Allow me to voice support for Senator Warren


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.
Trump is for law and order.....that will fix all of this....
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

Squaw Lizbreath make 'em heap big fuss over loco weed.
Here's the problem for Ms Warren. Granted she is one of the most intelligent politicians out there. I believe it was Dershowitz who claimed two pupils of his were the "brilliance on the hill". Warren and Cruz.

But both have a fatal flaw. It's one thing to know you are the smartest person in the room. It's another thing to flaunt it.

Because a street fighter can pick off their Achilles Heel and take them out.
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

Here's your problem. Take a real good look at Mexico. They legalized drugs in Mexico. Decriminalized many. That led to cartels. Now they have beheadings in Acapulco for crying out loud.Cartels in the open. Carrying out hit jobs. Drugs are big business.

Basically Wall Street but with guns and heavy ammo.

But back to basics. They start to lace the weed to make certain you are a continual buyer. It's serious tactic when they move in to take control of a region. Make it legal all you want but the pusher man will always make the illegal high the one you want. The one that takes you higher.

Look at what is happening with opioids. Sheesh. This is not a simple problem. And it requires a complex solution.
Pocohontas isn't going to do right by the American people.

No guff. Stealing a place reserved for a First Nations individual and then claiming you are "in the fight" for minorities has to be as low as a lib can get.

But that's Liz "I think my grandma met an Indian once" Warren. Hell's bells she's as First Nation as our own resident squaw Lakhota.

Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

Here's your problem. Take a real good look at Mexico. They legalized drugs in Mexico. Decriminalized many. That led to cartels. Now they have beheadings in Acapulco for crying out loud.Cartels in the open. Carrying out hit jobs. Drugs are big business.

Basically Wall Street but with guns and heavy ammo.

But back to basics. They start to lace the weed to make certain you are a continual buyer. It's serious tactic when they move in to take control of a region. Make it legal all you want but the pusher man will always make the illegal high the one you want. The one that takes you higher.

Look at what is happening with opioids. Sheesh. This is not a simple problem. And it requires a complex solution.

What happens here when something is legal? It is immediately sued. Ten seconds after the drugs become legal, there would be a stampede to every courthouse to file a class action lawsuit against the cartels. Instead of thugs with guns, the cartels would go broke hiring lawyers. Look at Tobacco, thanks to the Tobacco settlement, the states make more money off cigarettes than the tobacco companies do.

Seriously, think it through. When you get a cup of coffee it has hot printed all over it so that you are aware that coffee is served hot. Why? Thanks to a lawsuit of course. Winnebago was sued because they never said that cruise control was not an automatic pilot. They lost the lawsuit and had to pay the "victim" who thought that he could get up and go in the back and make himself a sandwich.

Let's ignore Marijuana for a moment, and look at Cocaine. Raw Gasoline is poured over the Cocoa paste to help break down the paste and to help it crystallize. Now, what lawyer is going to explain that this is a perfectly acceptable processing technique that has no harmful or residual effects? Every lawsuit would result in millions for the nations BMW dealers as lawyers go and buy themselves a new car with their "fees" and awards.

Seriously, the worst thing we could do to the Cartels is make them legal. Because ten seconds after those guys with guns are unemployed, and the demand for lawyers skyrockets. Gangs that deal drugs in the cities would lose a huge chunk of their profit, and there is no way to make it up with either robbery or muggings. Do you think the Gangs will open up a legitimate store front and start selling and collecting sales tax?

Drugs in Mexico aren't really legalized. That's why the Mexican Army is usually chasing the drug dealers who aren't paying them protection money through various hills. El Chapo wasn't arrested for being a douche who tunneled through environmentally protected areas. He was a drug lord and cartel boss. Word is that they have him in a really secure Motel 6 now.

Legalize it, and watch it vaporize. Because no company is going to get hit with those kinds of product liability lawsuits. Blitz gas cans went out of business because of lawsuits. Now you can only buy cans that take three hands to operate.
Dope sales. Bravo. We really need to help dope sales along.

Here's a challenge for you. Go to any store and try and find a Blitz brand gas can. They used to make and sell about half the gas cans sold in this nation. Where are they now? Gone. They were sued out of existence by people who didn't know that you were not supposed to pour gasoline on a fire. Their lawyers argued that Blitz was responsible and because they made an unsafe product which exploded when you poured gasoline on a fire.

We are lawsuit happy in this nation. We sue everyone, for anything. Stub your toe walking up the stairs? Sue. Someone backs into you? Sue. A doctor performs an emergency treatment and leaves a scar saving your life? Sue.

We sue for everything. Now, how can the cartels exist in such a lawsuit happy environment? If they ever legalize drugs, I don't want to be anywhere near the courthouse because I would not want to be trampled by the rush of lawyers charging the doors to file suits against the dealers, and cartels.

Every case would result in another ten or hundred million dollar award. The class action cases would result in billions of dollars in awards the Cartels have to pay.

Instead of spending a few billion dollars a year in a fruitless effort to stop the drugs, which we've had exactly no success at, we would be raking in billions in taxes while the Cartels try to stop the flow of cash out of their bank accounts.

Or we can keep doing what doesn't work, and what will never work. We can keep arresting people, and seizing any money we feel like claiming it's drug related and you have to sue to prove it isn't. Yeah, that's working so damned well.
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

Here's your problem. Take a real good look at Mexico. They legalized drugs in Mexico. Decriminalized many. That led to cartels. Now they have beheadings in Acapulco for crying out loud.Cartels in the open. Carrying out hit jobs. Drugs are big business.

Basically Wall Street but with guns and heavy ammo.

But back to basics. They start to lace the weed to make certain you are a continual buyer. It's serious tactic when they move in to take control of a region. Make it legal all you want but the pusher man will always make the illegal high the one you want. The one that takes you higher.

Look at what is happening with opioids. Sheesh. This is not a simple problem. And it requires a complex solution.

What happens here when something is legal? It is immediately sued. Ten seconds after the drugs become legal, there would be a stampede to every courthouse to file a class action lawsuit against the cartels. Instead of thugs with guns, the cartels would go broke hiring lawyers. Look at Tobacco, thanks to the Tobacco settlement, the states make more money off cigarettes than the tobacco companies do.

Seriously, think it through. When you get a cup of coffee it has hot printed all over it so that you are aware that coffee is served hot. Why? Thanks to a lawsuit of course. Winnebago was sued because they never said that cruise control was not an automatic pilot. They lost the lawsuit and had to pay the "victim" who thought that he could get up and go in the back and make himself a sandwich.

Let's ignore Marijuana for a moment, and look at Cocaine. Raw Gasoline is poured over the Cocoa paste to help break down the paste and to help it crystallize. Now, what lawyer is going to explain that this is a perfectly acceptable processing technique that has no harmful or residual effects? Every lawsuit would result in millions for the nations BMW dealers as lawyers go and buy themselves a new car with their "fees" and awards.

Seriously, the worst thing we could do to the Cartels is make them legal. Because ten seconds after those guys with guns are unemployed, and the demand for lawyers skyrockets. Gangs that deal drugs in the cities would lose a huge chunk of their profit, and there is no way to make it up with either robbery or muggings. Do you think the Gangs will open up a legitimate store front and start selling and collecting sales tax?

Drugs in Mexico aren't really legalized. That's why the Mexican Army is usually chasing the drug dealers who aren't paying them protection money through various hills. El Chapo wasn't arrested for being a douche who tunneled through environmentally protected areas. He was a drug lord and cartel boss. Word is that they have him in a really secure Motel 6 now.

Legalize it, and watch it vaporize. Because no company is going to get hit with those kinds of product liability lawsuits. Blitz gas cans went out of business because of lawsuits. Now you can only buy cans that take three hands to operate.
Liberals need people like you for their survival.....soma is the only way forward for them.....
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

Here's your problem. Take a real good look at Mexico. They legalized drugs in Mexico. Decriminalized many. That led to cartels. Now they have beheadings in Acapulco for crying out loud.Cartels in the open. Carrying out hit jobs. Drugs are big business.

Basically Wall Street but with guns and heavy ammo.

But back to basics. They start to lace the weed to make certain you are a continual buyer. It's serious tactic when they move in to take control of a region. Make it legal all you want but the pusher man will always make the illegal high the one you want. The one that takes you higher.

Look at what is happening with opioids. Sheesh. This is not a simple problem. And it requires a complex solution.

What happens here when something is legal? It is immediately sued. Ten seconds after the drugs become legal, there would be a stampede to every courthouse to file a class action lawsuit against the cartels. Instead of thugs with guns, the cartels would go broke hiring lawyers. Look at Tobacco, thanks to the Tobacco settlement, the states make more money off cigarettes than the tobacco companies do.

Seriously, think it through. When you get a cup of coffee it has hot printed all over it so that you are aware that coffee is served hot. Why? Thanks to a lawsuit of course. Winnebago was sued because they never said that cruise control was not an automatic pilot. They lost the lawsuit and had to pay the "victim" who thought that he could get up and go in the back and make himself a sandwich.

Let's ignore Marijuana for a moment, and look at Cocaine. Raw Gasoline is poured over the Cocoa paste to help break down the paste and to help it crystallize. Now, what lawyer is going to explain that this is a perfectly acceptable processing technique that has no harmful or residual effects? Every lawsuit would result in millions for the nations BMW dealers as lawyers go and buy themselves a new car with their "fees" and awards.

Seriously, the worst thing we could do to the Cartels is make them legal. Because ten seconds after those guys with guns are unemployed, and the demand for lawyers skyrockets. Gangs that deal drugs in the cities would lose a huge chunk of their profit, and there is no way to make it up with either robbery or muggings. Do you think the Gangs will open up a legitimate store front and start selling and collecting sales tax?

Drugs in Mexico aren't really legalized. That's why the Mexican Army is usually chasing the drug dealers who aren't paying them protection money through various hills. El Chapo wasn't arrested for being a douche who tunneled through environmentally protected areas. He was a drug lord and cartel boss. Word is that they have him in a really secure Motel 6 now.

Legalize it, and watch it vaporize. Because no company is going to get hit with those kinds of product liability lawsuits. Blitz gas cans went out of business because of lawsuits. Now you can only buy cans that take three hands to operate.
Liberals need people like you for their survival.....soma is the only way forward for them.....

so you have no argument against my lawsuit prediction, and you resort to insults. Oh, you know I voted for Trump right?
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

Here's your problem. Take a real good look at Mexico. They legalized drugs in Mexico. Decriminalized many. That led to cartels. Now they have beheadings in Acapulco for crying out loud.Cartels in the open. Carrying out hit jobs. Drugs are big business.

Basically Wall Street but with guns and heavy ammo.

But back to basics. They start to lace the weed to make certain you are a continual buyer. It's serious tactic when they move in to take control of a region. Make it legal all you want but the pusher man will always make the illegal high the one you want. The one that takes you higher.

Look at what is happening with opioids. Sheesh. This is not a simple problem. And it requires a complex solution.

What happens here when something is legal? It is immediately sued. Ten seconds after the drugs become legal, there would be a stampede to every courthouse to file a class action lawsuit against the cartels. Instead of thugs with guns, the cartels would go broke hiring lawyers. Look at Tobacco, thanks to the Tobacco settlement, the states make more money off cigarettes than the tobacco companies do.

Seriously, think it through. When you get a cup of coffee it has hot printed all over it so that you are aware that coffee is served hot. Why? Thanks to a lawsuit of course. Winnebago was sued because they never said that cruise control was not an automatic pilot. They lost the lawsuit and had to pay the "victim" who thought that he could get up and go in the back and make himself a sandwich.

Let's ignore Marijuana for a moment, and look at Cocaine. Raw Gasoline is poured over the Cocoa paste to help break down the paste and to help it crystallize. Now, what lawyer is going to explain that this is a perfectly acceptable processing technique that has no harmful or residual effects? Every lawsuit would result in millions for the nations BMW dealers as lawyers go and buy themselves a new car with their "fees" and awards.

Seriously, the worst thing we could do to the Cartels is make them legal. Because ten seconds after those guys with guns are unemployed, and the demand for lawyers skyrockets. Gangs that deal drugs in the cities would lose a huge chunk of their profit, and there is no way to make it up with either robbery or muggings. Do you think the Gangs will open up a legitimate store front and start selling and collecting sales tax?

Drugs in Mexico aren't really legalized. That's why the Mexican Army is usually chasing the drug dealers who aren't paying them protection money through various hills. El Chapo wasn't arrested for being a douche who tunneled through environmentally protected areas. He was a drug lord and cartel boss. Word is that they have him in a really secure Motel 6 now.

Legalize it, and watch it vaporize. Because no company is going to get hit with those kinds of product liability lawsuits. Blitz gas cans went out of business because of lawsuits. Now you can only buy cans that take three hands to operate.
Liberals need people like you for their survival.....soma is the only way forward for them.....

so you have no argument against my lawsuit prediction, and you resort to insults. Oh, you know I voted for Trump right?
Slow down, reread my post....

I am not calling you a liberal, I am calling you a tool that they need for their survival...

Lawsuits are just more big that is no answer to anything....
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

Here's your problem. Take a real good look at Mexico. They legalized drugs in Mexico. Decriminalized many. That led to cartels. Now they have beheadings in Acapulco for crying out loud.Cartels in the open. Carrying out hit jobs. Drugs are big business.

Basically Wall Street but with guns and heavy ammo.

But back to basics. They start to lace the weed to make certain you are a continual buyer. It's serious tactic when they move in to take control of a region. Make it legal all you want but the pusher man will always make the illegal high the one you want. The one that takes you higher.

Look at what is happening with opioids. Sheesh. This is not a simple problem. And it requires a complex solution.

What happens here when something is legal? It is immediately sued. Ten seconds after the drugs become legal, there would be a stampede to every courthouse to file a class action lawsuit against the cartels. Instead of thugs with guns, the cartels would go broke hiring lawyers. Look at Tobacco, thanks to the Tobacco settlement, the states make more money off cigarettes than the tobacco companies do.

Seriously, think it through. When you get a cup of coffee it has hot printed all over it so that you are aware that coffee is served hot. Why? Thanks to a lawsuit of course. Winnebago was sued because they never said that cruise control was not an automatic pilot. They lost the lawsuit and had to pay the "victim" who thought that he could get up and go in the back and make himself a sandwich.

Let's ignore Marijuana for a moment, and look at Cocaine. Raw Gasoline is poured over the Cocoa paste to help break down the paste and to help it crystallize. Now, what lawyer is going to explain that this is a perfectly acceptable processing technique that has no harmful or residual effects? Every lawsuit would result in millions for the nations BMW dealers as lawyers go and buy themselves a new car with their "fees" and awards.

Seriously, the worst thing we could do to the Cartels is make them legal. Because ten seconds after those guys with guns are unemployed, and the demand for lawyers skyrockets. Gangs that deal drugs in the cities would lose a huge chunk of their profit, and there is no way to make it up with either robbery or muggings. Do you think the Gangs will open up a legitimate store front and start selling and collecting sales tax?

Drugs in Mexico aren't really legalized. That's why the Mexican Army is usually chasing the drug dealers who aren't paying them protection money through various hills. El Chapo wasn't arrested for being a douche who tunneled through environmentally protected areas. He was a drug lord and cartel boss. Word is that they have him in a really secure Motel 6 now.

Legalize it, and watch it vaporize. Because no company is going to get hit with those kinds of product liability lawsuits. Blitz gas cans went out of business because of lawsuits. Now you can only buy cans that take three hands to operate.
Liberals need people like you for their survival.....soma is the only way forward for them.....

so you have no argument against my lawsuit prediction, and you resort to insults. Oh, you know I voted for Trump right?
Slow down, reread my post....

I am not calling you a liberal, I am calling you a tool that they need for their survival...

Lawsuits are just more big that is no answer to anything....

Ok, let's be careful here. I think you are mistaking a few things. First, lawsuits are almost always between two private parties. When government is involved, it is either when the Federal Government sues a city or state for a civil rights violation, or when someone sues the government for a similar violation.

Normally it's when Bob backs the company truck into Frank's car. Rarely is it like the aforementioned Tobacco Settlement when the states sued to recoup losses to Medicaid from smoking related illnesses. That was settled, not decided by the jury.

Now, the way these lawsuits would work is pretty much like every other lawsuit. Bob does a line of cocaine, and bob sues the Cocaine dealer, distributed, and manufacturer. Bob's lawyer probably found on the back cover of the phone book argues that there is no way that Cocaine can be safe because raw gasoline is poured over the cocoa leaves to make the paste. Raw gasoline is a known cancer causing agent, etc. The jury agrees and awards ten million dollars in real and punitive damages to Bob. Bob is only one of thousands of lawsuits that will be filed on day one.

None of that is big Government. It's in the Constitution that we are able to sue for damages. See the Seventh Amendment. That is the extent of the "big government" that you decry. The fact that the Founders saw fit to insure that you were a)able to sue someone and b) able to collect damages.

Otherwise, the limit of the "big government" involvement is the court itself. Which is pretty much what the courts are for.
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

IOW bankers are evil except when they are financing dopers.

Now, the way these lawsuits would work is pretty much like every other lawsuit. Bob does a line of cocaine, and bob sues the Cocaine dealer, distributed, and manufacturer. Bob's lawyer probably found on the back cover of the phone book argues that there is no way that Cocaine can be safe because raw gasoline is poured over the cocoa leaves to make the paste. Raw gasoline is a known cancer causing agent, etc. The jury agrees and awards ten million dollars in real and punitive damages to Bob. Bob is only one of thousands of lawsuits that will be filed on day one.

None of that is big Government. It's in the Constitution that we are able to sue for damages. See the Seventh Amendment. That is the extent of the "big government" that you decry. The fact that the Founders saw fit to insure that you were a)able to sue someone and b) able to collect damages.

Otherwise, the limit of the "big government" involvement is the court itself. Which is pretty much what the courts are for.
I don't know where you got your law degree but when you are doing an illegal drug you have no legal basis for a claim. Illegal = outside of the law. Outside of the law = beyond the court's interest.
Here's your problem. Take a real good look at Mexico. They legalized drugs in Mexico. Decriminalized many. That led to cartels. Now they have beheadings in Acapulco for crying out loud.Cartels in the open. Carrying out hit jobs. Drugs are big business.

Basically Wall Street but with guns and heavy ammo.

But back to basics. They start to lace the weed to make certain you are a continual buyer. It's serious tactic when they move in to take control of a region. Make it legal all you want but the pusher man will always make the illegal high the one you want. The one that takes you higher.

Look at what is happening with opioids. Sheesh. This is not a simple problem. And it requires a complex solution.

What happens here when something is legal? It is immediately sued. Ten seconds after the drugs become legal, there would be a stampede to every courthouse to file a class action lawsuit against the cartels. Instead of thugs with guns, the cartels would go broke hiring lawyers. Look at Tobacco, thanks to the Tobacco settlement, the states make more money off cigarettes than the tobacco companies do.

Seriously, think it through. When you get a cup of coffee it has hot printed all over it so that you are aware that coffee is served hot. Why? Thanks to a lawsuit of course. Winnebago was sued because they never said that cruise control was not an automatic pilot. They lost the lawsuit and had to pay the "victim" who thought that he could get up and go in the back and make himself a sandwich.

Let's ignore Marijuana for a moment, and look at Cocaine. Raw Gasoline is poured over the Cocoa paste to help break down the paste and to help it crystallize. Now, what lawyer is going to explain that this is a perfectly acceptable processing technique that has no harmful or residual effects? Every lawsuit would result in millions for the nations BMW dealers as lawyers go and buy themselves a new car with their "fees" and awards.

Seriously, the worst thing we could do to the Cartels is make them legal. Because ten seconds after those guys with guns are unemployed, and the demand for lawyers skyrockets. Gangs that deal drugs in the cities would lose a huge chunk of their profit, and there is no way to make it up with either robbery or muggings. Do you think the Gangs will open up a legitimate store front and start selling and collecting sales tax?

Drugs in Mexico aren't really legalized. That's why the Mexican Army is usually chasing the drug dealers who aren't paying them protection money through various hills. El Chapo wasn't arrested for being a douche who tunneled through environmentally protected areas. He was a drug lord and cartel boss. Word is that they have him in a really secure Motel 6 now.

Legalize it, and watch it vaporize. Because no company is going to get hit with those kinds of product liability lawsuits. Blitz gas cans went out of business because of lawsuits. Now you can only buy cans that take three hands to operate.
Liberals need people like you for their survival.....soma is the only way forward for them.....

so you have no argument against my lawsuit prediction, and you resort to insults. Oh, you know I voted for Trump right?
Slow down, reread my post....

I am not calling you a liberal, I am calling you a tool that they need for their survival...

Lawsuits are just more big that is no answer to anything....

Ok, let's be careful here. I think you are mistaking a few things. First, lawsuits are almost always between two private parties. When government is involved, it is either when the Federal Government sues a city or state for a civil rights violation, or when someone sues the government for a similar violation.

Normally it's when Bob backs the company truck into Frank's car. Rarely is it like the aforementioned Tobacco Settlement when the states sued to recoup losses to Medicaid from smoking related illnesses. That was settled, not decided by the jury.

Now, the way these lawsuits would work is pretty much like every other lawsuit. Bob does a line of cocaine, and bob sues the Cocaine dealer, distributed, and manufacturer. Bob's lawyer probably found on the back cover of the phone book argues that there is no way that Cocaine can be safe because raw gasoline is poured over the cocoa leaves to make the paste. Raw gasoline is a known cancer causing agent, etc. The jury agrees and awards ten million dollars in real and punitive damages to Bob. Bob is only one of thousands of lawsuits that will be filed on day one.

None of that is big Government. It's in the Constitution that we are able to sue for damages. See the Seventh Amendment. That is the extent of the "big government" that you decry. The fact that the Founders saw fit to insure that you were a)able to sue someone and b) able to collect damages.

Otherwise, the limit of the "big government" involvement is the court itself. Which is pretty much what the courts are for.
Oh, I though lawsuits involved courts, which are .gov......

No thank you, I will stick with Liberty, it's far simpler.....
What happens here when something is legal? It is immediately sued. Ten seconds after the drugs become legal, there would be a stampede to every courthouse to file a class action lawsuit against the cartels. Instead of thugs with guns, the cartels would go broke hiring lawyers. Look at Tobacco, thanks to the Tobacco settlement, the states make more money off cigarettes than the tobacco companies do.

Seriously, think it through. When you get a cup of coffee it has hot printed all over it so that you are aware that coffee is served hot. Why? Thanks to a lawsuit of course. Winnebago was sued because they never said that cruise control was not an automatic pilot. They lost the lawsuit and had to pay the "victim" who thought that he could get up and go in the back and make himself a sandwich.

Let's ignore Marijuana for a moment, and look at Cocaine. Raw Gasoline is poured over the Cocoa paste to help break down the paste and to help it crystallize. Now, what lawyer is going to explain that this is a perfectly acceptable processing technique that has no harmful or residual effects? Every lawsuit would result in millions for the nations BMW dealers as lawyers go and buy themselves a new car with their "fees" and awards.

Seriously, the worst thing we could do to the Cartels is make them legal. Because ten seconds after those guys with guns are unemployed, and the demand for lawyers skyrockets. Gangs that deal drugs in the cities would lose a huge chunk of their profit, and there is no way to make it up with either robbery or muggings. Do you think the Gangs will open up a legitimate store front and start selling and collecting sales tax?

Drugs in Mexico aren't really legalized. That's why the Mexican Army is usually chasing the drug dealers who aren't paying them protection money through various hills. El Chapo wasn't arrested for being a douche who tunneled through environmentally protected areas. He was a drug lord and cartel boss. Word is that they have him in a really secure Motel 6 now.

Legalize it, and watch it vaporize. Because no company is going to get hit with those kinds of product liability lawsuits. Blitz gas cans went out of business because of lawsuits. Now you can only buy cans that take three hands to operate.
Liberals need people like you for their survival.....soma is the only way forward for them.....

so you have no argument against my lawsuit prediction, and you resort to insults. Oh, you know I voted for Trump right?
Slow down, reread my post....

I am not calling you a liberal, I am calling you a tool that they need for their survival...

Lawsuits are just more big that is no answer to anything....

Ok, let's be careful here. I think you are mistaking a few things. First, lawsuits are almost always between two private parties. When government is involved, it is either when the Federal Government sues a city or state for a civil rights violation, or when someone sues the government for a similar violation.

Normally it's when Bob backs the company truck into Frank's car. Rarely is it like the aforementioned Tobacco Settlement when the states sued to recoup losses to Medicaid from smoking related illnesses. That was settled, not decided by the jury.

Now, the way these lawsuits would work is pretty much like every other lawsuit. Bob does a line of cocaine, and bob sues the Cocaine dealer, distributed, and manufacturer. Bob's lawyer probably found on the back cover of the phone book argues that there is no way that Cocaine can be safe because raw gasoline is poured over the cocoa leaves to make the paste. Raw gasoline is a known cancer causing agent, etc. The jury agrees and awards ten million dollars in real and punitive damages to Bob. Bob is only one of thousands of lawsuits that will be filed on day one.

None of that is big Government. It's in the Constitution that we are able to sue for damages. See the Seventh Amendment. That is the extent of the "big government" that you decry. The fact that the Founders saw fit to insure that you were a)able to sue someone and b) able to collect damages.

Otherwise, the limit of the "big government" involvement is the court itself. Which is pretty much what the courts are for.
Oh, I though lawsuits involved courts, which are .gov......

No thank you, I will stick with Liberty, it's far simpler.....

I understand. The Constitution is such a pain in the ass way to base a Government on.
Senator Warren is in the news today. Curiously, she is not doing what the rest of the Democratic Party is falling over themselves to do, and that is insult Trump, Trump Voters, or people who did not vote for Hillary. Instead, she is doing something constructive, which is a pleasant change since Election Day.

Elizabeth Warren has come out offering her support for eliminating the banking rules that prevent anyone who is involved in the business of selling or testing or providing security to Pot Shops from having accounts.

US Sen. Warren seeks to pull pot shops out of banking limbo

I support this, but then again I support pretty much any legalization effort. Not because I am lighting up daily, weekly, monthly or whatever. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you all this. I tried it at the age of 14 and got violently ill. Since that time, my medical records have shown me as allergic to Marijuna. Including my medical records in the Army. It's one of a half dozen substances that I am allergic to. So no, I am not a supporter because I'm a user. I'm a supporter because I believe that it makes far more sense to legalize drugs than it does to continue the fruitless war on drugs.

So I'd like to congratulate and tip the proverbial hat to Senator Warren. Rather than the spiteful actions of the Federal Government in response to the voter supported legalization efforts passing all over the place, she is looking at actually serving the interests of the people.

IOW bankers are evil except when they are financing dopers.


Curious. I've never said that bankers, banks, or anything like that were evil. I'm curious as to why you would think that I felt that way.

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