Ask Chomsky:


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."
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Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."

The effects of depleted uranium isn't something the media wants us to think about. There are studies on it, but if there were any kind of moral or (I prefer) ethical outrage about it, the clean up would cost too much for those responsible (ultimately all of us and the MIC) to bother with.
Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."

The effects of depleted uranium isn't something the media wants us to think about. There are studies on it, but if there were any kind of moral or (I prefer) ethical outrage about it, the clean up would cost too much for those responsible (ultimately all of us and the MIC) to bother with.
In about 50 words you've done a pretty thorough job of summing up the War Racket. If US corporations and their shareholders were required to pay the costs of war crimes like Fallujah or Hiroshima, war would be taxed into extinction in less than one generation.
Hey the nuke industry found a way to dispose of nuclear waste didn't they?
Why pay to put it inside a mountain when you can sell it to the military for big bucks and they will spread it out over the ME.
A long term solution to the ME problem?
Noam for president!

The guy has called the ME situation better than almost anyone else.
Also on the corporatization of journalism he is on top of it.
I first became suspicious of Obama's true commitment to "Change" when I noticed he wasn't consulting Chomsky. I think Noam would probably be more useful in a role like George Mitchell's, i.e., as an envoy to the Middle East and not as an elected politician, but if Noam ever ran for president he would certainly get my vote.
Hey the nuke industry found a way to dispose of nuclear waste didn't they?
Why pay to put it inside a mountain when you can sell it to the military for big bucks and they will spread it out over the ME.
A long term solution to the ME problem?
And the solution to the global over population problem as well?

Sometimes it seems to me this specie won't survive long enough to confront any existential threat from global warming.
Chomsky is a discredited communist self-hating Jews. He is only taken seriously by far leftist antisemitic loons! I doubt he even believes his own propaganda, because its so illogical it can't be called intellectual!

Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."
once again chomsky calls it perfect and I am still hoping the people involved the fallajuh dealings are one day charged with war crimes
Chomsky is a discredited communist self-hating Jews. He is only taken seriously by far leftist antisemitic loons! I doubt he even believes his own propaganda, because its so illogical it can't be called intellectual!

Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."

so are you going to refute his findings?
Chomsky is a discredited communist self-hating Jews. He is only taken seriously by far leftist antisemitic loons! I doubt he even believes his own propaganda, because its so illogical it can't be called intellectual!

Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."

so are you going to refute his findings?

I won't even waste time addressing Chomsky. Trying to have conservation about Chomsky is like trying to argue with a dining-room table, I have no use for it!
Chomsky is a discredited communist self-hating Jews. He is only taken seriously by far leftist antisemitic loons! I doubt he even believes his own propaganda, because its so illogical it can't be called intellectual!

so are you going to refute his findings?

I won't even waste time addressing Chomsky. Trying to have conservation about Chomsky is like trying to argue with a dining-room table, I have no use for it!

then maybe you can refute the medical journal articles that he cited?
Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."

The effects of depleted uranium isn't something the media wants us to think about. There are studies on it, but if there were any kind of moral or (I prefer) ethical outrage about it, the clean up would cost too much for those responsible (ultimately all of us and the MIC) to bother with.
In about 50 words you've done a pretty thorough job of summing up the War Racket. If US corporations and their shareholders were required to pay the costs of war crimes like Fallujah or Hiroshima, war would be taxed into extinction in less than one generation.

are they purple or green?

you know....

the Unicorns....?
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GHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddhaGHook93 could be the buddha
Chomsky is a discredited communist self-hating Jews. He is only taken seriously by far leftist antisemitic loons! I doubt he even believes his own propaganda, because its so illogical it can't be called intellectual!

How TF is he "self hating?!"
He is a universally valid source of academic information because he sees more than one side of any issue. Is that it? Because GOD forbid anyone should see the rational self interest of an opponent. That might lead to solutions that don't involve blowing people to kingdom come.
I wonder how many people in new York will get cancer because of the toxic dust caused by 9-11?

Or how many women were stoned to death at soccer games for going outside without an appropriate escort?

Or how many little girls were raped in saddam's rape rooms?
Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."

Noam and socialism fit like hand and glove. :eusa_whistle:
Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."

Noam and socialism fit like hand and glove. :eusa_whistle:

"I have often thought that if a rational Fascist dictatorship were to exist, then it would choose the American system."--Noam Chomsky
so are you going to refute his findings?

I won't even waste time addressing Chomsky. Trying to have conservation about Chomsky is like trying to argue with a dining-room table, I have no use for it!

then maybe you can refute the medical journal articles that he cited?

That would be too much. He would have to read and digest it.
Chomsky is a discredited communist self-hating Jews. He is only taken seriously by far leftist antisemitic loons! I doubt he even believes his own propaganda, because its so illogical it can't be called intellectual!

Noam Chomsky is one of the best known public intellectuals in the world, and he's known far better outside his native US because of his outspoken criticism of US foreign policy. One point Chomsky makes repeatedly is to ask what are you not being told in our corporate press.

In this one minute and forty second video made on Thursday July 29, 2010, Noam contrasts the uproar over the Wikileaks dump of classified documents with the nearly unreported conclusions of a team of medical specialists reporting from Fallujah, Iraq during the same time period.

As documented in a major medical journal and widely reported around the globe these doctors discovered cancer rates in Fallujah, a city virtually destroyed by the US military in November of 2004, currently exceed those found in Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

Chomsky finds the significance of the Fallujah story far greater than Wikileaks and asks why the former went comparatively unreported?

"It's the kind of thing you're taught not to think about or ask what it means..."
I think you're conflating your opposition to Chomsky's political message with the messenger.

"According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in 1992, Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar during the 1980 - 92 period, and was the eighth most cited source." (about as often as Plato and Freud, I've heard)

If you can document any logical fallacies Chomsky's committing, please do.

Noam Chomsky - Wiki
I wonder how many people in new York will get cancer because of the toxic dust caused by 9-11?

Or how many women were stoned to death at soccer games for going outside without an appropriate escort?

Or how many little girls were raped in saddam's rape rooms?

We never really consider all the facts in anything do we? We like to make everything cut and dry. But how many have sufffered we never even thing about?

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