Between 1930 and 1970, 1/3 of women in Puerto Rico were sterilized.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

How many knew about this?

I find this absolutely fascinating on many levels, especially at a time when the powers that be are all about population control.

You had a hodge podge of supporters for the sterilization. Some just wanted to sterilize the brown skinned poverty-stricken race because they were deemed inferior. as where others simply wanted to reduce the number of poverty-stricken folks to reduce suffering. So, they joined hands to accomplish the same task.

Is this what we have going on even today as abortion and gender change is pushed across the globe?
We did this to Native Americans too. Sadly, not surprising.
And to Blacks today. Black abortion is huge business, without which, Planned Parenthood would go bankrupt.

How many knew about this?

That happened all over the US.

Thank you Margaret Sanger, who pushed this into economically poor areas as a way for women to improve their own lives.

Oh, and how many are aware that the earliest oral contraceptives were also tested in Puerto Rico, often without the consent of the women? Once again, in programs organized by Margaret Sanger

It's so great that so many to this day erect statues to her, name awards after her, and idolize the organization she formed.

But majority of those sterilizations was voluntary. It must be remembered, Puerto Rico is predominantly Catholic. And as such, contraception was forbidden, but sterilization was not. A hell of a lot of women have elected for that after they had all the children they wanted.

Hell, my own wife elected for that after a tubal pregnancy, because we decided two was enough kids. Sterilization was amazingly common all over the US, as there was really no other option.

But yes, they were indeed considered inferior by the founders of the organization that was responsible for most of those procedures. Most also seem to forget that Planned Parenthood and its founder were heavily into Eugenics.
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