Can any con here tell me the difference between a moderate liberal and an extremist?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I don't think any of you can. I have never seen anyone here make the distinction. You instead choose to believe all liberals think the same way as if we are part of some giant clubhouse. I wish you understood how simple minded this kind of thinking is.

Or better yet, how about you also explain the difference between a moderate conservative and a conservative extremist,
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In my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-Someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the NARAL eugenics roots.
-Someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-Someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the IPCC.
-Someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.
In my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-Someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the NARAL eugenics roots.
-Someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-Someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the IPCC.
-Someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.

This is a fair analysis.

However, you are wrong on one thing: the stimulus did work.
Anyone to the left of Goldwater is an extremist to the reactionary conservatives.

Normal cons know the diff between lib and extremist.
In my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-Someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the NARAL eugenics roots.
-Someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-Someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the IPCC.
-Someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.

This is a fair analysis.

However, you are wrong on one thing: the stimulus did work.

No, it didn't:

In my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-Someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the NARAL eugenics roots.
-Someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-Someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the IPCC.
-Someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.

on what basis do you claim the stim didn't work?

so you can denigrate us but we cant return the favor?
In my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-Someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the NARAL eugenics roots.
-Someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-Someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the IPCC.
-Someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.

This is a fair analysis.

However, you are wrong on one thing: the stimulus did work.

No, it didn't:


I definitely question this. Where does this come from? Based on what facts?
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in my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the naral eugenics roots.
-someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the ipcc.
-someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.

this is a fair analysis.

However, you are wrong on one thing: The stimulus did work.

no, it didn't:


In either direction, right or left, the distinction is clear, moderates want to work within the system even if it is rigged, extremists want to change the system to not be rigged (from their point of view).

I added the parenthetical comment to be clear that the concept of "rigged" is entirely relative to said radical.
I don't think any of you can. I have never seen anyone here make the distinction. You instead choose to believe all liberals think the same way as if we are part of some giant clubhouse. I wish you understood how simple minded this kind of thinking is.

Or better yet, how about you also explain the difference between a moderate conservative and a conservative extremist,

Define my moderateness with liberal leanings as being more about whatever's fair and true, than clinging to either extreme just to make that side stronger. I pattern my political self on a judge, not on politicians. Sometimes I come down on the conservative side of things like with abortion, death penalty, foreign policy; other times I come down on the liberal side as with drug prohibition repeal, civil rights, etc. But I don't stick to those positions if a specific example warrants that to be fair I must change my position.

Would say an extremeist of either wing is someone who stays on one side of the fence regardless. Unfortunately politics is never black and white, and always a matter of shades of both black and white.
No, it didn't:


I definitely question this. Where does this come from? Based on what facts?

The blue lines are from the Obama Administration's sales pitch for the stimulus:

The red line is the actual unemployment rate.

Ah I see. Why am I not surprised this is from a conservative blog? Well heres the problem with this: this graph is only based on the failure of the prediction of how well the stimulus would turn out. That doesn't mean the stimulus didn't work. It just didn't work as well as we hoped. Here is the evidence that it did work from a non partisan perspective:

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

It would have created more jobs had it been bigger.
I definitely question this. Where does this come from? Based on what facts?

The blue lines are from the Obama Administration's sales pitch for the stimulus:

The red line is the actual unemployment rate.

Ah I see. Why am I not surprised this is from a conservative blog? Well heres the problem with this: this graph is only based on the failure of the prediction of how well the stimulus would turn out. That doesn't mean the stimulus didn't work. It just didn't work as well as we hoped. Here is the evidence that it did work from a non partisan perspective:

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

It would have created more jobs had it been bigger.

Moving the goalposts doesn't change anything. That was the chart used to sell the stimulus. It didn't work.

Why does the source of the chart matter if it's accurate?
The blue lines are from the Obama Administration's sales pitch for the stimulus:

The red line is the actual unemployment rate.

Ah I see. Why am I not surprised this is from a conservative blog? Well heres the problem with this: this graph is only based on the failure of the prediction of how well the stimulus would turn out. That doesn't mean the stimulus didn't work. It just didn't work as well as we hoped. Here is the evidence that it did work from a non partisan perspective:

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

It would have created more jobs had it been bigger.

Moving the goalposts doesn't change anything. That was the chart used to sell the stimulus. It didn't work.

Why does the source of the chart matter if it's accurate?

It matters because the source is not telling the entire story. Ill concede Obama oversold it, but that doesn't mean it didn't work. That link you provided was a report written before the stimulus even took effect. The source I provided shows the stimulus did work. In fact, when the stimulus took effect, the 100,000s of jobs per month we were losing from the 2008 crisis began to level off. From there the private sector CREATED jobs. It is the reason why we are even in a recovery.
Democrat types-

Moderate- Joe Manchin, Joseph Lieberman, Jim Webb

Lunatic- Nancy Pelosi, Shiela Jackson Lee, Harry Reid
In my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-Someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the NARAL eugenics roots.
-Someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-Someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the IPCC.
-Someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.

This is a fair analysis.

However, you are wrong on one thing: the stimulus did work.

And you just showed that you are far left with that one post.
In my opinion a moderate liberal is someone that leans left either fiscally or socially but does not share 90% of their views with the far left extremist groups and is not dogmatic about their politics. A few examples

-Someone who is pro-choice but does not vote exclusively on that position and doesn't ignore the NARAL eugenics roots.
-Someone who sees government as a power for good if done correctly but doesn't think the stimulus worked.
-Someone who thinks we should protect the environment but notices the inconsistencies in the IPCC.
-Someone who sees validity to the position of fiscal or social conservative views but just disagrees and does not denigrate people merely for disagreeing.

Just my opinion.

This is a fair analysis.

However, you are wrong on one thing: the stimulus did work.

No, it didn't:


A fraudulent chart? Sorry, chum, the stimulus worked.

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