Automation and robots taking over jobs. Like tollbooth collectors and cashiers.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
As the great UAW founder Walter Reuther one told Henry Ford III at Ford… “hey you might have robots who can take jobs but how are those robots going to buy your products.?”

Now there’s a brilliant man…. here it is Walter Reuther with LBJ. And there’s plenty of Republicans now on this forum who back in the day voted for LBJ the great Texan.


Are we going to let the United States turn into a shit hole country. Or we can have Americans stand up and protect our jobs?

This applies to many things. The automation at the automotive companies. You just wonder what are people thinking what are the bosses thinking who the heck are going to buy their products of the robots just take over? It’s a serious concern or would you let robots take over our society.?

“ oh you should be happy that you can get your ez pass and you can just drive wherever you want without having to see a toll booth worker and wait in line. Don’t worry about those people losing their jobs they’ll be OK”

Look at the loss of jobs at toll booths…. we have been convinced by the government that it’s a great thing that we can spend a little less time waiting in line all at the expense of jobs for people. and I’m not down with that one bit.

How about the self check out lines at various stores? . It makes it easier for people to steal by the way it makes it easier for bad customers to steal. A lot of people struggle with the self checkout line it gets frustrating a lot of people have disabilities and they can’t deal with that. And so that’s another thing a self checkout lines take away jobs from cashiers. This is not how this country was envisioned by the founding fathers…. and we have to stand up to this we had to stand up to automation taking over jobs … we don’t need this to happen

Let’s bring back the tollbooth jobs and get rid of self check out lines at the grocery stores.


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Automation has taken more jobs than sending jobs overseas and illegal immigration combined. And it took the good jobs. The ones that built the greatest middle class the world has ever seen.

One day, automation and artificial intelligence will cause this country to become socialist. It will cost us millions of jobs. When the tipping point comes, it will be that there are not enough jobs for our population. Hundreds of thousands of American citizens will be unable to feed themselves, to say nothing of housing. And some sort of basic level of assistance will have to be established.

Having said all that, I do not see a way for the gov't to outlaw automation and AI without taking over every means of production.
As the great UAW founder Walter Reuther one told Henry Ford III at Ford… “hey you might have robots who can take jobs but how are those robots going to buy your products.?”

Now there’s a brilliant man…. here it is Walter Reuther with LBJ. And there’s plenty of Republicans now on this forum who back in the day voted for LBJ the great Texan.

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Are we going to let the United States turn into a shit hole country. Or we can have Americans stand up and protect our jobs?

This applies to many things. The automation at the automotive companies. You just wonder what are people thinking what are the bosses thinking who the heck are going to buy their products of the robots just take over? It’s a serious concern or would you let robots take over our society.?

“ oh you should be happy that you can get your ez pass and you can just drive wherever you want without having to see a toll booth worker and wait in line. Don’t worry about those people losing their jobs they’ll be OK”

Look at the loss of jobs at toll booths…. we have been convinced by the government that it’s a great thing that we can spend a little less time waiting in line all at the expense of jobs for people. and I’m not down with that one bit.

How about the self check out lines at various stores? . It makes it easier for people to steal by the way it makes it easier for bad customers to steal. A lot of people struggle with the self checkout line it gets frustrating a lot of people have disabilities and they can’t deal with that. And so that’s another thing a self checkout lines take away jobs from cashiers. This is not how this country was envisioned by the founding fathers…. and we have to stand up to this we had to stand up to automation taking over jobs … we don’t need this to happen

Let’s bring back the tollbooth jobs and get rid of self check out lines at the grocery stores.

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Do you honestly believe that people should stand on the freeway 24/7 collecting tolls?
Is that efficient ?

Stop being a moron and get your skills up to the era in which you live.

Mediocrity is not a pathway foreword any longer.
Automation has taken more jobs than sending jobs overseas and illegal immigration combined. And it took the good jobs. The ones that built the greatest middle class the world has ever seen.

One day, automation and artificial intelligence will cause this country to become socialist. It will cost us millions of jobs. When the tipping point comes, it will be that there are not enough jobs for our population. Hundreds of thousands of American citizens will be unable to feed themselves, to say nothing of housing. And some sort of basic level of assistance will have to be established.

Having said all that, I do not see a way for the gov't to outlaw automation and AI without taking over every means of production.
My goodness could you imagine that kind of world. Wives and daughters will have to prostitute themselves. It will be just like one of those despotic movies.
Do you honestly believe that people should stand on the freeway 24/7 collecting tolls?
Is that efficient ?

Stop being a moron and get your skills up to the era in which you live.

Mediocrity is not a pathway foreword any longer.
I’m doing pretty good for myself brother. Could be better could be worse I suppose but all in all it’s OK …

But I’m concerned about fellow Americans losing their jobs which is an ugly site it’s against American values. That’s what the communists and fascists would want…. They love when robots take over jobs for Americans.

If we don’t stand up for the American past and bring back the good parts of the American past our country is totally screwed.
I’m doing pretty good for myself brother. Could be better could be worse I suppose but all in all it’s OK …

But I’m concerned about fellow Americans losing their jobs which is an ugly site it’s against American values. That’s what the communists and fascists would want…. They love when robots take over jobs for Americans.

If we don’t stand up for the American past and bring back the good parts of the American past our country is totally screwed.

And how do you propose we do that? Outlaw automation? The gov't deciding on basic business operations?
That is when the gov't will elect to give assistance to millions or there will be a revolution. Starving people will do crazy stuff.
When people rely on government handouts it’s a huge problem. It’s just like one of my immigrant friends from Palestine said he wants to be a maker not a taker. We got a country filled with takers because of these goddamn robots taking over jobs. Making a bunch of people lazy they eat fast food all the time
And how do you propose we do that? Outlaw automation? The gov't deciding on basic business operations?
We already had automation working hand-in-hand with people. Like when we had cashiers there was some level of automation when the cashier would take the item and then scan it. There you go that’s automation. But we take things too far when we allow greedy fascists and communists to literally destroy middle-class jobs by bringing in automation to places that we don’t need it like at Ford motor company where it could be used in some cases but for example it goes to far when it eliminates millions of jobs.

Over the past few decades and partly over the past few years we have lost millions of jobs that we do not need to lose. There’s a different way forward. Some rich communist politician or CEO or a fascist CEO of a company who says “hey robots are good” . Well to some extent they are but let’s just watch what they’re saying and watch what they’re doing

The elite rich class of America is not what it used to be like. I stand by the men who built America like Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller and Henry Ford …well the elite class of today it’s nothing like it used to be. It’s a joke
Is the communist rich politician AOC doing anything to bring back the toll booth jobs or to fight back against self checkout lines and bring back the cashiers?
And how do you propose we do that? Outlaw automation? The gov't deciding on basic business operations?


It helps to have a strong union combined with a wealthy and dignified CEO. So we need another henry Ford somebody who can create millions of jobs while also simultaneously becoming a billionaire.
When people rely on government handouts it’s a huge problem. It’s just like one of my immigrant friends from Palestine said he wants to be a maker not a taker. We got a country filled with takers because of these goddamn robots taking over jobs. Making a bunch of people lazy they eat fast food all the time

I agree with you. I am not advocating socialism. I am merely predicting its inevitability due to automation.
We already had automation working hand-in-hand with people. Like when we had cashiers there was some level of automation when the cashier would take the item and then scan it. There you go that’s automation. But we take things too far when we allow greedy fascists and communists to literally destroy middle-class jobs by bringing in automation to places that we don’t need it like at Ford motor company where it could be used in some cases but for example it goes to far when it eliminates millions of jobs.

Over the past few decades and partly over the past few years we have lost millions of jobs that we do not need to lose. There’s a different way forward. Some rich communist politician or CEO or a fascist CEO of a company who says “hey robots are good” . Well to some extent they are but let’s just watch what they’re saying and watch what they’re doing

The elite rich class of America is not what it used to be like. I stand by the men who built America like Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller and Henry Ford …well the elite class of today it’s nothing like it used to be. It’s a joke

When a factory automate it removes the need for a large portion of its employees.

The factory gets more precise and reliable production, lower costs (which means higher profits), no more Workman's Comp, no more holidays, no more overtime, no more employee theft, no more need for as many bathrooms or breakrooms, and more. From the business's viewpoint it is all win. But the workers are destroyed.

But no conservative will ever be in favor of the gov't taking over the means of production.

It helps to have a strong union combined with a wealthy and dignified CEO. So we need another henry Ford somebody who can create millions of jobs while also simultaneously becoming a billionaire.

The unions will be powerless. They will have no workers paying dues. They will not be able to fight an assembly line that has no people. If they could, they would have done so.

The CEOs are still under the control of the stock holders. The stock holders see greater profits with fewer liabilities.

I recall several years ago a CEO decided to make the entry level pay at his company $70,000. Conservatives went crazy. Rush Limbaugh called him a socialist.
As the great UAW founder Walter Reuther one told Henry Ford III at Ford… “hey you might have robots who can take jobs but how are those robots going to buy your products.?”

Now there’s a brilliant man…. here it is Walter Reuther with LBJ. And there’s plenty of Republicans now on this forum who back in the day voted for LBJ the great Texan.

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Are we going to let the United States turn into a shit hole country. Or we can have Americans stand up and protect our jobs?

This applies to many things. The automation at the automotive companies. You just wonder what are people thinking what are the bosses thinking who the heck are going to buy their products of the robots just take over? It’s a serious concern or would you let robots take over our society.?

“ oh you should be happy that you can get your ez pass and you can just drive wherever you want without having to see a toll booth worker and wait in line. Don’t worry about those people losing their jobs they’ll be OK”

Look at the loss of jobs at toll booths…. we have been convinced by the government that it’s a great thing that we can spend a little less time waiting in line all at the expense of jobs for people. and I’m not down with that one bit.

How about the self check out lines at various stores? . It makes it easier for people to steal by the way it makes it easier for bad customers to steal. A lot of people struggle with the self checkout line it gets frustrating a lot of people have disabilities and they can’t deal with that. And so that’s another thing a self checkout lines take away jobs from cashiers. This is not how this country was envisioned by the founding fathers…. and we have to stand up to this we had to stand up to automation taking over jobs … we don’t need this to happen

Let’s bring back the tollbooth jobs and get rid of self check out lines at the grocery stores.

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It all started with the Marxists plan to get the 15 dollar an hour wage increase. Businesses are in business to make profits because if they dont, then they cannot succeed. So if they cant get the quality of work out of a 15 dollar and hour employee, then they must automate to get the results of that investment. Cashiers at the McDonalds are now Kiosks, that the customer can touch his meal , make the credit card purchase, then walk over to the food service area, and pick up his meal. When the automation to provide the food becomes cheaper than the burger flipper and fry cook, then businesses will go that route. The minimum wage puke will either learn robotics or be left out in the cold.

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