China's military is surrounding Taiwan, sending its new president an unmistakable message


They have spent double from 10 years ago. Insane.

Worse, the PPP of Chinas military spending is probably higher than Americas. ...

How much money is an Excalibur? Shall I create one out of a stone? Should I then slash this sword around the ears of Goliath China? ... I'm tired about the unworthy "black hole" politics of Russia and China.

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Taiwan was part of China since the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty until 1895, and the Republic of China since 1945.

Taiwan legally calls itself "The Republic of China," not the Republic of Taiwan.

  • Dutch and Spanish settlers established bases in Taiwan in the early 17th century.
  • Around 1.2 million people relocated from China to Taiwan along with the Republic of China (Taiwan) government in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
The ROC was founded in 1912 in China. At that time, Taiwan was under Japanese colonial rule as a result of the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki, by which the Qing ceded Taiwan to Japan. The ROC government began exercising jurisdiction over Taiwan in 1945 after Japan surrendered at the end of World War II.
The ROC government relocated to Taiwan in 1949 while fighting a civil war with the Chinese Communist Party. Since then, the ROC has continued to exercise effective jurisdiction over the main island of Taiwan and a number of outlying islands, leaving Taiwan and China each under the rule of a different government. The authorities in Beijing have never exercised sovereignty over Taiwan or other islands administered by the ROC.
Republicans did that a long time ago when they destroyed unions and working people's rights in this country.

Here's how you avoid war.

"China, "We are re-asserting our sovereignty over Taiwan"
America: Not our problem!
Unions destroyed themselves as it pertains to Government. Do you know that the Aircraft Controllers got paychecks from the federal Government? Do you want the Army, Navy, the Marines and Airforce to also go on strike? I had FAA controllers as clients. I recall when Jim told me he was not striking because he got paid a lot of money and had good hours. Jim saved his job by not striking.
China doesn't invade countries over false reports of WMD's, or overthrow elected governments they don't like. Those are things WE do.

Glass houses, buddy, Glass houses.

Um, not really. What the Chinese military has is manpower.

They only have three inferior Aircraft carriers compared to our 11.

They have few bases outside mainland China.

Now, here's the thing. China is willing to tolerate Taiwan's independence in fact, but not in legal practice.

For the same reason why they are cracking down on the Uygurs, Tibet, Hong Kong, or those Falun Gong whackadoodles.

National sovereignty is a touchy issue with them, and given their history of being invaded, understandably so. The Mongols, the Manchus, the British, the Japanese. All of them abused China's national soverignty.

So while we see Taiwan as a bunch of plucky individualists, they see them as a rebellious province being enabled by foreigners.
Meh....China has a lot more than just manpower. It's just no longer debatable. Now I seriously doubt they would flatten Taiwan....but they sure as hell could. They also have developed enough anti carrier technology to keep US aircraft carriers at a good distance if they need to.
Meh....China has a lot more than just manpower. It's just no longer debatable. Now I seriously doubt they would flatten Taiwan....but they sure as hell could. They also have developed enough anti carrier technology to keep US aircraft carriers at a good distance if they need to.
They are 118 miles away from China and want no part of China.
They are 118 miles away from China and want no part of China.

Again: Taiwan never in history had been a part of China. Only the Chinese who fled from the Commies and came to Taiwan saw themselves in the followership of the old republic of China. And whether Taiwan is 118 miles or 118 lightyears far from China plays absolutelly not any role. What was the last country China absorbed? Tibet? A titanic territory - about a million squaremiles - 10% of the size of the USA - 7 times the size of Germany.
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They may be preparing to act now before America gets a real President back into Office. The clock is ticking.
Mormon Robert- Was there a point to that data dump where you didn't use the quote feature properly and it looks like I posted that stuff.

Unions destroyed themselves as it pertains to Government. Do you know that the Aircraft Controllers got paychecks from the federal Government? Do you want the Army, Navy, the Marines and Airforce to also go on strike? I had FAA controllers as clients. I recall when Jim told me he was not striking because he got paid a lot of money and had good hours. Jim saved his job by not striking.

Um, Robert, you are babbling. Let's try to focus, okay, buddy.

The point is, the GOP has been making war on unions and the working class for decades, and you idiots keep going along with it.

Meh....China has a lot more than just manpower. It's just no longer debatable. Now I seriously doubt they would flatten Taiwan....but they sure as hell could. They also have developed enough anti carrier technology to keep US aircraft carriers at a good distance if they need to.

China has shown a willingness to tolerate Taiwan, to a point.
Again: Taiwan never in history had been a part of China. Only the Chinese who fled from the Commies and came to Taiwan saw themselves in the followership of the old republic of China. And whether Taiwan is 118 miles or 118 lightyears far from China plays absolutelly not any role. What was the last country China absorbed? Tibet? A titanic territory - about a million squaremiles - 10% of the size of the USA - 7 times the size of Germany.
Tibet's independence from China was never recognized by the international community.
Mormon Robert- Was there a point to that data dump where you didn't use the quote feature properly and it looks like I posted that stuff.

Um, Robert, you are babbling. Let's try to focus, okay, buddy.

The point is, the GOP has been making war on unions and the working class for decades, and you idiots keep going along with it.

China has shown a willingness to tolerate Taiwan, to a point.
The Chinese are not stupid. Hurting Taiwan also hurts them.

They do a lot more thinking than the West before making any kind of of move.
Mormon Robert- Was there a point to that data dump where you didn't use the quote feature properly and it looks like I posted that stuff.
I have no idea why you said that.

OK,. I found what you are discussing. It was due to a function by my computer. It was not deliberate by me. I wanted my text to show up below yours.
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Again: Taiwan never in history had been a part of China. Only the Chinese who fled from the Commies and came to Taiwan saw themselves in the followership of the old republic of China. And whether Taiwan is 118 miles or 118 lightyears far from China plays absolutelly not any role. What was the last country China absorbed? Tibet? A titanic territory - about a million squaremiles - 10% of the size of the USA - 7 times the size of Germany.
I am against that. No idea why you came at me like you did.
Oh I don't blame them.... However they have a very large problem.
It would be useful to go to Taiwan's site and study that land. They include all of the history. China if they attack Taiwan has to face a huge military that Taiwan has. They have a very large population. And they want peace but not at the expense of being a possession of China.
Your problem - not my problem. I am always with me and my people.

No idea? I also not. I do not know. May it be it has to do with something what you said?
You teed off on an issue and I told you I am against the same thing.
It has to do with what you said.
Again: Taiwan never in history had been a part of China. Only the Chinese who fled from the Commies and came to Taiwan saw themselves in the followership of the old republic of China. And whether Taiwan is 118 miles or 118 lightyears far from China plays absolutelly not any role. What was the last country China absorbed? Tibet? A titanic territory - about a million squaremiles - 10% of the size of the USA - 7 times the size of Germany.
Taiwan is armed and serious.

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