Free market principles demand that the way to impr. education is to pay teachers more


I believe we are always in a “Free Market” no matter what system of Government is in place. The Free market is always trying to correct itself and when you apply that logic you see the mess we are in today and it makes perfect sense. Every society battles the free market and always looses… There is a struggle for equality and a representation of worth to the product and time a human invests. Civil war will always come from oppression of a person’s true worth.

I say “Fair regulations” in a Free market because a total free market would be a disaster in a society setting… A free market is never free unless I can literally kill you to take what I want, and with that action being against the law and enforced creates a “regulated market” that would lend itself to a very unbalanced power struggle system if not fully regulated properly.

Proper, fair, reasonable and as little regulations as possible are good thing because it allows the market to work faster and with less corruption. When Government gets in the way and starts collecting and distributing money that “Free Market” is now dealing with a unfair monopoly that WILL corrupt, as it has in the case if the teachers Union in WI… Millions of dollars are “lost” on a very few people making them rich while providing a chitty product (education).

We deal with this disgusting monopoly plaguing the system and the repeal of this monopoly leads to what we see in WI. In a freer market this would all have quickly been changed as simply saying (honestly) we can’t afford this would have forced the changes… In WI we see people laying out arguments of “Why do you hate the middle class/teachers/children,” when of course non of that is relevant or correct.

It’s the system of corruption and vast amounts of waste the Unions/politicians have caused that have finally helped create the “free markets hand” to hemorrhage the needed change. It’s not that tax payers can’t necessarily afford paying teachers, it’s they can’t afford to play the Union with hundreds of millions of wasted dollars a year. Stupid people no matter their political affiliation defend this waste and corruption…
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If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

I would not recommend teaching as a career for anyone right now...and have said that to many young people off to college. They don't need to encure such a college debt just to be burned out and verbally demonized by our current society.
free market demand equals getting the UNIONS out of education. let the teachers compete for pay on a merit based resullts orientated system.. Kids will start to learn..

Inasmuch as unions are businesses themselves, shouldn't a free market allow unions to exist and to operate in the best interests of their share holders (members)?
In the case of teacher's unions, the "shareholder" is the taxpayer, who never gets a seat at the negotiating table.

Really? The taxpayer doesn't vote for the school board involved in negotiations? The taxpayer doesn't pay for school bonds? Teachers aren't taxpayers themselves?
I stopped believing in Santa when I was like six, free markets shortly there after.
No need to think about it....You're still an imbecile.

According to you, no need to think about anything. Pathetic.

Can you please leave the thread as you add nothing, in fact you infect the thread with stupidity and shortly there will be no debate as it will be nothing more than who can call who a "worse name" on the instanetz.

I thought, "Wow, this guy really told me off. He must be saying some important things." So I go back and reread your previous posts, and I must say, you have some nerve.

First, look at this comment from you:

School on the level of kindergarten through high school is not about educating your children anymore, it’s about daycare until that child can enter the work force.

Yea, must be nice for teachers to know they don't do anything to prepare children for "entering that work force". Seems to me, when I said, "Why would these children respect their teachers? The parents of those children think teachers make too much anyway so why should they listen to anything those teachers have to say?" I was right on the money. Spending money on teachers who operate at the level of "daycare"? And I bet, you tell your kids that and then send them off to school to spend the day with the teacher. Am I right? The only way that wouldn't be true is if you didn't have kids.

Then you said:

You do realize that hundreds of millions of dollars is lost every year in Public Unions taking “their fair share” off the top from the teachers? It’s a company with a monopoly (in the case of the WI teachers Union.) It’s not kinda sorta maybe ish free market stuff, it’s 100% corrupted BS and you would be full force against it if the Unions were dropping 100+ million a year on the Reps when they run for president.

And what is that money being used for? To advance the cause of teachers because look at what Republicans are trying to do to them. Now if you really had a concern, the number one cause of bankruptcy is "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna was given a one hundred and twenty million dollar pay check. Thousands who got sick were "dropped" to cover that paycheck. Why aren't Republicans complaining about that? Because obviously, they support it. Try to imagine how many policies it takes to pay for a single one hundred and twenty MILLION dollar paycheck.

But no. It's all about the teachers. Too bad you can't see what I'm saying makes sense. But what you are saying is the height of "stupidity". The only thing I'm "infecting" this thread with is "rational" thought. Too bad you appear to be "immune".
If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

I would not recommend teaching as a career for anyone right now...and have said that to many young people off to college. They don't need to encure such a college debt just to be burned out and verbally demonized by our current society.
I agree. The only people that should go into teaching are those that truly love to teach. It's a dead end job and unless you are a really good teacher, there little job satisfaction.
If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

I think the bigger question here is why Democrats like to add thousands of government jobs when we already have a debt. It doesn't take an idiot to do the math. When a restaurant owner can't afford to pay more waitresses, he doesn't hire them. The government should not create more government jobs when there is no way to pay them....ESPCIALLY since we have a 14 trillion dollar debt.
Inasmuch as unions are businesses themselves, shouldn't a free market allow unions to exist and to operate in the best interests of their share holders (members)?
In the case of teacher's unions, the "shareholder" is the taxpayer, who never gets a seat at the negotiating table.

Really? The taxpayer doesn't vote for the school board involved in negotiations? The taxpayer doesn't pay for school bonds? Teachers aren't taxpayers themselves?
The taxpayer doesn't have a seat at the table....Who can manage to get elected is irrelevant to that fact.

Teachers don't pay anything, let alone taxes, that didn't first come from the pockets of those taxpayers.

More evidence that the premise of the OP is flawed beyond any kind of serious consideration.
If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

I think the bigger question here is why Democrats like to add thousands of government jobs when we already have a debt. It doesn't take an idiot to do the math. When a restaurant owner can't afford to pay more waitresses, he doesn't hire them. The government should not create more government jobs when there is no way to pay them....ESPCIALLY since we have a 14 trillion dollar debt.

Yea, Democrats like to add jobs that don't do anything or mean anything. Just "add jobs" for no other reason than to "add jobs".
If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

I would not recommend teaching as a career for anyone right now...and have said that to many young people off to college. They don't need to encure such a college debt just to be burned out and verbally demonized by our current society.

There are people who admire teachers and appreciate the job they are trying to do.

Like I said, many right wingers bash teachers and then send their children off to spend the day with the people they just bashed. Yea, those children will really learn.

We have names for them. They are called "dropouts". I can think to two recent examples. Levi Johnson and Bristol Palin. I'm not bashing those children, just pointing out what bashing teachers can lead to. We've seen Sarah roll her eyes at a woman who called herself a teacher. Good example for children.
According to you, no need to think about anything. Pathetic.

Can you please leave the thread as you add nothing, in fact you infect the thread with stupidity and shortly there will be no debate as it will be nothing more than who can call who a "worse name" on the instanetz.

I thought, "Wow, this guy really told me off. He must be saying some important things." So I go back and reread your previous posts, and I must say, you have some nerve.

First, look at this comment from you:

School on the level of kindergarten through high school is not about educating your children anymore, it’s about daycare until that child can enter the work force.

Yea, must be nice for teachers to know they don't do anything to prepare children for "entering that work force". Seems to me, when I said, "Why would these children respect their teachers? The parents of those children think teachers make too much anyway so why should they listen to anything those teachers have to say?" I was right on the money. Spending money on teachers who operate at the level of "daycare"? And I bet, you tell your kids that and then send them off to school to spend the day with the teacher. Am I right? The only way that wouldn't be true is if you didn't have kids.

Then you said:

You do realize that hundreds of millions of dollars is lost every year in Public Unions taking “their fair share” off the top from the teachers? It’s a company with a monopoly (in the case of the WI teachers Union.) It’s not kinda sorta maybe ish free market stuff, it’s 100% corrupted BS and you would be full force against it if the Unions were dropping 100+ million a year on the Reps when they run for president.

And what is that money being used for? To advance the cause of teachers because look at what Republicans are trying to do to them. Now if you really had a concern, the number one cause of bankruptcy is "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna was given a one hundred and twenty million dollar pay check. Thousands who got sick were "dropped" to cover that paycheck. Why aren't Republicans complaining about that? Because obviously, they support it. Try to imagine how many policies it takes to pay for a single one hundred and twenty MILLION dollar paycheck.

But no. It's all about the teachers. Too bad you can't see what I'm saying makes sense. But what you are saying is the height of "stupidity". The only thing I'm "infecting" this thread with is "rational" thought. Too bad you appear to be "immune".

Who the shit are you? Have you ever taught in a school setting? Do you reall think it's the teachers' fault that kids aren't learning. Let me give you a run down.

1. Schools and administrations are no longer allowing their teachers to teach to their full extent. --Teachers go to school four at least 4 years and get certified in a profession. They then are not allowed to perform their jobs because schools are going to scripted curriculum--that means they have to read to the students from a scripted piece of paper.

2. When it comes to discipline, teachers are thrown into a lion's den with their hands tied behind their backs. They can't look at a student wrong without fear of being sued. This espcially sucks when you work for a district whose sole goal is to appease parents and not back up their teachers. They tell you to handle discipline problems in the classroom but don't discipline students when they make it to the office.

3. Teachers are basically being told how to grade their students. My second year of teaching I had the students doing ALOT of work. The school wanted us to increase the number of grades per six weeks. I had about 90-95 percent of my students passing my class and my principal told me that my work was too easy. She said if it wasn't easy then there wouldn't be so many students passing. She told me to make my work for htem harder and called my assignments "Elementary school work." (Let's not forget that I had freshman and high school who could not tell me the capital of our state). My students were learning, but that didn't matter. (She wanted the "bell curve") So I made my assignments harder and then got in trouble because they were too hard and she was getting too many phone calls from parents wondering why their kids were failing.

4. Most teachers are being forced to teach to standardized tests and being threatened with termination if their students don't perform. Never mind that little Jack's parents let him stay up until midnight the night before, didn't feed him breakfast, and told him to go fuck himself before they dropped him off to school. Never mind that little Susie was up all night texting and worn out for the test.
Here's a perfect example of standardized testing in the U.S. At the school I taught, the tenth grade social studies test was mostly over World Geography and U.S. History (there were four World History questions on this test). The students in 10th grade take World History. So, the World History teacher is being evaluated and judged on 70 question test that has virtually nothing to do with his/her subject. Not to mention that the students are being tested on something they had a year or two ago, and something they haven't had yet. It's ridiculous.

These are just a few of the many examples of what's happenening to teachers in today's public school system. Are there bad teachers? Sure. There's bad people in every profession. But not one thing I listed above is being done by teachers. It's being passed down by legislators and adminstrations. The teachers are no more to blame a pencil is for mispelling a word. They are being forced to adhere to dumbass guidelines and laws and then being targeted and blamed by ignorant assholes, such as yourself, for the problems in our schools.

Spend a year or two substitute teaching, multiply it times 1,000 and then you might have an idea what it's like to be a teacher.

When you have to do stupid shit at work do you blame yourself? Or do you blame the theoretical dumbass who came up with the idea and then forced you to do it or be fired?
If you have a shortage of people filling a given job field....

If you have too many people in the field performing at sub par....

If you cannot attract better skilled and qualified people....

The free market approach is to offer more highly skilled people a better salary than they will find elsewhere, so that they will want to do the job you are asking them. So why do so many conservatives so often complain about teachers being paid too much?

I think the bigger question here is why Democrats like to add thousands of government jobs when we already have a debt. It doesn't take an idiot to do the math. When a restaurant owner can't afford to pay more waitresses, he doesn't hire them. The government should not create more government jobs when there is no way to pay them....ESPCIALLY since we have a 14 trillion dollar debt.

Yea, Democrats like to add jobs that don't do anything or mean anything. Just "add jobs" for no other reason than to "add jobs".

I don't care if they do or mean anything. If you can't afford to pay them, then you can't afford to pay them. I want a lot of shit that would do or mean something to me, but I can't afford it. If our government keeps spending money on things that "do" or "mean" something, none of it is going to "do" or "mean" anything because we won't have anything left.
Inasmuch as unions are businesses themselves, shouldn't a free market allow unions to exist and to operate in the best interests of their share holders (members)?
In the case of teacher's unions, the "shareholder" is the taxpayer, who never gets a seat at the negotiating table.

Really? The taxpayer doesn't vote for the school board involved in negotiations? The taxpayer doesn't pay for school bonds? Teachers aren't taxpayers themselves?

Voting for the school board is like voting for president. The guy that seemed like a good choice gets power hungry. In a community, teachers are outnumbered in relation to the population of the community. The majority of voting taxpayers (at least in our area) tend to vote for board members who are going to appease the parents of the school. The teachers tend to want to vote for the board member who is going to do things right for the school and back up the teachers....however, they tend to get out voted.

My school contract I signed when I became a teacher pretty much said, (paraphrasing) "You are an educator with said district and we can make you teach any subject and make you do any job we wish." Administrations are figuring out how to write contracts to best support them and not the teacher.

Let's not forget Superintendents. From what I've seen in the last few years, Superintendents have gotten it figured out. They are staying at a school for a couple of years, pissing everyone off, then being "run off" by the community. HOWEVER, they leave before their contract is up and usually negotiate two to three more years of Salary from the schoo. The next year they get a job at another school and pull the same crap. Our former superintendent was run off from a previous school (our board was retarded to hire her). She was working for us and still getting full salary from the previous school. She was here a couple of years and got run off from our district. She got 2 more years of salary. So, now she's working at another school and now getting 3 salaries from three different schools. I have talked to people in other districts and their having the same problem.

Anyway, that's my rant.
Can you please leave the thread as you add nothing, in fact you infect the thread with stupidity and shortly there will be no debate as it will be nothing more than who can call who a "worse name" on the instanetz.

I thought, "Wow, this guy really told me off. He must be saying some important things." So I go back and reread your previous posts, and I must say, you have some nerve.

First, look at this comment from you:

School on the level of kindergarten through high school is not about educating your children anymore, it’s about daycare until that child can enter the work force.

Yea, must be nice for teachers to know they don't do anything to prepare children for "entering that work force". Seems to me, when I said, "Why would these children respect their teachers? The parents of those children think teachers make too much anyway so why should they listen to anything those teachers have to say?" I was right on the money. Spending money on teachers who operate at the level of "daycare"? And I bet, you tell your kids that and then send them off to school to spend the day with the teacher. Am I right? The only way that wouldn't be true is if you didn't have kids.

Then you said:

You do realize that hundreds of millions of dollars is lost every year in Public Unions taking “their fair share” off the top from the teachers? It’s a company with a monopoly (in the case of the WI teachers Union.) It’s not kinda sorta maybe ish free market stuff, it’s 100% corrupted BS and you would be full force against it if the Unions were dropping 100+ million a year on the Reps when they run for president.

And what is that money being used for? To advance the cause of teachers because look at what Republicans are trying to do to them. Now if you really had a concern, the number one cause of bankruptcy is "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna was given a one hundred and twenty million dollar pay check. Thousands who got sick were "dropped" to cover that paycheck. Why aren't Republicans complaining about that? Because obviously, they support it. Try to imagine how many policies it takes to pay for a single one hundred and twenty MILLION dollar paycheck.

But no. It's all about the teachers. Too bad you can't see what I'm saying makes sense. But what you are saying is the height of "stupidity". The only thing I'm "infecting" this thread with is "rational" thought. Too bad you appear to be "immune".

Who the shit are you? Have you ever taught in a school setting? Do you reall think it's the teachers' fault that kids aren't learning. Let me give you a run down.

1. Schools and administrations are no longer allowing their teachers to teach to their full extent. --Teachers go to school four at least 4 years and get certified in a profession. They then are not allowed to perform their jobs because schools are going to scripted curriculum--that means they have to read to the students from a scripted piece of paper.

2. When it comes to discipline, teachers are thrown into a lion's den with their hands tied behind their backs. They can't look at a student wrong without fear of being sued. This espcially sucks when you work for a district whose sole goal is to appease parents and not back up their teachers. They tell you to handle discipline problems in the classroom but don't discipline students when they make it to the office.

3. Teachers are basically being told how to grade their students. My second year of teaching I had the students doing ALOT of work. The school wanted us to increase the number of grades per six weeks. I had about 90-95 percent of my students passing my class and my principal told me that my work was too easy. She said if it wasn't easy then there wouldn't be so many students passing. She told me to make my work for htem harder and called my assignments "Elementary school work." (Let's not forget that I had freshman and high school who could not tell me the capital of our state). My students were learning, but that didn't matter. (She wanted the "bell curve") So I made my assignments harder and then got in trouble because they were too hard and she was getting too many phone calls from parents wondering why their kids were failing.

4. Most teachers are being forced to teach to standardized tests and being threatened with termination if their students don't perform. Never mind that little Jack's parents let him stay up until midnight the night before, didn't feed him breakfast, and told him to go fuck himself before they dropped him off to school. Never mind that little Susie was up all night texting and worn out for the test.
Here's a perfect example of standardized testing in the U.S. At the school I taught, the tenth grade social studies test was mostly over World Geography and U.S. History (there were four World History questions on this test). The students in 10th grade take World History. So, the World History teacher is being evaluated and judged on 70 question test that has virtually nothing to do with his/her subject. Not to mention that the students are being tested on something they had a year or two ago, and something they haven't had yet. It's ridiculous.

These are just a few of the many examples of what's happenening to teachers in today's public school system. Are there bad teachers? Sure. There's bad people in every profession. But not one thing I listed above is being done by teachers. It's being passed down by legislators and adminstrations. The teachers are no more to blame a pencil is for mispelling a word. They are being forced to adhere to dumbass guidelines and laws and then being targeted and blamed by ignorant assholes, such as yourself, for the problems in our schools.

Spend a year or two substitute teaching, multiply it times 1,000 and then you might have an idea what it's like to be a teacher.

When you have to do stupid shit at work do you blame yourself? Or do you blame the theoretical dumbass who came up with the idea and then forced you to do it or be fired?

Some Righties here would call you a whiner and a failure for picking teaching in the first place and that you are grossly overpaid.
I thought, "Wow, this guy really told me off. He must be saying some important things." So I go back and reread your previous posts, and I must say, you have some nerve.

First, look at this comment from you:

School on the level of kindergarten through high school is not about educating your children anymore, it’s about daycare until that child can enter the work force.

Yea, must be nice for teachers to know they don't do anything to prepare children for "entering that work force". Seems to me, when I said, "Why would these children respect their teachers? The parents of those children think teachers make too much anyway so why should they listen to anything those teachers have to say?" I was right on the money. Spending money on teachers who operate at the level of "daycare"? And I bet, you tell your kids that and then send them off to school to spend the day with the teacher. Am I right? The only way that wouldn't be true is if you didn't have kids.

Then you said:

You do realize that hundreds of millions of dollars is lost every year in Public Unions taking “their fair share” off the top from the teachers? It’s a company with a monopoly (in the case of the WI teachers Union.) It’s not kinda sorta maybe ish free market stuff, it’s 100% corrupted BS and you would be full force against it if the Unions were dropping 100+ million a year on the Reps when they run for president.

And what is that money being used for? To advance the cause of teachers because look at what Republicans are trying to do to them. Now if you really had a concern, the number one cause of bankruptcy is "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna was given a one hundred and twenty million dollar pay check. Thousands who got sick were "dropped" to cover that paycheck. Why aren't Republicans complaining about that? Because obviously, they support it. Try to imagine how many policies it takes to pay for a single one hundred and twenty MILLION dollar paycheck.

But no. It's all about the teachers. Too bad you can't see what I'm saying makes sense. But what you are saying is the height of "stupidity". The only thing I'm "infecting" this thread with is "rational" thought. Too bad you appear to be "immune".

Who the shit are you? Have you ever taught in a school setting? Do you reall think it's the teachers' fault that kids aren't learning. Let me give you a run down.

1. Schools and administrations are no longer allowing their teachers to teach to their full extent. --Teachers go to school four at least 4 years and get certified in a profession. They then are not allowed to perform their jobs because schools are going to scripted curriculum--that means they have to read to the students from a scripted piece of paper.

2. When it comes to discipline, teachers are thrown into a lion's den with their hands tied behind their backs. They can't look at a student wrong without fear of being sued. This espcially sucks when you work for a district whose sole goal is to appease parents and not back up their teachers. They tell you to handle discipline problems in the classroom but don't discipline students when they make it to the office.

3. Teachers are basically being told how to grade their students. My second year of teaching I had the students doing ALOT of work. The school wanted us to increase the number of grades per six weeks. I had about 90-95 percent of my students passing my class and my principal told me that my work was too easy. She said if it wasn't easy then there wouldn't be so many students passing. She told me to make my work for htem harder and called my assignments "Elementary school work." (Let's not forget that I had freshman and high school who could not tell me the capital of our state). My students were learning, but that didn't matter. (She wanted the "bell curve") So I made my assignments harder and then got in trouble because they were too hard and she was getting too many phone calls from parents wondering why their kids were failing.

4. Most teachers are being forced to teach to standardized tests and being threatened with termination if their students don't perform. Never mind that little Jack's parents let him stay up until midnight the night before, didn't feed him breakfast, and told him to go fuck himself before they dropped him off to school. Never mind that little Susie was up all night texting and worn out for the test.
Here's a perfect example of standardized testing in the U.S. At the school I taught, the tenth grade social studies test was mostly over World Geography and U.S. History (there were four World History questions on this test). The students in 10th grade take World History. So, the World History teacher is being evaluated and judged on 70 question test that has virtually nothing to do with his/her subject. Not to mention that the students are being tested on something they had a year or two ago, and something they haven't had yet. It's ridiculous.

These are just a few of the many examples of what's happenening to teachers in today's public school system. Are there bad teachers? Sure. There's bad people in every profession. But not one thing I listed above is being done by teachers. It's being passed down by legislators and adminstrations. The teachers are no more to blame a pencil is for mispelling a word. They are being forced to adhere to dumbass guidelines and laws and then being targeted and blamed by ignorant assholes, such as yourself, for the problems in our schools.

Spend a year or two substitute teaching, multiply it times 1,000 and then you might have an idea what it's like to be a teacher.

When you have to do stupid shit at work do you blame yourself? Or do you blame the theoretical dumbass who came up with the idea and then forced you to do it or be fired?

Some Righties here would call you a whiner and a failure for picking teaching in the first place and that you are grossly overpaid.

I made 28,000 a year....this wasn't considered being overpaid by any means.

I'm glad I'm not teaching anymore. I found a better job with more pay and less stress.:eusa_whistle:
Who the shit are you? Have you ever taught in a school setting? Do you reall think it's the teachers' fault that kids aren't learning. Let me give you a run down.

1. Schools and administrations are no longer allowing their teachers to teach to their full extent. --Teachers go to school four at least 4 years and get certified in a profession. They then are not allowed to perform their jobs because schools are going to scripted curriculum--that means they have to read to the students from a scripted piece of paper.

2. When it comes to discipline, teachers are thrown into a lion's den with their hands tied behind their backs. They can't look at a student wrong without fear of being sued. This espcially sucks when you work for a district whose sole goal is to appease parents and not back up their teachers. They tell you to handle discipline problems in the classroom but don't discipline students when they make it to the office.

3. Teachers are basically being told how to grade their students. My second year of teaching I had the students doing ALOT of work. The school wanted us to increase the number of grades per six weeks. I had about 90-95 percent of my students passing my class and my principal told me that my work was too easy. She said if it wasn't easy then there wouldn't be so many students passing. She told me to make my work for htem harder and called my assignments "Elementary school work." (Let's not forget that I had freshman and high school who could not tell me the capital of our state). My students were learning, but that didn't matter. (She wanted the "bell curve") So I made my assignments harder and then got in trouble because they were too hard and she was getting too many phone calls from parents wondering why their kids were failing.

4. Most teachers are being forced to teach to standardized tests and being threatened with termination if their students don't perform. Never mind that little Jack's parents let him stay up until midnight the night before, didn't feed him breakfast, and told him to go fuck himself before they dropped him off to school. Never mind that little Susie was up all night texting and worn out for the test.
Here's a perfect example of standardized testing in the U.S. At the school I taught, the tenth grade social studies test was mostly over World Geography and U.S. History (there were four World History questions on this test). The students in 10th grade take World History. So, the World History teacher is being evaluated and judged on 70 question test that has virtually nothing to do with his/her subject. Not to mention that the students are being tested on something they had a year or two ago, and something they haven't had yet. It's ridiculous.

These are just a few of the many examples of what's happenening to teachers in today's public school system. Are there bad teachers? Sure. There's bad people in every profession. But not one thing I listed above is being done by teachers. It's being passed down by legislators and adminstrations. The teachers are no more to blame a pencil is for mispelling a word. They are being forced to adhere to dumbass guidelines and laws and then being targeted and blamed by ignorant assholes, such as yourself, for the problems in our schools.

Spend a year or two substitute teaching, multiply it times 1,000 and then you might have an idea what it's like to be a teacher.

When you have to do stupid shit at work do you blame yourself? Or do you blame the theoretical dumbass who came up with the idea and then forced you to do it or be fired?

Some Righties here would call you a whiner and a failure for picking teaching in the first place and that you are grossly overpaid.

I made 28,000 a year....this wasn't considered being overpaid by any means.

I'm glad I'm not teaching anymore. I found a better job with more pay and less stress.:eusa_whistle:

I think that teachers should not be willing to take the abuse and do like you did. NO reason they should be the Right's whipping boy.

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