Young Black Couple Wears MAGA Hat in Chicago....what happens next...

Dems need Dem plantations and poverty enslaved blacks to keep the Federal assistance dollars rolling in which they siphon off. Blacks don't actually get the money.
Do you think black people need you to whitesplain our lives and circumstances to us? :dunno: :laugh:

What is this ridiculous cosplay you're putting on? :laugh:
They moved to Texas, yes! Got out of the Liberal sick Chicago. They had a you-tube video "Why I left the Democratic Plantation" They got 3 Million views and awesome comments! They went to 6 Flags Park and many great positive comments about their MAGA hats! :)

An interview where we didn't need subtitles to understand them.
What kind of moron wastes their time watching these videos? Pathetic.
There are no plantations you stupid b---- and it's time whites stopped saying this shit. If these fools are stupid enough to support a return to Jim Crow, they deserve whatever they got in Chicago. And if they go to black communities in Texas they are going to get the same thing. Of course a bunch of white racists will support and cheer for blacks who work to help them bring back Jim Crow. If you are black and stupid enough to support MAGA, you deserve whatever hatred you get.
Why should they “deserve” anything? It’s a free country and no one has the right to harras them for wearing a MAGA hat
100% blacker than Curried Goats, certified. That's why I'm the official spokesperson, see sig line.

Conservatives wanting to be black like wanting to come off as not racist is par for the course for Republicans simply being ashamed of who they are. :laugh:
So how's that Biden stuff working out, hmm?
Better than Trump. You frail whites have to pretend I love Biden rather than simply seeing him as a tool to further you destruction because you're soft Simps and you can't accept the reality of your hopeless circumstance. :laugh:
Better than Trump. You frail whites have to pretend I love Biden rather than simply seeing him as a tool to further your destruction because your soft Simps and you can't accept the reality of your hopeless circumstance. :laugh:
Okay, that's it. You're whiter than me and a liar. You are dismissed now.
Why should they “deserve” anything? It’s a free country and no one has the right to harras them for wearing a MAGA hat
When you support something that wants to take you backwards, you deserve disdain. MAGA is not something blacks should be supporting.

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