AGAIN...... Why are people so ignorant? Not one use of the word "Hamas"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Would you Pro-Hamas readers evidently like CBS's Ed O'keefe and Cindy McCain are.... please explain why the country that saw
As of 1 December 2023, around 1,332 Israelis have been killed since 7 October including 395 IDF soldiers,
BLAMED for the situation?
Hamas launched an offensive on 10/7/23... are you forgetting?

WHAT ISRAEL WANTS: To remove Hamas from power in Gaza.
WHAT HAMAS WANTS: To maintain its control over the coastal enclave.
THE STICKING POINT: Israel has made destroying Hamas’ military and governing capabilities a central aim of its war against the militant group, which has ruled Gaza since it violently overran the territory in 2007.
After Hamas’ stunning attack on Oct. 7, when 1,200 people were killed and 250 taken hostage, according to Israeli authorities, Israel has vowed to ensure the group does not pose a threat to its citizens again. It also says it wants to maintain open-ended security control over the territory after the war ends.

So why do people like Cindy McCain, and the

Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza​

Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November

Why is Israel NOW disapproved by the biased MSM? Evidently it is OK for Muslims to attack non-Muslims but it is NOT
ok to eliminated any future attacks by the Hamas that by the way gets it's support indirectly from the Israelis and the USA!
"For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces
The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from.
Hamas was also included in discussions about increasing the number of work permits Israel granted to Gazan laborers, which kept money flowing into Gaza, meaning food for families and the ability to purchase basic products.
Israeli officials said these permits, which allow Gazan laborers to earn higher salaries than they would in the enclave, were a powerful tool to help preserve calm.
Tal Schneider

To me it is the idiocy of those people that believe the BIASED MSM and the position the BIASED MSM takes AGAINST Israel and FOR HAMAS!

The following is a transcript of an interview with Cindy McCain, World Food Programme executive director, that aired on March 31, 2024.

ED O'KEEFE: When you or your colleagues speak with Israeli officials about getting that access, what is the reason they're giving you why they're not letting you in? Do they not understand the situation? Or is there some other reason?

CINDY MCCAIN: Well, I'm not really sure where the mistake has been made, but I do know that there's been accusations that somehow the U.N. isn't doing their job, which couldn't be further from the truth. So I think again, it's politics. I think it's something that- that we're, you know, various factions are involved in, all I want, all I need to know is when and where we can take the food in, make sure that we can distribute it. That's what I want to know from the Israeli government.

NOT ONE WORD BLAMING HAMAS! What ignorance and WHY are these people ignoring REALITY?
I used it in my commentary.

IMHO there is zero difference between Hamas/Pali/Gaza supporters.

My idea of:

I used it in my commentary.

IMHO there is zero difference between Hamas/Pali/Gaza supporters.

My idea of:

View attachment 925031
Agree, although there is a slim minority of Palis who might be OK. The vast, vast majority of Palis however have been groomed to hate Jews and to want them all killed.
Agree, although there is a slim minority of Palis who might be OK. The vast, vast majority of Palis however have been groomed to hate Jews and to want them all killed.
I'd not cut any of them any slack....The old Pali woman you see in the corner of some shelled-out building was likely pushing out fighters left and right for the Arafat's PLO back in the day.
or….they were already hateful toward Jews and are happily eating up the antisemitic propoganda as confirmation bias.
Well, sure, but the psychological triggers are the same.

Since all the classic antisemitic canards cast Jewish people as sneaky, unduly influential, having too much power and always working behind the scenes to manipulate people, by very nature, that acts as a magnet for complete losers who are already disgruntled over their lot in life. It is but a short step from there to the raving paranoia that we see among the worst of the worst here as they cast Jews as the source of of all manner of conspiracies against them.
I'd not cut any of them any slack....The old Pali woman you see in the corner of some shelled-out building was likely pushing out fighters left and right for the Arafat's PLO back in the day.
I’m trying to give a little benefit of the doubt - maybe 5% wouldn’t be too horrible. But certainly 95% of them are aligned with the Islamic terrorists.

Scary Joe Biden wants to paint them all as such innocent people. I guess it’s all to keep his antisemitic base voting for him.
Well, sure, but the psychological triggers are the same.

Since all the classic antisemitic canards cast Jewish people as sneaky, unduly influential, having too much power and always working behind the scenes to manipulate people, by very nature, that acts as a magnet for complete losers who are already disgruntled over their lot in life. It is but a short step from there to the raving paranoia that we see among the worst of the worst here as they cast Jews as the source of of all manner of conspiracies against them.
Jews have ALWAYS been the scapegoats for other people’s failures. But it’s ramped up to pre-Nazi levels in recent months, which is scary for Jews. There are still Holocaust survivors around, and they have said there are a lot of parallels to what is happening now and Germany of the late 30s.

I also see leftists “poo-pooing” any expressed concern by Jews of the antisemitism being fertilized (with manure, of course). Any such Jew is mocked, or attacked, or told she is overreacting to chants to genocide the Jews to try to quell free speech.
Dimocrat lawmakers, are afraid of their base, thus why they are on the side of the terrorists.
What "overkill"? Hamas still has hold of American hostages. Hamas is killing innocent Israelis!
There have been four previous major hostilities between Israel and Hamas: in 2008–2009, 2012, 2014, and 2021. Hamas's tactics included tunnel warfare and firing rockets into Israeli territory, whereas Israel generally conducted airstrikes in Gaza aiming to minimize the militant threat.

Hamas surprise attack out of Gaza stuns Israel and leaves hundreds dead in fighting, retaliation​

Col. Jonathan Conricus told CBS News that Israel's forces have seen "a systemic abuse by Hamas of sites and locations that are supposed to enjoy special protection under the Geneva Convention and humanitarian law," including not only U.N. facilities, but other schools, clinics, mosques, churches and hospitals. U.N.
Hamas has a weak military … incapable of defending “their people”

October 7 should be one of the most studied days in Israel history for how it happened.Some Conservatives in America say a standdown order was given by the IDF. Even some people in Israel are saying that. According to some reports, many of the civilian casualties from October 7 were from Israeli friendly fire and incompetent soldiers in the IDF..

Although there’s plenty of quialty soldiers in the Israeli military, they just weren’t around on October 7. Many of them have tough battle harden skills from the Soviet union.

good people on both sides of Israel Palestine much of the Palestine resistance Historically has been Christian.

Israel can do whatever it wants in Gaza with no repercussion. Even turkey and Iran only talk a big game but do nothing.

There’s no point in the USA supporting Israel with financial aid because the IDF military is 100 times stronger than whatever weakling resistance Hamas offers.. Israel has already killed 30,000 Palestinians 2/3 of them women or children.

It doesn’t matter what people in the US media say or protesters say …none of it has any effect on Israel’s actions in Palestine.

individual Americans should be allowed to financially support Israel or Palestine or fight for either side, just like it was in the Spanish Civil War.
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or….they were already hateful toward Jews and are happily eating up the antisemitic propoganda as confirmation bias.
I understand that antisemitic propaganda is running rampant right now. I hate it, but there's not much that I can do.

You don't have to answer, but in your life, have you ever had someone spew that crap to your face one on one?
I understand that antisemitic propaganda is running rampant right now. I hate it, but there's not much that I can do.

You don't have to answer, but in your life, have you ever had someone spew that crap to your face one on one?
You mean have I ever been victimized by hate crimes against Jews? Yes, and more than once. My family as well. Even my grandmother.
Israel has done this to themselves.
Why do Jew hating, Anti-American DUMMIES like Surada continue to make stupid uninformed comments?
What does it gain you?

Question who killed 1,200 Israel men, women, babies on 10/7/2023?
On October 7, Hamas terrorists waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust — slaughtering babies, raping women, burning whole families alive, and taking hundreds of innocent civilians hostage. Since October 7, more than 1,200 Israelis have been killed. Terrorists are still holding 134 men, women, and children in captivity.

Hamas has a long history of raising funds through its charity, social welfare, and proselytizing organizations (collectively known as the Hamas dawa), including funds intended for terrorist and militant purposes

Since its founding, Hamas has committed countless acts of violence against both military and civilian targets, including bombings, rocket and mortar attacks, shootings, stabbings, kidnappings and attempted kidnappings, and car ramming attacks. With the onset of the Second Intifada in 2000,
Hamas attacks dramatically increased. Between 2000 and 2005, 39.9 percent of the 135 suicide attacks carried out during the Second Intifada were executed by Hamas.
According to the Global Terrorism Database, Hamas killed 857 people and injured 2,819 between 1987 and 2020. Intended to terrorize not only the targeted individuals but also the general Israeli population, Hamas attacks have been indiscriminate in nature.

THESE ARE FACTS Surada! The problem with people like you is you prefer to support people that WANT to exterminate you if you are an infidel! Are YOU aware that this is the primary goal of people that support killing infidels?

The Koran (translated by Dawood in Penguin Classics series) says, "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5). "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4).
"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them.
Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73).
"The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76).
Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. "Muhammad is God's Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29).

SO Surada! If you are a Muslim the above applies to you!
If you are not... why are you assisting people that want to exterminate you?

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