What Would Bernie Bomb?


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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
What Would Bernie Bomb?

Would a President Sanders consider using American military force without the support of Congress and the broader public? ā€œIf thereā€™s a situation in which, as president, Senator Sanders feels that he needs to act,ā€ said Duss, ā€œand heā€™s spoken to the experts, and heā€™s engaged with as many people as he possibly could, and comes to that decision point, heā€™s going to do what he feels is right.ā€

After endless polling that is... Berinie's problem is that a lot of the leftist media is still under the control of billionaires who aren't interested in being taxed out of 70% OF THEIR SHIT. Tax rates like that should only be paid by the Koch Bros.

Coming from the foreign policy adviser to any other candidate, this statement wouldnā€™t raise an eyebrow. But Sanders has tried to position himself as a radical alternative to all his hawkish rivals in both parties. In a recent online video, he made ā€œno apologiesā€ for his ā€œopposition to war.ā€ In a major address before his official entry into the presidential race, he pledged to turbocharge American diplomacy with the help of a ā€œglobal progressive movement.ā€

Which means he would be inclined to have a global red army.

In Congress, he has led the effort to end all U.S. involvement in the Yemen civil war, insisting that Congress must take back from the president its ā€œconstitutional responsibility over war making.ā€ After running in 2016 on reshaping the American economy, it seems Sanders has now given himself the even more audacious task of dismantling the military-industrial complex.

This way he can pass the buck when globalist corporations want to wage banana wars, or oil wars or whatever other wars on congress, and when something is actually in our interest and we fail to act, he isn't responsible.

I'll tell you what Bernie would "bomb". Wall St. The US treasury. The Pentagon. Bernie is a commie. He would implode our economy by trying to collectivize it.


To satisfy the abortionist nut jobs in the Democrat Party he would call in air strikes on hospital maternity wings.

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