Andy Reid Defends Butker

His views on womens place in the church. Most Catholics don’t believe the same.

What you meant to say was that most people who call themselves Catholics don't believe the same. Butker as far as I could tell was speaking to Catholic doctrine, if you dont believe in Catholic doctrine you aren't a Catholic.
His views on womens place in the church. Most Catholics don’t believe the same.
Any Catholic living in an ethnic neighborhood and promoting the Prog agendas are frauds if they left when the first African Americans moved in. I stop listening after that.
Most real Catholics are not extremists
Explain the infallibility of the Church again
It’s not the infallibility of the church its the infallibility of God. If you’re a Catholic you definitely believe thar and that man is inherently flawed being who lives in a fallen world. It’s not a democracy. What if the majority of Catholics said believed that salvation is attained by works and not grace should they change the core tenet of the faith?
Most real Catholics are not extremists
When the country is poor enough that extremism will seem not enough for surviving. And many men will not get with the old ways as they have been screwed over for the spoiled American women. And they are spoiled as the worst in human history.
Was Butker giving his speech in the stadium?

Was Butker giving his speech to the media?

Or was Butker giving his speech to closed audience who asked him to speak on the subject?

Kap was giving his opinion/taking action at work.

I dont remember James receiving widespread media or public criticism of his takes. The media made a big deal out of a couple individuals who did though. Some of which were famous but still individuals.

Butker has receive both widespread media and public criticism to include doxing for an opinion he gave as a private individual which wasn't even intended for the greater pubic. Not that I think he cares that it's gone viral nor is he ashamed of the take. And what exactly did he say that was so controversial? That the most important job a woman can do is homemaker/raising her children? Is he wrong? What other job could there possibly be that is more important? That he attributed his success in large part due to his wife and her work at home? The bastard.

Now do you see the difference?
He spoke to the women in the audience and said most of you want to be wives and mothers (he said nothing to men wanting to be husbands and fathers)

Very 1950s
I thought the same thing.

"How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

Isn't that true for the future dads in the audience too?
He spoke to the women in the audience and said most of you want to be wives and mothers (he said nothing to men wanting to be husbands and fathers)

Very 1950s
He said the women he knows value motherhood the most, and encouraged women in the audience to seek it if they want to, which is in direct violation of modern aggressive feminist rhetoric, which demands women seek CEO status and try to hang with those kind of men. This mindset assumes men and women’s brains and desires are the same, but we know they’re not. Women are far more likely to be unhappy if they follow the “ascend the corporate ladder” feminist decree, and it shows in depression levels of those that do. Women tend to want to work fewer hours, take less risks, go into more people-centric jobs.. etc. These are facts, and there’s nothing wrong with them at all. Men and women are just different, and women have a superpower called being pregnant and having children which Catholics and Christians cherish.

He also said men should be strong, not feminine and subdued, which is also true.

He said nothing controversial, only radical activists freaked out, and MSM lied about his message. No surprise there.

The NFL has 37 felons that have abuse women, children, etc. and look at who leftists are loudest against? The guy who celebrates motherhood and encourages strong men

Modern feminism doesn’t appear to like women who love being mothers. Catholics do. Many women who can’t find happiness chasing modern feminist demands that they’ve been indoctrinated with may find far more happiness if they become mothers. Actually, as a whole it’s safe to say they would for certain.

Oh by the way, Butkers women’s jersey sold out overnight. Most women support his actual message, people like you have to manipulate it to attack it.

Your sensitivity is getting in the way of your brain function
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