Can you be a Christian and vote for Obama?

Can you be a Christian and vote for Obama?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 75.5%
  • No

    Votes: 13 24.5%

  • Total voters
Actually, Jews fled the middle east due to Muslim raids. Again, back then you had to be born into that religion, and could not marry outside of it. So the Jews that ended up in Europe and are now in Israel look pretty much as the have for thousands of years.

Not true!

If you read "War of the World" by Niall Ferguson, you'll learn that in the 19th and early 20th Centuries that there was a lot of intermarriage between Jewish people and the Europeans that surrounded them. And that doesn't take into account the Jewish people who had lived and married outside of their religion for centuries before that. It wasn't as prevalent as intermarriage was later, but there can be no doubt that it did happen.

And, there are a few Jewish people who live in Israel who look Arab. Although many of them fled and were gone for centuries, there were some who lived in the Middle East for the last few centuries.
Most Jewish people in Israel now are there because they fled Europe after WWII, that's why they're white. 2,000 years ago, the people who lived in the Middle East physically resembled Arabs with dark skin, black hair, dark eyes, large facial features (nose, eyes, lips). Actually, Jesus looked like an Arab.

Actually there's no solid evidence that jesus even existed.
Actually there's no solid evidence that jesus even existed.

Actually, there is. About a year ago, prisoners were digging out an expansion for their jail. They discovered that the prison was on top of a church, and there was a coin in it with the likeness and name of Yeshua on it.

Now......coins of that time did not have fictional people put on them, they had real ones.

I'd say that makes for some kind of proof.
Actually, there is. About a year ago, prisoners were digging out an expansion for their jail. They discovered that the prison was on top of a church, and there was a coin in it with the likeness and name of Yeshua on it.

Now......coins of that time did not have fictional people put on them, they had real ones.

I'd say that makes for some kind of proof.

That some kind of proof is hardly concrete evidence.

There is a lot of evidence that Jesus Christ really existed. As an aetheist I think its more than likely that he did. And I think he was a great man, like MLKjr. and Gahndi. However, I don't believe he is the son of God nor that he somehow cleansed us of sin because he was executed by the Romans.

And I think that Jesus wouldn't support the war in Iraq, the innocent people killed in US air strikes, not allowing gays to marry, or taking away a woman's right to choose to have a baby or not. When someone dies, especially an infant, many Christians think that God has taken that infant back to Heaven. So if a woman gets an abortion, isn't that God calling the fetus to Heaven? And since Heaven is a "better place" shouldn't Christians be happy?
That some kind of proof is hardly concrete evidence.

There is a lot of evidence that Jesus Christ really existed. As an aetheist I think its more than likely that he did. And I think he was a great man, like MLKjr. and Gahndi. However, I don't believe he is the son of God nor that he somehow cleansed us of sin because he was executed by the Romans.

And I think that Jesus wouldn't support the war in Iraq, the innocent people killed in US air strikes, not allowing gays to marry, or taking away a woman's right to choose to have a baby or not. When someone dies, especially an infant, many Christians think that God has taken that infant back to Heaven. So if a woman gets an abortion, isn't that God calling the fetus to Heaven? And since Heaven is a "better place" shouldn't Christians be happy?

Well, like I said, since the only people who were put on coins back then were those that were influential, the discovery of one is pretty far up there on the proof scale.

The rest of your stuff? Yep, I think Yeshua would be against the war, support the rights of ALL (including gays), as well as have quite a bit to say to the current crop of zealots that have managed to besmirch His name. Matter of fact, Yeshua made it really simple......He said love God above all, and love each other like you would love yourself. No mention was made of gender.

You know.....if Yeshua DOES come back before our current admin skulks away to Halliburton HQ in Dubai, I hope he goes to 1600 Penn. Ave and pulls our current sorry excuse of a president outta the White House and beats his ass.
Well, like I said, since the only people who were put on coins back then were those that were influential, the discovery of one is pretty far up there on the proof scale.

The rest of your stuff? Yep, I think Yeshua would be against the war, support the rights of ALL (including gays), as well as have quite a bit to say to the current crop of zealots that have managed to besmirch His name. Matter of fact, Yeshua made it really simple......He said love God above all, and love each other like you would love yourself. No mention was made of gender.

You know.....if Yeshua DOES come back before our current admin skulks away to Halliburton HQ in Dubai, I hope he goes to 1600 Penn. Ave and pulls our current sorry excuse of a president outta the White House and beats his ass.

HEAR HEAR!!:clap2:
And......for all you "Christian" zealots that say Yeshua wouldn't beat on someone, well, let me ask you a question......

Was He nice when He whipped up on the money changers in the Temple?

Afterwards, I'd like to see Him head to Wall St. with a bullwhip!
And......for all you "Christian" zealots that say Yeshua wouldn't beat on someone, well, let me ask you a question......

Was He nice when He whipped up on the money changers in the Temple?

Afterwards, I'd like to see Him head to Wall St. with a bullwhip!

ABS did Jesus whip on the money changers?

The answer in my Bible is NO, HE did not.

HE flipped the money changers tables, it mentions NOTHING of him beating up on them or hitting them??? At least not from my memory of the story in the Bible???

Actually, there is. About a year ago, prisoners were digging out an expansion for their jail. They discovered that the prison was on top of a church, and there was a coin in it with the likeness and name of Yeshua on it.

Now......coins of that time did not have fictional people put on them, they had real ones.

I'd say that makes for some kind of proof.

also, the great writer and Historian Josephus made mention of Jesus in his book of history during the time.
Why or why not?
This would have more to do with your religious convictions... A true Christian abhors abortion(40,000,000 Christian babies butchered 1974-2007 and counting divide that by 6,000,000 Jews killed in the ovens of Auschwitz = 6.66666666 into infinity both demonic senseless mass murders). A true Christian loves the homosexual but hates homosexuality(THE ACT, GOD hates it to, as its written in the WORD), with that said if Mr Obama supports either one I would say no a Christian should not vote for him... No self respecting believer would vote for an abortion advocate nor a homosexual sympathizer, if you had you either dont believe in the GODs WORD or you have no idea who it is that you serve or never really cared...thereby wasting your time making claims to be a Christian that you clearly dont want or blatantly dont want know:eusa_angel::eusa_angel::eusa_angel:....
If your an atheist or an agnostic why even bother posting here other than to agitate Christains as the subject asks should a Christian vote for OBAMA or not and why??

Christ came to abolish religion and denomination its pure human nature to build up these walls????Christ is the WORD, GOD come in the Flesh...
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth
2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
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God gave you free will while living. Murder now, pay later. :badgrin:
glockmail your very smart stay on this path, as you will avoid what's to come...
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.:eusa_angel::eusa_angel::eusa_angel:
This would have more to do with your religious convictions... A true Christian abhors abortion(40,000,000 Christian babies butchered 1974-2007 and counting divide that by 6,000,000 Jews killed in the ovens of Auschwitz = 6.66666666 into infinity both demonic senseless mass murders). A true Christian loves the homosexual but hates homosexuality(THE ACT, GOD hates it to, as its written in the WORD), with that said if Mr Obama supports either one I would say no a Christian should not vote for him... No self respecting believer would vote for an abortion advocate nor a homosexual sympathizer, if you had you either dont believe in the GODs WORD or you have no idea who it is that you serve or never really cared...thereby wasting your time making claims to be a Christian that you clearly dont want or blatantly dont want know:eusa_angel::eusa_angel::eusa_angel:....
If your an atheist or an agnostic why even bother posting here other than to agitate Christains as the subject asks should a Christian vote for OBAMA or not and why??

Christ came to abolish religion and denomination its pure human nature to build up these walls????Christ is the WORD, GOD come in the Flesh...
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth
2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
I'm a Christian and I disagree with your opinion of Obama, but I'm not going to go into detail about why in this thread. If you want to know though PM me.
Listen, just because we elected a black man as president DOES NOT mean that every other person of some note and fame was black also.....this is getting tiresome........

First, Yeshua (Jesus) was Jewish. Jewish people of the time looked much like they do now, which is white skin with dark curly hair. Ever been to Israel? I have, and there are very few blacks over there.

Never said he was black bud! and he wasn't white either!
That some kind of proof is hardly concrete evidence.

There is a lot of evidence that Jesus Christ really existed. As an aetheist I think its more than likely that he did. And I think he was a great man, like MLKjr. and Gahndi. However, I don't believe he is the son of God nor that he somehow cleansed us of sin because he was executed by the Romans.

And I think that Jesus wouldn't support the war in Iraq, the innocent people killed in US air strikes, not allowing gays to marry, or taking away a woman's right to choose to have a baby or not. When someone dies, especially an infant, many Christians think that God has taken that infant back to Heaven. So if a woman gets an abortion, isn't that God calling the fetus to Heaven? And since Heaven is a "better place" shouldn't Christians be happy?
I agree with you 100% on that! I believe he was a regular man who was for human rights and when he stood up for everyone people saw him as someone godly since during those times mythology was very common. Every religion is based on mythology, they needed away to give people purpose and some sort of law to follow.
Jews are a white race.
not all of them! Jesus most likely looked darker like someone from Irag, most historians believed him to have dark olive skin and there have been accounts of him having darker skin with eyebrows thick and growing together. He also had black ancestory most of them believe. The theory he was white came from Christians believing he was born divine and as a dark haired anglo. The people of that region along with Jewish people in that area were also darker then they are now. It is called evolution for one plus it doesn't really matter we all come from Africa anymore and were all black at one time.
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