Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

Well, one of the reasons Jesus was hated was for radical teachings that upset the status quo.

I can understand why some people get upset by things like the exclusivity of Christ. Or some of His other teachings.

Btw, speaking of that, I thought this was a very good response, by Dr. William Lane Craig.... it's a short clip that is part of a longer interview. So it's worth watching:

He's 1,000% right. My "problem" is I REALLY don't care what another person believes and I make no "demands" on anyone (except when they glorify the killing of INNOCENT life).


Jesus claimed to have actually COME FROM THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING that exists. I decided that was a claim I couldn't afford to take lightly.

He also said HE ALONE is the ONLY way to heaven. This is a claim any serious minded individual needs to sort out for themselves.

As for me, this is my Path. And I will not renounce this TRUTH to soothe the feelings of anyone. As far as I'm concerned they can follow any path they choose, but don't demand I not speak so as not to offend your hurt feelings.
My guess is most Jews reject Christ for the same reason most Christians believe in him. They're born into a family that believes that way, and they're unwilling to break with everything they've been taught since childhood.
My guess is most Jews reject Christ for the same reason most Christians believe in him. They're born into a family that believes that way, and they're unwilling to break with everything they've been taught since childhood.
I totally disagree with the underlined part. I wasn't born into a Christian family. It is a misconception that Christians are Christians because they were born into it. That doesn't even work in reality, because even if one does grow up in a Christian home, many people reject the faith they were born into, or some people leave for a time, to experience "the world" and then come back, kind of like the Prodigal Son. But the important point is that no matter what one's religious background is, at some point each individual needs to have a genuine faith that is their own, and make their own decision for God or not.

No one can fool God, He knows our hearts, so being born into a Christian home in and of itself doesn't cut it, that person has to have a genuine faith that is their own.

And btw, there are millions of converted Christians in places like China, India, Africa or other places in the world that are not thought of as "christian" areas. Many Muslims have come to Christ, even though missions work is outlawed in some Muslim countries.

That said, I do agree with the last thing you said... there are many people who don't want to break everything they've been taught since childhood.
My guess is most Jews reject Christ for the same reason most Christians believe in him. They're born into a family that believes that way, and they're unwilling to break with everything they've been taught since childhood.
or, and hear me out, they learn the reasons that Jesus could not have been the messiah based on actual Jewish teachings so it makes sense to reject him.
I totally disagree with the underlined part. I wasn't born into a Christian family. It is a misconception that Christians are Christians because they were born into it. That doesn't even work in reality, because even if one does grow up in a Christian home, many people reject the faith they were born into, or some people leave for a time, to experience "the world" and then come back, kind of like the Prodigal Son. But the important point is that no matter what one's religious background is, at some point each individual needs to have a genuine faith that is their own, and make their own decision for God or not.

No one can fool God, He knows our hearts, so being born into a Christian home in and of itself doesn't cut it, that person has to have a genuine faith that is their own.

And btw, there are millions of converted Christians in places like China, India, Africa or other places in the world that are not thought of as "christian" areas. Many Muslims have come to Christ, even though missions work is outlawed in some Muslim countries.

That said, I do agree with the last thing you said... there are many people who don't want to break everything they've been taught since childhood.
I call those "cultural christians" or Christian In Name Only (CINOs). They've never met God
or, and hear me out, they learn the reasons that Jesus could not have been the messiah based on actual Jewish teachings so it makes sense to reject him.
Most of Jesus' early followers were Jews, including all twelve of his original Apostles, and Paul.

But Christ did say, "the brick the builders rejected has become the corner stone."

Also, there's the parable of the tenants who killed the landlord's son in an attempt not to pay rent.
The problem is, this is believed by the Jewish sect too. So it kind of matters. But like all who disagree, they don't want to hear it.

Personally, I'm still amazed that anyone spends their time getting angry or hurt that someone of a different faith believes they won't be saved without this or that. You have to be really insecure in your own faith if you're this sensitive.
It's more about having it constantly thrown in your face, and the incessant attempts to get you to "see the light".
It's more about having it constantly thrown in your face, and the incessant attempts to get you to "see the light".
I'm Catholic. I'm going to hell according to some Christians. They even think Mother Teresa went to hell.
Most of Jesus' early followers were Jews, including all twelve of his original Apostles, and Paul.

But Christ did say, "the brick the builders rejected has become the corner stone."

Also, there's the parable of the tenants who killed the landlord's son in an attempt not to pay rent.

That's an excellent scripture, and I just wanted to add that it doesn't only say that in the New Testament, those words are in their own scriptures as well.
The stone which the builders rejected​
Has become the chief cornerstone.​

And there are a number of similar verses, in the OT.
That's an excellent scripture, and I just wanted to add that it doesn't only say that in the New Testament, those words are in their own scriptures as well.
The stone which the builders rejected​
Has become the chief cornerstone.​

And there are a number of similar verses, in the OT.
So - the Old Testament predicted that the Jews would reject Christ.

Does that solve the problem, OP?
I call those "cultural christians" or Christian In Name Only (CINOs). They've never met God

I think that same idea applies to other religions as well. There are many people who identify as Jewish, but are atheists, or agnostic. The same with cultural Muslims, Hindus, etc etc.

Which just goes to show that religion per se means jack squat, what matters is a person's spiritual condition and what they truly believe.
But those Christians are not constantly trying to convert you.
If it makes you happy, I'm not trying to "convert" you. It's actually probably a FAULT That I didn't not care enough. That and I believe if God wanted you to see it these things you would see these things.

But you probably don't know this about me (and I'm sure you don't care), but I am a Sabbath and Holy Day observing Christian who has always followed Leviticus 11
And I will not renounce this TRUTH

the c-bible is a book of forgeries and fallacies - no doubt those that claim otherwise know better and are simply mesmerized by the colossal mirage it represents ...

unwilling to substantiate their ruse as nothing exists to shed lite on the subject matter and their desire as that of the crucifiers to live in its fallacies than to face the possible failure of their own efforts when more easily handed to them by the whim of literature within a single book.
or, and hear me out, they learn the reasons that Jesus could not have been the messiah based on actual Jewish teachings so it makes sense to reject him.

jesus never claimed to be a messiah, only the crucifiers, judas and their 4th century c-bible - because they new from the beginning no such being will ever exist ...

jesus died for what has never been recorded but passed through the centuries, liberation theology, self determination from the beginning by the journey set by a&e.
Religious controllers dislike grace and faith because it pretty much means they have nothing to Lord over the people.
There are two excellent career fields to pursue if you are interested in becoming RICH and have a little charisma and are a little dishonest —become a politician or a televangelist.

Most who become the teachers of real Christianity find that teaching what the Bible truly says can be unpopular.
Most of Jesus' early followers were Jews, including all twelve of his original Apostles, and Paul.

But Christ did say, "the brick the builders rejected has become the corner stone."

Also, there's the parable of the tenants who killed the landlord's son in an attempt not to pay rent.
as none of that relates to the response I made, I'll just let it sit there.
So - the Old Testament predicted that the Jews would reject Christ.

Does that solve the problem, OP?
It only means that if you accept Jesus in the first place. If you are Jewish and learn that verse you learn that it has nothing to do with Jesus so it isn't about rejecting him. A Jew could go through his whole life, learning that verse and saying it in particular prayers, and never know anything about Jesus. So, no, that verse doesn't predict anything regarding Jesus and therefore doesn't explain anything.
as none of that relates to the response I made, I'll just let it sit there.
You see reluctant to use the christian "scholar" shoehorn. PS There's
a parable about people killing the landlord's son in order not to pay rent?
WHERE? it ain't in the Mishnah as far as I know-----as to the NT---I read
that book-----perverse but not THAT perverse
I don't see the point in the thread. Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah. That's all Christians need to know. We don't need to know the "why."

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