With Friends Like These....The Governor Doesn't Need Enemies.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
There are very few pro Romney threads from his "supporters". Where did this hatred and indifference come from? I think I know:

From the primaries:

thats fuking it, talk about shoving me into the abyss? Romneys out.....and I aint kidding. Hes as phony as Cater anyway....*shrugs*

And because Obama could play Romney like a cheap fiddle. Romney is a RINO. And that's what Obama wants.

EXACTLY. Obama wants a 'squishy' Repubican that can be manipulated like Juan McCain in the form of Romney. (Which I see as an endorsement by Jimmah, and a huge RED FLAG to Conservatives).

Check out this give and take:

Supporting the GOPs liberal.
HaHa He isn't a Lib, goof.
Yes he is. I also know democrats hate to even acknowledge the blue dogs in their mitts.

Romney is a liberal in disguise. You do realize that the original form of Obamacare was based off of Romneycare in Mass. Right?

Because YOU KNOW as the rest of us do, that Romney has Liberal/Statist Skeletons and he is a Squishy REPUBICAN...

Another good exchange....

Another Republican bitching that they don't want Romney but unable to name a better candidate

If YOU and YOUR ilk prefer Romney, that's good enough reason to see him as damaged goods.

Here was the next post in the exchange:

In other words>? ROMENY is the best supposed polished TURD up there that the GOP Blue Bloods whom behave too much like the Democrats want...MUCH as John Mc LAME in 2008.

And NO WE aren't falling for it this time.
Uhh yes you are; you'll sit there and take it young man...and you will like it! :lol:

Tired of me beating up on the hard right? Here is Missourian who is likely the most level-headed of the bunch:
I still think he is the best choice of the candidate pool, far superior to Wind Sock Romney, who just days ago displayed just how his positions change with every shift of the political wind by failing to support the anti-public union legislation he had already previously supported, because he was scared it was now unpopular... :lame2:..."only tell them what they want to hear" Romney proved a coward once again.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.

There are dozens more and if you stick around; we'll have more after the election.
was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.
was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Yes; but the thread, I hoped, would be about how you call the man a "coward", "damaged goods", and "statist" and then vote for him. I supported Hillary; gave her money. And I was saddened that she was such a bad campaigner. In contrast, I am quite pleased with her custodianship of the State Department; pure class.

Additionally and I'm sure you'll agree, that the difference between Barack Obama and Hillary was largely the vote to use force in the Gulf. Had Hillary not cast that vote in favor, it is very likely she'd be in the White House right now. Maybe not. But the difference between the two candidates was marginal at best. I'm sure you'll also agree that there is a case to be made that Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney <sarcasm> are arguably of different species. Most of the field was on one side of the see saw and Governor Romney and Jon Huntsman were on the other side. How you walk back from supporting one them on one side to now offering a full throated support of the other is not conducive to the "principles" you claim you have and your political opponents do not.
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It really is about the direction of the country. obama's way is to full blown socialism with the next step communism.
was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Yes; but the thread, I hoped, would be about how you call the man a "coward", "damaged goods", and "statist" and then vote for him. I supported Hillary; gave her money. And I was saddened that she was such a bad campaigner. In contrast, I am quite pleased with her custodianship of the State Department; pure class.

Additionally and I'm sure you'll agree, that the difference between Barack Obama and Hillary was largely the vote to use force in the Gulf. Had Hillary not cast that vote in favor, it is very likely she'd be in the White House right now. Maybe not. But the difference between the two candidates was marginal at best. I'm sure you'll also agree that there is a case to be made that Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney <sarcasm> are arguably of different species. Most of the field was on one side of the see saw and Governor Romney and Jon Huntsman were on the other side.

well than i guess people cant have opinions, jokes on them, freedom of speech and all that nonsense. Good thing you showed them, how about it beware what u post, poeple will bring it up all the time and use it against you. And if you are wrong and try to educate yourself, oooo nelly you are in for a lifetime beating.

was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Yes; but the thread, I hoped, would be about how you call the man a "coward", "damaged goods", and "statist" and then vote for him. I supported Hillary; gave her money. And I was saddened that she was such a bad campaigner. In contrast, I am quite pleased with her custodianship of the State Department; pure class.

Additionally and I'm sure you'll agree, that the difference between Barack Obama and Hillary was largely the vote to use force in the Gulf. Had Hillary not cast that vote in favor, it is very likely she'd be in the White House right now. Maybe not. But the difference between the two candidates was marginal at best. I'm sure you'll also agree that there is a case to be made that Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney <sarcasm> are arguably of different species. Most of the field was on one side of the see saw and Governor Romney and Jon Huntsman were on the other side.

well than i guess people cant have opinions, jokes on them, freedom of speech and all that nonsense. Good thing you showed them, how about it beware what u post, poeple will bring it up all the time and use it against you. And if you are wrong and try to educate yourself, oooo nelly you are in for a lifetime beating.


Ooookay? Don't know how kids got involved in this but whatever.

Look, if you're going to play "internet tough guy" and say the following:

In other words>? ROMENY is the best supposed polished TURD up there that the GOP Blue Bloods whom behave too much like the Democrats want...MUCH as John Mc LAME in 2008.

And NO WE aren't falling for it this time.

Then turn around and support the turd; you should get called out on it. If I do it, feel free to call me out. We're all adults here.

If you don't want your record examined, don't post on a message board. T
It really is about the direction of the country. obama's way is to full blown socialism with the next step communism.

Another brainwashed right wing sheep, just the way they want you :up:

PolitiFact Texas | Roger Williams says Obama is a socialist

was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

The people quoted above aren't just settling for what they perceive as the the lesser of two evils. They've stuck their tongues so far up Romney's ass, they can tell what he had for dinner last week.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Au contraire. The establishment candidate was Secretary Clinton. It was the rank and file who bucked them, and nominated Obama. Don't you remember all those pink sneakers worn by the Hillary supporters? You even had some high level Democrats claim they were going to vote for McCain. Perhaps they did.
was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

The people quoted above aren't just settling for what they perceive as the the lesser of two evils. They've stuck their tongues so far up Romney's ass, they can tell what he had for dinner last week.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Au contraire. The establishment candidate was Secretary Clinton. It was the rank and file who bucked them, and nominated Obama. Don't you remember all those pink sneakers worn by the Hillary supporters? You even had some high level Democrats claim they were going to vote for McCain. Perhaps they did.

possibly they did but Obama wasnt the lead candidate it was Hillary and he rode a wave, it happens. we agree
ya'll are sceeeerd.

Nothing to be afraid of; if the weather is bad on 11/6, Romney may not get a single vote. He won't get enough to win the presidency either way. Look, few (if any) care for the man on this board...as evidenced by the OP. And the people on this board are at least casually interested in Politics. Do you honestly believe that some Ron Paul or Santorum supporter is going to give the guy a second thought if the allegedly politically savvy conservatives if it means getting wet or cold?

The OP exposes just how little HIS SUPPORTERS think about him and of course the fact that with conservatives, principles come with a shelf life; about 3 months it appears.

Scared? Child please.
You could have compiled a similar list of passionate anti-Obama quotes in 2008. The primaries are a family squabble. When it comes time to face the opposition we rally. The Romney/Ryan ticket is a whole lot easier to rally around than the McCain/Palin ticket was.

And the nation now knows Obama. Obamamania is over. A whole swath of euphoric Obama voters from 2008 will be staying home this time around. And the bad weather will make it even worse for those superficial voters.
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You could have compiled a similar list of passionate anti-Obama quotes in 2008. The primaries are a family squabble. When it comes time to face the opposition we rally. The Romney/Ryan ticket is a whole lot easier to rally around than the McCain/Palin ticket was.

And the nation now knows Obama. Obamamania is over. A whole swath of euphoric Obama voters from 2008 will be staying home this time around. And the bad weather will make it even worse for those superficial voters.

I'm not so sure about that. What I am sure of is that the disdain for the Governor is almost palpable and shouldn't be dismissed. Also look at the "pro-Romney" threads if you can find them. Not many there.

The same can be said for the President too, by the way. But the rhetoric is an assessment of his first term from the sane posters. The rhetoric about Romney is "phony", "liberal", "not conservative"; questions about his personality from "supporters"

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