Another example of BIASED MSM... "Trump presidency is destroying marriages across the country "


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"The President's polarizing rhetoric is wreaking havoc on relationships from coast to coast, with his rise to the White House casting a dark shadow over once-happy couples. There's even a term for the marital mayhem between Trump acolytes and their liberal lovers: The "Trump Divorce." The expression emerged from the split of former Miami Dolphins cheerleader Lynn Aronberg — a fan of The Donald — and estranged husband Dave Aronberg, a left-leaning lawyer and Democrat.
Aronberg, 37, said in a recent press release that she felt "increasingly isolated" in her marriage of two years.
The headline of
Now I don't argue the facts, the biased MSM could have had the headline: "Political differences are destroying marriages..."
Do you people understand HOW the BIASED MSM is presenting BIASED news?
Just this simple headline for most of the 30 second sound bite capable people (which sadly constitutes most of the Democrats and anti-trumpers!) reinforces the truly ignorant majority of people that don't comprehend the distinction!

And as the article points out there is a term "Trump Divorce". WHY? Why not call it a "Political difference divorce", or an "Obama Divorce"? Again BIASED MSM presents Trump as the cause...not political differences.
So while most of the intelligent people on this forum comprehend this and like me continue to ignore the headlines and read deeper, there are some people on this board that have a glimmer of open mindedness and intelligence to NOW see how deleterious and destructive the BIASED MSM have been to our country.
"The President's polarizing rhetoric is wreaking havoc on relationships from coast to coast, with his rise to the White House casting a dark shadow over once-happy couples. There's even a term for the marital mayhem between Trump acolytes and their liberal lovers: The "Trump Divorce." The expression emerged from the split of former Miami Dolphins cheerleader Lynn Aronberg — a fan of The Donald — and estranged husband Dave Aronberg, a left-leaning lawyer and Democrat.
Aronberg, 37, said in a recent press release that she felt "increasingly isolated" in her marriage of two years.
The headline of
Now I don't argue the facts, the biased MSM could have had the headline: "Political differences are destroying marriages..."
Do you people understand HOW the BIASED MSM is presenting BIASED news?
Just this simple headline for most of the 30 second sound bite capable people (which sadly constitutes most of the Democrats and anti-trumpers!) reinforces the truly ignorant majority of people that don't comprehend the distinction!

And as the article points out there is a term "Trump Divorce". WHY? Why not call it a "Political difference divorce", or an "Obama Divorce"? Again BIASED MSM presents Trump as the cause...not political differences.
So while most of the intelligent people on this forum comprehend this and like me continue to ignore the headlines and read deeper, there are some people on this board that have a glimmer of open mindedness and intelligence to NOW see how deleterious and destructive the BIASED MSM have been to our country.

I'd comfort Lynn.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of divorces in couples with liberal men. Women have got to be sitting there thinking they are married to a completely worthless man.
Can you imagine being locked in a house for a month with a whiny, Trump hating man who blames every single problem from China virus to E.D. on TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP?
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of divorces in couples with liberal men. Women have got to be sitting there thinking they are married to a completely worthless man.
Can you imagine being locked in a house for a month with a whiny, Trump hating man who blames every single problem from China virus to E.D. on TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP?
It’s funny how liberal values become garbage instantly in a crisis. Their out trying to buy guns and ammo, she’s sitting there thinking maybe hunting and fishing are better skills in a man than sensitivity and mom jeans. The real men they used to make fun of can’t come to their house to unclog a toilet and pajama boy can’t figure it out. Gotta be a rude awakening.
One of my best friends says she hates Trump because of the pussy quote, and she was sexually assaulted when she was young. Funny, she voted for Bill Clinton twice.

She has been manipulated by the media.
Did you tell her you are for sexual assault on women?
One of my best friends says she hates Trump because of the pussy quote, and she was sexually assaulted when she was young. Funny, she voted for Bill Clinton twice.

She has been manipulated by the media.
Did you tell her you are for sexual assault on women?

Yes, of course.

You are missing the point on purpose.She is a hypocrite because Clinton raped numerous women.
One of my best friends says she hates Trump because of the pussy quote, and she was sexually assaulted when she was young. Funny, she voted for Bill Clinton twice.

She has been manipulated by the media.
Did you tell her you are for sexual assault on women?

Yes, of course.

You are missing the point on purpose.She is a hypocrite because Clinton raped numerous women.
Allegations. The asswipePINO is up to what........22 sexual assault allegations?
One of my best friends says she hates Trump because of the pussy quote, and she was sexually assaulted when she was young. Funny, she voted for Bill Clinton twice.

She has been manipulated by the media.
Did you tell her you are for sexual assault on women?

Yes, of course.

You are missing the point on purpose.She is a hypocrite because Clinton raped numerous women.
Allegations. The asswipePINO is up to what........22 sexual assault allegations?

Allegations? Paula Jones?
One of my best friends says she hates Trump because of the pussy quote, and she was sexually assaulted when she was young. Funny, she voted for Bill Clinton twice.

She has been manipulated by the media.
Did you tell her you are for sexual assault on women?

Yes, of course.

You are missing the point on purpose.She is a hypocrite because Clinton raped numerous women.
Allegations. The asswipePINO is up to what........22 sexual assault allegations?

Allegations? Paula Jones?
Clinton settled a nuisance lawsuit.

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