AAPS v Sebelius ex rel Obama Hellcare


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
The Libs pulled it off...
They went to the Supreme Court and argued it was a mandate.
When that didn't go their way they said...

Did we say mandate...of course it's not a mandate it's a tax...

And that was that...

Them Obama lied to sell it and the media went to the wall to back him up.

And here we are!
The Libs pulled it off...
They went to the Supreme Court and argued it was a mandate.
When that didn't go their way they said...

Did we say mandate...of course it's not a mandate it's a tax...

And that was that...

Them Obama lied to sell it and the media went to the wall to back him up.

And here we are!

And of course, since it appears to be yet another freebie, the narcotized populace is silent. No one gives a shit about its constitutionality.
The Libs pulled it off...
They went to the Supreme Court and argued it was a mandate.
When that didn't go their way they said...

Did we say mandate...of course it's not a mandate it's a tax...

And that was that...

Them Obama lied to sell it and the media went to the wall to back him up.

And here we are!

He didn't lie, he just said what he believed to be true and was not. Is there a difference between lying and not knowing what you are talking about? After all we have been saying since 2008 he didn't know what he was talking about and now he is proving it.
This will be an interesting case to watch play out. However, people should not get their panties wet prematurely. The origination clause, and the case law pertaining to it, have always been vague and full of difficult to define holes. This particular case has already lost round one in the district court.
Gosh! I wonder how all those GOP amendments were added to the ACA if it was written and passed in the dark of night!

Just how retarded are you people?

Were you in a coma during the SEVERAL MONTHS IT WAS BEING DEBATED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Gosh! I wonder how all those GOP amendments were added to the ACA if it was written and passed in the dark of night!

Just how retarded are you people?

Were you in a coma during the SEVERAL MONTHS IT WAS BEING DEBATED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

The only Republican amendment I know of that made it into the final Obamacare law is the Grassely amendment which said Congress and their staffs must get insurance through the exchanges. No other amendments were even considered.

Of course, Obama ignored the law and gave Congressional staffs an unconstitutional waiver....but Obama seems to be good at ignoring the law and the Constitution.
This will be an interesting case to watch play out. However, people should not get their panties wet prematurely. The origination clause, and the case law pertaining to it, have always been vague and full of difficult to define holes. This particular case has already lost round one in the district court.

ONLY if a congresscritter is determined to perpetrate a fraud:

The Origination Clause states, "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used a legislative "trick" so that none of the Affordable Care Act legislation originated in the House,

Reid took the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act, which the House had passed unanimously in 2009, removed every word of its text after the first sentence, and then replaced it with the Obamacare language, the conservative website says."

Gosh! I wonder how all those GOP amendments were added to the ACA if it was written and passed in the dark of night!

Just how retarded are you people?

Were you in a coma during the SEVERAL MONTHS IT WAS BEING DEBATED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Provide a copy of the Congressional Record showing that the ACA was debated. No bullshit excuses or pretexts

LINK or shut the fuck up,

Gosh! I wonder how all those GOP amendments were added to the ACA if it was written and passed in the dark of night!

Just how retarded are you people?

Were you in a coma during the SEVERAL MONTHS IT WAS BEING DEBATED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

The only Republican amendment I know of that made it into the final Obamacare law is the Grassely amendment which said Congress and their staffs must get insurance through the exchanges. No other amendments were even considered.

Of course, Obama ignored the law and gave Congressional staffs an unconstitutional waiver....but Obama seems to be good at ignoring the law and the Constitution.

NO amendments or debates were allowed.

Bottom line is that Obama insisted it was not a tax. Then when it went to SCOTUS, he said it was a tax. Right after that, he went back to saying it was not a tax.

Revenue raising bills must originate and pass the House. The Dems gutted a tax cutting bill and put Obamacare in it's place. That is illegal.

By lying to SCOTUS about it being a tax, without it passing the House, is also illegal.

Obama must lie to both the people and SCOTUS. It has to NOT be a tax in order for it to be constitutional by not passing the House and it has to be a tax in order for it to be upheld by SCOTUS.

And the deadheads in the media are allowing both lies to float. Just amazing.

It only passed because the Dems opted not to allow the House to vote on it after they changed it. The House had only passed a tax break and the Dems knew they would never pass the ACA. The Dems were in violation of the constitution when they pulled the switch and then shoved it through without the House. It's bullshit and we need to correct this.
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Bottom line is that Obama insisted it was not a tax. Then when it went to SCOTUS, he said it was a tax. Right after that, he went back to saying it was not a tax.

Revenue raising bills must originate and pass the House. The Dems gutted a tax cutting bill and put Obamacare in it's place. That is illegal.

By lying to SCOTUS about it being a tax, without it passing the House, is also illegal.

Obama must lie to both the people and SCOTUS. It has to NOT be a tax in order for it to be constitutional by not passing the House and it has to be a tax in order for it to be upheld by SCOTUS.

And the deadheads in the media are allowing both lies to float. Just amazing.

It only passed because the Dems opted not to allow the House to vote on it after they changed it. The House had only passed a tax break and the Dems knew they would never pass the ACA. The Dems were in violation of the constitution when they pulled the switch and then shoved it through without the House. It's bullshit and we need to correct this.


But the Parasitic Faction , which constitutes close to 50% of the electorate is not going to complain and the government controlled media is not going to disclose the information.

ONLY if a congresscritter is determined to perpetrate a fraud:

The Origination Clause states, "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used a legislative "trick" so that none of the Affordable Care Act legislation originated in the House,

Reid took the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act, which the House had passed unanimously in 2009, removed every word of its text after the first sentence, and then replaced it with the Obamacare language, the conservative website says."


There remains a great deal of ambiguity here, regarding exactly what the origination clause means and how it applies. For example, does "raising revenue" refer to any bill whatsoever that will have the effect of raising revenue? Does it specifically refer to levied taxes? Does it apply to tax penalties? To what extend does the Senate's ability to propose amendments apply? I look forward to more information coming out, and the chance to read the courts' opinions.
There remains a great deal of ambiguity here, regarding exactly what the origination clause means and how it applies. For example, does "raising revenue" refer to any bill whatsoever that will have the effect of raising revenue? Does it specifically refer to levied taxes? Does it apply to tax penalties? To what extend does the Senate's ability to propose amendments apply? I look forward to more information coming out, and the chance to read the courts' opinions.

The Appellants are correct:


The Government’s argument that the Senate’s creation of the PPACA was within its power to “amend” a House bill must fail, because that House bill was not a revenue-raising bill within
the meaning of the Clause, and because the complete replacement of a bill’s text with
new text on unrelated matters cannot qualify as a constitutional “amendment.”
In any
event, the Senate’s alleged “amendment” (i.e., the PPACA), and the House bill in
question (H.R. 3590), fail the “germaneness” requirement of Flint v. Stone Tracy Co.,
220 U.S. 107, 143 (1911), because the two bills are totally unrelated: The PPACA
undertakes a massive overhaul of the health-insurance market, while H.R. 3590
would have provided tax credits to certain first-time homebuyers.

ONLY if a congresscritter is determined to perpetrate a fraud:

The Origination Clause states, "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used a legislative "trick" so that none of the Affordable Care Act legislation originated in the House,

Reid took the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act, which the House had passed unanimously in 2009, removed every word of its text after the first sentence, and then replaced it with the Obamacare language, the conservative website says."


There remains a great deal of ambiguity here, regarding exactly what the origination clause means and how it applies. For example, does "raising revenue" refer to any bill whatsoever that will have the effect of raising revenue? Does it specifically refer to levied taxes? Does it apply to tax penalties? To what extend does the Senate's ability to propose amendments apply? I look forward to more information coming out, and the chance to read the courts' opinions.

well, if obamacare punishment is a tax then it is a bill designed to raise revenue
Gosh! I wonder how all those GOP amendments were added to the ACA if it was written and passed in the dark of night!

Just how retarded are you people?

Were you in a coma during the SEVERAL MONTHS IT WAS BEING DEBATED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Provide a copy of the Congressional Record showing that the ACA was debated. No bullshit excuses or pretexts

LINK or shut the fuck up,



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