"20%-50% of Republicans are Stupid or Insane" - Former Reagan Official


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
This is a poll done by Research 2000 for Daily Kos. Research 2000 constructed a typical poll and asked people to identify whether or not they are Republicans. If they said they were Republicans, they asked a series of questions, which are all listed here.

Daily Kos :: State of the Nation

Of the responses, the following percentages either agreed or didn't know.

Should Obama be impeached? 68%
Obama not born in the US? 58%
Obama wants the terrorists to win? 57%
ACORN stole the election? 76%
Obama is a racist who hates white people? 64%
Should your state secede from the Union? 42%
Should Genesis be taught in public schools? 85%
Should contraception be outlawed? 44%

Here is the methodology of the poll

The Daily Kos Republican Poll was conducted by Research 2000 from January 20 through January 31, 2010. A total of 2003 self identified Republicans were interviewed nationally by telephone. Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers, nationally.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 2% percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the "true" figure would fall within that range if the entire self identified Republican population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any demographic subgroup, such as for gender or region.

This is a typical poll.

Bruce Bartlett, who worked as an economist in the Reagan administration had this to say about the poll results.

I can only conclude from this new poll of 2003 self-identified Republicans nationwide that between 20% and 50% of the party is either insane or mind-numbingly stupid.

Why I Am Not a Republican | Capital Gains and Games
There is a real fact adverse component to the current republican party.

I'm not sure why but they insist on believing lies.

Its truely harming the country that they insist on replacing facts with lies.
The only stupid ones I see, are the ones who take and use a poll done by the zoo known as Dailykos Website then try and make some point out of it about people..:lol:
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That poll was even much worse.

85% Genesis should be taught in public school. How many Republicans on this site say that's not true.

Asked if Sarah Palin was qualified to be president, only 14% said no?

Is birth control equal to abortion? 48% said no.
When asked if abortion was murder, only 8% said no.

When asked if they were against the death penalty, only 4% yes. I wonder if they are willing to execute women who have had an abortion? After all, isn't it "murder"?

A staggering 15% said you can get to heaven without Christ.

This is the Republican Party. They deny it, but this is it.
See the lies right here?

They are pretending Kos did the poll.

They can never seem to absorb the truth.
so because the Dailykos farmed it out to some other left wing pollster, that is suppose to make it legitimate and to be used by a so called News Station, like Pmsnbc..

I guess criticizing the very people who vote is one way to get people to come over to the Progressive side..:lol:
Wow, a Daily Kos poll??? LOL!!!!!

And so, this massive poll, by non-partisan independent pollster Research 2000 of over 2,000 self-identified Republicans, was born.

OpEdNews - Article: The 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans

I can see where you fit in on that pol.

When you pay an organization to give a pol, it has to be non partisan, otherwise, they lose credibility and can't survive as a company.

Besides, I can see there was nothing you disagreed with. So why accuse?
The only stupid ones I see, are the ones who take and use a poll done by the zoo known as Dailykos Website then try and make some point out of it about people..:lol:

Don't tell me.......lemmie guess.............

If the poll had been done by FAUX Noise, it would have been legit?

If you and Soggy No Load actually believe that, then there's this really nice beach front property in Amarillo that I'd like to have you invest in.

Only gonna cost ya a grand.
so because the Dailykos farmed it out to some other left wing pollster, that is suppose to make it legitimate and to be used by a so called News Station, like Pmsnbc..

I guess criticizing the very people who vote is one way to get people to come over to the Progressive side..:lol:

So, was there any part of that pol that you disagreed with?:lol::rofl::lol:
Wow, a Daily Kos poll??? LOL!!!!!

And so, this massive poll, by non-partisan independent pollster Research 2000 of over 2,000 self-identified Republicans, was born.

OpEdNews - Article: The 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans

I can see where you fit in on that pol.

When you pay an organization to give a pol, it has to be non partisan, otherwise, they lose credibility and can't survive as a company.

Besides, I can see there was nothing you disagreed with. So why accuse?

oooooooo, Nonpartisan.
I heard Acorn and Seiu were supposed to be Nonpartisan too.
Never heard of this pollster before, why is that? now they are the pollsters of all pollster because the DailyKos used them and tells us we "should" believe it.:cuckoo:
I would like a better understanding of the questions asked, and how they chose the respondents. It seems the poll was not that random, and they give us answers on interpretations of what might very well be very weird questions.
My experiences with polling is that news organizations do ask lots of questions where there is no possible right answer. I remember being exit polled by NBC news back in 88, and all the poll questions were on Dukakis talking points. There was no way a republican could give a rational response to any of them. They were all along the level of "Do you prefer beating your wife with a hammer or a crowbar?"
Wow, a Daily Kos poll??? LOL!!!!!

And so, this massive poll, by non-partisan independent pollster Research 2000 of over 2,000 self-identified Republicans, was born.

OpEdNews - Article: The 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans

I can see where you fit in on that pol.

When you pay an organization to give a pol, it has to be non partisan, otherwise, they lose credibility and can't survive as a company.

Besides, I can see there was nothing you disagreed with. So why accuse?

oooooooo, Nonpartisan.
I heard Acorn and Seiu were supposed to be Nonpartisan too.

So there was nothing on the pol you disagreed with? Then why complain?
I would like a better understanding of the questions asked, and how they chose the respondents. It seems the poll was not that random, and they give us answers on interpretations of what might very well be very weird questions.
My experiences with polling is that news organizations do ask lots of questions where there is no possible right answer. I remember being exit polled by NBC news back in 88, and all the poll questions were on Dukakis talking points. There was no way a republican could give a rational response to any of them. They were all along the level of "Do you prefer beating your wife with a hammer or a crowbar?"

Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not?

Yes 39
No 32
Not Sure 29

Do you think Barack Obama is a socialist?

Yes 63
No 21
Not Sure 16

Do you believe Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?

Yes 42
No 36
Not Sure 22

Do you believe Barack Obama wants the terrorists to win?

Yes 24
No 43
Not Sure 33

Come on. How hard are the questions? Yes, no or unsure?

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