China's military is surrounding Taiwan, sending its new president an unmistakable message

And with Potato in the Oval Office they see no reason to.

Do you need Angela Merkel in the Oval Office? She's in pension. That's what people normally do when they are 70. I hope she has a lot of fun now - without her beloved Donald, the uncouth guy with disgusting manners.

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Tibet's independence from China was never recognized by the international community.

Chinese, why do you try to make a fool out of yourselve? You conquered Tibet against the will of all people in the world. And still today you need a lot of your political power to suppress everyone in the world who says that the behavior of the atheistic Chinese Commie gods never had anything to do with justice. Only because the whole world often seems to be mad and bad this makes madness and badness not to be worthy ambitions.
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Taiwan is armed and serious.
They would absolutely lose in a direct conflict however. Having said that I don't believe there is any chance of that happening. The entire process would be too costly for all parties including the US should they choose to intervene. The US would almost certainly lose several carriers. Taiwan would be left in ruins (like Ukraine) which would be exactly opposite of mainland China's goals and purposes.

Instead you may see a series of blockades....followed by internal tensions wothinTaiwan. China's approach is multifaceted and is more dangerous than just the military angle frankly; also they are never going to give up.
They would absolutely lose in a direct conflict however. Having said that I don't believe there is any chance of that happening. The entire process would be too costly for all parties including the US should they choose to intervene. The US would almost certainly lose several carriers. Taiwan would be left in ruins (like Ukraine) which would be exactly opposite of mainland China's goals and purposes.

Instead you may see a series of blockades....followed by internal tensions wothinTaiwan. China's approach is multifaceted and is more dangerous than just the military angle frankly; also they are never going to give up.
China definitely has more men to put into combat. Taiwan appears to be confident so far. Your idea sure can happen.
China definitely has more men to put into combat. Taiwan appears to be confident so far. Your idea sure can happen.
It's predicated on the reality that China is not going to shoot itself in the foot.

A violent seizure of Taiwan will do a lot of damage to Beijing. However they are fully intent on eliminating Taiwan's autonomy.

That is a real problem. Myself? I believe it will happen gradually and from the inside. There will be no military campaign unless it gets triggered in a different way.

It's a gamble for Beijing. If they try it and fail....they will find themselves in a seriously weakened position.
It's predicated on the reality that China is not going to shoot itself in the foot.

A violent seizure of Taiwan will do a lot of damage to Beijing. However they are fully intent on eliminating Taiwan's autonomy.

That is a real problem. Myself? I believe it will happen gradually and from the inside. There will be no military campaign unless it gets triggered in a different way.

It's a gamble for Beijing. If they try it and fail....they will find themselves in a seriously weakened position.
I have no stake personally in Taiwan but I have a stake in human freedom. I am very hopeful Taiwan is left alone by China. I am a skeptic that China will allow this. It seems as if you are going to be correct.
I have no stake personally in Taiwan but I have a stake in human freedom. I am very hopeful Taiwan is left alone by China. I am a skeptic that China will allow this. It seems as if you are going to be correct.
Actually you do..
NVDIA, Micron, Intel, Western Digital, GE, and more have literally trillions in investment money tied up in manufacturing facilities. And those are just the American companies but not a complete list by any stretch of the imagination....

China tries anything and your entire retirement portfolio won't be worth the toilet paper you wipe your backside with.

Not to mention the other nations with trillions of dollars of investment in manufacturing facilities in Taiwan....this list of companies secondarily dependant on Taiwan includes Verizon, Samsung, AT&T, Panasonic, Sony, TMC, Luton and more. Virtually every bit of electronics flows through the Far East or is dependant upon the price of chips. From memory chips to processing chips.

Your phone don't operate without them.
China and Hong Kong represent 30% of Taiwan's exports
Taiwan's imports...not exports.

Taiwan is dependent upon China for refined silicon and other minerals. China does mining and refining of raw materials really well...unfortunately it doesn't provide near the economic boost as electronics and processing chips.

Taiwan has a unique, highly skilled labor force centered on electronics manufacturing including chips and touch screens for cell phones and etc.
Nobody can compete with Taiwan for quality and quantity for the price they provide.

The lining up of the ferry boats for more soldiers and etc for an amphibious landing is not a good sign. The US has sent the Ronald Reagan ACC group....and NATO is having the largest naval exercise off the coast of India currently....but if China invades Taiwan guess where the whole fleet is heading?

The whole world has invested in Taiwan....China invading is tantamount to theft. They ain't standing for it in this global economy.
Where in Germany do you live? I lived there in the 1960s.

In the 1960ies where everything had been better - even the future? Nice. Most time in my life I lived in the South of Germany - but I saw nearly every bigger city in Germany during my life.


Who wants to fish in the dull everyday life
For amusement and fun
Can also sit at happy tables
Sitting with a full glass

Who thinks he has no choice
Should rather flee into cheerfulness
For our life is, after all
Lent for an indefinite time

Raise the mugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you have to take life as it is
Raise the mugs and together
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as you are

It can't make sense to toil
To soak the world in grey
To bind yourself to transience
And squabble over possessions and goods

It can't make sense to freeze
If you are too tired of the daily grind
There is no point in persevering
If you have a mind to dream

Raise the jugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you must take life as it is
Raise the jugs and together
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as you are

So I'll celebrate whenever I please
Whenever a reason arises
And if worry has me under its spell
Then I'll sing a little song

And will the melancholy conquer me
I dance so that my legs fly
And loneliness weighs too heavy
Then I wish for beauty here

And if the barmaid leaves me alone
Then the wine shall be my love

Raise the jugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you have to take life as it is
Raise the jugs and in unison
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as ...

Raise the jugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you have to take life as it is
Raise the jugs and in unison
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as you are

Translated with (free version)
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Fucking retard? I guess this is the normal international English translation of the word "German" as far as I heard. But are you able to explain to me in which combinations of words I spoke about a sexual intercourse between a man and a woman (="to fuck") and why everything what you use in your daily life was created, constructed and/or corrected and/or enhanced from none, one or more of our "retards"?

Naw, Germans are smart.

You are a fucking retard.

You've just had it explained to you that Taiwan was part of China from 1683 to 1895, and returned to China in 1945. That the government in Taiwan calls itself the Republic of China and weilded China's UN vote from 1949 to 1971. That people in Taiwan speak Mandarin and 97% of them are ethnic Han Chinese.
Taiwan's imports...not exports.

Taiwan is dependent upon China for refined silicon and other minerals. China does mining and refining of raw materials really well...unfortunately it doesn't provide near the economic boost as electronics and processing chips.

Taiwan has a unique, highly skilled labor force centered on electronics manufacturing including chips and touch screens for cell phones and etc.
Nobody can compete with Taiwan for quality and quantity for the price they provide.

The lining up of the ferry boats for more soldiers and etc for an amphibious landing is not a good sign. The US has sent the Ronald Reagan ACC group....and NATO is having the largest naval exercise off the coast of India currently....but if China invades Taiwan guess where the whole fleet is heading?

The whole world has invested in Taiwan....China invading is tantamount to theft. They ain't standing for it in this global economy.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.

If China takes Taiwan, they put those factories under new ownership, and life goes on.

Not worth starting WWIII over.
In the 1960ies where everything had been better - even the future? Nice. Most time in my life I lived in the South of Germany - but I saw nearly every bigger city in Germany during my life.


Who wants to fish in the dull everyday life
For amusement and fun
Can also sit at happy tables
Sitting with a full glass

Who thinks he has no choice
Should rather flee into cheerfulness
For our life is, after all
Lent for an indefinite time

Raise the mugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you have to take life as it is
Raise the mugs and together
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as you are

It can't make sense to toil
To soak the world in grey
To bind yourself to transience
And squabble over possessions and goods

It can't make sense to freeze
If you are too tired of the daily grind
There is no point in persevering
If you have a mind to dream

Raise the jugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you must take life as it is
Raise the jugs and together
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as you are

So I'll celebrate whenever I please
Whenever a reason arises
And if worry has me under its spell
Then I'll sing a little song

And will the melancholy conquer me
I dance so that my legs fly
And loneliness weighs too heavy
Then I wish for beauty here

And if the barmaid leaves me alone
Then the wine shall be my love

Raise the jugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you have to take life as it is
Raise the jugs and in unison
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as ...

Raise the jugs in the round
Flush the lie from your mouth
That you have to take life as it is
Raise the jugs and in unison
Let's celebrate the good news
Because life must take you
Take you as you are

Translated with (free version)

Most of the time I was in Bavaria at Schweinfurt. But I did travel a lot around Germany when it was West Germany.
Most of the time I was in Bavaria at Schweinfurt. But I did travel a lot around Germany when it was West Germany.

I had once a Latin teacher from Schweinfurt. Very soon we found out how to bring her out of concept and to tell us something about Schweinfurt. I never was there but I feel very familiar with this city. I am by the way a Bavarian on my own.

Naw, Germans are smart.

You are a fucking retard.

You've just had it explained to you that Taiwan was part of China from 1683 to 1895, and returned to China in 1945. That the government in Taiwan calls itself the Republic of China and weilded China's UN vote from 1949 to 1971. That people in Taiwan speak Mandarin and 97% of them are ethnic Han Chinese.

You're trying really hard to make yourself popular with me, fake-Chinese or US-Russian. Why do you think what you say here is any excuse for the perverted Chinese government to do what they are doing? It's impossible that Taiwan will conquer China. So why tries China to terrorize Taiwan? Stupidity, dishonesty or malice?


Keep heading stubbornly south
The old engine rattles heavily
Spits the oil hot on the tarmac
On and on to the sea

Lick my old wounds
Couldn't you be with me?
From the flotsam and jetsam of my youth
I build a new home

I wrote words on the shore
Before the tide erases the track
Come, we'll defy the tides
High at the lighthouse a light flashes

The compass points to the sun
The continent presses hard and heavy
I'll write you what I dream of
From a land too far from here

And so I am in search
For the land that no one knows
A land without doubt
Where the fire burns forever

I wrote words on the shore
Before the tide erases the trail
Come, we'll defy the tides
High at the lighthouse a light flashes

Only in my wildest dreams
I woke up there with you
This journey never ends
Always following the stars

I wrote words on the shore
Before the tide erases the trail
Come, we'll defy the tides
High at the lighthouse a light flashes

From the land of old dreams
I've brought you something
Where milk and honey flow
There's a bed made for us

From the land of old dreams
I've brought you something
Where milk and honey flow
There's a bed made for us
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You're trying really hard to make yourself popular with me, fake-Chinese or US-Russian. Why do you think what you say here is any excuse for the perverted Chinese government to do what they are doing? It's impossible that Taiwan will conquer China. So why tries China to terrorize Taiwan? Stupidity, dishonesty or malice?

I am going to explain this to you one more time, Retard.

Between 1839 (The first Opium War) and 1949, China underwent the "Century of Humiliation," where Western powers (and Japan) stripped territory from China and humiliated her on a regular basis.

Outer Mongolia, Tibet, Hong Kong Outer Manchuria, Macao, various concession cities, Taiwan. There was even a point where Italy demanded Concessions without sending in a fleet, because they thought they could get away with it. Warlords backed by Western powers set up their own little fiefdoms.

The Qing and Guomindang governments just put up with this shit, but the CCP said, "No more," and started taking these territories back.

Sometimes, they acted militarily (such as against Tibet) and sometimes diplomatically (when they waited for the leases in Hong Kong and Macao to expire). But the key thing is that they see Taiwan as part of China. They are willing to tolerate de facto independence but not actual independence, and some of Taiwan's leaders are playing with fire.

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