BREAKING: Is this part of the WikiLeaks October Surprise?

LL, g5000 and toro are getting all sweaty and shakey...:badgrin:

yeah ...

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Supposedly this is what Assange is going to talk about and leak tomorrow. This is quite possible the "October surprise". I don't need to say that if WikiLeaks reveals this tomorrow the ramifications are huge. He's already changed the location of his press conference for safety concerns and I'd have to say this is good reason to do so.

There's a "death key" on the package so if they kill him hundreds of media outlets will have access to the documents. In other words its coming out one way or another.

We're only hours away be continued

Are you really stupid enough to believe this----is the question?

Will the media go with it? CNN and MSNBC will bury it.

To the extent that they can.

The DNC controlled media is so completely discredited that they really have no choice but to eventually acknowledge these things.

The NY Times is a hack tabloid dedicated to electing democrats. But even they had to eventually acknowledge the Blue Dress despite mocking it for years, after the National Enquirer humiliated them by reporting facts, when they refused to.
If WikiLeaks has substantial evidence (emails) to back it up, will you be saying the same thing? Probably :lol:

They don't.

Please.....focus on Benghazi. You have more fear to stoke with towelhead terrorists. Believe me.
Your dodging (as usual) but it doesn't matter, lets wait to see what's actually leaked.

Dodging as usual? You jest.

I flat out told you that there will be no evidence released.

Of course....they coukd release a bubble gum wrapper....and you'd call it an open and close case.
WikiLeaks doesn't toss things out there without substantial evidence. They have been at this for a decade and have a stellar record. They don't do things half assed.

Problem with American obedient whores is they don't care if they are getting fucked in the ass as long as the people driving their dicks deep into their anus are telling them they love them. Don't be a whore.
Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.

Agreed. Voting has already started in some states. You can’t change someone’s mind who has already voted.
I am not as sure that anything will stop her, no matter what it is. MSM will excuse and cover for her as always.
The media will go on about how wrong it is how it came out as if that somehow makes what came out not matter
Seems to me that Assange has good reason to change the location.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for four years and won't leave because he will be charged for rape charges and extradited to Sweden.

So it doesn't matter where the location is.
You mean for having consensual sex without a condom....

I thought you democrats stayed out of people's bedrooms.....

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