Free market principles demand that the way to impr. education is to pay teachers more

Some Righties here would call you a whiner and a failure for picking teaching in the first place and that you are grossly overpaid.

I made 28,000 a year....this wasn't considered being overpaid by any means.

I'm glad I'm not teaching anymore. I found a better job with more pay and less stress.:eusa_whistle:

I think that teachers should not be willing to take the abuse and do like you did. NO reason they should be the Right's whipping boy.

I feel both sides are to blame on this issue. The right needs to STFU, and the left needs to quit creating government jobs.
Can you please leave the thread as you add nothing, in fact you infect the thread with stupidity and shortly there will be no debate as it will be nothing more than who can call who a "worse name" on the instanetz.

I thought, "Wow, this guy really told me off. He must be saying some important things." So I go back and reread your previous posts, and I must say, you have some nerve.

First, look at this comment from you:

School on the level of kindergarten through high school is not about educating your children anymore, it’s about daycare until that child can enter the work force.

Yea, must be nice for teachers to know they don't do anything to prepare children for "entering that work force". Seems to me, when I said, "Why would these children respect their teachers? The parents of those children think teachers make too much anyway so why should they listen to anything those teachers have to say?" I was right on the money. Spending money on teachers who operate at the level of "daycare"? And I bet, you tell your kids that and then send them off to school to spend the day with the teacher. Am I right? The only way that wouldn't be true is if you didn't have kids.

Then you said:

You do realize that hundreds of millions of dollars is lost every year in Public Unions taking “their fair share” off the top from the teachers? It’s a company with a monopoly (in the case of the WI teachers Union.) It’s not kinda sorta maybe ish free market stuff, it’s 100% corrupted BS and you would be full force against it if the Unions were dropping 100+ million a year on the Reps when they run for president.

And what is that money being used for? To advance the cause of teachers because look at what Republicans are trying to do to them. Now if you really had a concern, the number one cause of bankruptcy is "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna was given a one hundred and twenty million dollar pay check. Thousands who got sick were "dropped" to cover that paycheck. Why aren't Republicans complaining about that? Because obviously, they support it. Try to imagine how many policies it takes to pay for a single one hundred and twenty MILLION dollar paycheck.

But no. It's all about the teachers. Too bad you can't see what I'm saying makes sense. But what you are saying is the height of "stupidity". The only thing I'm "infecting" this thread with is "rational" thought. Too bad you appear to be "immune".

Who the shit are you? Have you ever taught in a school setting? Do you reall think it's the teachers' fault that kids aren't learning. Let me give you a run down.

1. Schools and administrations are no longer allowing their teachers to teach to their full extent. --Teachers go to school four at least 4 years and get certified in a profession. They then are not allowed to perform their jobs because schools are going to scripted curriculum--that means they have to read to the students from a scripted piece of paper.

2. When it comes to discipline, teachers are thrown into a lion's den with their hands tied behind their backs. They can't look at a student wrong without fear of being sued. This espcially sucks when you work for a district whose sole goal is to appease parents and not back up their teachers. They tell you to handle discipline problems in the classroom but don't discipline students when they make it to the office.

3. Teachers are basically being told how to grade their students. My second year of teaching I had the students doing ALOT of work. The school wanted us to increase the number of grades per six weeks. I had about 90-95 percent of my students passing my class and my principal told me that my work was too easy. She said if it wasn't easy then there wouldn't be so many students passing. She told me to make my work for htem harder and called my assignments "Elementary school work." (Let's not forget that I had freshman and high school who could not tell me the capital of our state). My students were learning, but that didn't matter. (She wanted the "bell curve") So I made my assignments harder and then got in trouble because they were too hard and she was getting too many phone calls from parents wondering why their kids were failing.

4. Most teachers are being forced to teach to standardized tests and being threatened with termination if their students don't perform. Never mind that little Jack's parents let him stay up until midnight the night before, didn't feed him breakfast, and told him to go fuck himself before they dropped him off to school. Never mind that little Susie was up all night texting and worn out for the test.
Here's a perfect example of standardized testing in the U.S. At the school I taught, the tenth grade social studies test was mostly over World Geography and U.S. History (there were four World History questions on this test). The students in 10th grade take World History. So, the World History teacher is being evaluated and judged on 70 question test that has virtually nothing to do with his/her subject. Not to mention that the students are being tested on something they had a year or two ago, and something they haven't had yet. It's ridiculous.

These are just a few of the many examples of what's happenening to teachers in today's public school system. Are there bad teachers? Sure. There's bad people in every profession. But not one thing I listed above is being done by teachers. It's being passed down by legislators and adminstrations. The teachers are no more to blame a pencil is for mispelling a word. They are being forced to adhere to dumbass guidelines and laws and then being targeted and blamed by ignorant assholes, such as yourself, for the problems in our schools.

Spend a year or two substitute teaching, multiply it times 1,000 and then you might have an idea what it's like to be a teacher.

When you have to do stupid shit at work do you blame yourself? Or do you blame the theoretical dumbass who came up with the idea and then forced you to do it or be fired?

I was chastising someone for trashing teachers. And pointing out that if they trash teachers and then send their children off to spend the day with said teachers, they are NOT helping their children.

Don't school boards have a say as to what teachers are teaching? Doesn't the community elect the school board? Is the school board part of "government"?

Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution - WSJ

Texas Textbook Debate Inflames Passions on All Sides - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
I made 28,000 a year....this wasn't considered being overpaid by any means.

I'm glad I'm not teaching anymore. I found a better job with more pay and less stress.:eusa_whistle:

I think that teachers should not be willing to take the abuse and do like you did. NO reason they should be the Right's whipping boy.

I feel both sides are to blame on this issue. The right needs to STFU, and the left needs to quit creating government jobs.

Other than the census workers, which I thought was mandated by the constitution, what jobs were "created"? Besides, haven't they all been "let go"?

» The Census, the Constitution

Authorized by the Constitution, the census was mandated as stipulated in Article I Section 2:
The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.
I thought, "Wow, this guy really told me off. He must be saying some important things." So I go back and reread your previous posts, and I must say, you have some nerve.

First, look at this comment from you:

School on the level of kindergarten through high school is not about educating your children anymore, it’s about daycare until that child can enter the work force.

Yea, must be nice for teachers to know they don't do anything to prepare children for "entering that work force". Seems to me, when I said, "Why would these children respect their teachers? The parents of those children think teachers make too much anyway so why should they listen to anything those teachers have to say?" I was right on the money. Spending money on teachers who operate at the level of "daycare"? And I bet, you tell your kids that and then send them off to school to spend the day with the teacher. Am I right? The only way that wouldn't be true is if you didn't have kids.

Then you said:

You do realize that hundreds of millions of dollars is lost every year in Public Unions taking “their fair share” off the top from the teachers? It’s a company with a monopoly (in the case of the WI teachers Union.) It’s not kinda sorta maybe ish free market stuff, it’s 100% corrupted BS and you would be full force against it if the Unions were dropping 100+ million a year on the Reps when they run for president.

And what is that money being used for? To advance the cause of teachers because look at what Republicans are trying to do to them. Now if you really had a concern, the number one cause of bankruptcy is "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna was given a one hundred and twenty million dollar pay check. Thousands who got sick were "dropped" to cover that paycheck. Why aren't Republicans complaining about that? Because obviously, they support it. Try to imagine how many policies it takes to pay for a single one hundred and twenty MILLION dollar paycheck.

But no. It's all about the teachers. Too bad you can't see what I'm saying makes sense. But what you are saying is the height of "stupidity". The only thing I'm "infecting" this thread with is "rational" thought. Too bad you appear to be "immune".

Who the shit are you? Have you ever taught in a school setting? Do you reall think it's the teachers' fault that kids aren't learning. Let me give you a run down.

1. Schools and administrations are no longer allowing their teachers to teach to their full extent. --Teachers go to school four at least 4 years and get certified in a profession. They then are not allowed to perform their jobs because schools are going to scripted curriculum--that means they have to read to the students from a scripted piece of paper.

2. When it comes to discipline, teachers are thrown into a lion's den with their hands tied behind their backs. They can't look at a student wrong without fear of being sued. This espcially sucks when you work for a district whose sole goal is to appease parents and not back up their teachers. They tell you to handle discipline problems in the classroom but don't discipline students when they make it to the office.

3. Teachers are basically being told how to grade their students. My second year of teaching I had the students doing ALOT of work. The school wanted us to increase the number of grades per six weeks. I had about 90-95 percent of my students passing my class and my principal told me that my work was too easy. She said if it wasn't easy then there wouldn't be so many students passing. She told me to make my work for htem harder and called my assignments "Elementary school work." (Let's not forget that I had freshman and high school who could not tell me the capital of our state). My students were learning, but that didn't matter. (She wanted the "bell curve") So I made my assignments harder and then got in trouble because they were too hard and she was getting too many phone calls from parents wondering why their kids were failing.

4. Most teachers are being forced to teach to standardized tests and being threatened with termination if their students don't perform. Never mind that little Jack's parents let him stay up until midnight the night before, didn't feed him breakfast, and told him to go fuck himself before they dropped him off to school. Never mind that little Susie was up all night texting and worn out for the test.
Here's a perfect example of standardized testing in the U.S. At the school I taught, the tenth grade social studies test was mostly over World Geography and U.S. History (there were four World History questions on this test). The students in 10th grade take World History. So, the World History teacher is being evaluated and judged on 70 question test that has virtually nothing to do with his/her subject. Not to mention that the students are being tested on something they had a year or two ago, and something they haven't had yet. It's ridiculous.

These are just a few of the many examples of what's happenening to teachers in today's public school system. Are there bad teachers? Sure. There's bad people in every profession. But not one thing I listed above is being done by teachers. It's being passed down by legislators and adminstrations. The teachers are no more to blame a pencil is for mispelling a word. They are being forced to adhere to dumbass guidelines and laws and then being targeted and blamed by ignorant assholes, such as yourself, for the problems in our schools.

Spend a year or two substitute teaching, multiply it times 1,000 and then you might have an idea what it's like to be a teacher.

When you have to do stupid shit at work do you blame yourself? Or do you blame the theoretical dumbass who came up with the idea and then forced you to do it or be fired?

I was chastising someone for trashing teachers. And pointing out that if they trash teachers and then send their children off to spend the day with said teachers, they are NOT helping their children.

Don't school boards have a say as to what teachers are teaching? Doesn't the community elect the school board? Is the school board part of "government"?

Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution - WSJ

Texas Textbook Debate Inflames Passions on All Sides - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

lol. My bad..."my blunder." I thought you were talking shit! lol.

As far as the community goes; yes they elect the school board. Unfortunately communities tend to elect board members who best suit them rather then who will be the most benefit to the school.

For example: Our school board members just authorized a brand new weight room to be built for the athletic department at a school that hasn't been renovated or repaired since 1949..............but that's a different story.

As a general rule, don't cite anything Texas when discussing education, unless you're prepared to use the phrase "extraordinarily bad" several times.
I think that teachers should not be willing to take the abuse and do like you did. NO reason they should be the Right's whipping boy.

I feel both sides are to blame on this issue. The right needs to STFU, and the left needs to quit creating government jobs.

Other than the census workers, which I thought was mandated by the constitution, what jobs were "created"? Besides, haven't they all been "let go"?

» The Census, the Constitution

Authorized by the Constitution, the census was mandated as stipulated in Article I Section 2:
The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

I'm not talking about right this second. Typically Demcrats favor more government programs--thus creating more government employees. I'm not a Dem or Repub, but am usually forced to choose between the two. :doubt: I'm talking about the concept of not having the money to pay for more employees. We all bitch about our taxes and what the government spends them on, but we don't complain when the government adds more government jobs just to boost their credibility for creating jobs for the american people....
Who the shit are you? Have you ever taught in a school setting? Do you reall think it's the teachers' fault that kids aren't learning. Let me give you a run down.

1. Schools and administrations are no longer allowing their teachers to teach to their full extent. --Teachers go to school four at least 4 years and get certified in a profession. They then are not allowed to perform their jobs because schools are going to scripted curriculum--that means they have to read to the students from a scripted piece of paper.

2. When it comes to discipline, teachers are thrown into a lion's den with their hands tied behind their backs. They can't look at a student wrong without fear of being sued. This espcially sucks when you work for a district whose sole goal is to appease parents and not back up their teachers. They tell you to handle discipline problems in the classroom but don't discipline students when they make it to the office.

3. Teachers are basically being told how to grade their students. My second year of teaching I had the students doing ALOT of work. The school wanted us to increase the number of grades per six weeks. I had about 90-95 percent of my students passing my class and my principal told me that my work was too easy. She said if it wasn't easy then there wouldn't be so many students passing. She told me to make my work for htem harder and called my assignments "Elementary school work." (Let's not forget that I had freshman and high school who could not tell me the capital of our state). My students were learning, but that didn't matter. (She wanted the "bell curve") So I made my assignments harder and then got in trouble because they were too hard and she was getting too many phone calls from parents wondering why their kids were failing.

4. Most teachers are being forced to teach to standardized tests and being threatened with termination if their students don't perform. Never mind that little Jack's parents let him stay up until midnight the night before, didn't feed him breakfast, and told him to go fuck himself before they dropped him off to school. Never mind that little Susie was up all night texting and worn out for the test.
Here's a perfect example of standardized testing in the U.S. At the school I taught, the tenth grade social studies test was mostly over World Geography and U.S. History (there were four World History questions on this test). The students in 10th grade take World History. So, the World History teacher is being evaluated and judged on 70 question test that has virtually nothing to do with his/her subject. Not to mention that the students are being tested on something they had a year or two ago, and something they haven't had yet. It's ridiculous.

These are just a few of the many examples of what's happenening to teachers in today's public school system. Are there bad teachers? Sure. There's bad people in every profession. But not one thing I listed above is being done by teachers. It's being passed down by legislators and adminstrations. The teachers are no more to blame a pencil is for mispelling a word. They are being forced to adhere to dumbass guidelines and laws and then being targeted and blamed by ignorant assholes, such as yourself, for the problems in our schools.

Spend a year or two substitute teaching, multiply it times 1,000 and then you might have an idea what it's like to be a teacher.

When you have to do stupid shit at work do you blame yourself? Or do you blame the theoretical dumbass who came up with the idea and then forced you to do it or be fired?

I was chastising someone for trashing teachers. And pointing out that if they trash teachers and then send their children off to spend the day with said teachers, they are NOT helping their children.

Don't school boards have a say as to what teachers are teaching? Doesn't the community elect the school board? Is the school board part of "government"?

Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution - WSJ

Texas Textbook Debate Inflames Passions on All Sides - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

lol. My bad..."my blunder." I thought you were talking shit! lol.

As far as the community goes; yes they elect the school board. Unfortunately communities tend to elect board members who best suit them rather then who will be the most benefit to the school.

For example: Our school board members just authorized a brand new weight room to be built for the athletic department at a school that hasn't been renovated or repaired since 1949..............but that's a different story.

It truly does depend on where you are in the country. Some communities will elect a board based strictly on ideology. Hence, anti evolution, anti science, school prayer and so on.

As a general rule, don't cite anything Texas when discussing education, unless you're prepared to use the phrase "extraordinarily bad" several times.

The truth is, Texas is a "huge" state right there in the middle of the country. They are a good barometer for what the right wing is thinking and for right wing positions. Bush was from Texas. And their Republican Party State Platform spells out the Republican Position probably better than any other state platform.
I was chastising someone for trashing teachers. And pointing out that if they trash teachers and then send their children off to spend the day with said teachers, they are NOT helping their children.

Don't school boards have a say as to what teachers are teaching? Doesn't the community elect the school board? Is the school board part of "government"?

Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution - WSJ

Texas Textbook Debate Inflames Passions on All Sides - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

lol. My bad..."my blunder." I thought you were talking shit! lol.

As far as the community goes; yes they elect the school board. Unfortunately communities tend to elect board members who best suit them rather then who will be the most benefit to the school.

For example: Our school board members just authorized a brand new weight room to be built for the athletic department at a school that hasn't been renovated or repaired since 1949..............but that's a different story.

It truly does depend on where you are in the country. Some communities will elect a board based strictly on ideology. Hence, anti evolution, anti science, school prayer and so on.

I agree. In my particular area there are alot of REAL low income families who don't really instill the value of education in their kids. Many of them have parents in prison, or live with grandma and grandpa cause their parents are shitty.

As a general rule, don't cite anything Texas when discussing education, unless you're prepared to use the phrase "extraordinarily bad" several times.

The truth is, Texas is a "huge" state right there in the middle of the country. They are a good barometer for what the right wing is thinking and for right wing positions. Bush was from Texas. And their Republican Party State Platform spells out the Republican Position probably better than any other state platform.

A LOT of their schools are about cranking out awesome football players.

As a general rule, don't cite anything Texas when discussing education, unless you're prepared to use the phrase "extraordinarily bad" several times.

The truth is, Texas is a "huge" state right there in the middle of the country. They are a good barometer for what the right wing is thinking and for right wing positions. Bush was from Texas. And their Republican Party State Platform spells out the Republican Position probably better than any other state platform.

I believe the Bush(s) are from Connecticut....He also graduated from Yale and the Harvard business school...hardly typical of I don't claim him.
When it comes to education management, Texas sucks. However, Texas was one of the few states in the union that was virtually untouched by the recession. Sure, we had a few impacts, but for the most part, Texas came through it pretty clean and with state surpluses instead of deficits. I think there were less than 5 states that came out of the recession with a surplus. There's actually articles written about why Texas has done so well while other states with state taxes haven't. Texas has it's issues like anyone else but is pretty good for the most part. It's ranked third in the fastest growing populations behind Wyoming and Utah I think...
free market demand equals getting the UNIONS out of education. let the teachers compete for pay on a merit based resullts orientated system.. Kids will start to learn..

Inasmuch as unions are businesses themselves, shouldn't a free market allow unions to exist and to operate in the best interests of their share holders (members)?

No. Come on get with the program. Unions are EVIL!!! They shouldn't be for the best interest of the people who pay them. I mean companies don't do that. Its not like if a business doesn't do what the customer wants it goes out of business........Oh they do. Well ummm.......UNIONS ARE THE DEVIL!!!
There are some teachers who are totally ineffective, a few that are harmful. There are some exceedingly effective teachers, while the vast majority are more than adequate.

The same can be said of the students. So how about a compromise? Get rid of the bad ones. Reward the great ones. Those that are more expensive pay the difference between the average costs and their own?

Regarding public schools, this is written somewhat tongue in cheek, however for too many years none of the politicians have been taking into account the costs on those that bear the burden of all the unfunded mandates the Federal DOE has set and laws Congress has passed.
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How do you account for the present dismal situation regarding the nations status in education? Teachers aren't paupers are they?

What would the status of the medical field be if doctor's salaries were reduced to what teachers make? Probably be pretty dismal, eh?
How many people graduate college with degrees in education vs. graduates in medicine, Mr. Supply-and-demand?

What does the average MBA earn compared to what the average teacher with a master's degree earns?
What would the status of the medical field be if doctor's salaries were reduced to what teachers make? Probably be pretty dismal, eh?
How many people graduate college with degrees in education vs. graduates in medicine, Mr. Supply-and-demand?

What does the average MBA earn compared to what the average teacher with a master's degree earns?

Our school only paid approx. $1,000 more a year for a master's degree. That would have put me at $29,000 a year when I was a teacher! Yippeee!!:cuckoo:
If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

How do you account for the present dismal situation regarding the nations status in education? Teachers aren't paupers are they?

The U.S. actually has an excellent educational system that produces great results EXCEPT in areas of the country where the environment for good schools simply doesn't exist.
If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

How do you account for the present dismal situation regarding the nations status in education? Teachers aren't paupers are they?

The U.S. actually has an excellent educational system that produces great results EXCEPT in areas of the country where the environment for good schools simply doesn't exist.

I believe we have a decent system but severely flawed in its design. I think schools are being held hostage with money. They are forced to adhere to certain guidelines in order to receive money from the government... IMO, it's essentially the same situation that causes hungry people to steal food. These schools come up with authoritarian policies towards teachers in order to make sure that the school doesn't lose federal funding. There has to be a different funding system so that schools can feel free to explore education practices rather than teaching strictly to standardized testing. Just my observation...I could be wrong.
How do you account for the present dismal situation regarding the nations status in education? Teachers aren't paupers are they?

What would the status of the medical field be if doctor's salaries were reduced to what teachers make? Probably be pretty dismal, eh?

Gee,today there are many more teachers than openings. Same can't be said for doctors, even with their salaries. No doubt about it, even with all the pressures of insurance, law suits, the market forces still exert influence.
How do you account for the present dismal situation regarding the nations status in education? Teachers aren't paupers are they?

What would the status of the medical field be if doctor's salaries were reduced to what teachers make? Probably be pretty dismal, eh?

Gee,today there are many more teachers than openings. Same can't be said for doctors, even with their salaries. No doubt about it, even with all the pressures of insurance, law suits, the market forces still exert influence.

Really? There's no teacher shortage?

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