Ann Coulter Kicks The Snot Out Of Fox News


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
The Fox News lie machine is a joke and even Ann Coulter knows this. Trump has single handedly beaten Fox to a pulp and now Ann Coulter has joined him. Trump has out foxed Fox.


Conservative commentator Ann Coulter showed up on MSNBC to bash Fox News last night. Seriously. Coulter went on MSNBC. To Bash Fox News.

While appearing on “Hardball with Chris Matthews,” the oft-controversial Coulter said Donald Trump has “established himself as the real alpha dog” among GOP candidates and she “hopes he doesn’t” show up to tonight’s debate.

Also Read: Inside Fox News’ Feud With Donald Trump - Who’s Winning and Why

“I think Trump is shaking up the way people look at Fox News as maybe not always our (conservatives) network,” Coulter said.

Matthews then asked Coulter about the snarky Fox News statement that compelled Trump to bail on the debate: “Why would Roger Ailes start a fight that could cost him, god, 15 to 20 million people?”

“Monopolies can get arrogant and there does seem to be a little bit of arrogance here,” Coulter said. “It’s really insulting to voters.”
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:
She spoke as many thought the same thing. The crowds continue lining up for Trump's Townhall. For those who caan't get in, A hugw screen ins outside for them to listen to him even though they weren't the first 600.

Can you imagine that? 24 hours notice and he still gains the incredible crowds!
Some days the ignorant left justifies assaulting Ann Coulter and some days the ignorant left is convinced that Coulter hates Fox. That's life in the low information world.
Some days the ignorant left justifies assaulting Ann Coulter and some days the ignorant left is convinced that Coulter hates Fox. That's life in the low information world.
that's why it's a mental disorder. they just flutter around which ever way the wind blows them. Hate them one week, Love them the next if they are putting down something or someone they hate. Stand on their principles. what the heck are those things. good grief
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

and am I suppose to care about either one of those people? I don't get my politics from some damn pundit like you on the left seems to do. and I for sure don't ever PAY to watch that slimeball Maher
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

YOur assumption that one cannot have a liberal friend and be a true Right Winger is just a projection of how narrow minded and hateful you are.

I note that it does not occur to you that BIll Maher might be spoofing your libs since he is friends with Ann Coulter.
Some days the ignorant left justifies assaulting Ann Coulter and some days the ignorant left is convinced that Coulter hates Fox. That's life in the low information world.


She just did what Trump did and told Fox to.....
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

YOur assumption that one cannot have a liberal friend and be a true Right Winger is just a projection of how narrow minded and hateful you are.

I note that it does not occur to you that BIll Maher might be spoofing your libs since he is friends with Ann Coulter.

narrow minded, nasty and shallow all rolled into that one teabagging fool.
The Fox News lie machine is a joke and even Ann Coulter knows this. Trump has single handedly beaten Fox to a pulp and now Ann Coulter has joined him. Trump has out foxed Fox.


Conservative commentator Ann Coulter showed up on MSNBC to bash Fox News last night. Seriously. Coulter went on MSNBC. To Bash Fox News.

While appearing on “Hardball with Chris Matthews,” the oft-controversial Coulter said Donald Trump has “established himself as the real alpha dog” among GOP candidates and she “hopes he doesn’t” show up to tonight’s debate.

Also Read: Inside Fox News’ Feud With Donald Trump - Who’s Winning and Why

“I think Trump is shaking up the way people look at Fox News as maybe not always our (conservatives) network,” Coulter said.

Matthews then asked Coulter about the snarky Fox News statement that compelled Trump to bail on the debate: “Why would Roger Ailes start a fight that could cost him, god, 15 to 20 million people?”

“Monopolies can get arrogant and there does seem to be a little bit of arrogance here,” Coulter said. “It’s really insulting to voters.”
Was Ann covered in snot?
She spoke as many thought the same thing. The crowds continue lining up for Trump's Townhall. For those who caan't get in, A hugw screen ins outside for them to listen to him even though they weren't the first 600.

Can you imagine that? 24 hours notice and he still gains the incredible crowds!

that's what is driving them all more insane than usual. I find that more amusing then them heaping praise over Coulter who they hate a rabid passion.
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

YOur assumption that one cannot have a liberal friend and be a true Right Winger is just a projection of how narrow minded and hateful you are.

I note that it does not occur to you that BIll Maher might be spoofing your libs since he is friends with Ann Coulter.

I'm not making any assumptions. I'm stating facts and now for some Ann Coulter quotes that proves she's spoofing the brain dead righties. Ann Coulter is clowning you righties and so is Trump. She's spoofing you morons.

Here are some Ann Coulter Quotes:

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do."Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002

"Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay." -Ann Coulter on American fans of World Cup soccer

"You will find liberals always rooting for savages against civilization." –Ann Coulter
"They didn't root for the Nazis against civilization." –Bill O'Reilly
"Oh yes they did.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president.

"I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester. ... I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." --on the murder of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, FOX News interview, June 22, 2009

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.

The Democrats complain about the Republican base being nuts … The nuts are their entire party … They're always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. … Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment.

Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a capacity for linear thinking.
Ann Coulter

Read more at Ann Coulter Quotes at BrainyQuote

  1. On Canada sending troops to Vietnam . . . which never happened: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends, and vice versa. I mean, Canada sent troops to Vietnam."

''We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee.''
—Ann Coulter

that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

YOur assumption that one cannot have a liberal friend and be a true Right Winger is just a projection of how narrow minded and hateful you are.

I note that it does not occur to you that BIll Maher might be spoofing your libs since he is friends with Ann Coulter.

I'm not making any assumptions. I'm stating facts and now for some Ann Coulter quotes that proves she's spoofing the brain dead righties. Ann Coulter is clowning you righties and so is Trump. She's spoofing you morons.

Here are some Ann Coulter Quotes:

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do."Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002

"Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay." -Ann Coulter on American fans of World Cup soccer

"You will find liberals always rooting for savages against civilization." –Ann Coulter
"They didn't root for the Nazis against civilization." –Bill O'Reilly
"Oh yes they did.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president.

"I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester. ... I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." --on the murder of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, FOX News interview, June 22, 2009

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.

The Democrats complain about the Republican base being nuts … The nuts are their entire party … They're always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. … Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment.

Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a capacity for linear thinking.
Ann Coulter

Read more at Ann Coulter Quotes at BrainyQuote

  1. On Canada sending troops to Vietnam . . . which never happened: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends, and vice versa. I mean, Canada sent troops to Vietnam."

''We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee.''
—Ann Coulter

Mostly good stuff. Some minor humor. I don't think she really wants someone to put rat poison in Justice Stevens Creme brulee.

The mistake on Canadian Troops in Vietnam is pretty minor. I mean, what was she when that war ended? 5?
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

YOur assumption that one cannot have a liberal friend and be a true Right Winger is just a projection of how narrow minded and hateful you are.

I note that it does not occur to you that BIll Maher might be spoofing your libs since he is friends with Ann Coulter.

I'm not making any assumptions. I'm stating facts and now for some Ann Coulter quotes that proves she's spoofing the brain dead righties. Ann Coulter is clowning you righties and so is Trump. She's spoofing you morons.

Here are some Ann Coulter Quotes:

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do."Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002

"Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay." -Ann Coulter on American fans of World Cup soccer

"You will find liberals always rooting for savages against civilization." –Ann Coulter
"They didn't root for the Nazis against civilization." –Bill O'Reilly
"Oh yes they did.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president.

"I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester. ... I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." --on the murder of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, FOX News interview, June 22, 2009

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.

The Democrats complain about the Republican base being nuts … The nuts are their entire party … They're always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. … Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment.

Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a capacity for linear thinking.
Ann Coulter

Read more at Ann Coulter Quotes at BrainyQuote

  1. On Canada sending troops to Vietnam . . . which never happened: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends, and vice versa. I mean, Canada sent troops to Vietnam."

''We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee.''
—Ann Coulter
Ann is a true American patriot.
She spoke as many thought the same thing. The crowds continue lining up for Trump's Townhall. For those who caan't get in, A hugw screen ins outside for them to listen to him even though they weren't the first 600.

Can you imagine that? 24 hours notice and he still gains the incredible crowds!

that's what is driving them all more insane than usual. I find that more amusing then them heaping praise over Coulter who they hate a rabid passion.

Nobody is heaping praise on Coulter and you know it. Coulter is fed up with Fox and she sees the writing on the wall. Trump is destroying the Fox Lie machine.


'Pants On Fire': Analysis Shows 60% Of Fox News 'Facts ... ARE LIES!

FOX's file: | PunditFact - PolitiFact
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

YOur assumption that one cannot have a liberal friend and be a true Right Winger is just a projection of how narrow minded and hateful you are.

I note that it does not occur to you that BIll Maher might be spoofing your libs since he is friends with Ann Coulter.

I'm not making any assumptions. I'm stating facts and now for some Ann Coulter quotes that proves she's spoofing the brain dead righties. Ann Coulter is clowning you righties and so is Trump. She's spoofing you morons.

Here are some Ann Coulter Quotes:

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do."Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002

"Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay." -Ann Coulter on American fans of World Cup soccer

"You will find liberals always rooting for savages against civilization." –Ann Coulter
"They didn't root for the Nazis against civilization." –Bill O'Reilly
"Oh yes they did.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president.

"I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester. ... I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." --on the murder of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, FOX News interview, June 22, 2009

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.

The Democrats complain about the Republican base being nuts … The nuts are their entire party … They're always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. … Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment.

Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a capacity for linear thinking.
Ann Coulter

Read more at Ann Coulter Quotes at BrainyQuote

  1. On Canada sending troops to Vietnam . . . which never happened: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends, and vice versa. I mean, Canada sent troops to Vietnam."

''We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee.''
—Ann Coulter

Mostly good stuff. Some minor humor. I don't think she really wants someone to put rat poison in Justice Stevens Creme brulee.

The mistake on Canadian Troops in Vietnam is pretty minor. I mean, what was she when that war ended? 5?

I think she should know basic history.

As to poisoning a supreme court justice the left knew she was joking but the right would want it to happen.
that should give some people tingles. Even the ones who hates her and Fox News.
that will be tingles up both legs and not just one like Chrissy Mathews get over Obambam. hell they could go all the way and orgasm :rolleyes-41:

You do realize that Ann Coulter has been spoofing the right wing for her entire career? She and Bill Maher are close friends.
Ann Coulter Talks About 'True, Loyal Friend' Bill Maher

YOur assumption that one cannot have a liberal friend and be a true Right Winger is just a projection of how narrow minded and hateful you are.

I note that it does not occur to you that BIll Maher might be spoofing your libs since he is friends with Ann Coulter.

I'm not making any assumptions. I'm stating facts and now for some Ann Coulter quotes that proves she's spoofing the brain dead righties. Ann Coulter is clowning you righties and so is Trump. She's spoofing you morons.

Here are some Ann Coulter Quotes:

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do."Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002

"Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay." -Ann Coulter on American fans of World Cup soccer

"You will find liberals always rooting for savages against civilization." –Ann Coulter
"They didn't root for the Nazis against civilization." –Bill O'Reilly
"Oh yes they did.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president.

"I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester. ... I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." --on the murder of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, FOX News interview, June 22, 2009

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.

The Democrats complain about the Republican base being nuts … The nuts are their entire party … They're always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. … Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment.

Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a capacity for linear thinking.
Ann Coulter

Read more at Ann Coulter Quotes at BrainyQuote

  1. On Canada sending troops to Vietnam . . . which never happened: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends, and vice versa. I mean, Canada sent troops to Vietnam."

''We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee.''
—Ann Coulter
Ann is a true American patriot.

Good one!

She's been playing Fox for years and when they. But a few times she broke character and Fox banned her.


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