffective.

Despite previous flood disasters in recent decades, Germany’s priority in dealing with climate change has been to spend hundreds of billions of euros on wind and solar projects, failing almost completely to prepare communities for extreme weather events that are inevitable regardless of climate change.

yeah, and we'll have another one in the same region in a few hundred thousand years. tectonic activity. africa is splitting up.

that does not mean human industrial activity is not having it's own effects on current climate change events..

do you guys even keep track of the changes in weather news per decade?

and your forest fires in the US, aren't they growing in size, like the new forest fires in Southern-Europe?
guess how much carbon *those* are sending up into the air..

Forest fires are worse because democrat policies won't let the Forest Services clear out dead wood ....
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

I'm convinced ... I know for a fact there were no floods before 1st World people started driving SUVs... where do I send my check?!
Seriously, dude. On a scale from one to ten of things I should be worried about, climate change in Germany rates a number -5. It's the end of August here, and it's been getting down in the 50's at night.

Besides, what has Germany ever done for me?

They make the best bad guys in war movies ... except maybe Russians...

Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Once the poles melt, as they will do irrelevant of your silly beliefs and efforts, sea level will rise 200 metres. This won't be in our life time, it'll be over many thousands of years.

No offence, but why do brainless fuckwits like yourself believe all this shite you spew?

Once the poles melt, as they will do irrelevant of your silly beliefs and efforts, sea level will rise 200 metres. This won't be in our life time, it'll be over many thousands of years.

No offence, but why do brainless fuckwits like yourself believe all this shite you spew?

Thousands of years?

Yeah, you morons got tired of predicting things.....and then falling on your now, we have to destroy our society with your fascist policies so that a mythical global warming threat a thousnd years inthe future can be stopped
If you actually read the papers the forcings are nothing more than a cooling flow aloft. (La Niña induced). These are natural changes seen throughout history and in no way caused by man. Having just a basic knowledge of our climatic systems responses lays waste to the claims made in the essay's.

If you read actual find out that once again, it is the government that messed up.......and didn't do anything to deal with flooding in those areas...flooding that has happened before several times......and the government didn't do anything to prepare for new flooding...
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

As we are in the latter part of the current ice age, scientists predict a further 5,000 years + for all the ice to melt. The earth has had 5 ice ages, but even in Ordovician times, glacial evidence still took place in co2 levels of up to 8,000ppm.

When all ice melts, see levels will be approx 200 metres higher than today. But it didn't stop Obama buying an umpteen million dollar mansion beside the sea.

And as parts of the Netherlands is reclaimed sea bed, wasn't the wisest of decisions. We humans merely rent a place on the planet and mother nature will reclaim what she wants to reclaim, whether people think changing their car will help and/or shooting farting livestock.
A couple of hundred years ago those tornadoes would have gone through and wouldn't have affected too many humans, except for some Indians. They wouldn't have reported it because they didn't have a written language.

It is a big deal now because the population of the US is 330,000,000 and any adverse weather event it going to cause significant damage.

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