There's science, and there's horseshit. The key feature of liberals is they can't tell the difference.

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
While this is inspired by this story about a plan to allegedly "de-extstinct" the dodo, the topic here is how elitist, allegedly smart, liberals always find a way to dive head first into the shallow end of the intelligence pool.

Let's start with early science "fiction" of the early and mid 20th century. I use quotes because what passed as science fiction was more fantasy than fiction (the distinction being that fiction has a certain grounding in realism, whereas fantasy abandons realism and allows for virtually anything to be deemed plausible, confined only by whatever limits the the author chooses to honor). The wonder and awe created by the rapidly expanding scientific discovery and technological advancement during the progressive era eventually lent itself to hopeful idealists indulging the fantasy that anything was inherently possible, only limited to some requisite scientific discovery. Science "fiction" therefore became riddled with fantasy stories that leveraged the audience's scientific ignorance as a crutch, creating a false veneer of realism on any batshit crazy idea. Only two things were really necessary: 1) an author wanting to tout the batshit crazy idea, and 2) an audience that wanted an excuse to believe the batshit crazy idea.

As a few decades passed the once socially dominant progressives of the past evolved into modern day elitist liberals who believe they are uber educated and uniquely capable of developing reasonable opinion about everything from how much a french fry should cost, to whether a person with two testicles and a penis is actually a man or just a woman who has been the subject to a cosmic injustice because slightly misaligned quarks at 3.14x10^87 seconds after the universe began caused said "woman" to be born in the wrong body. And one of their favorite excuses for their attitude is their alleged embrace of science. But it's not real science they embrace. It's only their titillation with science fantasy that they embrace.
For these liberals, science is not a discipline, it's a highway to Heaven. Many of these liberals are laymen who lack any significant understanding of scientific knowledge, they merely embrace the hope that new scientific advancement will yield whatever fantasies they may desire. Some of the liberals actually do study science and become scientists, but they do so for the wrong reasons. It's not the science they care about, it's only what their fantasy riddled psyche believes they will gain though science.

And that has brought us to recent times where liberals have embraced absolute horseshit in the guise of science, like "de-exstinction" of species and other nonsense that basically boils down to the ridiculous idea that science allows humans to play god in what most liberals believe is the absence of an extant god. The dodo is not the only species that has been proposed for "de-extinction". Notably, the woolly mammoth has been proposed as well. And popular culture has more subtly embraced a "de-extinction" of dinosaurs by conflating modern descendants of dinosaur species to dinosaurs themselves, giving a great many the indulgence of living out their childhood fantasy that maybe one day they could have a pet dinosaur of their very own.

But when you get into the nitty-gritty of these plans, what emerges from these de-extinction efforts is not the Jurassic Park style of cloning extinct species back into existence that one might expect from the name (on a related note, Michael Crichton was educated as physician, which is probably why he and similarly educated Issac Asimov are the two best science fiction writers America has produced). The plan to "de-exstinct" the woolly mammoth is little more than a hypothesis to use selective breeding and genetic engineering to produce a breed of elephant that looks like a woolly mammoth. The plan for the dodo seems to aim to genetically engineer extant species of birds to reflect increasing amounts of dodo DNA sequences. In both cases, generations of human manipulated monstrosities would be birthed. And in the end, we would have neither mammoth nor dodo, merely an artificially created image of what we think they would be.

But this is what liberals are all about. They think that just because you use advanced knowledge to generate your thousands of superficial reasons for believing horseshit, it somehow achieves legitimacy

Now please, feel free to argue with me about it.
While this is inspired by this story about a plan to allegedly "de-extstinct" the dodo, the topic here is how elitist, allegedly smart, liberals always find a way to dive head first into the shallow end of the intelligence pool.

Let's start with early science "fiction" of the early and mid 20th century. I use quotes because what passed as science fiction was more fantasy than fiction (the distinction being that fiction has a certain grounding in realism, whereas fantasy abandons realism and allows for virtually anything to be deemed plausible, confined only by whatever limits the the author chooses to honor). The wonder and awe created by the rapidly expanding scientific discovery and technological advancement during the progressive era eventually lent itself to hopeful idealists indulging the fantasy that anything was inherently possible, only limited to some requisite scientific discovery. Science "fiction" therefore became riddled with fantasy stories that leveraged the audience's scientific ignorance as a crutch, creating a false veneer of realism on any batshit crazy idea. Only two things were really necessary: 1) an author wanting to tout the batshit crazy idea, and 2) an audience that wanted an excuse to believe the batshit crazy idea.

As a few decades passed the once socially dominant progressives of the past evolved into modern day elitist liberals who believe they are uber educated and uniquely capable of developing reasonable opinion about everything from how much a french fry should cost, to whether a person with two testicles and a penis is actually a man or just a woman who has been the subject to a cosmic injustice because slightly misaligned quarks at 3.14x10^87 seconds after the universe began caused said "woman" to be born in the wrong body. And one of their favorite excuses for their attitude is their alleged embrace of science. But it's not real science they embrace. It's only their titillation with science fantasy that they embrace.
For these liberals, science is not a discipline, it's a highway to Heaven. Many of these liberals are laymen who lack any significant understanding of scientific knowledge, they merely embrace the hope that new scientific advancement will yield whatever fantasies they may desire. Some of the liberals actually do study science and become scientists, but they do so for the wrong reasons. It's not the science they care about, it's only what their fantasy riddled psyche believes they will gain though science.

And that has brought us to recent times where liberals have embraced absolute horseshit in the guise of science, like "de-exstinction" of species and other nonsense that basically boils down to the ridiculous idea that science allows humans to play god in what most liberals believe is the absence of an extant god. The dodo is not the only species that has been proposed for "de-extinction". Notably, the woolly mammoth has been proposed as well. And popular culture has more subtly embraced a "de-extinction" of dinosaurs by conflating modern descendants of dinosaur species to dinosaurs themselves, giving a great many the indulgence of living out their childhood fantasy that maybe one day they could have a pet dinosaur of their very own.

But when you get into the nitty-gritty of these plans, what emerges from these de-extinction efforts is not the Jurassic Park style of cloning extinct species back into existence that one might expect from the name (on a related note, Michael Crichton was educated as physician, which is probably why he and similarly educated Issac Asimov are the two best science fiction writers America has produced). The plan to "de-exstinct" the woolly mammoth is little more than a hypothesis to use selective breeding and genetic engineering to produce a breed of elephant that looks like a woolly mammoth. The plan for the dodo seems to aim to genetically engineer extant species of birds to reflect increasing amounts of dodo DNA sequences. In both cases, generations of human manipulated monstrosities would be birthed. And in the end, we would have neither mammoth nor dodo, merely an artificially created image of what we think they would be.

But this is what liberals are all about. They think that just because you use advanced knowledge to generate your thousands of superficial reasons for believing horseshit, it somehow achieves legitimacy

Now please, feel free to argue with me about it.
While this is inspired by this story about a plan to allegedly "de-extstinct" the dodo, the topic here is how elitist, allegedly smart, liberals always find a way to dive head first into the shallow end of the intelligence pool.

Let's start with early science "fiction" of the early and mid 20th century. I use quotes because what passed as science fiction was more fantasy than fiction (the distinction being that fiction has a certain grounding in realism, whereas fantasy abandons realism and allows for virtually anything to be deemed plausible, confined only by whatever limits the the author chooses to honor). The wonder and awe created by the rapidly expanding scientific discovery and technological advancement during the progressive era eventually lent itself to hopeful idealists indulging the fantasy that anything was inherently possible, only limited to some requisite scientific discovery. Science "fiction" therefore became riddled with fantasy stories that leveraged the audience's scientific ignorance as a crutch, creating a false veneer of realism on any batshit crazy idea. Only two things were really necessary: 1) an author wanting to tout the batshit crazy idea, and 2) an audience that wanted an excuse to believe the batshit crazy idea.

As a few decades passed the once socially dominant progressives of the past evolved into modern day elitist liberals who believe they are uber educated and uniquely capable of developing reasonable opinion about everything from how much a french fry should cost, to whether a person with two testicles and a penis is actually a man or just a woman who has been the subject to a cosmic injustice because slightly misaligned quarks at 3.14x10^87 seconds after the universe began caused said "woman" to be born in the wrong body. And one of their favorite excuses for their attitude is their alleged embrace of science. But it's not real science they embrace. It's only their titillation with science fantasy that they embrace.
For these liberals, science is not a discipline, it's a highway to Heaven. Many of these liberals are laymen who lack any significant understanding of scientific knowledge, they merely embrace the hope that new scientific advancement will yield whatever fantasies they may desire. Some of the liberals actually do study science and become scientists, but they do so for the wrong reasons. It's not the science they care about, it's only what their fantasy riddled psyche believes they will gain though science.

And that has brought us to recent times where liberals have embraced absolute horseshit in the guise of science, like "de-exstinction" of species and other nonsense that basically boils down to the ridiculous idea that science allows humans to play god in what most liberals believe is the absence of an extant god. The dodo is not the only species that has been proposed for "de-extinction". Notably, the woolly mammoth has been proposed as well. And popular culture has more subtly embraced a "de-extinction" of dinosaurs by conflating modern descendants of dinosaur species to dinosaurs themselves, giving a great many the indulgence of living out their childhood fantasy that maybe one day they could have a pet dinosaur of their very own.

But when you get into the nitty-gritty of these plans, what emerges from these de-extinction efforts is not the Jurassic Park style of cloning extinct species back into existence that one might expect from the name (on a related note, Michael Crichton was educated as physician, which is probably why he and similarly educated Issac Asimov are the two best science fiction writers America has produced). The plan to "de-exstinct" the woolly mammoth is little more than a hypothesis to use selective breeding and genetic engineering to produce a breed of elephant that looks like a woolly mammoth. The plan for the dodo seems to aim to genetically engineer extant species of birds to reflect increasing amounts of dodo DNA sequences. In both cases, generations of human manipulated monstrosities would be birthed. And in the end, we would have neither mammoth nor dodo, merely an artificially created image of what we think they would be.

But this is what liberals are all about. They think that just because you use advanced knowledge to generate your thousands of superficial reasons for believing horseshit, it somehow achieves legitimacy

Now please, feel free to argue with me about it.
Robert L. Forward was an actual physicist who made major contributions to gravitational wave detection. And his science fiction is noted for its accurate representations of the physical world.
Robert L. Forward was an actual physicist who made major contributions to gravitational wave detection. And his science fiction is noted for its accurate representations of the physical world.
I read Dragon's egg and the roche world books as a teenager. They were magnificent.
I thought everyone believed in horseshit.

Not necessarily every person. But it's certainly equally prevalent among the left and the right. Confusing the veneer of their elitist pseudo intellectual pop scientific dressing with legitimacy for their horseshit seems to be what defines a liberal. Confusing the veneer of their elitist salt of the earth mystic mythology dressing wtih legitimacy for their horseshit seems to be what defines a conservative. But the capacity for willfully and selectively believing absolute horseshit, while laughing at the other side for being no more stupid, seems to be where both sides agree.
While this is inspired by this story about a plan to allegedly "de-extstinct" the dodo, the topic here is how elitist, allegedly smart, liberals always find a way to dive head first into the shallow end of the intelligence pool.

Let's start with early science "fiction" of the early and mid 20th century. I use quotes because what passed as science fiction was more fantasy than fiction (the distinction being that fiction has a certain grounding in realism, whereas fantasy abandons realism and allows for virtually anything to be deemed plausible, confined only by whatever limits the the author chooses to honor). The wonder and awe created by the rapidly expanding scientific discovery and technological advancement during the progressive era eventually lent itself to hopeful idealists indulging the fantasy that anything was inherently possible, only limited to some requisite scientific discovery. Science "fiction" therefore became riddled with fantasy stories that leveraged the audience's scientific ignorance as a crutch, creating a false veneer of realism on any batshit crazy idea. Only two things were really necessary: 1) an author wanting to tout the batshit crazy idea, and 2) an audience that wanted an excuse to believe the batshit crazy idea.

As a few decades passed the once socially dominant progressives of the past evolved into modern day elitist liberals who believe they are uber educated and uniquely capable of developing reasonable opinion about everything from how much a french fry should cost, to whether a person with two testicles and a penis is actually a man or just a woman who has been the subject to a cosmic injustice because slightly misaligned quarks at 3.14x10^87 seconds after the universe began caused said "woman" to be born in the wrong body. And one of their favorite excuses for their attitude is their alleged embrace of science. But it's not real science they embrace. It's only their titillation with science fantasy that they embrace.
For these liberals, science is not a discipline, it's a highway to Heaven. Many of these liberals are laymen who lack any significant understanding of scientific knowledge, they merely embrace the hope that new scientific advancement will yield whatever fantasies they may desire. Some of the liberals actually do study science and become scientists, but they do so for the wrong reasons. It's not the science they care about, it's only what their fantasy riddled psyche believes they will gain though science.

And that has brought us to recent times where liberals have embraced absolute horseshit in the guise of science, like "de-exstinction" of species and other nonsense that basically boils down to the ridiculous idea that science allows humans to play god in what most liberals believe is the absence of an extant god. The dodo is not the only species that has been proposed for "de-extinction". Notably, the woolly mammoth has been proposed as well. And popular culture has more subtly embraced a "de-extinction" of dinosaurs by conflating modern descendants of dinosaur species to dinosaurs themselves, giving a great many the indulgence of living out their childhood fantasy that maybe one day they could have a pet dinosaur of their very own.

But when you get into the nitty-gritty of these plans, what emerges from these de-extinction efforts is not the Jurassic Park style of cloning extinct species back into existence that one might expect from the name (on a related note, Michael Crichton was educated as physician, which is probably why he and similarly educated Issac Asimov are the two best science fiction writers America has produced). The plan to "de-exstinct" the woolly mammoth is little more than a hypothesis to use selective breeding and genetic engineering to produce a breed of elephant that looks like a woolly mammoth. The plan for the dodo seems to aim to genetically engineer extant species of birds to reflect increasing amounts of dodo DNA sequences. In both cases, generations of human manipulated monstrosities would be birthed. And in the end, we would have neither mammoth nor dodo, merely an artificially created image of what we think they would be.

But this is what liberals are all about. They think that just because you use advanced knowledge to generate your thousands of superficial reasons for believing horseshit, it somehow achieves legitimacy

Now please, feel free to argue with me about it.
But this is junk science, tho. Real woo woo shit. I can't see that this is what all liberals are about by any significant measure.
While this is inspired by this story about a plan to allegedly "de-extstinct" the dodo, the topic here is how elitist, allegedly smart, liberals always find a way to dive head first into the shallow end of the intelligence pool.

Let's start with early science "fiction" of the early and mid 20th century. I use quotes because what passed as science fiction was more fantasy than fiction (the distinction being that fiction has a certain grounding in realism, whereas fantasy abandons realism and allows for virtually anything to be deemed plausible, confined only by whatever limits the the author chooses to honor). The wonder and awe created by the rapidly expanding scientific discovery and technological advancement during the progressive era eventually lent itself to hopeful idealists indulging the fantasy that anything was inherently possible, only limited to some requisite scientific discovery. Science "fiction" therefore became riddled with fantasy stories that leveraged the audience's scientific ignorance as a crutch, creating a false veneer of realism on any batshit crazy idea. Only two things were really necessary: 1) an author wanting to tout the batshit crazy idea, and 2) an audience that wanted an excuse to believe the batshit crazy idea.

As a few decades passed the once socially dominant progressives of the past evolved into modern day elitist liberals who believe they are uber educated and uniquely capable of developing reasonable opinion about everything from how much a french fry should cost, to whether a person with two testicles and a penis is actually a man or just a woman who has been the subject to a cosmic injustice because slightly misaligned quarks at 3.14x10^87 seconds after the universe began caused said "woman" to be born in the wrong body. And one of their favorite excuses for their attitude is their alleged embrace of science. But it's not real science they embrace. It's only their titillation with science fantasy that they embrace.
For these liberals, science is not a discipline, it's a highway to Heaven. Many of these liberals are laymen who lack any significant understanding of scientific knowledge, they merely embrace the hope that new scientific advancement will yield whatever fantasies they may desire. Some of the liberals actually do study science and become scientists, but they do so for the wrong reasons. It's not the science they care about, it's only what their fantasy riddled psyche believes they will gain though science.

And that has brought us to recent times where liberals have embraced absolute horseshit in the guise of science, like "de-exstinction" of species and other nonsense that basically boils down to the ridiculous idea that science allows humans to play god in what most liberals believe is the absence of an extant god. The dodo is not the only species that has been proposed for "de-extinction". Notably, the woolly mammoth has been proposed as well. And popular culture has more subtly embraced a "de-extinction" of dinosaurs by conflating modern descendants of dinosaur species to dinosaurs themselves, giving a great many the indulgence of living out their childhood fantasy that maybe one day they could have a pet dinosaur of their very own.

But when you get into the nitty-gritty of these plans, what emerges from these de-extinction efforts is not the Jurassic Park style of cloning extinct species back into existence that one might expect from the name (on a related note, Michael Crichton was educated as physician, which is probably why he and similarly educated Issac Asimov are the two best science fiction writers America has produced). The plan to "de-exstinct" the woolly mammoth is little more than a hypothesis to use selective breeding and genetic engineering to produce a breed of elephant that looks like a woolly mammoth. The plan for the dodo seems to aim to genetically engineer extant species of birds to reflect increasing amounts of dodo DNA sequences. In both cases, generations of human manipulated monstrosities would be birthed. And in the end, we would have neither mammoth nor dodo, merely an artificially created image of what we think they would be.

But this is what liberals are all about. They think that just because you use advanced knowledge to generate your thousands of superficial reasons for believing horseshit, it somehow achieves legitimacy

Now please, feel free to argue with me about it.


First of all, bring back an extinct species does not at all about selective breeding to simulate.
The way you bring back an extinct species is to take actual dodo or mammoth DNA, and artificially clone it in order to infuse it into a modern host ovum and sperm that has had its own DNA extracted.
It would be a real dodo or mammoth, not a simulation.

And mismatches between sexual appearance and actual sex happens almost 5% of the time.
One of the most common problems is that the Y chromosome is so fragile that parts of it can break off and get stuck on an X chromosome. So then the female off spring of that DNA donor will get an X chromosome that will still cause a penis from the extra part of a Y chromosome that is just hitching a ride.

So the problem is not liberals, but that you just do not know the science very well.
While this is inspired by this story about a plan to allegedly "de-extstinct" the dodo, the topic here is how elitist, allegedly smart, liberals always find a way to dive head first into the shallow end of the intelligence pool.

Let's start with early science "fiction" of the early and mid 20th century. I use quotes because what passed as science fiction was more fantasy than fiction (the distinction being that fiction has a certain grounding in realism, whereas fantasy abandons realism and allows for virtually anything to be deemed plausible, confined only by whatever limits the the author chooses to honor). The wonder and awe created by the rapidly expanding scientific discovery and technological advancement during the progressive era eventually lent itself to hopeful idealists indulging the fantasy that anything was inherently possible, only limited to some requisite scientific discovery. Science "fiction" therefore became riddled with fantasy stories that leveraged the audience's scientific ignorance as a crutch, creating a false veneer of realism on any batshit crazy idea. Only two things were really necessary: 1) an author wanting to tout the batshit crazy idea, and 2) an audience that wanted an excuse to believe the batshit crazy idea.

As a few decades passed the once socially dominant progressives of the past evolved into modern day elitist liberals who believe they are uber educated and uniquely capable of developing reasonable opinion about everything from how much a french fry should cost, to whether a person with two testicles and a penis is actually a man or just a woman who has been the subject to a cosmic injustice because slightly misaligned quarks at 3.14x10^87 seconds after the universe began caused said "woman" to be born in the wrong body. And one of their favorite excuses for their attitude is their alleged embrace of science. But it's not real science they embrace. It's only their titillation with science fantasy that they embrace.
For these liberals, science is not a discipline, it's a highway to Heaven. Many of these liberals are laymen who lack any significant understanding of scientific knowledge, they merely embrace the hope that new scientific advancement will yield whatever fantasies they may desire. Some of the liberals actually do study science and become scientists, but they do so for the wrong reasons. It's not the science they care about, it's only what their fantasy riddled psyche believes they will gain though science.

And that has brought us to recent times where liberals have embraced absolute horseshit in the guise of science, like "de-exstinction" of species and other nonsense that basically boils down to the ridiculous idea that science allows humans to play god in what most liberals believe is the absence of an extant god. The dodo is not the only species that has been proposed for "de-extinction". Notably, the woolly mammoth has been proposed as well. And popular culture has more subtly embraced a "de-extinction" of dinosaurs by conflating modern descendants of dinosaur species to dinosaurs themselves, giving a great many the indulgence of living out their childhood fantasy that maybe one day they could have a pet dinosaur of their very own.

But when you get into the nitty-gritty of these plans, what emerges from these de-extinction efforts is not the Jurassic Park style of cloning extinct species back into existence that one might expect from the name (on a related note, Michael Crichton was educated as physician, which is probably why he and similarly educated Issac Asimov are the two best science fiction writers America has produced). The plan to "de-exstinct" the woolly mammoth is little more than a hypothesis to use selective breeding and genetic engineering to produce a breed of elephant that looks like a woolly mammoth. The plan for the dodo seems to aim to genetically engineer extant species of birds to reflect increasing amounts of dodo DNA sequences. In both cases, generations of human manipulated monstrosities would be birthed. And in the end, we would have neither mammoth nor dodo, merely an artificially created image of what we think they would be.

But this is what liberals are all about. They think that just because you use advanced knowledge to generate your thousands of superficial reasons for believing horseshit, it somehow achieves legitimacy

Now please, feel free to argue with me about it.
That’s a rather generalized statement don’t you think?! Most of the greatest minds in history were liberal for their times .
Stormy spins a nice web though.
Great writing. Like Charlotte.
First of all, bring back an extinct species does not at all about selective breeding to simulate.
The way you bring back an extinct species is to take actual dodo or mammoth DNA, and artificially clone it in order to infuse it into a modern host ovum and sperm that has had its own DNA extracted.
It would be a real dodo or mammoth, not a simulation.

If you're such an expert than you should talk to the experts who are planning otherwise.

And mismatches between sexual appearance and actual sex happens almost 5% of the time.
One of the most common problems is that the Y chromosome is so fragile that parts of it can break off and get stuck on an X chromosome. So then the female off spring of that DNA donor will get an X chromosome that will still cause a penis from the extra part of a Y chromosome that is just hitching a ride.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Now you're making up fantasies about your fantasies. Thank you for demonstrating my point.

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