For argument's sake, let's say BLM is EVIL.

Sorry Mac -- I'm as guilty as the rest of them.. Didn't get past your title and focus on BLM... I found the MEAT in your OP above... Can we do that TOMORROW???? Same time, same station??
Sure. This has turned into just another Trumpster meltdown thread, so a normal conversation would be nice.

Like I missed the last paragraph of your OP, I also missed the "meltdown".. If ya want to heal and get honesty -- probably best to ask for SOLUTIONS first... Just sayin'...

Could have been different without inferring that BLM was a KEY to fixing anything...

Sorry again.. I'm always supportive of problem solving and defining problems to a deeper depth than "the media" does or politicians are capable of...
No, I don't think that reactionary groups like BLM are going to be a part of a healing process. I'd guess their only goal is to draw attention to a problem and demand (sometimes illegally) that it gets fixed (in their way, of course), and that's where they end. This is not a group steeped in reason.

I've said it a zillion times: This mess doesn't get fixed on a macro level unless and until both ends of it actively hold their own side accountable. So, obviously, those who deny that their side is doing anything wrong are not going to be part of the healing process. Fine. We'll have to work around them.

It may well turn out that we never HAVE a healing process. But that would only happen if the people who are causing most of the problems remain the loudest voices in the conversation. The kind of stuff we see here on USMB pretty much all the time. And that would be a self-inflicted wound.
I've said it a zillion times: This mess doesn't get fixed on a macro level unless and until both ends of it actively hold their own side accountable. So, obviously, those who deny that their side is doing anything wrong are not going to be part of the healing process. Fine. We'll have to work around them.

You and I BOTH have to pick sides where we're NOT AT ALL happy with "the company we keep" on a particular issue... I'm over that.. I'm NEVER going to the wings with the 2 crappy parties we have now... Don't EVEN TRY to choose a foxhole for the WAR -- but for each battle, you're gonna be very busy jumping around thru "No Man's Land".... :2up:

Can't get fixed on any MACRO level by the Feds, but they COULD LEAD... It's local, systemic, and NOT ENTIRELY EVEN racist... That's why BLM is a political diversion.. Because they want to draw attention from the MUNI level inept, incompassionate govts have law/justice issues that affect EVERYONE.. Particularly those sitting on the edge of economic ruin EVERY DAY...

I've been writing heavily on this issue for libertarians since the LA riots.. And the DOJ REPORT from Ferguson bears out everything I've asserted here...
This organization has been the topic of about a zillion threads over the last few days, and this massive deflection from our race issues isn't going to solve a thing. Nor will the efforts of Trumpsters to play the same game the hardcore Left has done for so long, calling everything the other tribe does "racist". You ends of the spectrum sure like to behave like each other.

So, just for the sake of argument, let's stipulate that the BLM is organization is a net negative. Please attach whatever hyperbolic noun or status or adjective to them that you would like.

Great! So... NOW what? How do we go forward with the overall race issue in this country? We have accusations of police brutality and accusations of blatant white racism. How do we move forward? There are many millions of Americans who have or want nothing to do with BLM the organization, but agree with the basic premise that white racism still exists, particularly from the Right.


When you start argument with "let's say BLM is evil", than for the sake of argument you should explain why do you think they're not. But you're not doing that here, just as you haven't done it in previous thread you opened, but that did not go the way you wanted it to go. So you opened new one, while complaining about "zillion threads about BLM".

From your previous thread "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM? it seems that you're one of the most hung up on the topic, but you just don't have an argument to defend, therefore you keep repeating the same issue under different thread title, hoping you'll finally be right for once.

Well, you know old saying, even broken clock is right twice a day, but your record on being right is absolute zero. I guess all broken clocks are looking down at you as a laughing stock. Cheers, loser.
Can't get fixed on any MACRO level by the Feds, but they COULD LEAD...
My guess (current value = 0) is that the Feds won't be able to do this. We're such a popular culture-fixated society that I think it will have to come from the culture.

What would that look like? One brave soul (a well-known person, a leader of some kind with serious cultural gravitas) who stands up against their side and holds it accountable for what it is contributing to the problem. Then another one joins in, and another. Then one from the other side, and another.

Or, maybe some incident occurs that provides that spark and a momentum builds. It has to be large and strong enough to overcome the inevitable shitty tactics from the wings to derail it.

Just a guess. But marginalizing the crazies will have to be part of any ultimate answer.
You are trying to establish a false dichotomy here, namely, that opposition to a violent racist group is an indication that a person is a Trumpster" -- a term you then infuse with all manner of perfidy.

Cult45's Playbook for online behavior

#9: Deceive
Identify yourself as a moderate, centrist or independent. It will also cause Liberals to lower their guard a bit, which gives you an effective opening. This may also have the effect of aligning conservative viewpoints with the real moderates we are attempting to reach.
It may serve to influence some moderates over to the Republican side.

I'm reminded of the sophistry the site's child rape supporters engage in wherein they hurl all sorts of verbal abuse towards those who oppose child rape, accuse them of racism and celebrate when people are jailed for opposing it. They do everything in their power to make the OPPOSITION to child rape suspect and not the actual rape. Similarly you are doing all you can to cast aspersions on those who DON'T support a radical group of violent racists with a nefarious agenda rather than the violent group.

Cult45's Playbook for online behavior

#8: Insult their Movement
Assign as many character and moral flaws to Liberals as you can. You must portray Liberals as weak, vacillating, indecisive, amoral, baby killers, unpatriotic, effete snobs, elitists, Leftists, Commies, sense of entitlement, promiscuous, union lovers, tax raisers, Welfare Queens, Socialists, lazy, sex-obsessed, druggies, Jesus haters, moochers, troop hater,.etc. Always use these negative epithets when referring to, or describing Liberals / democrats.
I already knew you were stupid so you don't need to keep cutting and pasting the same stupid shit.

Try writing something original, say, about BLM And their agenda, instead.
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What "radical group of violent racists with a nefarious agenda?"

Do you have me confused with someone else?

The fact that you DONT see BLM AS radical says all a person needs to now need to know.
Look up a few posts for my ACTUAL take on them.

Probably not hyperbolic enough for you guys.
What would that look like? One brave soul (a well-known person, a leader of some kind with serious cultural gravitas) who stands up against their side and holds it accountable for what it is contributing to the problem. Then another one joins in, and another. Then one from the other side, and another.

I wish I had your optimism. IMO, In reality, it would be cultural suicide, as I'm seeing cancel culture happening all over the place these days. As I've said before, our current political disconnect isn't reasonable nor rational. You would need at least 100 people with cultural gravitas to even make a dent. We've already seen the aftermath when people vote with their wallets. Once your funding in America drys up, so does your ability to have a voice. Sad, but true.

Or, maybe some incident occurs that provides that spark and a momentum builds. It has to be large and strong enough to overcome the inevitable shitty tactics from the wings to derail it.

That's more my speed. Unfortunately, I think It's going to take a catalyst. Unfortunately, it will likely be a catalyst resulting in violence that we're all going to regret. I detest having that opinion, because it goes against everything I was taught and raised to believe. But alas, here we are.

Just a guess. But marginalizing the crazies will have to be part of any ultimate answer.

Yep. Now more than ever, our vote is going to be crucial come November.
You are trying to establish a false dichotomy here, namely, that opposition to a violent racist group is an indication that a person is a Trumpster" -- a term you then infuse with all manner of perfidy.

Cult45's Playbook for online behavior

#9: Deceive
Identify yourself as a moderate, centrist or independent. It will also cause Liberals to lower their guard a bit, which gives you an effective opening. This may also have the effect of aligning conservative viewpoints with the real moderates we are attempting to reach.
It may serve to influence some moderates over to the Republican side.

I'm reminded of the sophistry the site's child rape supporters engage in wherein they hurl all sorts of verbal abuse towards those who oppose child rape, accuse them of racism and celebrate when people are jailed for opposing it. They do everything in their power to make the OPPOSITION to child rape suspect and not the actual rape. Similarly you are doing all you can to cast aspersions on those who DON'T support a radical group of violent racists with a nefarious agenda rather than the violent group.

Cult45's Playbook for online behavior

#8: Insult their Movement
Assign as many character and moral flaws to Liberals as you can. You must portray Liberals as weak, vacillating, indecisive, amoral, baby killers, unpatriotic, effete snobs, elitists, Leftists, Commies, sense of entitlement, promiscuous, union lovers, tax raisers, Welfare Queens, Socialists, lazy, sex-obsessed, druggies, Jesus haters, moochers, troop hater,.etc. Always use these negative epithets when referring to, or describing Liberals / democrats.
I already knew you were stupid so you don't need to keep cutting and pasting the same stupid shit.

Try writing something original, say, about BLM And their agenda, instead.

Why? I'm not a part of BLM or their agenda. Try writing something original, say, about the Boogaloo movement and their agenda, instead.
What would that look like? One brave soul (a well-known person, a leader of some kind with serious cultural gravitas) who stands up against their side and holds it accountable for what it is contributing to the problem. Then another one joins in, and another. Then one from the other side, and another.

I wish I had your optimism. IMO, In reality, it would be cultural suicide, as I'm seeing cancel culture happening all over the place these days. As I've said before, our current political disconnect isn't reasonable nor rational. You would need at least 100 people with cultural gravitas to even make a dent. We've already seen the aftermath when people vote with their wallets. One your funding in America drys up, so does your ability to have a voice. Sad, but true.

Or, maybe some incident occurs that provides that spark and a momentum builds. It has to be large and strong enough to overcome the inevitable shitty tactics from the wings to derail it.

That's more my speed. Unfortunately, I think It's going to take a catalyst. Unfortunately, it will likely be a catalyst resulting in violence that we're all going to regret. I detest having that opinion, because it goes against everything I was taught and raised to believe. But alas, here we are.

Just a guess. But marginalizing the crazies will have to be part of any ultimate answer.

Yep. Now more than ever, our vote is going to be crucial come November.
Funny thing, after I posted that, I thought the same thing - it will almost certainly take some kind of catalyst. The cultural pressures right now may just be too strong and intimating otherwise.
No, I don't think that reactionary groups like BLM are going to be a part of a healing process. I'd guess their only goal is to draw attention to a problem and demand (sometimes illegally) that it gets fixed (in their way, of course), and that's where they end. This is not a group steeped in reason.

I've said it a zillion times: This mess doesn't get fixed on a macro level unless and until both ends of it actively hold their own side accountable. So, obviously, those who deny that their side is doing anything wrong are not going to be part of the healing process. Fine. We'll have to work around them.

It may well turn out that we never HAVE a healing process. But that would only happen if the people who are causing most of the problems remain the loudest voices in the conversation. The kind of stuff we see here on USMB pretty much all the time. And that would be a self-inflicted wound.

... Thanks: Tumblin Tumbleweed

That's clever. It's a vicious smear, but still clever.

Of course, BLM is not perfect. But they place a thing on the agenda that was festering for, arguably, 150 years. They are looking askance at Whitey, demanding they curb their racist proclivities. Yep, "reactionary". Reactionaries are folks who stand athwart progressive political developments, smearing, holding up, denigrating as much as possible whatever progress might be achieved. BLM does not in any way fit the bill. However, you do. And the reason isn't all that hard to guess. BLM points to the systemic racism that kept them down while safeguarding your comfortable white life. And that's why they need to be smeared, following the old MLK playbook: Commies, Marxists, rioters, vandals... oh, and "reactionary".

Frightening, isn't it? A movement that gains support throughout these United States, across racial and societal fault lines, following the seminal, brutal murder of George Floyd. There may be a reckoning ahead, for once a good look at the abusive, brutal lynch mob in blue, and not ending before wealth and income disparities get a thorough analysis. Murdering Floyd may turn out to be very costly, indeed, and Whitey, comfy and fat, not to mention thoroughly reactionary, might be made to bleed for it. Hence your screeching, hence your throwing in BLM with the borderline Nazis on the other side of the political spectrum, ludicrous as that is, while you keep inventing a political middle of reasonable people who have done for "healing" and reconciliation exactly nothing for 150 years, putting your mendacity along with your delusions in neon.
I think that Trumpism is ugly, it has ugly overtones of the past, and I didn't realize how many Americans are willing to engage in it or enable it.

That's it. You can launch all the condescending personal insults you want. They don't affect my perspective.

You are trying to establish a false dichotomy here, namely, that opposition to a violent racist group is an indication that a person is a Trumpster" -- a term you then infuse with all manner of perfidy.

I'm reminded of the sophistry the site's child rape supporters engage in wherein they hurl all sorts of verbal abuse towards those who oppose child rape, accuse them of racism and celebrate when people are jailed for opposing it. They do everything in their power to make the OPPOSITION to child rape suspect and not the actual rape. Similarly you are doing all you can to cast aspersions on those who DON'T support a radical group of violent racists with a nefarious agenda rather than the violent group.
HuH? If you got a moment..could you link me to a thread or two where someone supported child rape or pedophilia? I've been here a few years and have never run across that. Now..I have run across a few posts where idiots have accused others of supporting child rape or pedophilia---because they dared question virulent and/or inaccurate posts. Like Pizzagate..or the allegation that all Democrats support pedophilia. Some were the Tranny reading programs..if someone defended them...they were accused. Is that what you are referring to?

Because I've yet to see anyone say that pedophilia is..or right..or proper.
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Can't get fixed on any MACRO level by the Feds, but they COULD LEAD...
My guess (current value = 0) is that the Feds won't be able to do this. We're such a popular culture-fixated society that I think it will have to come from the culture.

What would that look like? One brave soul (a well-known person, a leader of some kind with serious cultural gravitas) who stands up against their side and holds it accountable for what it is contributing to the problem. Then another one joins in, and another. Then one from the other side, and another.

Or, maybe some incident occurs that provides that spark and a momentum builds. It has to be large and strong enough to overcome the inevitable shitty tactics from the wings to derail it.

Just a guess. But marginalizing the crazies will have to be part of any ultimate answer.

To define a solution, you have to look at the PRIORITIES of big MUNI cities... Forgetting for the moment that are chronically run by Dems with a few small periods of Repub intervention -- they are POORLY run.. Even some mid sized cities have MAJOR issues with law/justice and citizen "customer service".. There are even TV shows showing how frustrating it is to deal with those bureacracies, li9ke the one about the Philly "impound lot" and the meter patrols..

You've probably heard me pitch the facts that in Ferguson -- there were 3.5 warrants per household and 1.5 arrests per household as a yearly average.. How in the hell does that ever happen??? It's because a very LARGE FRACTION of those warrants were either bogus, outdated, or inaccurate... And YET the police HAD to act on them in every street interaction,.. They only enforce what the paperwork says..

Nothing racist here yet -- is there?? Because if you are on the verge of economic ruin DAILY, taking damn near a day off and drumming up extended child care and lost wages to SIT IN A COURT all day to try and FIX a bad warrant WILL ruin your day, month, maybe year..

Broken tail-light citations turn into non-appearance warrants, which turn into additional charges and warrants.. Doesn't MATTER what color you are...

Libertarian party got SKEWERED for decades fighting against the Drug War.. Only in the past decade have we been largely proved right... No Knock warrants and killings of INNOCENT or questionable nature was a WEEKLY FEATURE of the Drug War.. As sad as the Breonna Taylor was, it was NOTHING NEW OR RACIAL to me... Spec. Ops police barging in and shooting granny while she grabs for her glasses in a night stand -- before the police realize, the SNITCH that CAUSED this bogus warrant was lying...

STILL not a racism problem is it?? And it goes on and on.. In the Ferguson report there was a story about elderly lady living in car with multiple parking violations and failures to appear.. Was sending in $10 CASH in an envelope in an effort to pay off her fines and it GOT RETURNED to her.. With NO NOTATIONS on her "record"...

Here's the problem... The customer service and ACCURACY of the law/justice systems in these cities SUCK.. Probably because the cities are all gang-busters on the IMPORTANT STUFF.. Like vaping or plastic bags, or banning pet stores, sanctuary zones, no military zones, GREEN zones or sodas or taxing any shit that moves.. Eric Gardner got choked to death because the Mayor ORDERED the police to crack down on the sale of "loosey" cigs... It was a "revenue" thing... City NEEDED that outrageous $4.00 a pack habit...

NONE of those priority distractions exist in WELL RUN cities..

In my experience with Civil Liberties issues, ALL of the policing/justice issues are LESS RACIAL than this dialogue that you want should EVER be.. You can't start fixing Civil Rights for groups, if your Civil Liberties as a WHOLE are broken...
This organization has been the topic of about a zillion threads over the last few days, and this massive deflection from our race issues isn't going to solve a thing. Nor will the efforts of Trumpsters to play the same game the hardcore Left has done for so long, calling everything the other tribe does "racist". You ends of the spectrum sure like to behave like each other.

So, just for the sake of argument, let's stipulate that the BLM is organization is a net negative. Please attach whatever hyperbolic noun or status or adjective to them that you would like.

Great! So... NOW what? How do we go forward with the overall race issue in this country? We have accusations of police brutality and accusations of blatant white racism. How do we move forward? There are many millions of Americans who have or want nothing to do with BLM the organization, but agree with the basic premise that white racism still exists, particularly from the Right.


Your two premises are false.......

White racism exists no more than Black or hispanic racism exists......White people do not care about race......there are a few losers who do, but White Americans do not care about race..if we did, you wouldn't see the First Black President serving two terms and the riots that were created by the democrat party would have been put down with bullets, not allowed to go on and on.........look at actual racist countries and how they deal with their minorities........China is today, comitting genocide against the muslims in that country.....

The police are not racist.........there some cops who are, but the police as a whole are not is seen in the actual numbers.....

The only institutional racism in this country today? Is the democrat party and its allied groups........hollywood, and academia...

for example......

The democrat party.......can you deny that the core groups of the democrat party, La raza, black lives matter, the congressional black caucus are openly and proudly racist.......can you deny that the most recent two democrat Presidents, bill clinton and barak obama called actual racists their personal friends and allies? They actually have good friends and allies that are openly and proudly racist.......called them their mentors as well.....

in the universities, they are now self segregating by know, actual racism.....and the democrats now want to discriminate against Asian know, actual racism....

Your post is wrong...

To deal with race issues we need to deal with the democrat party....the racist institution that is driving racial tension and lies in this country.
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Can't get fixed on any MACRO level by the Feds, but they COULD LEAD...
My guess (current value = 0) is that the Feds won't be able to do this. We're such a popular culture-fixated society that I think it will have to come from the culture.

What would that look like? One brave soul (a well-known person, a leader of some kind with serious cultural gravitas) who stands up against their side and holds it accountable for what it is contributing to the problem. Then another one joins in, and another. Then one from the other side, and another.

Or, maybe some incident occurs that provides that spark and a momentum builds. It has to be large and strong enough to overcome the inevitable shitty tactics from the wings to derail it.

Just a guess. But marginalizing the crazies will have to be part of any ultimate answer.

To define a solution, you have to look at the PRIORITIES of big MUNI cities... Forgetting for the moment that are chronically run by Dems with a few small periods of Repub intervention -- they are POORLY run.. Even some mid sized cities have MAJOR issues with law/justice and citizen "customer service".. There are even TV shows showing how frustrating it is to deal with those bureacracies, li9ke the one about the Philly "impound lot" and the meter patrols..

You've probably heard me pitch the facts that in Ferguson -- there were 3.5 warrants per household and 1.5 arrests per household as a yearly average.. How in the hell does that ever happen??? It's because a very LARGE FRACTION of those warrants were either bogus, outdated, or inaccurate... And YET the police HAD to act on them in every street interaction,.. They only enforce what the paperwork says..

Nothing racist here yet -- is there?? Because if you are on the verge of economic ruin DAILY, taking damn near a day off and drumming up extended child care and lost wages to SIT IN A COURT all day to try and FIX a bad warrant WILL ruin your day, month, maybe year..

Broken tail-light citations turn into non-appearance warrants, which turn into additional charges and warrants.. Doesn't MATTER what color you are...

Libertarian party got SKEWERED for decades fighting against the Drug War.. Only in the past decade have we been largely proved right... No Knock warrants and killings of INNOCENT or questionable nature was a WEEKLY FEATURE of the Drug War.. As sad as the Breonna Taylor was, it was NOTHING NEW OR RACIAL to me... Spec. Ops police barging in and shooting granny while she grabs for her glasses in a night stand -- before the police realize, the SNITCH that CAUSED this bogus warrant was lying...

STILL not a racism problem is it?? And it goes on and on.. In the Ferguson report there was a story about elderly lady living in car with multiple parking violations and failures to appear.. Was sending in $10 CASH in an envelope in an effort to pay off her fines and it GOT RETURNED to her.. With NO NOTATIONS on her "record"...

Here's the problem... The customer service and ACCURACY of the law/justice systems in these cities SUCK.. Probably because the cities are all gang-busters on the IMPORTANT STUFF.. Like vaping or plastic bags, or banning pet stores, sanctuary zones, no military zones, GREEN zones or sodas or taxing any shit that moves.. Eric Gardner got choked to death because the Mayor ORDERED the police to crack down on the sale of "loosey" cigs... It was a "revenue" thing... City NEEDED that outrageous $4.00 a pack habit...

NONE of those priority distractions exist in WELL RUN cities..

In my experience with Civil Liberties issues, ALL of the policing/justice issues are LESS RACIAL than this dialogue that you want should EVER be.. You can't start fixing Civil Rights for groups, if your Civil Liberties as a WHOLE are broken...

And it bears repeating....the democrat party has run those cities for decades, in the case of Atlanta for 100 years.....
Can't get fixed on any MACRO level by the Feds, but they COULD LEAD...
My guess (current value = 0) is that the Feds won't be able to do this. We're such a popular culture-fixated society that I think it will have to come from the culture.

What would that look like? One brave soul (a well-known person, a leader of some kind with serious cultural gravitas) who stands up against their side and holds it accountable for what it is contributing to the problem. Then another one joins in, and another. Then one from the other side, and another.

Or, maybe some incident occurs that provides that spark and a momentum builds. It has to be large and strong enough to overcome the inevitable shitty tactics from the wings to derail it.

Just a guess. But marginalizing the crazies will have to be part of any ultimate answer.

To define a solution, you have to look at the PRIORITIES of big MUNI cities... Forgetting for the moment that are chronically run by Dems with a few small periods of Repub intervention -- they are POORLY run.. Even some mid sized cities have MAJOR issues with law/justice and citizen "customer service".. There are even TV shows showing how frustrating it is to deal with those bureacracies, li9ke the one about the Philly "impound lot" and the meter patrols..

You've probably heard me pitch the facts that in Ferguson -- there were 3.5 warrants per household and 1.5 arrests per household as a yearly average.. How in the hell does that ever happen??? It's because a very LARGE FRACTION of those warrants were either bogus, outdated, or inaccurate... And YET the police HAD to act on them in every street interaction,.. They only enforce what the paperwork says..

Nothing racist here yet -- is there?? Because if you are on the verge of economic ruin DAILY, taking damn near a day off and drumming up extended child care and lost wages to SIT IN A COURT all day to try and FIX a bad warrant WILL ruin your day, month, maybe year..

Broken tail-light citations turn into non-appearance warrants, which turn into additional charges and warrants.. Doesn't MATTER what color you are...

Libertarian party got SKEWERED for decades fighting against the Drug War.. Only in the past decade have we been largely proved right... No Knock warrants and killings of INNOCENT or questionable nature was a WEEKLY FEATURE of the Drug War.. As sad as the Breonna Taylor was, it was NOTHING NEW OR RACIAL to me... Spec. Ops police barging in and shooting granny while she grabs for her glasses in a night stand -- before the police realize, the SNITCH that CAUSED this bogus warrant was lying...

STILL not a racism problem is it?? And it goes on and on.. In the Ferguson report there was a story about elderly lady living in car with multiple parking violations and failures to appear.. Was sending in $10 CASH in an envelope in an effort to pay off her fines and it GOT RETURNED to her.. With NO NOTATIONS on her "record"...

Here's the problem... The customer service and ACCURACY of the law/justice systems in these cities SUCK.. Probably because the cities are all gang-busters on the IMPORTANT STUFF.. Like vaping or plastic bags, or banning pet stores, sanctuary zones, no military zones, GREEN zones or sodas or taxing any shit that moves.. Eric Gardner got choked to death because the Mayor ORDERED the police to crack down on the sale of "loosey" cigs... It was a "revenue" thing... City NEEDED that outrageous $4.00 a pack habit...

NONE of those priority distractions exist in WELL RUN cities..

In my experience with Civil Liberties issues, ALL of the policing/justice issues are LESS RACIAL than this dialogue that you want should EVER be.. You can't start fixing Civil Rights for groups, if your Civil Liberties as a WHOLE are broken...

AND since all the focus and effort is directed against fighting issues that have actually nothing to do with causing the problems,

ALL the effort is, at best, wasted, if not counter productive.

And nothing is accomplished. AT BEST nothing is accomplished. More likely they fuck shit up worse.

Hey! Maybe if we DEFUND THE POLICE, the situation will improve? THAT'S A GOOD IDEA. LET'S TRY THAT.

This organization has been the topic of about a zillion threads over the last few days, and this massive deflection from our race issues isn't going to solve a thing. Nor will the efforts of Trumpsters to play the same game the hardcore Left has done for so long, calling everything the other tribe does "racist". You ends of the spectrum sure like to behave like each other.

So, just for the sake of argument, let's stipulate that the BLM is organization is a net negative. Please attach whatever hyperbolic noun or status or adjective to them that you would like.

Great! So... NOW what? How do we go forward with the overall race issue in this country? We have accusations of police brutality and accusations of blatant white racism. How do we move forward? There are many millions of Americans who have or want nothing to do with BLM the organization, but agree with the basic premise that white racism still exists, particularly from the Right.


Your two premises are false.......

White racism exists no more than Black or hispanic racism exists......White people do not care about race......there are a few losers who do, but White Americans do not care about race..if we did, you wouldn't see the First Black President serving two terms and the riots that were created by the democrat party would have been put down with bullets, not allowed to go on and on.........look at actual racist countries and how they deal with their minorities........China is today, comitting genocide against the muslims in that country.....

The police are not racist.........there some cops who are, but the police as a whole are not is seen in the actual numbers.....

The only institutional racism in this country today? Is the democrat party and its allied groups........hollywood, and academia...

for example......

The democrat party.......can you deny that the core groups of the democrat party, La raza, black lives matter, the congressional black caucus are openly and proudly racist.......can you deny that the most recent two democrat Presidents, bill clinton and barak obama called actual racists their personal friends and allies? They actually have good friends and allies that are openly and proudly racist.......called them their mentors as well.....

in the universities, they are now self segregating by know, actual racism.....and the democrats now want to discriminate against Asian know, actual racism....

Your post is wrong...

To deal with race issues we need to deal with the democrat party....the racist institution that is driving racial tension and lies in this country.
Great. Then you have nothing to worry about.
This organization has been the topic of about a zillion threads over the last few days, and this massive deflection from our race issues isn't going to solve a thing. Nor will the efforts of Trumpsters to play the same game the hardcore Left has done for so long, calling everything the other tribe does "racist". You ends of the spectrum sure like to behave like each other.

So, just for the sake of argument, let's stipulate that the BLM is organization is a net negative. Please attach whatever hyperbolic noun or status or adjective to them that you would like.

Great! So... NOW what? How do we go forward with the overall race issue in this country? We have accusations of police brutality and accusations of blatant white racism. How do we move forward? There are many millions of Americans who have or want nothing to do with BLM the organization, but agree with the basic premise that white racism still exists, particularly from the Right.


Your two premises are false.......

White racism exists no more than Black or hispanic racism exists......White people do not care about race......there are a few losers who do, but White Americans do not care about race..if we did, you wouldn't see the First Black President serving two terms and the riots that were created by the democrat party would have been put down with bullets, not allowed to go on and on.........look at actual racist countries and how they deal with their minorities........China is today, comitting genocide against the muslims in that country.....

The police are not racist.........there some cops who are, but the police as a whole are not is seen in the actual numbers.....

The only institutional racism in this country today? Is the democrat party and its allied groups........hollywood, and academia...

for example......

The democrat party.......can you deny that the core groups of the democrat party, La raza, black lives matter, the congressional black caucus are openly and proudly racist.......can you deny that the most recent two democrat Presidents, bill clinton and barak obama called actual racists their personal friends and allies? They actually have good friends and allies that are openly and proudly racist.......called them their mentors as well.....

in the universities, they are now self segregating by know, actual racism.....and the democrats now want to discriminate against Asian know, actual racism....

Your post is wrong...

To deal with race issues we need to deal with the democrat party....the racist institution that is driving racial tension and lies in this country.
Great. Then you have nothing to worry about.

No, if he is right, then we have a lot to worry about.

The fact that one of the major parties, the Democrats, and it's cultural allies and institutions are so openly and increasingly racist, is a huge problem.

AND the fact that instead of addressing that reality, that we as a society are engaged in a witch hunt against innocent white people is compounding an already possibly fatal wound to our nation.

YOu know all of this. THat is why you have become so bitter and partisan. Because I forced you to confront it.

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